怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Saturday, June 30, 2007
香港多醒目人不用多說﹐勝木仔﹐勝木女﹐很多飄洋過海﹐在金山銀山搵真銀。有些可能已經入籍添。 但 97回歸製造了一班有資格移民外國﹐做華籍外國人﹐但又可以保留香港居民身分﹐基本法是容許香港人《雙重國籍》的﹐在容許雙重國籍的機制下﹐有些人選擇回流香港﹐但保留外國公民國籍身分﹐有些選擇繼續留居外國﹐每年定時回港﹐以香港居民身分﹐感受一下港式生活。 前些時 香港政府發出的智能身分證換領完成﹐智能身分證換領辦理處關門。但仍然有五十萬有資格的港人未有換證﹐ 特區政府預料這批港人多身居海外﹐未能及時回歸辦證。。。云云!!!! John F. Kennedy. Inaugural Address. Friday, January 20, 1961 ... Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. ... 【權利與義務】對於我這個民主初哥真是頭赤!!! 曾經以前有交過稅是納稅人就是盡了義務和責任? 有錢畀就大晒呀?? 好!! 就暫且不談金錢上的問題。就請問您在過去十年為香港有做過甚麼? 九七年後﹐區議員選舉﹐立法會民選議員選舉﹐您可有參與? 您可有投票? 港人關心的“曾蔭權和梁家傑”兩場電視辯論﹐恐怕您還睡在夢鄉﹐發緊環遊世界的大夢。 近幾年的香港的公益金百萬行﹐有沒有您的影子? 飢饉三十有冇您份? 您是香港那一個志願團體的義工? 香港人經歷過﹐金融風暴﹐樓價狂跌﹐負資產又破產﹐經濟低謎﹐到處裁人凍薪﹐物價Deflation﹐ 禽流感﹐非典疫症﹐7-1五十萬人上街反對 23條惡法.........等等! 海外的您﹐可有回流留在香港共患難﹐共渡時艱? 香港有 SARS﹐H5N1﹐毒魚毒菜﹐毒豬肉﹐蘇丹紅蛋﹐您只是慶幸自己身在外國﹐脫身了。等到香港恢復過來﹐您才再散發出您的香港愛心。 再者很多都有這念頭﹐“將來或許會回流﹐或許不會”您們意思是話將來會回港長期居留罷﹐ 亦所以要返來換《智能身分證》。 這都是外國人退休後常做的﹐拿著退休金﹐在本國要小心使小心用﹐但到生活指數較低的地區﹐可以做皇帝咁樣﹐香港的醫療衛生﹐法規治安﹐都比鄰近的泰國﹐馬來西亞好等等好﹐雖然他們匯率比香港更化算﹐但香港還是較佳的選擇。 讀飽書年輕力壯﹐年輕有為﹐風華正茂﹐選擇留下來搵美金搵歐圓﹐而不回歸香港﹐貢獻香港服務社會﹐到了年老體弱﹐年事已高﹐年老色衰﹐才想著回來退休﹐以香港居民身分享受福利。 Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. ...Man! (including women) 香港特區政府﹐應該及早研究雙重國籍可能帶來的社會問題 ......................十年了。 伸延閱覽: 悲喜交集 (七一回歸十週年系列~2) 回歸十年後的香港 (七一回歸十週年系列~3) 50多萬人未換智能身分證 Ask what you can do for your country 行政長官發表《香港家書》 全文
Friday, June 29, 2007

英諺 Once in a blue moon 代表罕有﹐很少發生的事情。原來是一個甚為罕有的天文現象。
Meaning~~A very rare event. According to popular usage, a blue moon refers to the second full moon that occurs in any calendar month. On average, there will be 41 months that have two full moons in every century. By that calculation 'once in a blue moon' means once every two-and-a-half years.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
虎膽龍威~四 Live Free or Die Hard
今天星期三﹐千呼萬喚始出來的 虎膽龍威 第四集 Live Free or Die Hard (2007)﹐在北美洲首映﹐EVAN Almighty 其實祇得五天獨霸票房﹐就有大製作出來競爭﹐趁暑假檔期賺錢!
原來第一集距今足足有二十年﹐據報導說說 Bruce Willis 布魯斯﹑偉利士﹐ 當年三十二歲可以拍攝較多動作場面﹐而五十二歲的布魯斯﹐祇拍一些近距離的表情﹐動作方面多用遠距離鏡頭﹐利用替身拍攝﹐利用電腦科技搭夠。
看了宣傳片 Trailer 可見很多是電腦特技畫面﹐布魯斯飾演的 麥連 賣埋所有剩餘價值﹐盡地一煲。君不見早些時候﹐史泰龍以其六十高齡拍的 洛奇? 我沒有購票入場﹐因為看六十多歲的 史泰龍還在拳擊的 ring 內被打挨打﹐實在慘不忍睹。想不到不用兩個月後﹐偉利士又來個鹹魚番生﹐要賺我口袋的錢。
Directed by:
Len Wiseman
Bruce Willis
Timothy Olyphant
Maggie Q
Yahoo Movie: Trailer
Promotion slogan
On the July 4th holiday, an attack on the vulnerable United States infrastructure begins to shut down the entire nation.
The mysterious figure behind the scheme has figured out every modern angle -- but he never figured on an old-school "analog" fly in the "digital" ointment: John McClane.No mask. No cape. No problem.
The Story:
It's the beginning of the Fourth of July weekend, but New York City Detective John McClane (Bruce Willis) isn't celebrating. He's had yet another argument with his college-age daughter Lucy (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), and received a crushingly routine assignment to bring in a young hacker, Matt Farrell (Justin Long), for questioning by the FBI. But for McClane, the ordinary has a habit of exploding into the extraordinary--abruptly hurtling him into the wrong place at the wrong time.
With Farrell's help, McClane slowly begins to understand the increasing chaos surrounding him. An attack is underway on the vulnerable United States infrastructure, shutting down the entire nation. The mysterious figure behind the scheme, Thomas Gabriel (Timothy Olyphant), stays several moves ahead of McClane as he implements his incredible plans, known to uber-geeks like Farrell as a "fire sale" (as in, everything must go!)
麥連今次老了﹐不能單靠自己﹐他有一個後生仔 Farrel 幫手!
將在2007年7月4日 香港上映
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Ellen DeGeneres

美國女名咀﹐剛剛過去一屆﹐奧斯曼金像獎頒獎典禮的司儀﹐Ellen DeGeneres 和 America Greetings Cards 開始了新合作計劃﹐出版以她自己做賣點的 賀咭系列。

有了名氣﹐搵錢的門路﹐自然會找上門﹐有興趣可以點擊上面的連結或 這裡﹐進入網頁觀賞﹐但我不知有否在網上郵購。

圖片由 Americangreetings 提供
Monday, June 25, 2007
I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
上Yahoo 網看看Evan Almighty﹐已經於週五在北美洲上映﹐是否雷聲大﹐而就雨點小? 觀眾評價 大部份很好﹐相信排首名無問題﹐但票房記錄要等等﹐有待星期一的票房記錄。我剛巧還看到發現這喜劇即將上映 ~~ I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry 。
Adam Sandler屢次想改變﹐只識演通俗低級趣味鬧劇形象﹐去嘗試演較有深度的電影﹐近年有Reign Over Me (2007)﹐ The Longest Yard (2005) ﹐ Spanglish (2004) 都不成功﹐賣座平平。 今次重操故業﹐演一個錯摸同性戀角色﹐再一次以鬧劇去賺返的本錢﹐才作多方面的嘗試。

Dennis Dugan
Adam Sandler as Chuck
Kevin James as Larry
release date:
Friday July 20, 2007
Watch Trailer
Chuck Ford and Larry Allensworth are the pride of their fire station: two guy's guys always side-by-side and willing to do anything for each other. Salt-of-the-earth widower Larry wants just one thing: to protect his family. His buddy Chuck also wants one thing: to enjoy the single life.
Grateful Chuck owes Larry for saving his life in a fire, and Larry calls in that favor big time when civic red tape prevents him from naming his own two kids as his life insurance beneficiaries. All that Chuck has to do is claim to be Larry's domestic partner on some city forms. Easy. Nobody will ever know.
But when an overzealous, spot-checking bureaucrat becomes suspicious, the new couple's arrangement becomes a citywide issue and goes from confidential to front-page news. Forced to improvise as love-struck newlyweds, Chuck and Larry must now fumble through a hilarious charade of domestic bliss under one roof.
After surviving their mandatory honeymoon and dodging the threat of exposure, the well-intentioned con men discover that sticking together in your time of need is what truly makes a family.
上帝God找到 Evan Almighty 去學挪亞to build an ARK「挪亞方舟」