集合十二首宋詞譜成歌曲,古詞新譜,由一代歌后 鄧麗君 唱出:
1.獨上西樓《哀思》李煜(劉家昌 譜曲) 收聽
無言獨上西樓 月如勾
寂寞梧桐 深院鎖清秋
剪不斷 理還亂 是離愁
2.但願人長久《水調歌頭》蘇軾(梁弘志 譜曲) 收聽
明月幾時有 把酒問青天
不知天上宮闕 今夕是何年
我欲乘風歸去 又恐瓊樓玉宇
起舞弄清影 何似在人間
轉朱閣 低綺戶 照無眠
不應有恨 何事長向別時圓
人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺
此事古難全 但願人長久 千里共嬋娟
3.幾多愁 《虞美人》李煜(譚健常 譜曲) 收聽
春花秋月何時了 往事知多少
小樓昨夜又東風 故國不堪回首月明中
雕欄玉砌應尤在 只是朱顏改
問君能有幾多愁 恰似一江春水向東流
4.芳草無情《蘇幕遮》范仲淹(鍾肇峰 譜曲) 收聽
碧雲天黃葉地 秋色連波 波上寒煙翠
山映斜陽天接水 芳草無情 更在斜陽外
黯鄉魂 追旅思 夜除非 好夢留人睡
明月摟 高休獨倚 酒入愁腸 化作相思淚
5.清夜悠悠《桃園憶故人》秦觀(古月 譜曲) 收聽
玉樓深鎖薄情種 清夜悠悠誰共
羞見枕衾鴛鳳 悶即和衣擁
無端畫角嚴城動 驚破一番新夢
窗外月華霜重 聽徹梅花弄
6.有誰知我此時情《鷓鴣天》聶勝瓊(黃霑 譜曲) 收聽
玉慘花愁出鳳城 蓮花樓下柳青青
尊前一唱陽關曲 別個人人第五程
尋好夢 夢難成 有誰知我此時情
枕前淚共階前雨 隔個窗兒滴到明
7.胭脂淚《相見歡》李煜(劉家昌 譜曲) 收聽
林花謝了春紅 太匆匆
胭脂淚 留人醉 幾時重
8.萬葉千聲《玉樓春》歐陽修(劉家昌 譜曲) 收聽
別後不知君遠近 觸目淒涼多少悶
漸行漸遠漸無書 水闊魚沈何處問
夜深風竹敲琴韻 萬葉千聲皆是恨
故欹單枕夢中尋 夢又不成燈又燼
9.人約黃昏後《生查子》歐陽修(翁清溪 譜曲) 收聽
去年元夜時 花市燈如晝
月上柳梢頭 人約黃昏後
今年元夜時 月與燈依舊
不見去年人 淚濕春衫袖
10.相看淚眼《雨霖鈴》柳永(古月 譜曲) 收聽
寒蟬淒切 對長亭晚 驟雨初歇
都門長倚無緒 留戀處 蘭舟催發
執手相看淚眼 竟無語凝噎
念去去 千里煙波 暮靄沈沈楚天闊
多情自古傷離別 更那堪冷落 清秋節
今宵 酒醒何處 楊柳岸 曉風殘月
此去經年 應是良辰 好景虛設
便縱有千種風情 更與何人說
11.欲說還休《醜奴兒》辛棄疾(鍾肇峰 譜曲) 收聽
愛上層樓 愛上層樓
欲說還休 欲說還休
12.思君 《卜算子》李之儀(陳揚 譜曲) 收聽
我住長江頭 君住長江尾
日日思君不見 君共飲長江水
此水幾時休 此恨何時已
只願君心似我心 定不負相思意
回首當年,每次外出公幹出JOB,都有帶一堆音樂歌曲CD和迷你小HI-Fi,晚上獨宿在酒店房間,SET 好 Sleeping Mode,聽著聽著伴我入眠!記得這隻CD是在吉隆坡金河商場買到,price discrimination 只售數”寧吉“。
原來有位有心人把整輯 鄧麗君《淡淡幽情》歌曲,登上了“你喉”由 MTV淡淡幽情 1 起,聽完上面的一段後,朋友們可以繼續。
《淡淡幽情》專輯 一聽音樂網
月上柳梢頭 《生查子》
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, August 19, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Baju Kurung 和 Baju Kebaya
Baju Kurung 和 Baju Kebaya
中國女性穿起旗袍,婀娜多姿,日本女子穿起 吳服(和服)溫苑柔和,但不要遺漏了星加坡馬來西亞的娘婼姑娘們,穿起 Baju Kurung/ Kebaya 也是不弱。這傳統衣著,都令穿著上的南洋女性,體態優雅玲瓏!
A baju kurung is a loose-fitting full length dress, consisting of a skirt and a blouse. The skirt is made from a long cloth with foldings on one side; the blouse is collarless, has long sleeves, and extends to between the hips and knees.
It is usually made of silk, imported from Japan, South Korea, Turkey or India, or from the Malaysian States of Terengganu or Kelantan. The modern baju kurung commonly expresses lively colors and geometric patterns.
Traditionalists prefer fabric from peninsular Malaysia's eastern states of Terengganu and Kelantan, where the culture of batik and other hand-designed fabrics is still strong.
因為馬來人印尼人多信奉回教,女性都會包上頭巾,沒有了面部襯托,較為不美,不過較現代的 Baju Kurung/ Kebaya 都已經過改良。
乘搭 Garuda,Malaysia Airlines 和 Singapore Airlines 時,她們的空姐們,穿著的就是改良了的 Baju Kebaya 了! 空姐們穿的都是比較簡潔,為了方便工作保持服務的效率。
想當年常到星馬出 JOB,總愛吩咐老秘盡量代訂 SQ 的班機,Singapore gals 真的航機上優秀的一群。至於去東京,當然必訂坐日航,JL的飛機餐好吃,兼且JL見見些日本娃娃喇。不過去台北高雄就唔會坐中華,一定坐國泰CX來回;漸漸老秘也識做 bookings 囉!
言歸正傳,有別於 Baju Kurung 有另一服飾 Baju Kebaya 是比較緊身的剪裁。
【維基百科】A Kebaya is a traditional blouse-dress combination worn by women in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Burma, Singapore, southern Thailand. It is sometimes made from sheer material and usually worn with a sarong or batik kain panjang, or other traditional woven garment such as ikat, songket with a colorful motif.

Baju Kurung 維基百科
Baju Kebaya 維基百科
Modeling Baju for women 谷歌圖片搜尋
Malay (Melayu) Cloth (Baju) Kurung, Kebaya 101cookingrecipes.com
中國女性穿起旗袍,婀娜多姿,日本女子穿起 吳服(和服)溫苑柔和,但不要遺漏了星加坡馬來西亞的娘婼姑娘們,穿起 Baju Kurung/ Kebaya 也是不弱。這傳統衣著,都令穿著上的南洋女性,體態優雅玲瓏!
【維基百科】It is said that costumes of the ordinary Malays in the olden days are simple dresses, but as time progresses, the attire evolved and became more sophisticated, while the wearers became more discerning in their fashion tastes.
For instance, Chinese chronicles described the attire of the Malays in the 13th century for both male and female as covering only the bottom part of the body, with no cloth to cover the upper body.

因為馬來人印尼人多信奉回教,女性都會包上頭巾,沒有了面部襯托,較為不美,不過較現代的 Baju Kurung/ Kebaya 都已經過改良。

想當年常到星馬出 JOB,總愛吩咐老秘盡量代訂 SQ 的班機,Singapore gals 真的航機上優秀的一群。至於去東京,當然必訂坐日航,JL的飛機餐好吃,兼且JL見見些日本娃娃喇。不過去台北高雄就唔會坐中華,一定坐國泰CX來回;漸漸老秘也識做 bookings 囉!
言歸正傳,有別於 Baju Kurung 有另一服飾 Baju Kebaya 是比較緊身的剪裁。
【維基百科】A Kebaya is a traditional blouse-dress combination worn by women in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Burma, Singapore, southern Thailand. It is sometimes made from sheer material and usually worn with a sarong or batik kain panjang, or other traditional woven garment such as ikat, songket with a colorful motif.

Baju Kurung 維基百科
Baju Kebaya 維基百科
Modeling Baju for women 谷歌圖片搜尋
Malay (Melayu) Cloth (Baju) Kurung, Kebaya 101cookingrecipes.com
Sunday, August 14, 2011
前中大校長、諾貝爾物理學得獎者、光線之父:高錕教授,退休後老年得了“老人癡呆症”,今已改稱為:“腦退化症” Alzheimer disease or Alzheimer's disease,暫時沒有藥醫理,病情只會續步轉差。據聞 郎奴列根 總統,退休後也患上此症,前些年才年老去世。
我不是學醫,不打算談 Alzheimer's disease 腦退化症,我只愛想當年!
記憶的內容不但是按主題,而且按時間被組織管理。一個新的經驗,一種通過訓練得到的運動模式,首先去到 工作記憶作短期記錄,在此信息可以被快速讀取,但容量有限。出於經濟原因考慮,這些信息必須作一定清理。重要的或者通過「關聯」作用被聯想在一起的信息會被輸送到中長期記憶。不重要的信息會被刪除。
「回憶」是: 對往事的追憶﹐
1. 泛指心中所記、腦中所憶
2. .心理學上指由識記、保持、再識, 三個基本環節組成的心理歷程。
顯然回憶是指對往事﹐舊物﹐產生了感情才去追憶。 我們是對事件﹑事情﹑古蹟﹑古物是先把記憶起來﹐到若干時間﹐年月日後﹐憑記憶去回憶﹐去追憶。
寫網誌就是把我個人的 “思想﹑思考﹑思念” 和 “所見﹑所聞﹑所做”的紀錄,方便以後翻查,別讓它在腦海中消失了!
記憶、回憶,憶人、憶物,乜都好憶,唉!其實是真正人老了,就會時常“想當年”Those were the Days! 不過,原來不幸患上腦退化症,連想當年也是可以抹煞掉,哀哉!哀哉!
Those were the days 《Mary Hopkin》
Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
Think of all the great things we would do
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we'd choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way
La la la la la la la la la
Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance I'd see you in the tavern
We'd smile at one another and we'd say...
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we'd choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days
La la la la la la la la la
Just tonight I stood before the tavern
Nothing seemed the way it used to be
In the glass I saw a strange reflection
Was that lonely woman really me?
Through the door there came familiar laughter
I saw your face and heard you call my name
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same....
繼續想當年 Those were the days!
記憶 維基百科
記憶 和 回憶
前中大校長、諾貝爾物理學得獎者、光線之父:高錕教授,退休後老年得了“老人癡呆症”,今已改稱為:“腦退化症” Alzheimer disease or Alzheimer's disease,暫時沒有藥醫理,病情只會續步轉差。據聞 郎奴列根 總統,退休後也患上此症,前些年才年老去世。
我不是學醫,不打算談 Alzheimer's disease 腦退化症,我只愛想當年!
記憶的內容不但是按主題,而且按時間被組織管理。一個新的經驗,一種通過訓練得到的運動模式,首先去到 工作記憶作短期記錄,在此信息可以被快速讀取,但容量有限。出於經濟原因考慮,這些信息必須作一定清理。重要的或者通過「關聯」作用被聯想在一起的信息會被輸送到中長期記憶。不重要的信息會被刪除。
「回憶」是: 對往事的追憶﹐
1. 泛指心中所記、腦中所憶
2. .心理學上指由識記、保持、再識, 三個基本環節組成的心理歷程。
顯然回憶是指對往事﹐舊物﹐產生了感情才去追憶。 我們是對事件﹑事情﹑古蹟﹑古物是先把記憶起來﹐到若干時間﹐年月日後﹐憑記憶去回憶﹐去追憶。
寫網誌就是把我個人的 “思想﹑思考﹑思念” 和 “所見﹑所聞﹑所做”的紀錄,方便以後翻查,別讓它在腦海中消失了!
記憶、回憶,憶人、憶物,乜都好憶,唉!其實是真正人老了,就會時常“想當年”Those were the Days! 不過,原來不幸患上腦退化症,連想當年也是可以抹煞掉,哀哉!哀哉!
Those were the days 《Mary Hopkin》
Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
Think of all the great things we would do
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we'd choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way
La la la la la la la la la
Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance I'd see you in the tavern
We'd smile at one another and we'd say...
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we'd choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days
La la la la la la la la la
Just tonight I stood before the tavern
Nothing seemed the way it used to be
In the glass I saw a strange reflection
Was that lonely woman really me?
Through the door there came familiar laughter
I saw your face and heard you call my name
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same....
繼續想當年 Those were the days!
記憶 維基百科
記憶 和 回憶
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