讀我博者都知道 嗜悲 是 Trekker or Trekkie,是一個徹底 Die Hard Star Trek 迷,今個週四又有 新 Star Trek 電影上映,嗜悲 怎會錯過,一於先睹為快!(Star Trek 不同 Star War,切勿混淆。)
其實年頭過年時,我已經積極關注,4個月前的預告片 1分 57秒
上次,完全新的一輯,換過新一批演員,重塑年輕版的 Star Ship Enterprise 隊員,卻克隊長,冼樸副隊長兼科學主管,麥哥醫生,史葛工程師,胡玉娜通訊員,蘇奴駕駛員,芝戈夫領航員等主要角色,都通通簽約再來一個,沒有因為簽不成約要換人,要 嗜悲 去適應面孔改變。

Chris Pine as James T. Kirk
Zachary Quinto as Mr. Spock
John Cho as Hikaru Sulu
Simon Pegg as Montgomery Scotty Scott
Zoe Saldana as Nyota Uhura
Karl Urban as Leonard Bones McCoy
Anton Yelchin as Pavel Checkov.
Alice Eve as Carol Marcus
這一集仍然有上一部電影的導演 Directed by:J.J. Abrams,故事中的反方(反派)有 Benedict Cumberbatch as Commander John Harrison
維基百科經已將 整個故事寫了出來,故此不作移植過來。但讓我約略介紹一吓開場,和發展下去今次講甚麽,但之後的發展和結局,就留給各位有興趣入場看。
(等 9週之後才揭曉吧!)
1月前的預告片 2分29秒
【雅虎電影】When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis.
With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction.
As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.
一開始時 Enterprise 去到一個 humanoid 落後的星系,遇到火山爆發需要拯救居民脫險時,冼樸 被困在火山熔岩之中。
拯救 Mr. Spock 理智 vs 情義 的抉擇,卻克 隊長選擇了後者,也因為為了救 冼樸一命,結果暴露了 Enterprise 太空船。
後果就是被星系的 humanoid 生物,當作神來膜拜,因為這次的決擇,卻克 被 Star Fleet 裁定失職,由隊長被降職至 First Officer,由前集提攜過 卻克 的 Admiral Christopher Pike 負責指揮 Enterprise 太空船。
與此同時 2259年的一天,故事中的反方(反派)John Harrison 出場,他在地球領導和發動爆炸,又在 Star Fleet 開會時殺了 Admiral Christopher Pike,卻克 臨危受命追緝 John Harrison 歸案。
原來這位 Commander John Harrison,真正的身份是 Khan Noonien Singh,是人工培植的智能超級人,已經被沉睡了 300年,如今喚醒過來,就是有位野心家,要利用超級人智力協助他,設計超級太空船,打算和 Klingons 控制的太空帝國,一較高下爭霸。(Khan Noonien Singh 曾在以前的 Star Trek 出現過,也是超人類。)
發展下去 卻克 發現其實 Star Fleet 的一個高級將領,才是整個陰謀的幕後黑手即是上面的野心家,究竟他能否有效夠控制 Khan 這位智能超人呢?戰爭狂熱能否醫治的呢?
幾經辛苦 卻克 與隊員們,都能完成任務後,卻克隊長 亦死過翻生,重新當上 Enterprise 太空船的隊長和指揮官,帶領着船員們遨游太空。
電影中代表 正方 卻克隊長 與 反方 Commander John Harrison 對話
Star Trek 內的 Star Fleet Prime Directive dictates that there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations。所謂物競天擇適者生存,挽救一個頻危物種,保留一個將要消失文明,有沒有違反大自然定律呢?
又人類發明了原子彈核子彈,核武儲存足以毀滅:地球,人類,和所有生物植物 multiple 多次。但又利用核技術來發電,烏克蘭徹爾諾貝爾的溶芯核災難,美國三里島的核輻射洩漏,日本福島的核電機組,因為海嘯無法冷卻反應堆,最後發生爆炸污染了方圓幾百方哩。這都暴露了人類發現了核,卻無法控制核反應的後果。
故事發生在 2259年,而 Kkan 沉睡了 300年,計計數即是 Khan 是在 1959年利用當時的科學,去製造一個超級人?有這個可能嗎?所以 2259 是公元曆法呢?還是另一個年份計算呢?
故事中 Star Fleet 的大佬要 卻克,一見到 Commander Harrison 即是 Khan 就殺無赦。但是 卻克 自把自為,要活捉 Khan 帶他返地球接受審訊。這個爭議,有沒有似曾相識呢? 對!就是美國人到巴基斯坦,一見即殺了逃避美國人追緝的 阿爾蓋達 Osama Bin Laden,並沒有帶 拉登 返美國受審,給予法庭法律上的公平對待。
本集加入了一位新成員 Carol Wallace /Marcus (Alice Eve),末段 卻克 隊長歡迎她正是加入成為 Enterprise 大家庭的一份子,相信以後陸逐有來的系列,都會有這位 Carol Marcus 出現。嗜悲 再查找以往的 Star Trek,都有這個名字出現,她為 卻克 生了個兒子。但是卻克在今次間接殺了她的生父,究竟是大義滅親,還是背負殺父之仇,可能成為他她們兩人之的雫隙呢?
上次的一部 Star Trek - The Future Begins,雅虎北美的 User Reviews 評價不高,皆因故事特別複雜,集 過去、現在、將來、三條 timelines,故事太過曲折,又有 time travelling,三個時空發生不同的事,啲鬼仔鬼妹睇唔明,沒有太多正面評價,究其原因就是不肯用腦。
今次,Yahoo North America 電影的 User Reviews 好評很多,故事表達方式比較直接,就算有些扭扭再扭扭,都可以唔使多用腦去明白。香港方面的觀眾應該雷同,評價應比較正面,遲些再補返!
個人覺得本片很好看,兩個多鐘頭 132分鐘的戲,嗜悲 不覺沉悶而且過得太快,除了繽紛畫面,講友情愛情跟邏輯規條衝突,特別吸引著我的專注。當然還有 嗜悲 一向有估劇情的習慣,編劇們又故意讓我估中關鍵,生死關頭如何破解,更令我繼續很享受看下去。
導演 J.J. Abrams 講述製作過程
嗜悲 選擇看的只是 2D 版,皆因看 3D版通常沒有多大的視覺效果分別,個別的 3D 效果不值得給多錢購買,有時更甚至看到眼花花,錯過了劇情、伏線,眼神、推理。嗜悲 將等到出 DVD 時購買,再重溫多幾次。
哈哈哈哈哈,唔使兩個禮拜,我就已經忘記得一乾二淨了,所以 9週後沒有再寫。然而,在十月尾我買到了,Into Darkness 黑域時空 的 DVD影碟。
所以不欲多寫,就轉載了 wikipedia 的 Plot 吧。
【維基百科】In 2259, the starship Enterprise is on a survey mission to the planet Nibiru, studying a primitive culture. Captain James T. Kirk and First Officer Spock attempt to save the planet's inhabitants from a volcanic eruption.
When Spock's life is endangered, Kirk violates the Prime Directive in order to save him, exposing the Enterprise to the native inhabitants, a decision with which Spock disagrees.
Returning to Earth, Kirk loses command of the Enterprise and Admiral Christopher Pike is reinstated as its commanding officer. Pike manages to convince Admiral Marcus to allow Kirk to continue as his first officer on the Enterprise, rather than being sent back to the Academy.
Meanwhile, a secret Section 31 installation in London is bombed by a renegade Starfleet officer, Commander John Harrison. During a meeting of Starfleet commanders to discuss the situation, Harrison attacks in a jumpship, killing Pike.
Kirk disables the jumpship, but Harrison uses a prototype portable transwarp transporter device to escape to Kronos, the Klingon homeworld, knowing Starfleet would be unable to follow.
Admiral Marcus orders the Enterprise to kill Harrison, arming them with 72 prototype photon torpedoes, shielded and untraceable to sensors. Chief engineer Montgomery Scott resigns his duties in protest when Kirk denies Scott's request to examine the weapons for safety reasons.
Pavel Chekov is promoted in his stead and Dr. Carol Wallace, a weapons specialist, joins the crew. Spock, Dr. Leonard McCoy and Uhura convinces Kirk it would be better to capture Harrison and return him to Earth for trial, rather than killing him.
En route, the Enterprise suffers an unexpected coolant leak in the warp core, disabling the ship's warp capabilities. Kirk leads a deniable operation to Kronos in a confiscated civilian vessel. Approaching Harrison's location, they are ambushed by Klingon patrols.
Harrison easily dispatches the Klingons, then unexpectedly surrenders after learning the exact number of torpedoes locked on his location. On the Enterprise, Wallace is revealed as Dr. Carol Marcus, the Admiral's daughter, who along with Dr. McCoy, opens a torpedo at the behest of Harrison, revealing a man in cryogenic stasis.
Harrison reveals his true identity as Khan, a genetically-engineered superhuman awoken by Marcus from a 300-year suspended animation. Khan reveals his crew was held hostage by Marcus to force him to develop weapons and warships for Starfleet in preparation for a war between the Federation and the Klingons.
Khan attempted to smuggle his crew out in the torpedoes he had designed, but was discovered. Believing Marcus had killed his crew, he instigated his attacks to avenge his family. Khan reveals Marcus had sabotaged the Enterprise's warp drive, intending for the Klingons to destroy the ship after firing the torpedoes at Kronos, giving him a casus belli for war. Acting on information from Khan, Kirk asks Scott to investigate a set of coordinates within the Solar System.
The Enterprise is intercepted by a larger Federation warship, the USS Vengeance under the command of Marcus. Marcus demands that Kirk deliver Khan, but Kirk refuses. The Enterprise, with a hastily repaired warp drive, flees to Earth in order to report Marcus, however the Vengeance intercepts and disables it.
Kirk offers to exchange Khan and the cryogenic pods in exchange for sparing the lives of his crew. Marcus refuses, transporting Carol Marcus to the Vengeance and ordering the Enterprise's destruction. The Vengeance suddenly loses power, having been sabotaged by Scott, who discovered and infiltrated the ship during his investigation.
With the transporters down, Kirk and Khan, with the latter's knowledge of the warship's design, space-jump to the Vengeance. Meanwhile, Spock contacts his older self on New Vulcan, who informs him that Khan cannot be trusted. After capturing the bridge, Khan overpowers Kirk, Scott and Carol, killing Admiral Marcus and seizing control of the Vengeance.
Khan demands from Spock the return of his crew in exchange for the three Enterprise officers. Spock complies, but had previously removed Khan's frozen crew and armed the warheads.
Khan betrays their agreement, crippling the Enterprise, however the Vengeance is in turn disabled following the detonation of the torpedoes. With both starships powerless and caught in Earth's gravity, they begin to fall toward the surface.
Kirk sacrifices himself by entering the radioactive reactor chamber to realign the warp core, saving the ship. Kirk succumbs to radiation poisoning, throwing Spock into a grief-stricken rage.
In one last act of defiance, Khan crashes the Vengeance into San Francisco to destroy Starfleet headquarters. Fleeing the scene, Spock transports down in pursuit. While experimenting on a dead tribble, McCoy discovers that Khan's blood has regenerative properties that may save Kirk.
Spock manages to subdue and capture Khan, and Kirk is revived. One year later, Kirk addresses a gathering memorializing the events, where he recites the "where no man has gone before" monologue.
Khan is resealed in his cryogenic pod and stored with his crew, while Carol Marcus joins the crew of a recommissioned Enterprise, as it departs on a five-year exploratory mission.
OK 本來不打算多寫故事,無奈就多寫小小吧 。。。。
上面提起的一位高級將領,就是要利用 卻克 去追殺 Khan,並訛說 Khan 匿藏的星球,是沒有生物的孤星,下了命令即用新武器殺死,絕不不留下活口,但 卻克 自把自為把 Khan 捉到帶回地球。上面提起的一位高級將領,就是要利用 卻克 去追殺 Khan,並訛說 Khan 匿藏的星球,是沒有生物的孤星,下了命令即用新武器殺死,絕不不留下活口,但 卻克 自把自為把 Khan 捉到帶回地球。
其實這位好戰的高級將領,要毀滅的星球其實是 Klingon Empire 新的殖民星球,發射新武器殺 Khan,無疑就是宣戰會引發新一場與 Klingon 的戰爭,這位高級將領為戰爭而生存,為了自己的存在價值,不惜把地球人與 Klingon 捲入一場戰爭,卻剛剛遇著啱啱給 卻克 化解了。
但過程中 Khan 和他的一班智能超級人就重新被沉睡(以後還有 Khan 的故事),而高級將領則因為 卻克 要帶他返回地球受審判,就是這一刻的阻擾,高級將領被 Khan 殺死了,這位高級將領就是從母姓的新女隊員 Carol 的生父,後來她會為卻克生一個兒子。
買到了 DVD 為的是要重看,卻克 為了拯救全體船員,他走入機房內把已經移位了的反應堆扶正,令企業號恢復動力,避免了衝破大氣層直墮下,因摩擦而產生高溫,燒溶掉太空船。不過因此 卻克收得輻射污染性命垂危。
Mr. Spock 趕到但兩人被卻玻璃罩分開,兩位猩猩雙惜的男人,在臨死前作出最後的談話,卻克 問 冼樸 到如今他明白了,當初他為何要在火山爆發時,甘願違反 Star Fleet 的指引,也要拯救 冼樸 出險,救回他的一命呢? Mr. Spock:Because we are Friends! 至此一向只依從邏輯辦事,絕不介入情感的 冼樸,卒之留下 “一滴” 眼淚。
嗜悲 就是要重覆看看,究竟這是一滴眼淚,還是一滴汗水呢?經過多次觀看 DVD,verified 真的是一滴眼淚從 冼樸 的左眼滴出,但右眼卻連濕潤也沒有,想必定是利用眼藥水製造效果,但化妝師忘記了右眼,短短一個鏡頭走了雞,or 火神星人只在右眼有淚腺,因為它是地球人和火神星人的混血兒。
還有在 嗜悲 舊文中指出,故事發生在 2259年,而 Kkan 沉睡了 300年,計計數即是 Khan 是在 1959年利用當時的科學,去製造一個超級人?有這個可能嗎?所以 2259 是公元曆法呢?還是另一個年份計算呢?
重看 DVD 時證實 嗜悲 沒有聽錯,麥哥醫生 Dr. McCoy 和 新女隊員 Carol Wallace /Marcus weapons specialist,兩人檢查過承載著 Khan 的其他族人的 capsules 後。卻克 問能否把他們 revive 喚醒呢?兩人回答不是因為科技太先進 Advance,but they are too primitive 是十分原始的落後的,因此他她們倆沒有必定安全方法,有把握地去拆開 capsules,喚醒一班新人類超級人。
那末,嗜悲 要等有時間才去了解一吓 Star Date 2259 究竟和公元曆法,有甚麽差距有沒有分別呢?
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