2007-5-13 楓葉國的老表電郵來幾幅小小鵝的照片﹐很可愛,都是初生的小小鵝。
在中國我們叫大雁﹐在加拿大﹐他們叫 Canadian Goose~~Goose 是“鵝”﹐是會飛的鵝 ﹐ 會形成“人”字形的飛行隊伍。
四月初它們就從美國南部飛返加拿大﹐五月孵出小鵝﹐到八月就長成一身羽毛﹐跟爸媽一樣﹐再學飛和學覓食﹐到九月尾十月初﹐就隨大隊 ﹐南飛到加勒比海﹐美國南部過冬。第二年四月初就飛返加拿大﹐當鵝爸爸鵝媽媽﹐孵出又一代的小鵝﹐週而復始。
荷李活把這個過程拍成電影﹐加入一些故事性橋段﹐很是感人的電影﹐叫【Fly Away Home】﹐是在加拿大旅遊時看到的。

Written by:
Bill Lishman, Robert Rodat, and Vince McKewin
Jeff Daniels as Father
Anna Paquin as Daughter
Wikipedia: Fly away home
The Story Fly Away Home
After the accidental death of her beloved mother, fourteen year-old Amy (Anna Paquin) is bundled off to live with her estranged father (Jeff Daniels) and his new girlfriend . While struggling to adjust to her new life, Anna stumbles upon a nest of orphaned goose eggs and, after nurturing them until they hatch -- becomes the Mother Goose.
The geese thrive under Amy's loving care until an officious wildlife officer informs her father that it is illegal to raise wild geese without clipping their wings, Amy and her father can not bear to ground the flock. Instead, they must teach the flock to fly using a hang-gliders and modest flying skills. The father and daughter decide to attempt to lead this flock of orphaned Canada Geese south by air to find their new home for the winter.
小小鵝日漸長大﹐生出羽毛要學飛了﹐而且要到美國南部過冬。 父親和朋友遂展開一項﹐前所未有的飛行旅程﹐把小小鵝們帶往美國彿吉尼亞州過冬。經過重重驚險波折﹐卒之大功告成。
第二年春天﹐長大了的小鵝們﹐都飛回來了﹐見 “鵝媽媽”。
多年後的今天,適逢收拾和清潔舊的音影架,看見了:Fly Away Home,又再重看了多一次!
電影不用打打殺殺,神秘懸疑故弄玄虛,high tech 高智,格硬揤你笑 or 扮老人癡呆擠你眼淚,平平淡淡都可以是很好看的!