糞話 訓話
【明報專訊】張曉明 立法會宴會前的講話(全文)
剛才大家都看到了,也就是遞遞信件、展示一下道具而已。我今天也不是「單刀赴會」,我們一共來了 9位同事,包括王志民副主任,大家都是心平氣和。我也沒有「舌戰群儒」的口才,無意在宴席上搞大辯論,何況在座的有一個算一個,都經過選舉的洗禮,個個伶牙俐齒,能言善辯。
今天這個午宴不超過 2小時,我們不可能就任何重大問題進行深入討論。我想借這個機會表達三點願望:
我主要想說明一點,中央政府支持香港實現普選的立場和誠意是不容懷疑的。否則,就不會把在中英聯合聲明中根本沒有提及的「普選」概念寫入《基本法》,作出莊重的法律承諾,更不會在全國人大常委會 2007年底的有關決定中明確普選時間表。全國人大常委會有關決定規定,2017年香港特別行政區第 5任行政長官的選舉可以實行由普選產生的辦法,行政長官普選後立法會全體議員可以實行由普選產生的辦法。
大家知道,原來《基本法》第 45條和第 68條用的措辭是「最終」達至普選,全國人大常委會的決定規定在「50年不變」的中期還不到的時候就可以實行雙普選,這還不足以說明中央政府對普選的取態積極嗎?現在擺在我們面前的共同任務,是怎麼共同努力,先把 2017年行政長官可以實行普選這句話中的「可以」兩個字變成現實。
根據香港實際情況 制訂香港的普選制度
最後,我想在這裏送大家 16個字,也算是共勉,就是:
相 互 尊 重、
求 同 存 異、
理 性 溝 通、
良 性 互 動。
立法會主席邀請中聯辦張主任和隨從共九人,到立法會午宴,全體議員畀面出席除了 黃毓民,至於長毛、大舊、慢必,就有出現遞送禮物後走人,沒有坐完和飲宴。曾主席開場白選用廣東話,沒有轉用普通話彰就張主任,之後就由張主任用普通話講話。 (看片) 來源:Cable TV
與議員吃飯後,張曉明會見記者,被問及對佔領中環行動的看法,他重申堅決反對的立場。至於政改問題應該何時展開諮詢,他稱要由特區政府處理。 (看片)
基本上在政改方面 張主任 與 喬曉陽 的說話沒有兩樣,還借議員送上筲箕禮物,發問「篩子」何罪之有啊?祖先發明出「篩子」,那是一種智慧,不然,怎麼能從一大堆稻穀中挑選出優良品種,淘汰掉稗籽呢?所以,不能簡單否定篩子的功能。
公司內的蛇竇吹水會如聯合國會議,有人譃笑講話實在是訓話,還玩食字說是“糞話”。一班 non-Chinese (也包括華裔)的同事們,可以退後一步來看中國和香港。(以下是部份他們的觀點)
六四天安門事件,換來廿多年中國政局的相對穩定,帶來經濟急速發展二十多年,羨煞其他的國家地區。如此他們認為,北京的在位者陣陣有辭,必須適時發揮出寒蟬效應,提早操控香港局面,不要讓 2014年《佔領中環》變成為香港式《天安門事件》,令到歷史留下史稱謂:《中環事件》。
況且,唐唐早有言梁振英,曾提及過借用駐港解放軍平亂,而新任西環頭頭 張曉明 明知故問:香港每年遊行集會「為何會那麼多?」、「香港真的那麼自由?」云云。在不久之前的 梁振英 到立法會作答問騷,有位建制派議員經民聯的 張華峰,就佔中爆發事故衝突,問特區政府會否向中央請求出動,駐港部隊協助維持社會秩序?思歪話信任港警的能力!
鎮壓《佔中》,對出動解放軍駐港部隊的可行性,香港警察可能會手軟,難道解放軍也會嗎?在蛇竇內吵鬧了很久,結論是來得香港的解放軍,都經已被洗腦絕不單獨是來抵抗外敵入侵(機會極微),主要是來鎮壓反革命的,因為歷來香港本來就是一個革命基地。出動解放軍這個威嚇性,比只得港警維法,更值得 戴耀廷 之輩重新考慮!
外籍同事們說回歸 15年後爭拗不絕,中央為要令到可以在餘下三十多年,不再發生類似倒董倒曾倒梁,再沒有立法會內的拉布戰,省卻社會社群內耗損失。若真的發生類似六四的《中環事件》,雖然初初幾年香港會比較蕭條,但只要放多些自由行來港,幾年旱日子是可以挺過去的,過後政經和諧經濟高速增長!
中央、中聯辦、建制派、猛批《佔中》是人禍,當然希望不會讓 2017年《佔領中環》演變成《中環事件》,這個心理有跡可尋。不過若果,天要下雨娘要嫁人,為了讓香港長治久安,讓香港餘下三十多年在《一國兩制》下,實現經濟高速發展,滅絕爭拗社會內耗,政經和諧三權合作,下重藥出辣招,未嘗不是可行方法!
以上是撮要敝公司 pantry 蛇竇內,一班 non-chinese 也包括華裔的觀點,但不代表 嗜悲 完全認同!
嗜悲 注意到宴會中的演說內容,其中我 blod print 的句子頗勘回味,因為聽落張主任雖然說得很慢,但不是臨急根據思考講出來,而是有準備而來是諗出來的段落:
根據香港實際情況 制訂香港的普選制度
張曉明﹕相互尊重求同存異 理性溝通良性互動 新浪新聞網
張曉明出席立法會午宴並致辭 有線新聞
張曉明指佔領中環後患無窮 有線新聞
埋彈 拆彈
充實彈藥 寒蟬效應 (附:喬曉陽 講話稿)
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, July 19, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Bravo 曾芷君
Bravo 曾芷君
7月 16日 接受雷霆 881 訪談
陪她一起上電台的是英華班主任,她指與爸爸媽媽早慶祝了。最後接通和她傾談的是一位十年前的會考狀元。 (有線撮要片段)
不同新聞機構撮要的片段不同 。。。。
【新浪 Now 寬頻】自幼失明及弱聽,要靠嘴唇摸字讀書的曾芷君,在文憑試奪得三科5**。她多謝父母教導要勇敢嘗試以及知足常樂,希望自己的經歷能夠鼓勵更多人。
芷君又說,最開心能夠入讀英華女校,因為入讀一間好的常規學校並不容易,她明白將來就業面對的挑戰會更大,會更加努力。她希望在大學修讀翻譯,將來貢獻社會。 (新浪 Now寬頻撮要片段)
不想多說多寫有沒有被抽水,仍然高呼:Bravo 曾芷君!
【CNN】Tsang Tsz-Kwan may look like an average student in Hong Kong with her standard-issue blue shift dress with a Chinese collar and sensible black shoes. But her ordinary appearance and shy manner mask a steely determination to triumph over tremendous odds.
She recently scored within the top 5% for nearly all her subjects in the city's college entrance examination -- despite being blind and severely hearing-impaired from a young age. She also lacks sensitivity in her fingertips, which denies her the ability to feel the raised dots of Braille characters.
Rather than admit defeat, the 20 year old found an alternative way to read Braille -- with her lips. "In Primary 1 (the equivalent of Grade 1 in the United States), I noticed that she was always leaning forward," said Mee-Lin Chiu, a teacher at the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired -- the only special needs school in Hong Kong dedicated to the blind.
"She told me it was because she could read more clearly with her lips than her hands." Tsang herself admitted: "I know it's not a common approach and it sounds rather strange.
Even I myself don't know how it came about," she added, calling it "miraculous." In actual fact, the lips, tongue, and fingertips are particularly adept at spatial discrimination — they can perceive two points that are only 1-3 millimeters apart, according to the classic anatomy text, Field's Anatomy, Palpation and Surface Markings.
In comparison, the legs or back of the hands can only detect two points with a separation of more than 50-100 millimeters. While Tsang may not be the very first person to resort to lip-reading Braille, she appears to be a rare case.
"This is the first I have heard of someone being successful using the lips," said Diane Wormsely, a professor at North Carolina Central University who specializes in education for the visually impaired. Chiu also said that Tsang was the only student at Ebenezer to have used their lips -- and is the sole case she is aware of in Hong Kong.
Lip-reading Braille is not without its challenges, however. "Nobody could accept it in the beginning," Tsang said. "Even now, many people find it odd ... It's caused some embarrassment when I read in public places and in front of people that I don't have a close relationship with." It also poses practical problems, as Braille books are typically large and heavy.
Nonetheless, Tsang said she is "grateful" to still have a way to learn about the world through the written word. Reading is one of her favorite past times -- a source of intellectual stimulation and psychological refuge.
She also believes she can transcend her disabilities through hard work, determination, and the willingness to push herself outside of her comfort zone. "Without the courage to challenge myself, there is surely no possibility of success," she said.
At Ebenezer, her classes were comprised of only ten students, whose shared disability enabled them to easily build close friendships. All materials were prepared in Braille and teachers were specially trained to work with the blind. But in Form 1 (the equivalent of Grade 7 in the United States), Tsang decided to leave the comfort of Ebenezer and move to a regular secondary school, wanting to immerse herself in a more authentic, mainstream environment.
"I have to facilitate my adaptation to society when I finish my studies and have to enter the workplace," she said. Her transition to the city's Ying Wa Girls' School was not always easy.
Classes were much larger and teachers did not have specialized training to work with blind students. Tsang had to send all printed materials to Ebenezer or the Hong Kong Society for the Blind for transcription into Braille.
Reading and writing took her twice the amount of time it did for her peers, she said. She learned she had to be more independent and make a greater effort to express her feelings and needs with staff and students, who were welcoming but unaccustomed to dealing with a blind person.
One of her teachers, Kwong Ho-Ka, said that staff learned over time when to intervene to help her. "If she needs something, she will let us know," Kwong said, adding that her fiercely independent student walked around the school campus unassisted, eschewing a walking stick and elevators and taking the stairs by herself.
Kwong, who clearly holds deep affection for her student, said that while Tsang was never bullied, social integration has been a gradual process. "She has friends, but she's not part of some big group.
For example, a gaggle of girls may be chatting about pop culture, but it can be difficult for her to enter the conversation. She may not recognize who is speaking in overlapping conversations and she lacks familiarity with pop culture."
Attending class with the same cohort of students over the past three years has helped a lot, Kwong said, and students have learned to make an effort to include Tsang in conversations. Tsang said that she has made close friends.
"I am grateful for their acceptance of me as a normal member of their social circle and throughout these years, they have given me a great deal of support and encouragement." While her academic feats -- she scored 5**, the highest possible grade, for Chinese, English, and Liberal Studies, 5* for Chinese Literature and English Literature and 4 for Math — have won her much acclaim in Hong Kong, Tsang admits that she surprised herself.
"I was really astonished and excited when I heard that my results in some of the subjects were far from my expectations," she said. "I felt my hard work this year has finally paid off." She hopes to study translation at university starting this fall to have a "balanced development in both Chinese and English."
"Whenever I come across some thought-provoking and touching books, I really wish I could translate them into different languages so as to share them with more readers," she added.
As she embarks on the new phase of her hard-won education, Tsang maintains matter-of-fact and philosophical.
"The inconveniences and limitations (my impairments) bring will follow me my whole life ...and I must have the courage to face the facts...I'm going to treasure what I still have."
"I would like to encourage everyone to have the courage and perseverance to go through all the ups and downs in our lives because I know everyone has their own difficulties. But one thing is for sure: where there's a will, there's a way."
【明報專訊】失明、弱聽及有觸感障礙的應屆文憑試考生曾芷君,昨如願獲中文大學翻譯系取錄,她對此感到很開心,並承諾繼續努力讀書。原來各資助副學位及學士課程,在 2012學年共取錄了逾 100名有特殊教育需要的學生,佔一年級生 0.02%,最多是聽障及視障學生。
資助大專去年收逾百殘障生 大學聯招(JUPAS)8月 9日才放榜,殘障學生則提早於昨天放榜,芷君昨透過母校英華女學校表示,昨晨接獲中大翻譯系的取錄通知,即獲派首志願,芷君及家人都感到很高興,但由於她想安靜展開大學生活,故婉拒傳媒訪問。中大表示,一直為殘障學生提供生活及學習支援,如設復康巴士、為弱聽及失明學生特別訂造器材等,並提供個人發展及就業輔導服務。
曾芷君指政府不可忽視特殊教育 有線新聞
曾芷君冀經歷可鼓勵他人 新浪 Now 寬頻
Story of Tsang zikwan:Blind student learns to read Braille with lips CNN
唇讀芷君獲中大翻譯系取錄 新浪新聞網
曾芷君 谷歌搜尋
7月 16日 接受雷霆 881 訪談
陪她一起上電台的是英華班主任,她指與爸爸媽媽早慶祝了。最後接通和她傾談的是一位十年前的會考狀元。 (有線撮要片段)
不同新聞機構撮要的片段不同 。。。。
【新浪 Now 寬頻】自幼失明及弱聽,要靠嘴唇摸字讀書的曾芷君,在文憑試奪得三科5**。她多謝父母教導要勇敢嘗試以及知足常樂,希望自己的經歷能夠鼓勵更多人。
芷君又說,最開心能夠入讀英華女校,因為入讀一間好的常規學校並不容易,她明白將來就業面對的挑戰會更大,會更加努力。她希望在大學修讀翻譯,將來貢獻社會。 (新浪 Now寬頻撮要片段)
不想多說多寫有沒有被抽水,仍然高呼:Bravo 曾芷君!
【CNN】Tsang Tsz-Kwan may look like an average student in Hong Kong with her standard-issue blue shift dress with a Chinese collar and sensible black shoes. But her ordinary appearance and shy manner mask a steely determination to triumph over tremendous odds.
She recently scored within the top 5% for nearly all her subjects in the city's college entrance examination -- despite being blind and severely hearing-impaired from a young age. She also lacks sensitivity in her fingertips, which denies her the ability to feel the raised dots of Braille characters.
Rather than admit defeat, the 20 year old found an alternative way to read Braille -- with her lips. "In Primary 1 (the equivalent of Grade 1 in the United States), I noticed that she was always leaning forward," said Mee-Lin Chiu, a teacher at the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired -- the only special needs school in Hong Kong dedicated to the blind.
"She told me it was because she could read more clearly with her lips than her hands." Tsang herself admitted: "I know it's not a common approach and it sounds rather strange.
Even I myself don't know how it came about," she added, calling it "miraculous." In actual fact, the lips, tongue, and fingertips are particularly adept at spatial discrimination — they can perceive two points that are only 1-3 millimeters apart, according to the classic anatomy text, Field's Anatomy, Palpation and Surface Markings.
In comparison, the legs or back of the hands can only detect two points with a separation of more than 50-100 millimeters. While Tsang may not be the very first person to resort to lip-reading Braille, she appears to be a rare case.
"This is the first I have heard of someone being successful using the lips," said Diane Wormsely, a professor at North Carolina Central University who specializes in education for the visually impaired. Chiu also said that Tsang was the only student at Ebenezer to have used their lips -- and is the sole case she is aware of in Hong Kong.
Lip-reading Braille is not without its challenges, however. "Nobody could accept it in the beginning," Tsang said. "Even now, many people find it odd ... It's caused some embarrassment when I read in public places and in front of people that I don't have a close relationship with." It also poses practical problems, as Braille books are typically large and heavy.
Nonetheless, Tsang said she is "grateful" to still have a way to learn about the world through the written word. Reading is one of her favorite past times -- a source of intellectual stimulation and psychological refuge.
She also believes she can transcend her disabilities through hard work, determination, and the willingness to push herself outside of her comfort zone. "Without the courage to challenge myself, there is surely no possibility of success," she said.
At Ebenezer, her classes were comprised of only ten students, whose shared disability enabled them to easily build close friendships. All materials were prepared in Braille and teachers were specially trained to work with the blind. But in Form 1 (the equivalent of Grade 7 in the United States), Tsang decided to leave the comfort of Ebenezer and move to a regular secondary school, wanting to immerse herself in a more authentic, mainstream environment.
"I have to facilitate my adaptation to society when I finish my studies and have to enter the workplace," she said. Her transition to the city's Ying Wa Girls' School was not always easy.
Classes were much larger and teachers did not have specialized training to work with blind students. Tsang had to send all printed materials to Ebenezer or the Hong Kong Society for the Blind for transcription into Braille.
Reading and writing took her twice the amount of time it did for her peers, she said. She learned she had to be more independent and make a greater effort to express her feelings and needs with staff and students, who were welcoming but unaccustomed to dealing with a blind person.
One of her teachers, Kwong Ho-Ka, said that staff learned over time when to intervene to help her. "If she needs something, she will let us know," Kwong said, adding that her fiercely independent student walked around the school campus unassisted, eschewing a walking stick and elevators and taking the stairs by herself.
Kwong, who clearly holds deep affection for her student, said that while Tsang was never bullied, social integration has been a gradual process. "She has friends, but she's not part of some big group.
For example, a gaggle of girls may be chatting about pop culture, but it can be difficult for her to enter the conversation. She may not recognize who is speaking in overlapping conversations and she lacks familiarity with pop culture."
Attending class with the same cohort of students over the past three years has helped a lot, Kwong said, and students have learned to make an effort to include Tsang in conversations. Tsang said that she has made close friends.
"I am grateful for their acceptance of me as a normal member of their social circle and throughout these years, they have given me a great deal of support and encouragement." While her academic feats -- she scored 5**, the highest possible grade, for Chinese, English, and Liberal Studies, 5* for Chinese Literature and English Literature and 4 for Math — have won her much acclaim in Hong Kong, Tsang admits that she surprised herself.
"I was really astonished and excited when I heard that my results in some of the subjects were far from my expectations," she said. "I felt my hard work this year has finally paid off." She hopes to study translation at university starting this fall to have a "balanced development in both Chinese and English."
"Whenever I come across some thought-provoking and touching books, I really wish I could translate them into different languages so as to share them with more readers," she added.
As she embarks on the new phase of her hard-won education, Tsang maintains matter-of-fact and philosophical.
"The inconveniences and limitations (my impairments) bring will follow me my whole life ...and I must have the courage to face the facts...I'm going to treasure what I still have."
"I would like to encourage everyone to have the courage and perseverance to go through all the ups and downs in our lives because I know everyone has their own difficulties. But one thing is for sure: where there's a will, there's a way."
【明報專訊】失明、弱聽及有觸感障礙的應屆文憑試考生曾芷君,昨如願獲中文大學翻譯系取錄,她對此感到很開心,並承諾繼續努力讀書。原來各資助副學位及學士課程,在 2012學年共取錄了逾 100名有特殊教育需要的學生,佔一年級生 0.02%,最多是聽障及視障學生。
資助大專去年收逾百殘障生 大學聯招(JUPAS)8月 9日才放榜,殘障學生則提早於昨天放榜,芷君昨透過母校英華女學校表示,昨晨接獲中大翻譯系的取錄通知,即獲派首志願,芷君及家人都感到很高興,但由於她想安靜展開大學生活,故婉拒傳媒訪問。中大表示,一直為殘障學生提供生活及學習支援,如設復康巴士、為弱聽及失明學生特別訂造器材等,並提供個人發展及就業輔導服務。
曾芷君指政府不可忽視特殊教育 有線新聞
曾芷君冀經歷可鼓勵他人 新浪 Now 寬頻
Story of Tsang zikwan:Blind student learns to read Braille with lips CNN
唇讀芷君獲中大翻譯系取錄 新浪新聞網
曾芷君 谷歌搜尋
Sunday, July 14, 2013
MIld inflation stimulates economic growth
MIld inflation stimulates economic growth
經濟蓬勃的 cost push and demand pull 引發通漲 inflation,輕微的通漲連鎖帶起經濟增長,mild inflation stimulates economic growth,是 經濟學 economics 的 fundamental basic theory 基本理論。
【維基百科】Abenomics is a set of policy measures meant to resolve Japan's macroeconomic problems. It consists of monetary policy, fiscal policy, and economic growth strategies to encourage private investment.
Specific policies include inflation targeting at a 2% annual rate, correction of the excessive yen appreciation, setting negative interest rates, radical quantitative easing, expansion of public investment, buying operations of construction bonds by Bank of Japan (BOJ), and revision of the Bank of Japan Act.
Fiscal spending will increase by 2% of GDP, likely raising the deficit to 11.5% of GDP for 2013.
In 2012, the National Diet passed the bill to increase the consumption tax rate to 8% in 2014 and 10% in 2015 to balance the national budget, and it is expected that the tax hike will discourage consumption.
In 1997 the consumption tax was increased from 3% to 5%, and then deflation started; the nominal GDP growth rate was below zero for most of the 5 years after the tax hike. As of May 2013, it has achieved the depreciation of the yen to 102 yen to a dollar, which was stagnating around 80 in 2012.
Also, according to a survey carried out by Nikkei Newspaper in Japan, 74% of the respondents praised the policy in alleviating Japan from the prolonged recession.
「安倍經濟學」的日語名稱是由「安倍」(Abe)和「經濟學」 (economics)的造語而來。雖然此一名詞在2012年 11月開始廣泛使用,但 2006年時的第一次安倍內閣時,自由民主黨幹事長中川秀直就曾使用此稱呼。
為了擺脫日本的經濟通縮,安倍經濟學設立通貨膨脹目標制度﹝inflation targeting﹞,修改日本銀行法的方法,推行大膽的寬鬆貨幣政策。
Abenomics 維基百科
安倍經濟學 維基百科
我的舊文: Name
經濟蓬勃的 cost push and demand pull 引發通漲 inflation,輕微的通漲連鎖帶起經濟增長,mild inflation stimulates economic growth,是 經濟學 economics 的 fundamental basic theory 基本理論。
【維基百科】Abenomics is a set of policy measures meant to resolve Japan's macroeconomic problems. It consists of monetary policy, fiscal policy, and economic growth strategies to encourage private investment.
Specific policies include inflation targeting at a 2% annual rate, correction of the excessive yen appreciation, setting negative interest rates, radical quantitative easing, expansion of public investment, buying operations of construction bonds by Bank of Japan (BOJ), and revision of the Bank of Japan Act.
Fiscal spending will increase by 2% of GDP, likely raising the deficit to 11.5% of GDP for 2013.
In 2012, the National Diet passed the bill to increase the consumption tax rate to 8% in 2014 and 10% in 2015 to balance the national budget, and it is expected that the tax hike will discourage consumption.
In 1997 the consumption tax was increased from 3% to 5%, and then deflation started; the nominal GDP growth rate was below zero for most of the 5 years after the tax hike. As of May 2013, it has achieved the depreciation of the yen to 102 yen to a dollar, which was stagnating around 80 in 2012.
Also, according to a survey carried out by Nikkei Newspaper in Japan, 74% of the respondents praised the policy in alleviating Japan from the prolonged recession.
「安倍經濟學」的日語名稱是由「安倍」(Abe)和「經濟學」 (economics)的造語而來。雖然此一名詞在2012年 11月開始廣泛使用,但 2006年時的第一次安倍內閣時,自由民主黨幹事長中川秀直就曾使用此稱呼。
為了擺脫日本的經濟通縮,安倍經濟學設立通貨膨脹目標制度﹝inflation targeting﹞,修改日本銀行法的方法,推行大膽的寬鬆貨幣政策。
Abenomics 維基百科
安倍經濟學 維基百科
我的舊文: Name
週四 7月 11日 梁政府 還抖纏在:加強版東北發展計劃,回收粉嶺高爾夫球場,屯門打鼓嶺將軍澳堆填區擴建,各種紛紛意見之中,CY 出席在立法會的特首答問大會。
嗜悲 當天整天要去上 seminar,整個上午和早下午,都未有時間關注,等到下下午才回公司巡一巡,當然關心 梁振英 在答問大會說過甚麽,但是又要關注 in tray 早上入來積聚了的 paperwork (有些老闆還是愛用 paper 未有電子化),另一方面連線聽新聞,耳朵卻聽到一段以下的內容:
梁振英:「今日 20歲的青年人,10年後成家立室養兒育女,到時居住單位主要來自在新界東北新市鎮;今日的初中學生,他們 20年後的家,會在新界北;今日的幼稚園小朋友,他們 30年後的家,會在填海新區。」 (看片 @ 3:36)
嗜悲 目視文件耳朵聽到當堂彈起,by horizontal/ lateral thinking 水平思考聯想法,思歪 豈不是要將九龍和港島的傳統住宅區變成 ”老人村“?還是 。。。。。
週五 7月 12日連港版黨報:文匯報 都照搬如宜。
梁振英昨日在立法會答問大會的開場白中形容,新界東北新發展區規劃是發展新一代新市鎮的重要里程碑,顯示政府關注商業用地短缺和價格高企的長遠問題,並預言今日的初中學生 20年後會家住新界東北。
這是政府推動中長期土地供應的工作目標:「本屆特區政府摒棄短期思維,為未來二三十年的長遠需要早作籌謀,今日 20歲的年輕人,10年後成家立室養兒育女,到時居住單位主要來自新界東北新市鎮;今日的初中學生,他們 20年後的家會在新界(東)北,今日的幼稚園小朋友,他們 30年後的家會在填海新區。」
首先就是本港的社會老化已成定局,很多年前經已預言,人口老化有工作能力的社群,將要肩負更多社會責任,包括:生產力 productivity,競爭力 competitivity/ competitiveness,還有納稅 paying tax,當然照顧老人 reciprocating parents!
國內都新設有和實施《老年人權益保障法》,規定子女冷落或忽視父母屬於違法。法律還特別提出,「與老年人分開居住的家庭成員,應當經常看望或者問候老年人。」該法所稱老年人,是指 60歲以上的公民。
香港的地方比起內地細得多,由 梁振英 所說的 新界東北新市鎮,加強版新界東北發展區,新填海得來的新區,返回九龍和港島的傳統住宅區,探望父母都應該不會太遠,但是必然是頗為花費時間和交通費用。
原本傳統香港九龍住宅區的十大私人屋菀:太古城、杏花村、康怡花園、城市花園、海怡半島、黃埔花園、麗港城、奧海城、non exhaustive 等等,睇樓率、成交量、和價格,成為今時今日樓市升降的必然指標。
新建起的住宅將會是甚麽的價格呢?梁振英 預見了將來香港普遍的中產階級,大部份將沒法也沒有能力購買傳統市區的住宅,所以他敢說說:「10年後單位主要來自在新界東北新市鎮;20年後的家會在新界北;30年後的家會在填海新區。」
將來市區內傳統的住宅區若還未拆卸,就是住滿了爺爺嫲嫲公公婆婆,滿街滿地是老人家們的老人村。若有幸重建的傳統住宅區都會是千呎豪宅,價格貴得驚人數倍於今天,將會由甚麽人來填補空置單位呢?內地的富豪外國海龜的才俊們,都是說普通話的居民,當然還有炒家們 hold 着空置着未放售的單位。
香港九龍的傳統住宅區將會是:老人村 + 普通話村!Oh my God,原來 思歪 開發新界填海,是要移民讓出市區靚地!
行政長官答問大會(開場發言) 有線新聞
梁振英談土地利用 願將粉嶺別墅納東北計劃 文匯報新聞網
週四 7月 11日 梁政府 還抖纏在:加強版東北發展計劃,回收粉嶺高爾夫球場,屯門打鼓嶺將軍澳堆填區擴建,各種紛紛意見之中,CY 出席在立法會的特首答問大會。
嗜悲 當天整天要去上 seminar,整個上午和早下午,都未有時間關注,等到下下午才回公司巡一巡,當然關心 梁振英 在答問大會說過甚麽,但是又要關注 in tray 早上入來積聚了的 paperwork (有些老闆還是愛用 paper 未有電子化),另一方面連線聽新聞,耳朵卻聽到一段以下的內容:
梁振英:「今日 20歲的青年人,10年後成家立室養兒育女,到時居住單位主要來自在新界東北新市鎮;今日的初中學生,他們 20年後的家,會在新界北;今日的幼稚園小朋友,他們 30年後的家,會在填海新區。」 (看片 @ 3:36)
嗜悲 目視文件耳朵聽到當堂彈起,by horizontal/ lateral thinking 水平思考聯想法,思歪 豈不是要將九龍和港島的傳統住宅區變成 ”老人村“?還是 。。。。。
週五 7月 12日連港版黨報:文匯報 都照搬如宜。
梁振英昨日在立法會答問大會的開場白中形容,新界東北新發展區規劃是發展新一代新市鎮的重要里程碑,顯示政府關注商業用地短缺和價格高企的長遠問題,並預言今日的初中學生 20年後會家住新界東北。
這是政府推動中長期土地供應的工作目標:「本屆特區政府摒棄短期思維,為未來二三十年的長遠需要早作籌謀,今日 20歲的年輕人,10年後成家立室養兒育女,到時居住單位主要來自新界東北新市鎮;今日的初中學生,他們 20年後的家會在新界(東)北,今日的幼稚園小朋友,他們 30年後的家會在填海新區。」
首先就是本港的社會老化已成定局,很多年前經已預言,人口老化有工作能力的社群,將要肩負更多社會責任,包括:生產力 productivity,競爭力 competitivity/ competitiveness,還有納稅 paying tax,當然照顧老人 reciprocating parents!
國內都新設有和實施《老年人權益保障法》,規定子女冷落或忽視父母屬於違法。法律還特別提出,「與老年人分開居住的家庭成員,應當經常看望或者問候老年人。」該法所稱老年人,是指 60歲以上的公民。
香港的地方比起內地細得多,由 梁振英 所說的 新界東北新市鎮,加強版新界東北發展區,新填海得來的新區,返回九龍和港島的傳統住宅區,探望父母都應該不會太遠,但是必然是頗為花費時間和交通費用。
原本傳統香港九龍住宅區的十大私人屋菀:太古城、杏花村、康怡花園、城市花園、海怡半島、黃埔花園、麗港城、奧海城、non exhaustive 等等,睇樓率、成交量、和價格,成為今時今日樓市升降的必然指標。
新建起的住宅將會是甚麽的價格呢?梁振英 預見了將來香港普遍的中產階級,大部份將沒法也沒有能力購買傳統市區的住宅,所以他敢說說:「10年後單位主要來自在新界東北新市鎮;20年後的家會在新界北;30年後的家會在填海新區。」
將來市區內傳統的住宅區若還未拆卸,就是住滿了爺爺嫲嫲公公婆婆,滿街滿地是老人家們的老人村。若有幸重建的傳統住宅區都會是千呎豪宅,價格貴得驚人數倍於今天,將會由甚麽人來填補空置單位呢?內地的富豪外國海龜的才俊們,都是說普通話的居民,當然還有炒家們 hold 着空置着未放售的單位。
香港九龍的傳統住宅區將會是:老人村 + 普通話村!Oh my God,原來 思歪 開發新界填海,是要移民讓出市區靚地!
行政長官答問大會(開場發言) 有線新聞
梁振英談土地利用 願將粉嶺別墅納東北計劃 文匯報新聞網
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