
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報

“During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, December 24, 2010






Merry Christmas
普 天 同 慶
普天同慶 聖誕快樂
Seasonal Greetings

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

鸚鵡洲 與 黃鶴樓

鸚鵡洲 與 黃鶴樓


《黃鶴樓》 崔顥

昔 人 已 乘 黃 鶴 去,

此 地 空 餘 黃 鶴 樓。

黃 鶴 一 去 不 復 返,

白 雲 千 載 空 悠 悠。

晴 川 歷 歷 漢 陽 樹,

芳 草 萋 萋 鸚 鵡 洲。

日 暮 鄉 關 何 處 是?

煙 波 江 上 使 人 愁。



華叔司徒華患上肺癌,仍然筆耕不斷[註],前些時在明報副刊的三言堂欄登文,介紹唐代詩人 崔顥《黃鶴樓》詩。華叔說:黃鶴樓位於武昌西,面臨長江。相傳仙人子安曾乘鶴過此,該名勝至今仍在。昔人:從前的人,是指曾到黃鶴樓的仙人。晴川:是太陽照耀下的長江。歷歷:清楚看得見。漢陽樹:武漢附近長江兩岸的樹木。萋萋:茂盛。鸚鵡洲:在漢陽西南長江中的島嶼,後被江水沖沒,今已不存在。











[註]近日 華叔 在明報的《三言堂》和【司徒華 文章彙編】 已沒有新文刊登,最後的一篇文章是 2010-11-20 的: 從「杞人憂天」做起, 據了解 華叔 已經入住 威爾斯親王醫院,我會為 華叔 的健康祈禱!

黃鶴樓與鳳凰台 司徒華作品彙集
崔顥《黃鶴樓》賞析 谷歌搜尋
黃鶴樓 維基百科
武漢黄鹤樓旅遊 51766.com
黃鶴樓 谷歌搜尋
武漢長江大橋 維基百科

煙雨中 江南春
黃河之水 創作之門

Sunday, December 19, 2010




週六的明報刊出翻譯了的一篇【華盛頓郵報】的 文章

Don't let China be a Middle Kingdom bully: By Richard Cohen
【Washington Post】One of the more frightening aspects of China's persecution of Liu Xiaobo, the imprisoned dissident and this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner, is that the government never even bothered to frame him.

That's the standard method used by totalitarian regimes to justify the unjustifiable, but China feels no need to placate the West or even caricature its system of justice, so it swiftly put his wife under house arrest, vilified the Norwegian Nobel Committee and censored any criticism of its own actions - a display of ferocious petulance reminiscent of Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany or, in fairy tales, the thwarted Rumpelstiltskin stomping his foot into the ground.

China's stomping was sufficient to intimidate the 16 other countries that boycotted the Nobel awards ceremony last week, some of them because persecution of dissidents is a native craft (Venezuela, Russia, Cuba) and some merely because China is a valued trading partner (Sri Lanka).

Whatever the case, even such countries as Russia would have gone through the trouble of framing a dissident - as it did with the remarkably courageous Mikhail Khodorkovsky - since it pretends to be a democracy. This pathetic attempt at make-believe justice is the hallmark of an insecure regime and is often punctuated with coerced confessions and denunciations from former associates and, in Stalin's glory days, spouses.

China has no such compunctions. It is recasting itself as a latter-day Middle Kingdom, not so much an epoch as a mind-set - the ethnocentric conviction that it occupies the middle of the earth and is surrounded by barbarians. The barbarians in this case include the United States, a beggar nation with a decrepit educational system, and Japan and South Korea as well.

China had taken to treating these two Asian nations with unconcealed contempt. The Post's John Pomfret recently described how China's chief diplomat, State Councilor Dai Bingguo, flew to South Korea without invitation or warning, demanded to land at an airfield normally reserved for heads of state and insisted on seeing the president immediately. To his credit, President Lee Myung-bak made Dai cool his heels for a day.

The Chinese, I suppose, are entitled to a certain amount of chest-thumping. They have come a long way. For many years, China was subservient to the West, with various countries looting it for trade or resources and even encouraging an addiction to opium there.

Now China is the world's second-largest economy and, with 1.3 billion people, well on its way to No. 1. It is a major U.S. creditor, a cherished if not-altogether-fair trading partner and now a major military power. Its former pose of modesty in international affairs has been chucked. China has become a bit of a bully.

Ascendant nationalism is inherently unstable, and the United States has to proceed cautiously and firmly when dealing with China. Beijing's belligerence has produced both the beginning of an anti-China coalition in the Far East and a little counter-gunboat diplomacy on the part of the United States. With its chip-on-the-shoulder approach, China has gone too far. As for the United States, it has not gone far enough.

Of course, China is just too big and powerful to push around. Everything about it is massive. It holds nearly $3 trillion in foreign exchange reserves and it, not the United States, is Saudi Arabia's biggest oil customer. Nevertheless, Washington needs to contest China's insistence that what it does in its own country is its own business.

Its treatment of dissidents is appalling - no more indigenously Chinese than the brutal beating of journalists is inherently Russian. The United States needs to respect China. It does not need to respect its repressive methods.

Oddly enough, the insistent Mia Farrow showed the way. Before the Beijing Olympics - the "Genocide Olympics," she called it - she campaigned against China's protective relationship with the brutal regime in Sudan. China soon leaned on Sudan to at least moderate its behavior, suggesting that even for a little while such tactics can be effective. Today's moral reproval is yesterday's gunboat.

Congress, which once kept an eagle eye on China's human rights record, has recently become so obsessed with China's economic importance that it no longer says much about the way Beijing treats political and religious dissidents.

But China cannot be some Middle Kingdom redux, making its own rules on everything from unilaterally claiming a hunk of the ocean to imprisoning the most unassertive of political protesters. China's money buys many things, but not - for the sake of its own dissidents and our national pride - America's silence.

不要讓中國做霸王 作者:Richard Cohen












後記:Richard Cohen 何許人也?(擇要轉載)
【維基百科】Cohen is a graduate of Far Rockaway High School and attended Hunter College, New York University, and Columbia University. He is a four-time Pulitzer Prize finalist in the "Commentary" category. Cohen splits his time between Washington, D.C. and New York City 。。。。。。。。

In 1998, Cohen was involved in a dispute with editorial aide Devon Spurgeon that was ultimately mediated by Washington Post management. Cohen reportedly asked Ms. Sturgeon questions about "casual sex", told her to "stand up and turn around", and gave her the "silent treatment" for three weeks. Cohen contended that "It was a personality dispute at an office, but it had nothing to do with sexual harassment as the term applies today." Post management concluded that Ms. Spurgeon had been subjected to a "hostile working environment" but not to "sexual harassment" and that Cohen was guilty of "inappropriate behavior

In 2009, Cohen was recognized as the "World's Worst Writer" by Wonkette. Salon.com named him the #1 "Hack" in 2010. Alex Pareene wrote for Salon, "He's not so much an old liberal who grew conservative as he is a simplistic old hack who believes his common prejudices to be politically incorrect truths and his Beltway conventional wisdom to be bracing political insight.

Richard Cohen 雖然四次提名新聞界的“普立茲獎“ Pulitzer Prize 都無功而還。看似靠的是嘩眾取寵,但卻引來不少非議,也可稱為臭名遠播!

Don't let China be a Middle Kingdom bully washingtonpost.com
不要讓中國做霸王 雅虎新聞網
Richard Cohen 維基百科

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