史東 Soup
【維基百科】The story was the basis of a 1947 children's book, Stone Soup (ISBN 9780689878367), by Marcia Brown, which featured soldiers tricking miserly villages into cooking them a feast. The book won a Caldecott Medal in 1947.
【維基百科】Some travellers come to a village, carrying nothing more than an empty cooking pot. Upon their arrival, the villagers are unwilling to share any of their food stores with the hungry travellers. Then the travellers go to a stream and fill the pot with water, drop a large stone in it, and place it over a fire.
One of the villagers becomes curious and asks what they are doing. The travellers answer that they are making "stone soup", which tastes wonderful, although it still needs a little bit of garnish to improve the flavour, which they are missing.
The villager does not mind parting with a few carrots to help them out, so that gets added to the soup. Another villager walks by, inquiring about the pot, and the travellers again mention their stone soup which has not reached its full potential yet. The villager hands them a little bit of seasoning to help them out.
More and more villagers walk by, each adding another ingredient. Finally, a delicious and nourishing pot of soup is enjoyed by all.
【維基百科】Stone Soup is an old folk story in which hungry strangers persuade local people of a town to give them food. It is usually told as a lesson in cooperation, especially amid scarcity.
In varying traditions, the stone has been replaced with other common inedible objects, and therefore the fable is also known as button soup, wood soup, nail soup, and axe soup. In the Aarne-Thompson folktale classification system it is type 1548.
以上的“石頭湯”寓言,是家母在我兒時,每晚講的 Bed Side Story 之一,當時只覺得很有趣,也想嚐嚐石頭湯的滋味。娘親知我年幼,沒有詳細解釋其中寓意,只說“集腋可以成裘,積少可以成多!“
獨裁的寡頭領袖領導模式,經最高領導層頒下議決,由上而下全民跟隨依從執行。還是好像“史東 Soup” 由全民參與的民主政治,凡事經過公決公投,由下而上產生出來的決議,會得到更多更高的認受性?
2014年 11月 15日 明報專欄:法政隨筆
石 頭 湯 ~~ 戴 耀 廷
戴 耀 廷
想不到兩年多之後, 戴耀庭 教授也借用 史東 Soup,來比喻今次的政改引申出來的 “雨傘運動“ !!!
Fable:Stone Soup 維基百科
A Self Explanatory Story
Bed Side Story 石頭王子
Horton and Dr. Seuss
Charlotte's Web 莎樂的神奇網網
我的政治 101.0
我的政治 101.1
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, February 24, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
由小學至中學都要睇明珠台英文台學聽英文,其中有個 Sitcom 叫:
Who's the Boss? 由幾時開始收看已經記不起來了。
爸爸 Tony 小女兒 Samantha
【維基百科】Who's the Boss? is an American sitcom created by Martin Cohan and Blake Hunter, which aired on ABC from September 20, 1984 to April 25, 1992. Produced by Embassy Television, in association with Hunter-Cohan Productions, and Columbia Pictures Television, the series starred Tony Danza as a retired major league baseball player who relocates to Fairfield, Connecticut to work as a live-in housekeeper for a divorced advertising executive, played by Judith Light. Also featured were Alyssa Milano, Danny Pintauro, and Katherine Helmond.
Pilot Part 1
【維基百科】The show received positive reviews throughout most of its run, becoming one of the most popular sitcoms of the mid-to-late-1980s. The series was nominated for more than forty awards, including ten Primetime Emmy Award and five Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one each. Also very successful in the ratings, Who's the Boss? consistently ranked in the top ten in the final primetime ratings between the years of 1985 and 1989, and has since continued in syndication worldwide.
Pilot Part 2
從維基百科得知,劇集共拍了八季,Samantha 由小女孩演到變成 teenager,劇集停了,長大後的童星,可以成功轉型的不多。
【維基百科】Alyssa Jayne Milano (born December 19, 1972) is an American actress and former singer, known for her childhood role as Samantha Micelli in the sitcom Who's the Boss? and an eight-year stint as Phoebe Halliwell on the series Charmed.
至到成年後 Alyssa Milano 參加演出 Charmed 內的一個女巫,愈大就愈似我們香港粵劇界的余麗珍。 到了今天的 Alyssa Milano 已經人老珠黃,再不是記憶中當年可愛的小女孩,和青春無敵的 teenager 了。
再用谷歌搜尋 Alyssa Milano,找到竟然最多是她的 nude pictures 肉照,她再不是我記得當年的 Samantha Micelli ! 為了保持她在我心中的玉女形象不被破壞,拒絕再看她成年後的照片和影片,還要盡快將不雅 memory erase 忘記掉!
Who's the Boss? 維基百科
Alyssa Milano 維基百科
由小學至中學都要睇明珠台英文台學聽英文,其中有個 Sitcom 叫:
Who's the Boss? 由幾時開始收看已經記不起來了。
爸爸 Tony 小女兒 Samantha
【維基百科】Who's the Boss? is an American sitcom created by Martin Cohan and Blake Hunter, which aired on ABC from September 20, 1984 to April 25, 1992. Produced by Embassy Television, in association with Hunter-Cohan Productions, and Columbia Pictures Television, the series starred Tony Danza as a retired major league baseball player who relocates to Fairfield, Connecticut to work as a live-in housekeeper for a divorced advertising executive, played by Judith Light. Also featured were Alyssa Milano, Danny Pintauro, and Katherine Helmond.
Pilot Part 1
【維基百科】The show received positive reviews throughout most of its run, becoming one of the most popular sitcoms of the mid-to-late-1980s. The series was nominated for more than forty awards, including ten Primetime Emmy Award and five Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one each. Also very successful in the ratings, Who's the Boss? consistently ranked in the top ten in the final primetime ratings between the years of 1985 and 1989, and has since continued in syndication worldwide.
Pilot Part 2
從維基百科得知,劇集共拍了八季,Samantha 由小女孩演到變成 teenager,劇集停了,長大後的童星,可以成功轉型的不多。
【維基百科】Alyssa Jayne Milano (born December 19, 1972) is an American actress and former singer, known for her childhood role as Samantha Micelli in the sitcom Who's the Boss? and an eight-year stint as Phoebe Halliwell on the series Charmed.
至到成年後 Alyssa Milano 參加演出 Charmed 內的一個女巫,愈大就愈似我們香港粵劇界的余麗珍。 到了今天的 Alyssa Milano 已經人老珠黃,再不是記憶中當年可愛的小女孩,和青春無敵的 teenager 了。
再用谷歌搜尋 Alyssa Milano,找到竟然最多是她的 nude pictures 肉照,她再不是我記得當年的 Samantha Micelli ! 為了保持她在我心中的玉女形象不被破壞,拒絕再看她成年後的照片和影片,還要盡快將不雅 memory erase 忘記掉!
Who's the Boss? 維基百科
Alyssa Milano 維基百科
Sunday, February 19, 2012
【明報專訊】長駐澳門威尼斯人度假村的加拿大太陽劇團將於周日表演後,結束合約。 由於票務表現不如人意,太陽劇團決定提早結束合約,該合約原長達10年,但在開幕3年半後,就提早完結。
是受否曲高和寡呢? 還是平平無奇?
【維基百科】Cirque du Soleil (English "Circus of the Sun"), is a Canadian entertainment company, self-described as a "dramatic mix of circus arts and street entertainment." Based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and located in the inner-city area of Saint-Michel, it was founded in Baie-Saint-Paul in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier.
去澳門威尼斯人消費的一群是中國的暴發戶,偶然欣賞一吓歐西的表演,話可以提升品味,返到去告訴別人,看過索拉奇藝坊,威威一番? 倒不如孭個戴個 LV,Hermes,Cartier 之類正貨畀人見到威啲!
【維基百科】Zaia is a Cirque du Soleil stage production based at The Venetian Macao on the Cotai Strip in Macau. The 90-minute show opened in August 2008 and brings together 75 high-calibre artists from around the world.
Zaia is Cirque du Soleil's first resident show in Asia and is directed by Neilson Vignola and Gilles Maheu. The theater housing the performance can seat 1,800 spectators during a single show.
Zaia opened in 2008 and had a rough start due to low audience numbers. But "ticket sales have gone up" with the addition of new Chinese-style elements such as a lion dance performance and a flying dragon.
Despite higher box office sales Cirque du Soleil show 'Zaia' is still recording losses in 2011, Sands China president Edward Tracy revealed on 18 November 2011. The Venetian Macau show remains "the only business sector that doesn’t make a profit," he added.
Criticism from Sands China chairman Sheldon Adelson led to rumours that the 10-year contract of Zaia would be terminated earlier.
Zaia opened in 2008 and had a rough start due to low audience numbers. But "ticket sales have gone up" with the addition of new Chinese-style elements such as a lion dance performance and a flying dragon. 要中國觀眾,在中國地方,又是看看舞龍舞獅?等執笠喇!
去澳門看 索拉奇藝坊 的表演要幾多銀?
VIP 座位 澳门币$1288
A 区订位 澳门币$788
B 区订位 澳门币$588
C 区订位 澳门币$388
小童 2 至 12歲
VIP 座位 澳门币$1288
A 区订位 澳门币$394
B 区订位 澳门币$294
C 区订位 澳门币$194
慘劇發生了 。。。。。
【星島日報】享譽全球的太陽劇團(Cirque du Soleil),在美國賭城拉斯維加斯演出大型劇目「KA」期間發生致命意外,一名女演員突然自50呎高空失手墮下身亡,現場觀眾都目睹這宗慘劇,無不目瞪口呆。
這相信是太陽劇團近30年表演歷史中首次發生致命意外,慘死的女演員居亞爾(Sarah Guyard-Guillot),在法國巴黎出生,現年31歲,育有兩名子女,是一名資深雜技藝人。
她上周六晚(2013-6-29)在拉斯維加斯美高梅(MGM Grand)酒店參與「KA」騷演出期間,突從50呎高的垂直舞台頂端直墮地面,送院搶救無效不治。
【Chicago Sun-Time】Tragedy happened in Las Vegas. June 29th 2013 a Paris-born performer in Cirque du Soleil’s “Ka” died after a fall during a show in Las Vegas.
Sarah Guyard-Guillot was pronounced dead late Saturday night at a hospital after falling about 50 feet from the show’s stage.
Witnesses told the Las Vegas Sun (http://bit.ly/14H3Te0 ) that the accident occurred near the end of the production Saturday night at the MGM Grand.
Visitor Dan Mosqueda of Colorado Springs, Colo., said the 31-year-old acrobatic performer was being hoisted up the side of the stage when it appeared that she slipped free of her safety wire and plummeted to an open pit below the stage.
“Initially, a lot of people in the audience thought it was part of the (show),” he told the Sun. “But you could hear screaming, then groaning, and we could hear a female artist crying from the stage.”
The show momentarily continued, then stopped. Minutes after the accident, a recorded announcement informed audience members that refunds or vouchers to future shows would be offered, and the crowd was dismissed.
太陽劇團中止澳門長駐表演 新浪新聞網
Cirque du Soleil 維基百科
Zaia:Cirque du Soleil 維基百科
澳門威尼斯人劇院:ZAiA Theater 維基百科
太陽劇團女藝人表演失手跌死 星島日報
Cirque du Soleil artist dies after fall in Vegas Chicago Sun Times
【明報專訊】長駐澳門威尼斯人度假村的加拿大太陽劇團將於周日表演後,結束合約。 由於票務表現不如人意,太陽劇團決定提早結束合約,該合約原長達10年,但在開幕3年半後,就提早完結。
是受否曲高和寡呢? 還是平平無奇?
【維基百科】Cirque du Soleil (English "Circus of the Sun"), is a Canadian entertainment company, self-described as a "dramatic mix of circus arts and street entertainment." Based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and located in the inner-city area of Saint-Michel, it was founded in Baie-Saint-Paul in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier.
去澳門威尼斯人消費的一群是中國的暴發戶,偶然欣賞一吓歐西的表演,話可以提升品味,返到去告訴別人,看過索拉奇藝坊,威威一番? 倒不如孭個戴個 LV,Hermes,Cartier 之類正貨畀人見到威啲!
【維基百科】Zaia is a Cirque du Soleil stage production based at The Venetian Macao on the Cotai Strip in Macau. The 90-minute show opened in August 2008 and brings together 75 high-calibre artists from around the world.
Zaia is Cirque du Soleil's first resident show in Asia and is directed by Neilson Vignola and Gilles Maheu. The theater housing the performance can seat 1,800 spectators during a single show.
Zaia opened in 2008 and had a rough start due to low audience numbers. But "ticket sales have gone up" with the addition of new Chinese-style elements such as a lion dance performance and a flying dragon.
Despite higher box office sales Cirque du Soleil show 'Zaia' is still recording losses in 2011, Sands China president Edward Tracy revealed on 18 November 2011. The Venetian Macau show remains "the only business sector that doesn’t make a profit," he added.
Criticism from Sands China chairman Sheldon Adelson led to rumours that the 10-year contract of Zaia would be terminated earlier.
Zaia opened in 2008 and had a rough start due to low audience numbers. But "ticket sales have gone up" with the addition of new Chinese-style elements such as a lion dance performance and a flying dragon. 要中國觀眾,在中國地方,又是看看舞龍舞獅?等執笠喇!
去澳門看 索拉奇藝坊 的表演要幾多銀?
VIP 座位 澳门币$1288
A 区订位 澳门币$788
B 区订位 澳门币$588
C 区订位 澳门币$388
小童 2 至 12歲
VIP 座位 澳门币$1288
A 区订位 澳门币$394
B 区订位 澳门币$294
C 区订位 澳门币$194
慘劇發生了 。。。。。
【星島日報】享譽全球的太陽劇團(Cirque du Soleil),在美國賭城拉斯維加斯演出大型劇目「KA」期間發生致命意外,一名女演員突然自50呎高空失手墮下身亡,現場觀眾都目睹這宗慘劇,無不目瞪口呆。
這相信是太陽劇團近30年表演歷史中首次發生致命意外,慘死的女演員居亞爾(Sarah Guyard-Guillot),在法國巴黎出生,現年31歲,育有兩名子女,是一名資深雜技藝人。
她上周六晚(2013-6-29)在拉斯維加斯美高梅(MGM Grand)酒店參與「KA」騷演出期間,突從50呎高的垂直舞台頂端直墮地面,送院搶救無效不治。
【Chicago Sun-Time】Tragedy happened in Las Vegas. June 29th 2013 a Paris-born performer in Cirque du Soleil’s “Ka” died after a fall during a show in Las Vegas.
Sarah Guyard-Guillot was pronounced dead late Saturday night at a hospital after falling about 50 feet from the show’s stage.
Witnesses told the Las Vegas Sun (http://bit.ly/14H3Te0 ) that the accident occurred near the end of the production Saturday night at the MGM Grand.
Visitor Dan Mosqueda of Colorado Springs, Colo., said the 31-year-old acrobatic performer was being hoisted up the side of the stage when it appeared that she slipped free of her safety wire and plummeted to an open pit below the stage.
“Initially, a lot of people in the audience thought it was part of the (show),” he told the Sun. “But you could hear screaming, then groaning, and we could hear a female artist crying from the stage.”
The show momentarily continued, then stopped. Minutes after the accident, a recorded announcement informed audience members that refunds or vouchers to future shows would be offered, and the crowd was dismissed.
太陽劇團中止澳門長駐表演 新浪新聞網
Cirque du Soleil 維基百科
Zaia:Cirque du Soleil 維基百科
澳門威尼斯人劇院:ZAiA Theater 維基百科
太陽劇團女藝人表演失手跌死 星島日報
Cirque du Soleil artist dies after fall in Vegas Chicago Sun Times
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