The Wit and Wisdom of Winston Churchill

聖誕新年假期一連十天﹐ 正如在別人的網誌上留言板留低的話, ”HOME ALONE“ ﹐家人全都外遊﹐我一個人留守家園﹐就像那個小子說我要保衛家園。 閒來在網上拜讀了很多人家網誌上的文章。其中有關於 Sir Winston Churchill 邱吉爾爵士 (醉幻迷離 人生是戲
Friday, October 28, 2005).
說起 邱吉爾 可談的太多了, 除了他那能擊蕩人心的演說和精闢的警世真言外﹐也欣賞Winston Churchill 的急才, 以下二例可略見一二<付註>。
between President Roosevelt and Churchill (witty, 滑過泥鰍)
Churchill was at the White House as a guest of President Roosevelt . One morning when he clambered out the bath and was walking past the bedroom door when there was a rat-tat-tat. As he was closest to the door, he automatically opened it. On the other side of the door was Roosevelt in his wheelchair. He was startled to see the prime minister in the nude, but Churchill simply said: "Good Morning, Mr President, do come in. As you can see I have nothing to hide from the United States."
between Clement Attlee and Churchill (這句更底死)
In the gentlemen's room, Churchill walked to the other end when Clement came in.
Clement: "Winston, I know we are political opponents, but we don't have to carry our differences into the gentlemen's lavatory."
Winston: "Clement, the trouble with you Socialists is that whenever you see anything in robust and sturdy condition you want the government to nationalize it."
以下是 Haper Collins 的節錄精選
出自 The Wit and Wisdom of Winston Churchill: A treasury of more than 1,000 Quotations and Anecdotes by James C. Humes 我還未全讀完巔巔兄blogged 的所有文章﹐如果我是重複了巔兄的﹐那正好應了這一句話: IMITATION is the sincerest flattering, 模仿別人就是最由衷的讚美==>說俗點就是“最由衷的擦鞋", 擦巔兄的鞋。