星巴克 Starbucks
等緊睇 世界杯的決賽賽事:荷蘭 對 西班牙,上網滑浪 surfing the net,讀維基百科有關 星巴克 Starbucks 咁嘅資料:
【維基百科】星巴克是一家喜好賣弄文字的公司,容量表示為「short」、「tall」、「grande」和「venti」(義大利文的20), 其實分別代表 小、中、大、特大。
咖啡調理師(星巴克用語:Barista;源自義大利文)每一間店有一個監督、一個助理經理及一個店經理。有2-4位穿黑色圍裙的 Baristas 被稱為「Coffee Master 咖啡大師」。
香港及澳門的星巴克,都是由美心集團,及美國星巴克合資的 Coffee Concepts HK Ltd 經營。
星巴克的飲料 分三大類,精選咖啡飲品包括如下:
(另有 Cold 凍飲和 Tea茶類,不贅了)
【星巴克 官方網頁 Starbucks official page】
Brewed Coffee 滴濾咖啡
Exquisite whole bean selections as fresh, hot coffee. Signature blends, exotic country varieties, and decaf. 每一日選出其中一款咖啡豆,調製出新鮮、熱騰騰的咖啡。無論是我們馳名的綜合咖啡、源自世界各地的特式品種,甚致提供低咖啡因的選擇。
Espresso 特濃咖啡
This is the very essence of coffee, in its most concentrated form. Starbucks espresso is rich and wonderfully caramel-like. 這是咖啡的精粹,以最濃縮的方式顯現。星巴克特濃咖啡帶點焦糖味道,濃厚馥郁。
Caffè Americano 美式咖啡
Despite the name, this is actually a European way to enjoy coffee: espresso with hot water. 雖然名為美式咖啡,其實這飲品以特濃咖啡加入熱水是歐洲人享受咖啡的方式。
Caffè Latte 鮮奶咖啡
Traditional classic – steamed milk and espresso, lightly topped with foam. Try it with a syrup of your choice (like vanilla, caramel or almond) for a special treat. 傳統的經典 -- 特濃咖啡加入熱牛奶,再覆上薄薄一層泡沫。想嘗試更具特式的味道,加添加云尼拿、焦糖或杏仁等風味糖漿。
Cappuccino 泡沫咖啡
Honoring a tradition that goes back generations, skilled baristas carefully pour hand-foamed milk over espresso. 熟手的咖啡吧服務員將親手打起的牛奶泡沫倒進特濃咖啡裡,造出這一款經歷世代推崇的傳統的飲品。
Caffè Mocha 朱古力咖啡
Delicious Starbucks mocha chocolate, espresso, steamed milk and whipped cream. No cold or sad day can resist its power. 以美味的星巴克朱古力、特濃咖啡、熱牛奶及忌廉製成,可以抵擋任何寒冷天氣或低落的情緒。
Caramel Macchiato 焦糖咖啡
A Starbucks original. Foamed milk marked with espresso and vanilla, then topped with a distinctive caramel pattern. Sweet, buttery and intense. 星巴克首創的焦糖咖啡,牛奶及泡沫加入特濃咖啡及雲呢拿糖漿,再覆上特式焦糖印記,味道香甜濃郁。
攪咁多嘢,都是想提升 Starbucks 的形象,睇來睇落高級啲,High Class 啲,專業啲,PRO 啲,最後 Starbucks 咁又可以賣貴啲,這些營商手法在香港,顯然十分得到香港人非常受落,星巴克的分店愈開愈多,就是最佳證據。
最近才發覺在公立醫院~~屯門醫院 及 瑪麗醫院,連私家醫院~~
啲人飲咗,就會高級啲,High Class 啲,專業啲,PRO 啲呱!!!
嗌!應該是飲咗啲人自覺高級啲,High Class 啲,專業啲,PRO 啲!!!
利益申報:本人沒有持有 Starbucks 星巴克股票,也沒有家人親戚是 星巴克的員工。今次的文字純屬滿足自己的好奇心!特此聲明。
Pacific Coffee 近年積極發展,擁有的分店不會比 星巴克 Starbucks 少, 而且很多時會取代佔有原來 星巴克 的舖位。加上 麥當勞的 Mc Cafe 也企圖分一杯羹,加入市場,拓展業務。香港除了傳統茶餐廳賣的港式咖啡和絲襪奶茶,咖啡市場受到外來和新加入者的競爭,各出奇謀。
星巴克 維基百科
星巴克分店 starbucks.com.hk
星巴克精選飲品 starbucks.com.hk
SBUX~Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ) 谷歌財經網
4337~Starbucks Corporation (香港交易所) 谷歌財經網
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, October 08, 2010
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
早前在港公映的《Letters To Juliet 茱麗葉愛情信箱》,當時沒有衝動入戲院欣賞,等到出影碟就買了來看。
【維基百科】Sophie Hall (Amanda Seyfried) is a fact checker at The New Yorker magazine who dreams of becoming a writer, but her boss, Bobby, does not share her wishes.
Sophie's fiancé, Victor (Gael García Bernal), is about to open an Italian restaurant in downtown New York. To celebrate, the two go on a "pre-honeymoon" to Verona, Italy.
However, Victor is very enthusiastic about, and busy with, finding the best wines and cheeses for his restaurant and, to Sophie's disappointment, hardly has time for her.
While he is out one day, Sophie goes sightseeing and comes across the house where Juliet Capulet supposedly lived and watches in awe as numerous people gather to write letters to Juliet about their loves and post them on Juliet's Wall.
Sophie writes of this in her journal and sits on a bench for a few hours, waiting for closing time, to see what becomes of the letters. A young Italian woman comes to collect the letters, putting them all into a straw basket, and Sophie follows her to a restaurant where the woman meets with three other women, who reveal themselves to be "Juliet's secretaries", writing back to each of the letters.
The next day, Sophie helps Isabel, one of the secretaries, take the letters. A loose brick falls, and behind it is a crumpled envelope. Sophie discovers it is a 1957 letter written by Claire, an English woman who, while in Italy studying art, fell in love with Lorenzo Bartolini. When he asked her to run away with him, she did not show up and wrote to Juliet about it. Sophie writes back.
A few days later, a young English man arrives, Charlie (Chris Egan), revealing that because Sophie responded his grandmother is now here to find her love. When Sophie asks to meet Claire, Charlie says no, but Sophie follows him and is introduced to Claire (Vanessa Redgrave) who is more than happy to meet "Juliet".
Together, the three decide to embark on a journey to find all the Lorenzo Bartolinis near Siena, Italy a place that Claire says Lorenzo always enjoyed. The three meet many Lorenzo Bartolinis, but none of them seem to be the right one, as Claire says she’ll be able to see who Lorenzo is through his blue eyes.
Traveling, Sophie and the grandmother and grandson learn about each others’ lives like that Charlie has an ex-girlfriend he hasn't seen in a year, named Patricia, with Claire learning that Sophie's mother abandoned her when she was nine and Sophie learning that Charlie's parents died in a car crash when he was ten.
Charlie, at first rude, is now attracted to her, but Sophie is standoffish. The three meet many men named Lorenzo Bartolini, and also visit the grave of one who has died. Seeing his grandmother cry, Charlie blames Sophie, telling her she doesn't know what real loss feels like.
Claire berates her grandson and tells him about Sophie's mother, then she visits Sophie in her hotel room and comforts her. Charlie apologizes to Sophie who has gone out and laid down on the grass next to Charlie, and they kiss under the stars.
The next day, while driving back, Claire asks that they stop at a vineyard when she notices it is the vineyard that makes their favorite wine. There, she sees a young Italian man who looks exactly like Lorenzo.
Insisting it's him, Sophie and Charlie go and ask him of his name, which he says is indeed Lorenzo Bartolini. Deciding it must be Lorenzo's grandson, they ask to speak to the young man's father, whose name is also Lorenzo. The middle-aged man says his elderly father is also Lorenzo Bartolini, and he was out riding his horse.
Charlie urges his grandmother to see if it's the right Lorenzo, but Claire decides she doesn’t want to. Just then, the elder Lorenzo (Franco Nero) arrives and is indeed Claire's long-lost love. The two reunite in a heartfelt embrace.
Lorenzo introduces the three to his family. Later, Sophie leaves to go back to Verona and Victor. Claire tells Charlie "not to wait fifty years" as he discovers there is only one girl he loves, Sophie. Charlie races after her but, seeing her embrace Victor, he leaves.
Back in New York, Sophie presents a story to her boss identical to Claire's tale, and he tells her he is going to publish it. Excited, she rushes home. The next day at work, she gets an invitation to Claire and Lorenzo's wedding that Saturday.
She breaks up with Victor at the kitchen of his Italian restaurant, as their relationship is going nowhere. Sophie flies to Italy alone, hoping to meet Charlie there. However on arrival he is with Patricia, who Sophie presumes is his ex and after Claire reads out the letter Sophie originally wrote to her she runs away.
Charlie chases and finds her on a balcony, where she tells him she's in love with him but he should go back to Patricia. Charlie reveals that there are in fact two Patricias and this one is his cousin and that he is in love with Sophie also.
He climbs up the balcony to kiss Sophie (as Romeo was supposed to have done) but falls. She rushes down to see if he's all right and kisses him as Claire and Lorenzo look on happily followed by the other guests.
年老的一對,經過了五十年,結果是命運把他們倆再綁紮在一起:尋訪!重逢!再遇!結婚! 而年輕的一對的女方,竟然決定拋棄未婚夫,回家後老遠由紐約跑回意大利,希望可以和年輕的男方,再續情緣。
根據《石琪影評》,演出年老的一對 羅蘭素(法蘭高尼路)和 嘉麗兒(雲妮莎烈姬芙) 的兩位老演員,原來是真實生活中的一對夫婦!
Letters to Juliet 維基百科
茱麗葉愛情信箱 香港雅虎電影
Expired 過了限期!《Crazy Heart 港譯:聲聲相識》
《魂斷藍橋 Waterloo Bridge》
兩代不了情《不了情 新不了情》
《An Officer and a Gentleman 衝上雲霄》
It was like .... magic 像著了魔!《緣分的天空 Sleepless in Seattle》
啊 。。。習慣了!《My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女》
孤獨的金融阻擊手《Pretty Woman 港譯:風月俏佳人》
忠于你的伴侶?《 He's Just Not That Into You 港譯:收錯愛情風》
淡淡的哀愁《情書 Love Letter 日文:ラヴレター》
《Hancock 港譯:街頭超人》
早前在港公映的《Letters To Juliet 茱麗葉愛情信箱》,當時沒有衝動入戲院欣賞,等到出影碟就買了來看。

【維基百科】Sophie Hall (Amanda Seyfried) is a fact checker at The New Yorker magazine who dreams of becoming a writer, but her boss, Bobby, does not share her wishes.
Sophie's fiancé, Victor (Gael García Bernal), is about to open an Italian restaurant in downtown New York. To celebrate, the two go on a "pre-honeymoon" to Verona, Italy.
However, Victor is very enthusiastic about, and busy with, finding the best wines and cheeses for his restaurant and, to Sophie's disappointment, hardly has time for her.
While he is out one day, Sophie goes sightseeing and comes across the house where Juliet Capulet supposedly lived and watches in awe as numerous people gather to write letters to Juliet about their loves and post them on Juliet's Wall.
Sophie writes of this in her journal and sits on a bench for a few hours, waiting for closing time, to see what becomes of the letters. A young Italian woman comes to collect the letters, putting them all into a straw basket, and Sophie follows her to a restaurant where the woman meets with three other women, who reveal themselves to be "Juliet's secretaries", writing back to each of the letters.
The next day, Sophie helps Isabel, one of the secretaries, take the letters. A loose brick falls, and behind it is a crumpled envelope. Sophie discovers it is a 1957 letter written by Claire, an English woman who, while in Italy studying art, fell in love with Lorenzo Bartolini. When he asked her to run away with him, she did not show up and wrote to Juliet about it. Sophie writes back.
A few days later, a young English man arrives, Charlie (Chris Egan), revealing that because Sophie responded his grandmother is now here to find her love. When Sophie asks to meet Claire, Charlie says no, but Sophie follows him and is introduced to Claire (Vanessa Redgrave) who is more than happy to meet "Juliet".
Together, the three decide to embark on a journey to find all the Lorenzo Bartolinis near Siena, Italy a place that Claire says Lorenzo always enjoyed. The three meet many Lorenzo Bartolinis, but none of them seem to be the right one, as Claire says she’ll be able to see who Lorenzo is through his blue eyes.
Traveling, Sophie and the grandmother and grandson learn about each others’ lives like that Charlie has an ex-girlfriend he hasn't seen in a year, named Patricia, with Claire learning that Sophie's mother abandoned her when she was nine and Sophie learning that Charlie's parents died in a car crash when he was ten.
Charlie, at first rude, is now attracted to her, but Sophie is standoffish. The three meet many men named Lorenzo Bartolini, and also visit the grave of one who has died. Seeing his grandmother cry, Charlie blames Sophie, telling her she doesn't know what real loss feels like.
Claire berates her grandson and tells him about Sophie's mother, then she visits Sophie in her hotel room and comforts her. Charlie apologizes to Sophie who has gone out and laid down on the grass next to Charlie, and they kiss under the stars.
The next day, while driving back, Claire asks that they stop at a vineyard when she notices it is the vineyard that makes their favorite wine. There, she sees a young Italian man who looks exactly like Lorenzo.
Insisting it's him, Sophie and Charlie go and ask him of his name, which he says is indeed Lorenzo Bartolini. Deciding it must be Lorenzo's grandson, they ask to speak to the young man's father, whose name is also Lorenzo. The middle-aged man says his elderly father is also Lorenzo Bartolini, and he was out riding his horse.
Charlie urges his grandmother to see if it's the right Lorenzo, but Claire decides she doesn’t want to. Just then, the elder Lorenzo (Franco Nero) arrives and is indeed Claire's long-lost love. The two reunite in a heartfelt embrace.
Lorenzo introduces the three to his family. Later, Sophie leaves to go back to Verona and Victor. Claire tells Charlie "not to wait fifty years" as he discovers there is only one girl he loves, Sophie. Charlie races after her but, seeing her embrace Victor, he leaves.
Back in New York, Sophie presents a story to her boss identical to Claire's tale, and he tells her he is going to publish it. Excited, she rushes home. The next day at work, she gets an invitation to Claire and Lorenzo's wedding that Saturday.
She breaks up with Victor at the kitchen of his Italian restaurant, as their relationship is going nowhere. Sophie flies to Italy alone, hoping to meet Charlie there. However on arrival he is with Patricia, who Sophie presumes is his ex and after Claire reads out the letter Sophie originally wrote to her she runs away.
Charlie chases and finds her on a balcony, where she tells him she's in love with him but he should go back to Patricia. Charlie reveals that there are in fact two Patricias and this one is his cousin and that he is in love with Sophie also.
He climbs up the balcony to kiss Sophie (as Romeo was supposed to have done) but falls. She rushes down to see if he's all right and kisses him as Claire and Lorenzo look on happily followed by the other guests.
年老的一對,經過了五十年,結果是命運把他們倆再綁紮在一起:尋訪!重逢!再遇!結婚! 而年輕的一對的女方,竟然決定拋棄未婚夫,回家後老遠由紐約跑回意大利,希望可以和年輕的男方,再續情緣。
根據《石琪影評》,演出年老的一對 羅蘭素(法蘭高尼路)和 嘉麗兒(雲妮莎烈姬芙) 的兩位老演員,原來是真實生活中的一對夫婦!
Letters to Juliet 維基百科
茱麗葉愛情信箱 香港雅虎電影
Expired 過了限期!《Crazy Heart 港譯:聲聲相識》
《魂斷藍橋 Waterloo Bridge》
兩代不了情《不了情 新不了情》
《An Officer and a Gentleman 衝上雲霄》
It was like .... magic 像著了魔!《緣分的天空 Sleepless in Seattle》
啊 。。。習慣了!《My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女》
孤獨的金融阻擊手《Pretty Woman 港譯:風月俏佳人》
忠于你的伴侶?《 He's Just Not That Into You 港譯:收錯愛情風》
淡淡的哀愁《情書 Love Letter 日文:ラヴレター》
《Hancock 港譯:街頭超人》
Sunday, October 03, 2010
《愛菜詞》 唐寅
菜 之 味 兮 不 可 輕,
人 無 此 味 將 何 行?
士 知 此 味 事 業 成,
農 知 此 味 食 廩 盈,
技 知 此 味 藝 業 精,
商 知 此 味 貨 利 增。
但 願 人 人 知 此 味,
此 味 安 能 別 蒼 生?
我 愛 菜,人 愛 肉,
肉 多 不 入 賢 人 腹。
廚 中 有 碗 黃 齏 粥,
三 生 自 有 清 閑 福。
十字花科類、綠葉類、蔥蒜類、瓜果類、茄果類、薯芋類、根菜類、豆莢類、多年生菜類、水生菜類、食用菌類、海洋蔬菜、and 其他類。
西洋菜 和 西蘭花 顧名思義是西洋來的,番茄、番薯,和番瓜都是外國品種,荷蘭豆是不是真的由荷蘭移植過來的呢?以前新界有農民種稻米,種蔬菜瓜菓。年幼時隨外婆行濕街市,都有見到標榜新界菜芯售賣,現在到超市購買,祇見到有”寧夏菜芯“。
唐伯虎寫的《愛菜詞》說:吃蔬菜對 士、農、工(技)、商,都有益處,就他個人而說,吃蔬菜:『三 生 自 有 清 閑 福!』
平日為了方便,都經由超市購買,愛吃菜芯、小棠菜、莧菜、甕菜(青骨)、椰菜(捲心菜 cabbage)、中國生菜、玻璃生菜、油麥菜、紹菜(肥的叫:nappa/ chinese cabbage,瘦得叫:chinese lettuce)、西蘭花、椰菜花、節瓜(毛瓜)、冬瓜、絲瓜,矮瓜(茄子)等等。
蔬菜 維基百科
唐伯虎詩詞 國學寶庫
唐寅 《愛菜詞》賞析 谷歌搜尋網
世界心臟日 新浪新聞網
《愛菜詞》 唐寅
菜 之 味 兮 不 可 輕,
人 無 此 味 將 何 行?
士 知 此 味 事 業 成,
農 知 此 味 食 廩 盈,
技 知 此 味 藝 業 精,
商 知 此 味 貨 利 增。
但 願 人 人 知 此 味,
此 味 安 能 別 蒼 生?
我 愛 菜,人 愛 肉,
肉 多 不 入 賢 人 腹。
廚 中 有 碗 黃 齏 粥,
三 生 自 有 清 閑 福。
十字花科類、綠葉類、蔥蒜類、瓜果類、茄果類、薯芋類、根菜類、豆莢類、多年生菜類、水生菜類、食用菌類、海洋蔬菜、and 其他類。
西洋菜 和 西蘭花 顧名思義是西洋來的,番茄、番薯,和番瓜都是外國品種,荷蘭豆是不是真的由荷蘭移植過來的呢?以前新界有農民種稻米,種蔬菜瓜菓。年幼時隨外婆行濕街市,都有見到標榜新界菜芯售賣,現在到超市購買,祇見到有”寧夏菜芯“。
唐伯虎寫的《愛菜詞》說:吃蔬菜對 士、農、工(技)、商,都有益處,就他個人而說,吃蔬菜:『三 生 自 有 清 閑 福!』
平日為了方便,都經由超市購買,愛吃菜芯、小棠菜、莧菜、甕菜(青骨)、椰菜(捲心菜 cabbage)、中國生菜、玻璃生菜、油麥菜、紹菜(肥的叫:nappa/ chinese cabbage,瘦得叫:chinese lettuce)、西蘭花、椰菜花、節瓜(毛瓜)、冬瓜、絲瓜,矮瓜(茄子)等等。
蔬菜 維基百科
唐伯虎詩詞 國學寶庫
唐寅 《愛菜詞》賞析 谷歌搜尋網
世界心臟日 新浪新聞網
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