怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, October 22, 2010
至8月17日凌晨兩時許,巨風扯斷了佛山號的錨鍊,最後在大嶼山東北扒頭鼓對出約 400呎(約120米)的海域被大風吹翻沉沒。「佛山號」船上共載有92人,但僅有4人獲救,其餘88人均告罹難,成為香港有記錄至今第四多人死亡的海難。
再翻查“維基百科”這位露絲小姐,其實祇是侏儒颱風,未有列入“超強颱風”,不過已經做成,110人死亡、286人受傷、50人失蹤及 5,644人無家可歸。
【維基百科】1971年的颱風露絲(Typhoon Rose),是二次大戰以後吹襲香港最強的颱風之一。和颱風溫黛一樣,「露絲」同樣屬於中心風力緊密而強勁的颱風,被稱為侏儒系統(Midget System)。
襲港期間,露絲共造成110人死亡、286人受傷、50人失蹤及 5,644人無家可歸,是香港史上第六多人死亡的風災,亦是第二次世界大戰後至今在香港造成超過 100人死亡的兩次風災之中的其中一次,死亡人數僅次於二戰後的溫黛。
今次“鮎魚”來勢洶洶,又掛著“超級颱風”之名,我自私一些,希望她吹歪啲,唔好正面襲港。 不過無論是偏東,偏西,都會吹襲中國國內的城市、縣城,鄉鎮,其實一樣令我擔憂!
佛山號翻沉 維基百科
颱風露絲 維基百科
熱帶氣旋~鮎魚 香港天文台網頁
Tropical Cyclone~Megi 香港天文台網頁
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
是 無以為繼?還是 滄海遺珠?
2010年度的”諾貝爾經濟學獎“,由英美三位學者共同奪得!分別為:美國麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的岱蒙德(Peter A Diamond)、西北大學的蒙坦森(Dale T Mortensen),以及英國倫敦政經學院的皮薩瑞德(Chritopher Pissarides)。
而法籍經濟學家 Maurice Allais 最近去世(1911-2010)享年九十九歲,他在 1988年獲得諾貝爾經濟學獎。
John Bates Clark Medal 克拉克獎
【維基百科】The John Bates Clark Medal is awarded by the American Economic Association to "that American economist under the age of forty who is adjudged to have made a significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge".
According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, "it is widely regarded as one of the field’s most prestigious awards, perhaps second only to the Nobel in economic science."
The award was made biennially until 2007, but is being awarded every year from 2009 because many deserving went unawarded. Named after the American Neoclassical economist John Bates Clark (1847-1938), it is considered one of the two most prestigious awards in the field of economics, along with the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.
Following an average wait of 22 years, approximately 40% of past Medal winners have gone on to win the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economics, presented annually since 1969 at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm. Moreover, 11 of the first 17 awardees (approximately 65%) went on to win the Nobel Prize Award.
John Bates Clark Medal 克拉克獎 是美國經濟學會(American Economic Association)所頒發的獎項,俗稱「小諾貝爾經濟獎」。入選的條件為「四十歲以下的美國經濟學者,並在經濟學思想與知識上提供了卓越的貢獻」。
這個獎項是以美國新古典主義經濟學家約翰·貝茨·克拉克(John Bates Clark)來命名,設立於此人百年誕辰的1947年,每兩年頒發一次。
兼得 克拉克經濟學獎章 和 諾貝爾經濟學獎 的經濟學家有:
1947 Paul A. Samuelson (1970 Nobel 2009 died)
1951 Milton Friedman (1976 Nobel 2006 died)
1955 James Tobin (1981 Nobel 2002 died)
1957 Kenneth J. Arrow (1972 Nobel)
1959 Lawrence R. Klein (1980 Nobel)
1961 Robert M. Solow (1987 Nobel)
1967 Gary S. Becker (1992 Nobel)
1975 Daniel McFadden (2000 Nobel)
1979 Joseph E. Stiglitz (2001 Nobel)
1981 A. Michael Spence (2001 Nobel)
1983 James J. Heckman (2000 Nobel)
1991 Paul R. Krugman (2008 Nobel)
Paul R. Krugman 克魯文(又譯成 克魯曼 或 克魯格曼)在二零零八年得到 諾貝爾經濟學獎,他暫時是最後一位,也是第十二位,同時奪得 克拉克獎(一九九一年)and 諾貝爾獎(二零零八年)的經濟學家。
之前之後的 克拉克經濟學獎章得獎章者,而尚未去世,還有機會的,或是暫時太年輕,等候機會的經濟學家有:
1969 Marc Leon Nerlove
1971 Dale W. Jorgenson
1973 Franklin M. Fisher
1977 Martin S. Feldstein
1985 Jerry A. Hausman
1987 Sanford J. Grossman
1989 David M. Kreps
1993 Lawrence H. Summers
1995 David Card
1997 Kevin M. Murphy
1999 Andrei Shleifer
2001 Matthew Rabin
2003 Steven Levitt
2005 Daron Acemoglu
2007 Susan C. Athey
2009 Emmanuel Saez
也有三位 克拉克經濟學獎章得獎者,卻沒等得到 諾貝爾經濟學獎,就已經去世的。他們是因為之後,學術無以為繼,再下一城的呢?還是滄海遺珠的呢?
1949 Kenneth E. Boulding (1993 died)
1963 Hendrik S. Houthakker (2008 died)
1965 Zvi Griliches (1999 died)
而1953年的 克拉克獎 在沒有適當人選下,Skipped 沒有頒獎,可見頒獎的審查委員會的嚴謹,寧願沒有得獎者,都不隨便頒獎。不過近年則沒有暫停頒獎,這是因為經濟學界蓬勃,人才輩出,還是沒有了以前的嚴謹呢?而今年三位諾貝爾經濟學獎得主,都未有同時在四十歲前奪得”克拉克獎“。
今年2010年,”克拉克獎“得獎者是: Esther Duflo 是位法國籍的女經濟學家。備注(2)
【維基百科】Esther Duflo (born October 25, 1972) is a French economist, currently the Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
She is also co-founder of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, and in 2009 was named a MacArthur Foundation Fellow, otherwise known as a "genius" grant. She is a recipient of the 2010 John Bates Clark Medal for economists under the age of forty who are judged to have made the most significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge.
She is also the first recipient of the Calvó-Armengol International Prize, which is awarded every two years to a top young researcher in economics or the social sciences for contributions to the theory and comprehension of the mechanisms of social interaction.
She first studied at the French École normale supérieure, where she graduated in history and economics. In 1999, she was hired as an assistant professor by the MIT department of economics, joining the department immediately after she completed her Ph.D., also at MIT. She was promoted to associate professor (with tenure) in 2002, at the age of 29, making her among the youngest faculty at the Institute to be awarded tenure.
Her major research focus is on Development economics, with an emphasis on health, education, gender and politics, and provision of credit. Together with Abhijit Banerjee, Dean Karlan, Michael Kremer, John A. List, and Sendhil Mullainathan, she has been a driving force in advancing field experiments as an important methodology to discover causal relationships in economics.
She was awarded the Elaine Bennet Prize for Research by the American Economic Association in 2003. This prize honors a woman economist under the age of forty who has made outstanding contributions in any field of economic research. In 2005, Le Monde awarded her the Best Young French Economist prize. She was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2009. She received her (first) honorary doctorate from the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium Feb 2, 2010.
Esther Duflo serves as founding editor of the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, and co-editor of the Review of Economics and Statistics and the Journal of Development Economics, and is a member of the editorial committee of the Annual Review of Economics.
She is currently a co-director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab at MIT, and writes a monthly column for Libération, a French daily.
2010諾貝爾經濟學獎得主:美英三學者共享 Taiwan RTI.org
Maurice Allais 維基百科
John Bates Clark Medal 維基百科
克拉克經濟學獎章得獎者 維基百科
諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎者 維基百科
Paul R. Krugman 維基百科
保羅 克魯格曼 維基百科
Esther Duflo 維基百科
Sunday, October 17, 2010
隧道 Tunnel
在港府的積極撮合之下,“地鐵”合併了“九廣鐵路”,成立“港鐵”,但香港最早的主要隧道,相信是應該是“九廣鐵路”貫通筆架山(Beacon Hill)的火車隧道罷。
貫通英法之間“英倫海峽” English Channel 的海底火車隧道,通車已經多時,但我還沒有乘搭過”歐洲之星“列車,不過貫通日本本州和北海道之間,至今還是世界上已通車運行中最長的隧道,”津輕海峽“~青函鐵路海峽隧道火車線,我就乘搭過幾次。
【BBC】Deep beneath the Alps, the Swiss are building a high-speed rail link between Zurich and Milan. It will include, at 57 kilometres (35 miles), the world's longest tunnel. (嗜悲 加註:Gotthard Base Tunnel)

Source: BBC/ Alps Transit
A key feature of the project, which is new to alpine transport, is the fact that the entire railway line will stay at the same altitude of 500 metres (1,650ft) above sea level.

Source: BBC/ Alps Transit
This will allow trains using the line to reach speeds of 240km/h (149mph), reducing the travel time between Zurich and Milan from today's four hours to just two-and-a-half. That would make the journey faster than flying.
Gotthard Base Tunnel 完成通車後,將取代“津輕海峽”的海底隧道,成為世界最長的隧道。
預期到2017年,Gotthard Base Tunnel 全線就會開通營運,我很有興趣,到時順便一起試試乘搭”歐洲之星“,通過 English Channel,和乘搭火車從 瑞士的蘇黎世 到 意大利的米蘭。希望到時,人雖然又老了幾年,我的好奇心,還是可以戰勝恐懼心理罷。
人生在世,數十寒暑,話長也得!說短亦是!幸福的人生,長一些無乜問題!反之,困頓的人生,長一些反而是多受些苦楚! 人生中有高有低,高低起伏,但總是低潮期比較高潮期多而長,若有個平平穩穩的人生,已屬不錯。
【明報專訊】 《過山洞》火車一步一步向前走着,漸漸的走近了前面巍峨的大山,山像阻着它的去路,它怎樣繼續前進呢?坐過這一線火車的搭客們都知道︰火車快要過山洞了。
哇……哇……」一陣哭聲,把空氣更加拉緊了一吓,空氣在發抖着,啊,是小孩子的哭聲;「媽媽,我愛光光,我要光光」 ,「別吵,光光在前面哩!真的光光在前面哩!快要到的了,忍耐吧,乖乖。」慈母的話,走進每一個人的心裏,「真的光光在前面呢,忍耐吧!」給予每一個人無限的鼓勵;黑暗裏,人們忍耐等待光明來臨。
上面這篇華叔的文章, 我之前是從未讀過的,讀完後唯有輕嘆!
這條 57公哩的隧道正式通車了 。。。。。2016/12/11 on Sunday
First passenger train travels through Gotthard Base Tunnel, the world's longest rail tunnel
【Deutsche Welle.com】 After 17 years and 11 billion euros, the first Gotthard Base Tunnel passenger train departed Zurich on Sunday morning. The express train will save passengers 30 minutes on the trip.
The first passenger train to travel through the longest rail tunnel in the world departed Zurich Sunday morning, after 17 years of construction.
The 57-kilometer (35-mile) Gotthard Base Tunnel officially opened six months ago in a colorful ceremony attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
At 6:09 a.m. the EC11 express train to Lugano was the first regular passenger train to depart for the tunnel after thousands of test runs.
Some passengers shared their excitement ahead of the journey on social media.
【有線新聞】 全球最長最深鐵路隧道瑞士通車
嗜悲 曾經在上雪峰有輕微高山症,頭痛不止到下山後呆呆的大半天,才恢復過來執返條命仔,不過自問遲鈍有沒有影響智力呢?之前舊文已經討論過 。。。。不贅矣!
上面寫 嗜悲 有意去一趟試搭 Gotthard Base Tunnel passenger train,如今又老了幾年,去與不去呢???
瑞士打通全球最長隧道 新華網
Swiss dig world's longest tunnel BBC
青函隧道線 維基百科
龍飛海底站 維基百科
吉岡海底站 維基百科
歐洲之星線 維基百科
Gotthard Base Tunnel 維基百科
AlpTransit 維基百科
Alptransit Gotthard AG 官方網站
〈過山洞〉(華叔16歲參加徵文比賽奪亞作品) MSN新聞網
First passenger train travels through Gotthard Base Tunnel Deutsche Welle.com
全球最長最深鐵路隧道瑞士通車 有線新聞
人生列車: 漆黑隧道 / Life's Journey: Dark Tunnels Lotus and Cedar