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咩嘢嚟? 「大型強子對撞器 Large Hadron Collider」(LHC)
認識 CERN 是讀 Dan Brown 的 fiction novel 小說, 『天使與魔鬼 Angels and Demons』。
CERN 全名是 Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire
英文:European Organization for Nuclear Research.
《CNN》 Scientists Wednesday applauded as one of the most ambitious experiments ever conceived got successfully underway, with protons being fired around a 27-kilometer (17-mile) tunnel deep beneath the border of France and Switzerland in an attempt to unlock the secrets of the universe.
The Large Hadron Collider -- a $9 billion particle accelerator designed to simulate conditions of the Big Bang that created the physical Universe -- was switched on at 0732 GMT to cheers and applause from experts gathered to witness the event.
While observers were left nonplussed by the anticlimactic flashing dots on a TV screen that signalled the machine's successful test run, among teams of scientists involved around the world there were jubilant celebrations and popping champagne corks.
In the coming months, the collider is expected to begin smashing particles into each other by sending two beams of protons around the tunnel in opposite directions.
Skeptics, who claim that the experiment could lead to the creation of a black hole capable of swallowing the planet, failed in a legal bid to halt the project at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.
Others have branded it a colossal waste of cash, draining resources from its multinational collaborators that could have been spent on scientific research with more tangible benefits to mankind.
They say the experiment has the potential to confirm theories that physicists have been working on for decades including the possible existence of extra dimensions. They also hope to find a theoretical particle called the Higgs boson -- sometimes referred to as the "God particle," which has never been detected, but would help explain why matter has mass.
The collider will recreate the conditions of less than a millionth of a second after the Big Bang, when there was a hot "soup" of tiny particles called quarks and gluons, to look at how the universe evolved.
Since this is exploratory science, the collider may uncover surprises that contradict prevailing theories, but which are just as interesting, said Joseph Lykken, theoretical physicist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
Fears have emerged that the collider could produce black holes that could suck up anything around them -- including the whole Earth. Such fears prompted legal actions in the U.S. and Europe to halt the operation of the Large Hadron Collider, alleging safety concerns regarding black holes and other phenomena that could theoretically emerge.
Although physicists acknowledge that the collider could, in theory, create small black holes, they say they do not pose any risk. A study released Friday by CERN scientists explains that any black hole created would be tiny, and would not have enough energy to stick around very long before dissolving. Five collider collaborators who did not pen the report independently told CNN there would be no danger from potential black holes.
John Huth, who works on the collider's ATLAS experiment, called such fears "baloney" in a recent interview, and noted that in normal physics, even if the black hole were stable, it could just pass through the Earth without being detected or without interacting at all.
"The gravitational force is so weak that you'd have to wait many, many, many, many, many lifetimes of the universe before one of these things could [get] big enough to even get close to being a problem," said Huth, professor of physics at Harvard University.
【明報專訊】被視為人類歷史上最大規模、集合全球科研精英和大量物力的粒子科學實驗,即將於下周三啟動。科學家在 瑞士 與 法國 邊境,興建的大型地下實驗機內,讓兩組粒子以高速相撞,模擬宇宙初開大爆炸(Big Bang)的情况。然而,在有望破解宇宙萬物起源的亙古謎團的同時,亦有許多人卻擔心實驗所使用的超強大原子解體機,會導致地球灰飛煙滅!負責研究的科學家承認,實驗有可能會造成極微小的黑洞,但對地球不會構成威脅。
宇宙的起源為何?質量的來由是什麼?為什麼有些粒子有質量,有些又沒有呢?世界是否只有4維(長、闊、高及時間軸),還是有更多維數(dimensions)?世界物質的最基本構成,到底是粒子,還是真的如弦理論所說,是一條條的弦?儘管科學家提出了很多理論模型,卻迄今無法驗證。歐洲核子研究中心號召了85國約萬名科學家,花20年時間在瑞士法國邊界地底,打造了「大型強子對撞器」(Large Hadron Collider),就是想透過實驗找出證據。
專家估計,撞擊一瞬所釋出的熱力或高達1萬億℃,相當於太陽中心熱力的10萬倍。科學家相信,實驗可模擬大爆炸後產生的首批粒子,科學家尤其想找出希格斯玻色子(Higgs boson)。這粒子是當代物理學的基石,被認為賦予了所有粒子質量。科學家認為大爆炸後一瞬間,所有粒子都沒有質量,當溫度稍下降後,希格斯玻色子「塞」入粒子中,令粒子變成有質量子(重量)。
Dan Brown 小說中 CERN 的科學家發現了『反物質 Anti matter』,卻被人偷去,企圖在 Vatican 梵蒂岡,萬眾齊集,等候新的教宗選出時引爆,制造恐怖襲擊。
今天在歐洲 法國 與 瑞士 交界處,有科學家利用 17英哩長的長廊,模擬了一次粒子撞擊,事前有另一派的科學家,提出了另一個理論,若撞擊後產生了『黑洞 Black Hole』,就會一步一步吸入,地球的物質,直到把整個地球吞噬! 人類自取滅亡!
人類有冒險精神,由最初期的離開陸地,乘船出海探險,發現新大陸,發現遠方的國度,再而向太空進發,派人征月,派機械人征火星。都是先保護自己根據地,才向外發展,但今次 CERN,卻在地球上,自己的地方,攪粒子撞擊實驗。
六十多年前,第一個原子彈裝置,在美國的 奈華達州引爆,令到人類進入原子時代,繼而拋了兩個原子彈落日本廣島和長崎,試驗成功屈服了日本人,立即無條件投降,結束第二次世界大戰。 之後美國,俄國(前蘇聯),英國,法國,紛紛研發,原子彈,氫氣彈,核子彈,其後中國只要核子不要褲子,製造核子阻嚇自保,以色列,印度,巴基斯坦,都核試成功,連北韓 和 伊朗 也宣布加入核子俱樂部。
世界危機出處處! 今次 CERN 的第一次撞擊,可能未有產生『黑洞 Black Hole』,再撞多幾次,會點呢? 話我杞人憂天都好喇,我確實很擔心!超級粒子撞擊實驗會造成黑洞,繼而毁滅地球!
在九一一七週年的前夕,CERN 的一群科學家,嘗試用 LHC 進行粒子撞擊實驗,說是解答宇宙之謎。曾幾何時,研究核子裂變聚變,也是為解答物理學之謎。科學上開發的技術,好像錢幣的兩面,有些人看到一面,有些人看到另外一面。擁有核武的國家,可以不戰而屈人,屈服於核威脅的國家,那會心悅誠服,只是埋下種下仇恨的種子,究竟人類有沒有從歷史中學習得到呢?
黑洞(Black Hole)是根據現代的物理理論和天文學理論,所預言的在宇宙空間中存在的一種天體區域。
歷史上,法國力學家拉普拉斯曾預言:「一個質量如 250 個太陽,而直徑為地球的發光恆星,由於其引力的作用,將不允許任何光線離開它。由於這個原因,宇宙中最大的發光天體,卻不會被我們看見」。
資料來源:CNN.Com, About.Com, Yahoo.com, wiki.org