
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報

“During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

另一位 “ 張小姐” -- 寫在曾特首剛從京回港

《張寶華》說出來﹐ 你未必記得她是誰﹐但如果我問﹐ 前中華人民共和國國家主席、前中共中央總書記﹐前中國共產黨及中華人民共和國中央軍事委員會主席﹔江主席﹑澤民先生﹐ 那名句《Too Simple Sometimes Naive 》, 是衝著誰爆出來的??? 就是當年有線電視新聞記者張寶華小姐。

張大小姐的一條問題 《中央是否欽點董建華連任? 》令江澤民動怒, 這一條問題令她聲名大噪了一陣子, 之後她旅居牛津求學, 暫別傳媒﹐ 聲名除著時間被淡忘了。 現在她回來了﹐但沒有加盟任何電子傳媒﹐只接freelance﹐ 有說她在Now財經台繼續擔任節目主持﹐我未有Now 所以未看過 。

我是從明報 blog 看到她的文章﹐並連結了張小姐的網誌﹐另一位張宏艷小姐暫別 blog 壇去生 o卑 BEE﹐就讓另一位補充空白期吧。

其他資料: 名人書房 , 維基百科 , 江澤民責罵記者片段 YOUTUBE

今次是曾特首今屆最後一次上京述職﹐他還未證實是否在明年再參選下屆特首﹐今趟記者在京沒有膽再問。胡主席定必有備而來﹐卻用不著了﹐白白失去聽一聽, 應該會是十二分精彩的"胡回應"。

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Wit and Wisdom of Winston Churchill

The Wit and Wisdom of Winston Churchill

聖誕新年假期一連十天﹐ 正如在別人的網誌上留言板留低的話, ”HOME ALONE“ ﹐家人全都外遊﹐我一個人留守家園﹐就像那個小子說我要保衛家園。 閒來在網上拜讀了很多人家網誌上的文章。其中有關於 Sir Winston Churchill 邱吉爾爵士 (醉幻迷離 人生是戲 Friday, October 28, 2005).

說起 邱吉爾 可談的太多了, 除了他那能擊蕩人心的演說和精闢的警世真言外﹐也欣賞Winston Churchill 的急才, 以下二例可略見一二<付註>。

between President Roosevelt and Churchill (witty, 滑過泥鰍)

Churchill was at the White House as a guest of President Roosevelt . One morning when he clambered out the bath and was walking past the bedroom door when there was a rat-tat-tat. As he was closest to the door, he automatically opened it. On the other side of the door was Roosevelt in his wheelchair. He was startled to see the prime minister in the nude, but Churchill simply said: "Good Morning, Mr President, do come in. As you can see I have nothing to hide from the United States."

between Clement Attlee and Churchill (這句更底死)

In the gentlemen's room, Churchill walked to the other end when Clement came in.
Clement: "Winston, I know we are political opponents, but we don't have to carry our differences into the gentlemen's lavatory."
Winston: "Clement, the trouble with you Socialists is that whenever you see anything in robust and sturdy condition you want the government to nationalize it."

以下是 Haper Collins 的節錄精選


出自 The Wit and Wisdom of Winston Churchill: A treasury of more than 1,000 Quotations and Anecdotes by James C. Humes 我還未全讀完巔巔兄blogged 的所有文章﹐如果我是重複了巔兄的﹐那正好應了這一句話: IMITATION is the sincerest flattering, 模仿別人就是最由衷的讚美==>說俗點就是“最由衷的擦鞋", 擦巔兄的鞋。

Thursday, December 28, 2006


World Wide Web 的威力, 令時代週刊二零零六年的風雲人物是: YOU 你 (因為有了WWW)。話口未完﹐一場不小的臺灣外海的地震﹐影響了互聯網的命脈﹐海底電纜﹐受損但未斷﹐ 卻做成了網絡大塞車﹐電盈說已經轉移到其他電纜﹐想是經歐洲去美洲﹐繞過有問題的一組電纜﹐但不勝負荷﹐香港對外的互聯變成互亂。 TVB 新聞報導﹐有公司完全依賴互聯網電郵﹐連繫客戶和供應商﹐頓時變成了孤島﹐只能用無線電話。 工商業受阻﹐私人方面﹐我們用 blogger 的也連接不上海外的主機待候器﹐變成雖然大家都是在香港但無法 post blog﹐ 變成無 blog 可讀的一晚。

那我選擇看書﹐想看Dan Brown 的 Angels and Demons 很久﹐由今天下午開始看﹐剛讀到教廷那個 Camerlengo 在BBC發表電視演說﹐一大段的話 。。。。嘩嘩很精彩!!!! (但不代表完全同意)。 古人沒有互聯網﹐ 但他們有書可讀﹐一書在手﹐閱讀的樂趣是無窮的﹐我想書籍這hardware﹐還是有他她它的保留價值﹐雖然很多書都已經上網成為software﹐由硬變軟﹐但書籍是不會被互聯網完全取代的。

寫在二零零六年十二月二十七日晚在MS WORDS上﹐容後貼上BLOG。

TVB-HK新聞: 電訊管理局估計最少要五天時間,才能局部修復,受地震破壞的光纖電纜。
而台灣方面, 中華電信繼續搶修光纖電纜,估計要兩、三星期,才能全面修理好。

由開始直至我 post 這篇 blog 已經 上24小時有多﹐但仍然很慢﹐可知破壞遠超出預計

Angels and Demons 第九十四章

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

人海中那個是你- YOU?

這幾天假期﹐正如在別人的網誌上”留言板“留低的話 HOME ALONE﹐家人全都外遊﹐我一個人留守家園﹐就像那個小子說我要保衛家園。 但一路相安無事﹐除外出吃一餐兩餐三餐 麥記﹐CDC﹐ CDF﹐也吃了幾餐”出前一町“ the original 麻油即食麵。閒來除了吃和睡﹐便是上網﹐先看新聞﹐再看副刊﹐回覆了很多過了時的Emails。實在抱歉一些非緊急的電郵﹐看一看未看完就飛﹐但我還有良心﹐無把它們刪掉﹐只是把它們翻生為未讀﹐假期正好利用來清一清﹐並向有心的朋友一一道謝﹐維繫友情。

餘下的時間閱讀了很多別人的網誌s﹐乃因近月連結了梁巔巔的醉幻迷離人生是戲﹐他老兄人面廣﹐連結上很多的網誌s﹐加上連結的連結﹐所以讀了很多很多別人的網誌。在這裡我不是評論別人的觀點﹐而是發覺﹐其實我們這近兩三輩的香港人﹐可能有不同的政治取向﹐宗教信仰﹐不同背景 等等, 但對事物的看法和觀點是大同小異﹐雖然有較偏激的﹐有較溫和的﹐但只是表達方式的不同﹐內裡的觀點很多是不謀而合。

我是港英政府教育出來的﹐九七前後的這幾輩人﹐被評為冷漠的香港人﹐不像早幾輩的香港人充滿”人情味“﹐ 在街上走﹐木口木面﹐神情冷漠﹐對街上其他的行人視而不見﹐鄰居也很少打招呼﹐連姓甚麼都不曉得。 但在互聯網上﹐竟然可以互相交流﹐呼朋喚友﹐稱兄道弟﹐成為一個 community, 難怪時代週刊選了﹕ YOU 為本年的風雲人物 。

網上結識的可能是你在街上擦身而過的男和女﹐可能是你樓上樓下隔壁的鄰居﹐ to pay it forward 我以後我會向你友善的微笑﹐希望你也能回應一個微笑﹐而不是告訴你身邊的人﹐有個<<傻佬>>快o的走遠o的。


人海中那個是你- YOU?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

NORAD tracks Santa

NORAD tracks Santa

Visit the site or view the promotional video below from YOUTUBE with your kids or if you YOURself still have a young heart.

Related links: The Promotion Video See the same video as above if your youtube doesnt work The site See video of Santa being seen at various spots around the world like Great Wall of China, the Opera House of Sydney Australia, Fuji Yama of Japan etc etc. click at each spot to see separate video History For more than 50 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) have tracked Santa. The tradition began after a Colorado Springs-based Sears Roebuck & Co. store advertisement for children to call Santa on a special "hotline" included an inadvertently misprinted telephone number. Instead of Santa, the phone number put kids through to the CONAD Commander-in-Chief's operations "hotline." The Director of Operations, Colonel Harry Shoup, received the first "Santa" call on Christmas Eve 1955. Realizing what had happened, Colonel Shoup had his staff check radar data to see if there was any indication of Santa making his way south from the North Pole. Indeed there were signs of Santa and children who called were given an update on Santa's position. Thus, the tradition was born. In 1958, the governments of Canada and the United States created a bi-national air defense command for the North American continent called the North American Air Defense Command, known as NORAD. Canada and the U.S. believed they could better defend North America together as a team instead of separately. NORAD carried out its first Santa tracking in 1958 after inheriting the tradition from CONAD. Since that time, Canadian and American men and women who work at NORAD have responded to phone calls from children personally. Additionally, media from all over the world call NORAD on Christmas Eve for updates on Santa's location. Last year this Website was visited by millions of people who wanted to know Santa's whereabouts. This year, the information is provided in six languages.

Sourced from NORAD.org and Youtube.com

Monday, December 25, 2006

談一位鳳凰衛視女主播 -- 陳曉楠

陳曉楠 除了擔任主播《 鳳凰早班車 》早晨新聞報導外﹐還有一個個人的時事性節目 《 冷暖人生 》﹐ 冷暖人生是從背面探討與回顧新聞事件。 所以她不能每天都負責主播 鳳凰早班車﹐她不在時﹐由其他主播接班。但我每天也不能看多久就要出門返工﹐只可以在假期時﹐ 好像聖誕節今天才有機會看完。 但 冷暖人生的時段更不合適﹐所以很少看。

喜歡看陳曉楠報導新聞﹐是她能把新聞報導轉化成﹐好像一位朋友面對面告訴你﹐在過去十多小時﹐世界發生甚麼大小事﹐除了有關於數字的﹐她都不用看著資料讀出來。 這樣用字方面沒有那麼死板﹐可以靈活的把新聞告訴熒幕前的我﹐聽來舒服﹐當然當報導嚴肅新聞時她也變得較嚴謹﹐但也是用較口語化的告訴你。 比起其他電視臺的新聞報導較有可觀性。

陳曉楠的樣子不可以說很美﹐但貴為電視主播不會醜﹐她有端正莊重的臉﹐加上她特有的﹐親切的談話方式來報新聞﹐ 令人舒服﹐前些時候梁巔巔兄說﹐《女子的美來自氣質﹐有氣質美麗就散發出來》﹐我想用來形容對陳曉楠是最合適不過的。

OK 這是陳曉楠熒幕前得形像﹐真實的陳曉楠是怎麼樣的﹐我不曉得﹐鳳凰衛視沒有特別節目訪問自家的主播﹐是要保持神秘感? 還是要保護私隱呢? 就此收筆。

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Seasonal Greetings

Picture from screensavers.com

Merry Christmas


Happy Healthy & Prosperous

New Year 2007

Annex: VERY Bright and Brilliant Christmas Lights 聖誕燈飾 in Hong Kong
(sourced from HKtvb news)

聖誕快樂 Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
普 天 同 慶
普天同慶 聖誕快樂