本來是長長一篇過談論 "The Inner Light " 的﹐但驚各位訓著﹐所以分開呢登﹐但有關 story 這 part 還是太長 。
上次談 Star Trek - The Next Generation 第125集 "The Inner Light " 聽到的音樂。

Picard 在這次奇遇﹐學會了吹奏笛子﹐當他再醒過來後﹐他發覺在他靈魂出竅之時﹐所用過得笛子﹐就藏在那個不明物體裡面﹐Picard 不自覺的拿起笛子﹐再次吹奏出哀怨的melody, 再次跌進回憶裡。
Listen to The Inner Light (The music)
今次講故事﹐the story copied from "the next generation" 網頁, 是很長很長﹐嘗試過改短一些﹐但自己重讀後﹐覺得失了真﹐所以保留了下來。
Yes words words and words, the paragraphs are quite long to read, but trust me they are good, and really intriguing. Please don't forget to click at the YOUTUBE "The inner light" at the bottom to watch the clipping too , and

Five years pass on Kataan. Picard is looking through a telescope of his own construction, charting the sun's path to attempt to find the cause of the drought. Eline, however, believes he's still looking for that ship of his, and hurtly upbraids him for not paying attention to the life he has now. When, she asks, will she get him back? When will they start a family?

Meanwhile, on the bridge, Geordi (Chief Engineer of Enterprise) launches a probe to follow the radioactive traces of the alien probe back to their source. Data (Second Officer of Enterprise) has figured out a likely way to disrupt the beam, and despite Bev's misgivings about the idea, Riker decides to do so.
Several years pass on Kataan. Kamin and Eline are holding the naming ceremony for their second child, named Batai for their late friend. After the formalities are concluded, they look at their daughter Meribor and note how fast she's grown. (Eline notes that she's accompanying Kamin all over the place, and is surely her father's daughter.) Kamin remarks that he once thought he never needed children, but that now he can't imagine life without them. Suddenly, he turns pale, shudders, and collapses. Eline calls for the doctor-
-and Bev and Ogawa (Doctor and Nurse of Enterprise) try frantically to stabilize Picard, but to no avail. With no choice, Data hastily manages to reestablish the beam, and Picard stabilizes.
Ten years or so later on Kataan, Meribor is in her late teens, and is turning into quite the scientist herself. She's continued her father's work on the drought, and has discovered that the soil is simply dead. She tries to voice the unspoken conclusion of her work, but Kamin tries to avoid it and change the subject. Eventually, however, she voices what he already knew: the planet is dying. He is saddened that she must bear this knowledge as well, but she bears it well. "I think I should marry Danek sooner rather than later, don't you?" "Seize the time, Meribor. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again."
...And on the bridge, Geordi's managed to trace the probe's path back to its origin, a system called Kataan. Unfortunately, there are no inhabited planets there; the sun went nova and all life in that system died roughly a thousand years ago.
Several more years pass on Kataan. Eline comes out to see a very aged Kamin, still working on his telescope, and who urges Eline to lie down after her recent surgery. When they hear Batai playing the flute, she suggests Kamin talk to him, hinting that there are things that need to be said.

The next morning, he and the Administrator argue. At first, the Administrator simply refuses to listen, but he eventually tells Kamin in confidence that their scientists found the same conclusions roughly two years ago, but have kept it quiet to avoid starting a panic. A plan is currently underway to save some facet of the civilization, but more cannot be said at this time.
Suddenly, Batai comes running to Kamin; it's Eline. Kamin rushes home, but there's nothing that can be done. She asks Batai for a moment alone with Kamin, and is relieved to hear that he won't be thrown off the Council. "Remember...put your shoes away." "I promise." Eline dies, and a heartsick Kamin grieves over the body.

"You know it, father. You've already seen it." "Seen it? What are you talking about? I haven't seen any missile." "Yes, you have, old friend. Don't you remember?"
Kamin turns, awestruck, to see his friend Batai again, as hale and hearty as he was in the prime of life.
"You saw it just before you came here. We hoped our probe would encounter someone in the future-someone who could be a teacher, someone who could tell the others about us."
"Oh...oh, it's me...isn't it? I'm the someone. I'm the one it finds. That's what this launching is-a probe that finds me in the future!"
"Yes, my love." This comes from Eline, now alive again and flush with the beauty of youth. "The rest of us have been gone a thousand years. If you remember what we were, and how we lived, then we'll have found life again."
"Eline..." He watches the missile lift off.
"Now, we live in you. Tell them of us...my darling..." Kamin stares...
...and Picard wakes up on the bridge of the Enterprise as the probe breaks contact and shuts down. He's initially very disoriented, but quickly reacquires at least a cursory knowledge of the situation. He discovers that he's only been unconscious for 20 or 25 minutes, and accompanies Bev to sickbay.
Some time later, Riker visits Picard in his ready room. As Picard gets used to the fact that this is once again his home, Riker hands him a small box they found inside the probe after they examined it. He leaves, and Picard opens the box, to find his flute. He cradles it to his breast, then softly plays it, as we see the ship fading off towards the stars.
This episode was being rated the most watchable among STAR TREK - The next generation total 7 seasons 177 episodes. Not only the story is very intriguing and touching, as a bonus I like the flute solo that Captain Picard used to play at the Planet Kataan too. The story also gave a warning to our planet earth about environmental conservation.
Click to see the clipping of "The Inner Light" with the theme music at the background.
Listen to The Inner Light (The music)
後記: 記得另一部戲﹐Total Recall﹐人不用去外地旅遊﹐只要交費後﹐科技就把你帶進虛擬世界﹐週遊列國﹐或者經歷一次﹐有驚無險的歷險。
Related blog(s):
Soul Mate 心靈之侶 (The Host)
The Inner Light (The music)
THE INNER LIGHT vs the inner space
Transformers (The Dauphin)
space兄你真是star trek迷哦!
歡迎光臨! 多謝捧場﹐咁鬼死長你都讀完
要求網友讀完全篇恐怕不太可能﹐ 我都是留番比自己讀多o的。
p.s. jfk 甘迺迪 總統是你貴親?
Star Trek original, Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock,
Dr. McCoy and Scottie 真的很舊 1966 至 1969﹐我都無看過﹐只是看過幾部Star Trek 電影 。
我現今所談的和引用的全都是Star Trek - the next generation 它共拍了 7季 177集﹐由1987 至 1994﹐ 最遠是距今20 年﹐最近只是 12年多一點。30+ 的香港仔 和 香港女 如果喜歡 science fiction 的應該有看過﹐我記得是在明珠臺播的﹐ 之後有沒有重播就不得而知。
我再看Star Trek - TNG 是去LA 和多倫多探親時看的﹐他們的CABLE TV 有個SPACE channel, 24小時都是播 science fiction 的, JET LAG 時一晚連續看幾集。
Cheers got to go back to work!!!
好老實講畀你聽,不過講左唔好嬲喎!睇你D文章咁耐,有時有D真係覺得好長,唔係好想睇架。不過呢篇係因為你先將音樂喺前一篇介紹左,成功吸引左我,而且我都係Star Trek迷,所以咪睇晒囉。不過最重要係呢輪嘅心情問題,睇呢D好啱 feel!
jfk 係我"貴親"? 都好親架,佢排第六,我排廿一囉。^O^
Jfk 的親戚 Juk:
如我在 【五師兄字】 所言“自己的博有冇人睇可不重要﹐是自己個人的“思想﹑思考﹑思念”和“所見﹑所聞﹑所做”的紀錄﹐如無必要﹐每天登一篇﹐反而寫博﹐是看有冇野需要紀錄低﹐有時一天寫上四篇﹐儲 o系“DRAFT”處﹐有時間性的先登。”
嘩!!!嘩【五師兄字】D link 亂o左龍 唔好意思
應該是 【五師兄字】 之 "中 Blog 毒"
The Inner Light的笛音實在很吸引,謝謝網主的介紹,真想看看這齣戲。
" 留言多了,D虛榮感就會黎架喇" ....................
一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space" !
歡迎光臨! 並多謝你花了夥長時間﹐讀完整個story。
很抱歉記憶中沒有《芳心之罪》﹐不能和一和你﹐有沒有英文名可以提供﹐ help me to ring the bell?
曾經見過在香港某DVD店舖﹐有STAR TREK -TNG 出售 ﹐可以去找找。
ok found it
片名: 芳心之罪 1986
英文名: Crimes of the Heart 1986
Diane Keaton
Jessica Lange
Sissy Spacek
三位實力派的女星﹐謝謝 ANN﹐ 會留意去找找!!!
Hey!!! if you just viewing the clipping without reading the story lines, you are missing something, i.e. incomplete!
I read the whole story which is most interesting !! Thx !!
Hari 兄:
Thank you for your patience !
I knew it was long but it was interesting worth the efforts;can you still viewing Star Trek TNG in canada tv network occasionally?
唔再寫 blog 雖然 攞攞孿
不要過讀到 十大熱門
竟然 the inner light (story)
於是重讀一遍 再讀埋啲 留言
恍如隔世 但卻又是暖暖的 。。。。。。
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