怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Saturday, March 10, 2007
THE INNER LIGHT vs the inner space
利用兩篇“博”﹐介紹了Star Trek - The Next Generation 第125集 "The Inner Light" 內的 笛子獨奏 music ﹐和 Star Trek - The Next Generation 第125 集 “The Inner Light " 的感人故事。第三篇是: The Inner Light 的 Inspiration 。
各位有讀過上兩篇的話﹐會知道故事說甚麼﹐個人認為故事頗為 intriguing , 而配樂也不錯﹐由其是笛子的一部份。
當年是在明珠臺看過的﹐ 只是被故事吸引﹐沒有記掛在心﹐很多年後﹐在海外旅途上﹐又給我看到﹐年紀大了﹐經歷多了﹐體會不同了﹐開始理解為何劇名名為"The inner light", 和太空船船長 Captain Picard 為何﹐在結尾緊抱重新得到的笛子﹐再而吹奏一曲。之後終於給我有機會買到這一集的VCD。
去年﹐經過大約半年斷斷續續的去讀別人的網誌s﹐和因為回應得到再回應﹐遂於十一月打算開始嘗試寫”博“﹐ 但”博“ 網誌名字和筆名﹐還未有定案。 最後只有英文的”博“名 Mind Necessity﹐為何用 Mind Necessity 有機會會另文談談﹐至于筆名“The inner space " 則無可否認﹐ was being inspired by "The Inner Light" 。
The inner light 是在內面發光﹐我沒有這個本領﹐可以去發光﹐但我可以好像黑洞一般﹐把所有的光和能﹐所有物質通通的吸收進來。 所以筆名初名為 the inner blackhole, 或 the blackhole, 哈哈哈!!! 不過 the inner blackhole 或 the blackhole 不大順口﹐最後用了The Inner Space. 空空洞洞的space, 就好像黑洞可以儘量吸收﹐好像吸星大法﹐把所有的收為己用。
"一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space" 。
Listen to The Inner Light (The music)
Read The Inner Light (The story)
本來是長長一篇過談論 "The Inner Light " 的﹐但驚各位”目訓“著﹐所以分開呢登﹐現在三部曲完成了。。。。。請請!!!
Friday, March 09, 2007
The Inner Light (The story)
本來是長長一篇過談論 "The Inner Light " 的﹐但驚各位訓著﹐所以分開呢登﹐但有關 story 這 part 還是太長 。
上次談 Star Trek - The Next Generation 第125集 "The Inner Light " 聽到的音樂。

Picard 在這次奇遇﹐學會了吹奏笛子﹐當他再醒過來後﹐他發覺在他靈魂出竅之時﹐所用過得笛子﹐就藏在那個不明物體裡面﹐Picard 不自覺的拿起笛子﹐再次吹奏出哀怨的melody, 再次跌進回憶裡。
Listen to The Inner Light (The music)
今次講故事﹐the story copied from "the next generation" 網頁, 是很長很長﹐嘗試過改短一些﹐但自己重讀後﹐覺得失了真﹐所以保留了下來。
Yes words words and words, the paragraphs are quite long to read, but trust me they are good, and really intriguing. Please don't forget to click at the YOUTUBE "The inner light" at the bottom to watch the clipping too , and

Five years pass on Kataan. Picard is looking through a telescope of his own construction, charting the sun's path to attempt to find the cause of the drought. Eline, however, believes he's still looking for that ship of his, and hurtly upbraids him for not paying attention to the life he has now. When, she asks, will she get him back? When will they start a family?

Meanwhile, on the bridge, Geordi (Chief Engineer of Enterprise) launches a probe to follow the radioactive traces of the alien probe back to their source. Data (Second Officer of Enterprise) has figured out a likely way to disrupt the beam, and despite Bev's misgivings about the idea, Riker decides to do so.
Several years pass on Kataan. Kamin and Eline are holding the naming ceremony for their second child, named Batai for their late friend. After the formalities are concluded, they look at their daughter Meribor and note how fast she's grown. (Eline notes that she's accompanying Kamin all over the place, and is surely her father's daughter.) Kamin remarks that he once thought he never needed children, but that now he can't imagine life without them. Suddenly, he turns pale, shudders, and collapses. Eline calls for the doctor-
-and Bev and Ogawa (Doctor and Nurse of Enterprise) try frantically to stabilize Picard, but to no avail. With no choice, Data hastily manages to reestablish the beam, and Picard stabilizes.
Ten years or so later on Kataan, Meribor is in her late teens, and is turning into quite the scientist herself. She's continued her father's work on the drought, and has discovered that the soil is simply dead. She tries to voice the unspoken conclusion of her work, but Kamin tries to avoid it and change the subject. Eventually, however, she voices what he already knew: the planet is dying. He is saddened that she must bear this knowledge as well, but she bears it well. "I think I should marry Danek sooner rather than later, don't you?" "Seize the time, Meribor. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again."
...And on the bridge, Geordi's managed to trace the probe's path back to its origin, a system called Kataan. Unfortunately, there are no inhabited planets there; the sun went nova and all life in that system died roughly a thousand years ago.
Several more years pass on Kataan. Eline comes out to see a very aged Kamin, still working on his telescope, and who urges Eline to lie down after her recent surgery. When they hear Batai playing the flute, she suggests Kamin talk to him, hinting that there are things that need to be said.

The next morning, he and the Administrator argue. At first, the Administrator simply refuses to listen, but he eventually tells Kamin in confidence that their scientists found the same conclusions roughly two years ago, but have kept it quiet to avoid starting a panic. A plan is currently underway to save some facet of the civilization, but more cannot be said at this time.
Suddenly, Batai comes running to Kamin; it's Eline. Kamin rushes home, but there's nothing that can be done. She asks Batai for a moment alone with Kamin, and is relieved to hear that he won't be thrown off the Council. "Remember...put your shoes away." "I promise." Eline dies, and a heartsick Kamin grieves over the body.

"You know it, father. You've already seen it." "Seen it? What are you talking about? I haven't seen any missile." "Yes, you have, old friend. Don't you remember?"
Kamin turns, awestruck, to see his friend Batai again, as hale and hearty as he was in the prime of life.
"You saw it just before you came here. We hoped our probe would encounter someone in the future-someone who could be a teacher, someone who could tell the others about us."
"Oh...oh, it's me...isn't it? I'm the someone. I'm the one it finds. That's what this launching is-a probe that finds me in the future!"
"Yes, my love." This comes from Eline, now alive again and flush with the beauty of youth. "The rest of us have been gone a thousand years. If you remember what we were, and how we lived, then we'll have found life again."
"Eline..." He watches the missile lift off.
"Now, we live in you. Tell them of us...my darling..." Kamin stares...
...and Picard wakes up on the bridge of the Enterprise as the probe breaks contact and shuts down. He's initially very disoriented, but quickly reacquires at least a cursory knowledge of the situation. He discovers that he's only been unconscious for 20 or 25 minutes, and accompanies Bev to sickbay.
Some time later, Riker visits Picard in his ready room. As Picard gets used to the fact that this is once again his home, Riker hands him a small box they found inside the probe after they examined it. He leaves, and Picard opens the box, to find his flute. He cradles it to his breast, then softly plays it, as we see the ship fading off towards the stars.
This episode was being rated the most watchable among STAR TREK - The next generation total 7 seasons 177 episodes. Not only the story is very intriguing and touching, as a bonus I like the flute solo that Captain Picard used to play at the Planet Kataan too. The story also gave a warning to our planet earth about environmental conservation.
Click to see the clipping of "The Inner Light" with the theme music at the background.
Listen to The Inner Light (The music)
後記: 記得另一部戲﹐Total Recall﹐人不用去外地旅遊﹐只要交費後﹐科技就把你帶進虛擬世界﹐週遊列國﹐或者經歷一次﹐有驚無險的歷險。
Related blog(s):
Soul Mate 心靈之侶 (The Host)
The Inner Light (The music)
THE INNER LIGHT vs the inner space
Transformers (The Dauphin)
Thursday, March 08, 2007
The Inner Light (The music)
我喜歡笛子的音色﹐它的蒼涼﹐它的冰冷﹐它的單調﹐送上兩首之後﹐欲罷不能﹐現在送上第三回。今次是在 Star Trek - The Next Generation 第125集 " The Inner Light " 聽到的。
故事說: Starship Enterprise 遇到一個物體﹐發出一道能量﹐剛好射中太空船船長 Captain Picard. 他暈倒不醒人事﹐船上全人努力搶救﹐而Picard 的腦波﹐顯現他是清醒的﹐原來Picard 魂遊到了另一個 dimension!!!
Picard 在這次奇遇﹐學會了吹奏笛子﹐當他再醒過來後﹐他發覺在他靈魂出竅之時﹐所用過得笛子﹐就藏在那個不明物體裡面﹐Picard 不自覺的拿起笛子﹐再吹奏出以下的melody, 再次跌進回憶裡。
The Ressikan flute solo in "The inner light"
Some additional information found on the WEB :
The Flute sole play was once again appeared in another Star Trek -TNG, Episode 145 "Lessons" . Picard met a new starfleet officer Nella Daren that he instantly fell in love with, he told her his adventure. With her help, Picard played the flute, and Nella Daren played a rollable piano to renew Picard's memories.
Jay Chattaway composed the music for this episode, including the Ressikan flute solo played by Picard. Chattaway later expanded this piece into a six-minute orchestral suite that is available on "The Best of Star Trek: 30th Anniversary Special" audio CD .
Related blog(s):
The Inner Light (The story)
THE INNER LIGHT vs the inner space
Soul Mate 心靈之侶 (The Host)
Transformers (The Dauphin)
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Remembering a heart beat
Remembering a heart beat
講開笛子﹐ 各位可記得這個 melody? 很蒼涼的笛子音調﹐你可記得在那兒時常都聽到?
Try that yourself click play > 聽唔到? 試試下面另一個連結。
對!! 是 Le Grand Bleu, The Big Blue Original Sound Track
No. 9 "Remembering a Heart Beat" .
Grand bleu, Le (1988) 碧海蓝天
Directed by
Luc Besson
Johanna Baker: Rosanna Arquette
Jacques Mayol: Jean-Marc Barr
Enzo Molinari: Jean Reno
The film charts the competition and friendship of real-life champions Jacques Mayol (played by former model Barr) and Enzo Maiorca (renamed in the film to "Enzo Molinari", and played by Reno). The action is divided into two timelines - the nascent rivalry between the two divers as children, and (as adults) their final competition at the world free-diving championships at the Sicilian town of Taormina. Mayol's search for love, family, "wholeness" and the meaning of life and death is a strong undercurrent of the latter timeline.
看完電影不是太喜歡﹐但這音調那麼蒼涼的笛子﹐深深刻在心中﹐儲夠錢便買了Le Grand Bleu, The Big Blue 的 Original Sound Track. 裡面有20首音樂﹐但 No. 9 Remembering a Heart Beat, 短短的一分十六秒﹐成為每當我孤獨一人時﹐就會用最原始的樂器﹐演奏這一樂章﹐哈哈!!! 吹口哨的方法嘛。

09. REMEMBERING A HEART BEAT (Click to listen)
下載試聽: 《碧海蓝天 OST site 1》, 《碧海蓝天 OST site 2》
後記: 如果沒有記錯﹐在天星碼頭隧道內﹐曾有一班南美洲印第安人模樣的賣藝人﹐演奏他們獨特的笛子﹐演奏的樂章其中之一就是這首﹐ 他們還會售賣他們自己的CD。
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Elmer Gantry 1960 靈與慾
讀別人的“博”﹐有網友提出“神棍”﹐又有人點提“靈與慾”﹐令我想起這部陳年舊片﹐是在逛 VCD 店時無意中買到的。
在電影 Elmer Gantry 靈與慾 裡面﹐畢蘭加士打 和 珍西蒙絲﹐兩個是天做地設的一對﹐一個是魔鬼﹐一個是天使。打著主愛世人的旗號﹐利用讚美主的言語﹐打動人心﹐令沉淪的大眾﹐相信主﹐歸於主﹐收取捐款﹐袋袋平安﹐是一盆大生意。

Burt Lancaster : Elmer Gantry
Jean Simmons :Sister Sharon
Shirley Jones : Lulu Bains
Directed by
Richard Brooks
The Story:
Elmer Gantry (Burt Lancaster) is a huckster who sells shoeshines and vacuum cleaners. Gantry is lustful, coarse, loud, ambitious, motivated by an easy dollar, golden-tongued, and often drunk. His first memorable appearance on screen in a speakeasy demonstrates his high-energy eloquence with words in his impromptu Christmas sermon.

Gantry turns into an evangelizing, Bible Belt revivalist preacher. Exhibiting tremendous showmanship, Brother Gantry, with rolled up shirt-sleeves, preaches hellfire and brimstone, thumps his Bible, performs miracles, and leads repentant sinners to conversion in the Bible Belt tent meetings.
His popularity helps to increase her fame and fortune, and she is able to realize her dream of building her own tabernacle of worship. In an act of revenge, one of his old girlfriends, minister's daughter-turned-prostitute Lulu Bains (Shirley Jones) sets him up and frames him with photographs taken in a compromising situation, ruining his reputation.
Although he is later vindicated and cleared of morals charges, he jeopardizes their ambitions.
The new tabernacle opens, but Sister Falconer tragically dies in a blazing tent fire. When asked if he will carry on Sister Sharon's work in the lucrative revivalist business, Gantry quotes scripture to explain how experiences have matured him, and why he will not continue:
"When I was a child, I spake as a child. I understood as a child.
When I became a man, I put away childish things.
............. St. Paul. First Corinthians. Thirteen eleven."
Rotten Tomatoes : Elmer Gantry
還有" 靈與慾 "的連結: Google search on Elmer Gantry
消息傳來,女主角 Jean Simmons 珍西蒙絲 2010年1月22日,肺癌病逝。而男主角 Burt Lancaster 畢蘭加士打 早于 1994年10月20日逝世。現祇剩下 Shirley Jones 莎莉鐘絲 尚在人世,但她是一九三四年生,都已經 75歲高齡。
靈與慾 Elmer Gantry google search
靈與慾 Elmer Gantry 維基百科
Burt Lancaster 畢蘭加士打 維基百科
JeanSimmons 珍西蒙絲 維基百科
Shirley Jones 莎莉鐘絲 維基百科
Monday, March 05, 2007
Soul Mate
好些人話要尋找人生中的 soul mate, 既然是soul mate 心靈之侶﹐當然應該不計較外表﹐外形的美醜喇﹐高矮肥肥瘦﹐應該不是考慮之因素﹐祇要求心靈上的互通﹐但人不竟是人﹐是否真的能夠做到呢。 Let me push that to an extreme by telling you this story.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard - Patrick Stewart
Commander William Riker - Jonathan Frakes
Dr. Beverly Crusher - Gates McFadden
Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge - LeVar Burton
Counselor Deanna Troi - Marina Sirtis
Lt. Worf - Michael Dorn
Odan - Franc Luz

The trip is for the most part uneventful, marked only by Bev receiving a bit of ribbing from Deanna about her new flame. Once they arrive at the planet in question, however, things happen very fast. Odan and Riker attempt to shuttle down to the planet (Odan claiming he's not comfortable with transporters), but the shuttle is fired on. Riker manages, barely, to get it back to the Enterprise, but Odan is critically injured. Or rather, Odan's host body is critically injured-as it happens, the Trill are a joint species, and the parasite within the host body is the true Odan.

The aftermath is a problem, however. First, Riker/Odan must convince both Governor Leka and the two representatives of the factions that he's legitimate. Secondly, Riker's body is slowly but surely rejecting Odan, and it's unclear how long he can last. Thirdly, Beverly is very...uncomfortable with this situation, particularly when Riker/Odan says he still loves her, and still wants her.
All three problems are resolved, more or less. Odan is accepted as negotiator by all three parties, and Beverly manages to accept that the man she loves is still there, inside Riker's body. Unfortunately, the rejection continues, and Odan makes Beverly swear to remove him at the end of the day's negotiations, regardless of whether the new host has arrived. Fortunately, his negotiations are successful, and while Odan has to spend a little time in stasis between hosts, both Odan and Riker survive.
The change of hosts, however, becomes too much for Beverly, especially when she finds that the new Trill host is a woman.
Saying "I can't keep up," she tells Odan that although she still loves him and will never forget him, it's over.
太空船 Enterprise 接待一位男性的外星俊男 Odan,船上的女醫生 Crusher,迅即和 Odan 熱戀起來,但在一次的意外 Odan 受了重傷,發現 Odan其實是一條蟲形生物,寄生於一個 Humanoid 人型的外星男性體內,控制了寄生體的身體和思維,包括去愛和被愛。
但那個寄生主受到重傷要死了,為了拯救 Odan,女醫生要把蟲蟲 Odan 移植到另一自愿借出身體的船員身上,等候新的外星人到來,才把蟲蟲 Odan,放回去。
寄生在船員身上的 Odan再向 Crusher 求愛,Crusher 本來就跟那自愿的船員祇是朋友關係,她不能產生愛意。
到最後,很可惜﹐那個新來的寄生主是個女的﹐寄生的 蟲蟲 Odan 雖然依然深深的愛著 Dr. Crusher, 但人不竟是人﹐Dr. Crusher 不能投入和一個女的發生愛的感覺﹐還有下次呢﹐下次 Odan又要換寄生主時﹐會變成甚麼樣子呢?
那麼究竟 Soul Mate 究竟是甚麼呢???
Soul Mate 心靈伴侶 心靈之侶 是否真的存在?
還是祇是叫 Body Mate 好了!
Related blog(s):
Transformers (The Dauphin)
The Inner Light (The music)
The Inner Light (The story)
Sunday, March 04, 2007
今昔- 陸春齡
依照 Youtube 註明是 陸春齡 2008年表演 (嗜悲 2013年增補)
陸春齡是中國南派笛藝的傑出代表之一,被國內外聽眾譽之為 “魔笛”。他七歲即向一位皮匠師傅學笛,對笛藝懷有濃烈的興趣。十幾歲即參加了民間絲竹團體“紫韻國樂社”,1940年與友人組織“中國國樂團”。青年時期的陸春齡,為生活所迫,曾開過汽車,踏過三輪車。
陸春齡1957年的作品﹐ 以兩支不同音色的笛子﹐描寫今昔兩個社會的不同面貌 。。。。前段引子清脆嘹亮 。。。。中段旋律低沉 。。。。運用了腹震音﹑指震音﹑滑音等細膩演奏技巧深化曲中的感情 。。。。最後一部分是首段旋律的再現﹐全曲在高潮中結束。
試聽今昔 The present and the past
Related reading: 陸春齡的笛子演奏藝術
後記: 幾年後買得CD﹐再聽已經沒有了熱淚盈眶和共鳴﹐但不失為一首由哀怨轉歡樂的笛子演奏﹐道盡人生今昔。今晚拿出來再聽當然感受又不同了。