
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報

“During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, February 22, 2013



Mount Rushmore National Memorial 總統山 South Dakota Sculptures of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln (left to right) 荷里活電影 National Treasure II 就是用這處造文章

嗜悲 自從愛上在北美自駕遊,兩次路過 總統山 都因天氣不佳,未能一睹總統山 真面目。電影:National Treasure Book Of Secrets 也有用 總統山 造文章,說山內暗藏寶藏!

【維基百科】Ben, Patrick, Abigail and Riley arrive at Mount Rushmore, prepared to deal with Mitch, but find that Mitch has brought Emily along, using her as a hostage to ensure Ben follows the final clues on an old letter sent from Queen Victoria to Confederate general Albert Pike that was meant to help a divided America.

Ben is able to find the secret entrance, and the group avoids several traps before arriving at the underground site of Cíbola, the City of Gold. Mitch apologizes to Ben for damaging his family name. As they explore, they accidentally cause the cave to flood with water from a lake above.

The only means of escape is through a drainage door that must be held open on one side to allow the rest to escape and closed afterwards, trapping the one controlling the door. Mitch initially forces Ben to sacrifice himself, but after a surge of water, Mitch finds himself holding the door open. He requests that part of this discovery be in his name. Ben and the others escape safely.

不過,嗜悲 除了遊山玩水尋幽訪勝之外,也愛參觀博物館 museums,但美國和加拿大立國都只得二百餘年,最有名的 Smithsonian Museums 需要預約排長龍很費事失事,實在很浪費時間。

在首都渥太華 Ottawa 和 華盛頓 Washington, D.C. 的 Historic sites and Museums 行完行罷後,我的目標就轉移到,卸任美國總統的個人文物館。

每位卸任的美國總統,都會獲批地在家鄉撥地,再成立一個基金會 foundation fund 去籌款,興建一所《總統圖書館文物館》President Library and Museum,收藏任內有紀念價值的物品。

第一個《圖書館文物館》嗜悲 曾經到訪的是:Richard Nixon

Movie:Frost - Nixon 港譯:驚世真言

尼克遜總統任內為了掩飾《水門事件》,引致為避免受到彈劾而辭職,他企圖利用一次電視的訪談翻身,可惜變成棺材釘致死永不超生。尼克遜 出生在 加利福尼亞州 猶伯連達市 Yorba Lind,距離 洛杉磯 downtown 約 36.5英哩,這裡是尼克遜的出生地,也是死後葬身之地。

Yorba Linda Boulevard, Yorba Linda, California.

尼克遜總統圖書館暨文物館 Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum

【維基百科】The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum is the presidential library and final resting place of Richard Milhous Nixon, the 37th President of the United States. Located in Yorba Linda, California, the library is one of twelve administered by the National Archives and Records Administration.

From its original dedication in 1990 until becoming a federal facility on July 11, 2007, the library and museum was operated by the private Richard Nixon Foundation and was known as the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace. The 9-acre (3.6 ha) campus is located at 18001 Yorba Linda Boulevard in Yorba Linda, California and incorporates the National Historic Landmarked Richard Nixon Birthplace where Nixon was born in 1913 and spent his childhood. The facility is now jointly operated between NARA and the Richard Nixon Foundation.

Traditionally, materials and records of a U.S. president were considered to be his personal property upon leaving office. The Watergate scandal and Richard Nixon's subsequent resignation from office complicated the issue, however.

In September 1974, Richard Nixon made an agreement with the head of the General Services Administration, Arthur F. Sampson, to turn over most materials from his presidency, including tape recordings of conversations he had made in the White House; however, the recordings were to be destroyed after September 1, 1979 if directed by Nixon or by September 1, 1984 or his death otherwise.

Alarmed that Nixon's tapes may be lost, Congress abrogated the Nixon-Sampson Agreement by passing S.4016, signed into law by President Gerald Ford in December 1974 as the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act. It applied specifically to materials from the Nixon presidency, directing NARA to take ownership of the materials and process them as quickly as possible. Private materials were to be returned to Nixon.

The original Library & Birthplace was officially dedicated on July 19, 1990. Former President Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon were present, as were President George H. W. Bush, then the President of the United States, former President Gerald Ford, former President Ronald Reagan, and first ladies Barbara Bush, Betty Ford, and Nancy Reagan. A crowd of 50,000 gathered for the ceremony. At the dedication, Nixon said, "Nothing we have ever seen matches this moment–to be welcomed home again.

令 嗜悲 想看看 尼克遜 的文物館,是因為他是首位在位的美國總統,訪問中國共產黨的北京政權,尼克遜 和 毛澤東 周恩來 握過手,開拓中美的外交接觸,繼而與中國建立正常外交關係,也速成台北退出聯合國。要參觀 尼克遜文物館是要付費的!

而另一位美國總統的文物館,嗜悲 下一個選擇是:趁有一次去紐約市遊覽後,順路北上去 波士頓市,路經 麻省州立大學 university of Massachusetts Boston campus 時,轉了入去順便參觀一吓 約翰甘迺迪 JFK 的圖書館文物館。

怎會走走這一段路呢?因為電影 緣分的天空 中 Annie drove on the road from Baltimore to Boston and she was listening to radio “Sleepless in Seattle."

Morrissey Blvd, Boston, Massachusetts.

甘迺迪總統圖書館暨文物館 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

甘迺迪 任內最出名的就是 1962年,歷時 13天的《古巴飛彈事件》,蘇聯派船運送飛彈到古巴,美國出動戰艦攔截及封鎖古巴,險些釀成第三次世界大戰,也可能爆發一場毀滅全球的核災難。

Movie:Thirteen-Days 港譯:驚爆十三天

【維基百科】The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is the presidential library and museum of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. It is located on Columbia Point in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, next to the University of Massachusetts Boston and the Massachusetts Archives. It was designed by the architect I. M. Pei.

The building is the official repository for original papers and correspondence of the Kennedy Administration, as well as special bodies of published and unpublished materials, such as books and papers by and about Ernest Hemingway. The library and museum were dedicated in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter and members of the Kennedy family. It can be reached from nearby Interstate 93 or via shuttle bus from the JFK/UMass stop on the Boston subway's Red line.

After President Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963, his family and friends discussed how to construct a library that would serve as a fitting memorial.

A committee was formed to advise Kennedy's widow Jacqueline, who would make the final decision. The group deliberated for months, and visited with architects from around the world including Pietro Belluschi and others from the United States, Brazil's Lucio Costa, and Italy's Franco Albini. Mrs. Kennedy and others met with the candidates together at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis, Massachusetts, and visited several in their offices. The committee also conducted a secretive process whereby the architects voted anonymously for the most capable of their colleagues.

Progress on the building began shortly after his death. On January 13, 1964, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy announced that a taped oral-history project was to be undertaken for inclusion in the library. The project would feature administration staff, friends, family, and politicians from home and abroad. The Attorney General also announced that Eugene R. Black, Sr. agreed to serve as chairman of the board of trustees and that $1 million of Black’s $10 million goal had been given to the trust by the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation.

The death of the President was still fresh in the hearts and minds of the American public and by March of that year $4.3 million had been pledged, including 18,727 unsolicited donations from the public. Large donations came from the Hispanic world with Venezuela pledging $100,000 and Governor of Puerto Rico Luis Muñoz Marín offering the same.

古巴危機之後的一年,1963年 甘迺迪總統 就在德薩斯州的達拉斯市,被狙擊手行刺射殺,頭部中彈即時身亡。這所 甘迺迪文物館是由華裔建築師 貝聿銘 I.M.Pei 設計,要參觀 甘迺迪文物館也是要付費的!

兩位已故總統原來曾經在總統大選中各為其黨, head to head 對壘,甘迺迪 vs 尼克遜 選戰激烈。

1960年的美國總統大選,尼克遜 是艾森豪威爾(元帥)總統的副總統,艾帥任滿兩屆後,交棒由副總統 尼克遜 上馬代表共和黨參選。民主黨則派出麻省參議員:年輕英俊瀟灑的 JFK 約翰甘迺迪,不過論經驗和往績都不及 尼克遜。

【維基百科】The key turning point of the campaign were the four Kennedy-Nixon debates; they were the first presidential debates held on television, and thus attracted enormous publicity. Nixon insisted on campaigning until just a few hours before the first debate started; he had not completely recovered from his hospital stay and thus looked pale, sickly, underweight, and tired. He also refused makeup for the first debate, and as a result his beard stubble showed prominently on the era's black-and-white TV screens.

Nixon's poor appearance on television in the first debate is reflected by the fact that his mother called him immediately following the debate to ask if he was sick. Kennedy, by contrast, rested and prepared extensively beforehand, appearing tanned, confident, and relaxed during the debate. An estimated 70 million viewers watched the first debate. It is often claimed that people who watched the debate on television overwhelmingly believed Kennedy had won, while radio listeners (a smaller audience) believed Nixon had won.

On 26 September 1960, 70 million U.S. viewers tuned in to watch Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts and Vice President Richard Nixon in the first-ever televised presidential debate.

A study has found that the alleged viewer‐listener disagreement is unsupported. After it had ended, polls showed Kennedy moving from a slight deficit into a slight lead over Nixon. For the remaining three debates Nixon regained his lost weight, wore television makeup, and appeared more forceful than his initial appearance.

However, up to 20 million fewer viewers watched the three remaining debates than the first debate. Political observers at the time believed that Kennedy won the first debate, Nixon won the second and third debates, and that the fourth debate,which was seen as the strongest performance by both men, was a draw.

但後者單靠全美國第一次的電視直播總統候選人辯論扭轉了形勢,最後 JFK 以輕微多數 112,827 votes, or 0.17% of the popular vote,Nixon 勝出 26個州 JFK 只勝出 22個州,選舉人票則是 303 to 219 in the Electoral College,選舉人票勝者通殺制度再次生效。

從建築物的外形,也可見的是兩位已故總統的《文物館》,風格是折然不同/ 截然不同的!

小布殊的圖書館文物館建成,2013年 4月 25日有共五位總統畀面出席開幕禮,包括現任總統 奧巴馬。

Photo Credit George W. Bush Presidential CenterGeorge W. Bush Presidential Center

Mount Rushmore National Memorial 官方網站
National Treasure: Book of Secrets 維基百科
Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum 維基百科
Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum 官方網站
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum 維基百科
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum 官方網站
Richard Nixon vs John F Kenney 1960 election 維基百科

Thursday, February 21, 2013



美國為要扶植日本在東亞為她做打手,牽制中國在亞洲崛起,對日本修改憲法,組建軍隊加入集體自衛權,採取隻眼開隻眼閉,讓軍國主義復闢。70多年前在太平洋逐島戰爭,美軍跟日本皇軍作戰,為着要打倒日本軍國主義,死去數以萬計的 American Boys 子弟兵,鮮血染紅了太平洋,如今死也不瞑目,血全是白流了!

上世紀八十年代,美國人幾經辛苦才逼使日円兌美元升值,從美日經濟戰中慘勝後只是 30餘年,華盛頓 就默默容許 安倍晉三 的寬鬆經濟政策,日円兌美元於過去數週匯率短期波幅高達 20%,美國人聲都唔敢聲。

美國人一向主導 IMF 的高層人事安排,拉加德女士得到上台成為 國際貨幣基金 IMF Number 1 後,對美國先後三次的量化寬鬆,和近期日本短期將日円貶值,引來全球各國非議,貨幣戰爭+匯率制 如箭在弦 。。。。。

IMF's chief Christine Lagarde Saturday (Feb 16 Moscow) dismissed concerns of a looming currency war, saying that IMF witness ”currency worries, not currency wars.“

拉加德 貴為 IMF 頭頭巧言令色,玩盡語言偽術企圖降溫。

【usatoday.com (AP) 】Finance ministers and central bankers from the world's 20 leading industrial and developing countries pledged not to weaken their currencies to gain an advantage in trade in an attempt to calm growing fears that governments are using foreign exchange as an economic weapon.

The two-day meeting in Moscow ended Saturday with a joint communique that included a promise that the G20 members would "refrain from competitive devaluation" and "resist all forms of protectionism and keep our markets open."

There has been widespread unease among investors and politicians over recent developments affecting the Japanese yen, which now trades near a three-year low. Japan is facing charges that it is trying first and foremost to lower the value of the yen to stimulate its economy and get the edge over other countries.

If too many countries try to weaken their currencies for economic gain — sparking a so-called "currency war" — the fragile global recovery could be derailed.

"We reiterate that excess volatility of financial flows and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse implications for economic and financial stability," the statement added, without singling out Japan for criticism.

Speaking at a news conference following the communique's signing, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that all the G20 nations agreed that they need to focus on delivering a strong economic growth rather than "manipulating the markets."

IMF's chief Christine Lagarde Saturday dismissed concerns of a looming currency war, saying that they witness "currency worries, not currency wars."

美國人要救自家經濟,不理全球死活,已經推出三次的《量化寬鬆》 QE III,再加上《扭曲操作》Operation Twist,以 伯南克 為首的《聯邦儲備局》聲言:維持超低利率直至失業率降低至 6.5%,是自大蕭條後首次將利率和失業率掛鈎。

美元偏弱恰巧遇上了歐債危機,令到 QE I 無功而還,於是美國人接連推出了到 QE II 和 QE III,印銀紙印國債劵不亦樂乎,美國人坐擁全球最強大的軍力,八個航空母艦戰闘群在七大洋游弋,沒有人敢對美國 say no!


【telegraph.co.uk】Christine Lagarde has played down fears that rival economies are attempting to gain an unfair advantage through currency devaluations.

Speaking following a meeting of G-20 finance ministers and central bankers in Moscow, Ms Lagarde insisted there has “been no major deviation from fair value in the relevant currencies".

The group of leading industrial and devloping nations pledged not to artifically weaken their currencies.“We think that talk of currency wars is overblown,” Ms Lagarde said. “People did talk about their currency worries. The good news is that the G-20 responded with cooperation rather than conflict today.”

Last week, the G7 – the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Canada and Italy – issued a joint statement warning against using domestic policy to target currencies.

Ms Lagarde said: “I welcome G-20 resolve to achieve a lasting reduction in global imbalances through joint actions to avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments, and the group’s commitment to refrain from competitive devaluation, to resist protectionism in all forms, and to keep markets open.”

The IMF chief added that “global growth is still weak, with unemployment remaining unacceptably high in many countries”.
“The weak global performance derives from policy uncertainty, private deleveraging, continued fiscal drag, as well as insufficient progress on rebalancing global demand.”

日本的安倍內閣上台,即時將日圓和美元匯率貶值 20%,美日利用加大貨幣供應,變相把匯率貶值,令到週邊國家貨幣相對來說被逼升值,影響旅遊業和出口,國際間《貨幣戰爭》一觸即發,而 拉加德 竟然做鴕鳥說:IMF witness ”currency worries, not currency wars.“

粉色太平只能拖延一時,請 拉加德女士不要做鴕鳥,IMF 快點造(做)些實事 or 拉加德女士甘做鴕鳥,甘心成為美國的傀儡!

歐洲中央銀行的總裁 德拉吉 週一的聽證會中警告,就比 拉加德 來得坦白。

【香港電台】歐洲央行總裁德拉吉在歐洲議會出席聽證時重申,匯率並非政策目標,但對經濟增長及物價穩定非常重要。他指,歐元升值會為通脹帶來下跌風險,亦為歐元區經濟前景構成壓力。德拉吉的講話令歐元對美元跌至 1.3334美元,最新報 1.3352。

日圓兌美元偏軟,較早時日本首相安倍晉三暗示,日本的超寬鬆貨幣政策不會改變,加上周末的 20國集團會議未有直接評論日本的政策,日圓持續偏弱,兌美元一度跌穿 94日圓水平,最新報 93.98日圓。




二十日週三 AM730 有位黃世澤撰文:




















G20: No deliberate currency weakening usatoday.com
Christine Lagarde plays down talk of currency wars telegraph.co.uk
德拉吉:歐元升值為通脹及經濟帶來風險 雅虎新聞網
日韓台貨幣戰爭 AM730新聞網

Wednesday, February 20, 2013






加租潮下 有人退休 有人憂愁。

如果加租至八萬元,以每碗涼茶八元計算,每天要要出售三百五十碗才可以繳付租金,仍要未計購買藥材、工人薪金及水電的成本。 有地產代理指,一條西港島線令西環一帶舖租在這兩年加了至少三至四成,超過一倍亦不少。


剛巧 嗜悲 趁初三赤口無年拜,就去了西區閒逛 。。。。。

可用 mouse/ cursor 點擊上圖放大來看詳細路徑

A = 上環林士街
B = 東邊街
C = 卑路乍街
D = 加多近街
E = 中聯辦
F = 皇后街
G = 砵顛乍街

Google Maps: 7.4公哩


卑路乍街 寶翠園 是西環少見超高的大廈羣 樓價率先跑出

由城西道返回中環,先轉入干諾道西遙遙遠望中聯辦大樓後,便轉回德輔道西電車路,行到皇后街就行返上皇后大道中,再去到中環砵顛乍街為止,在附近的大家樂吃了一個 Late 下午茶餐。

堅尼地城 泓都 是兩棟的高樓未算成羣 相信也升值了不少

初三很多店鋪都是關了門沒做生意,故此 嗜悲 只有選擇到 K仔,7-11,CDC,CDF,Maxim,吃些小食飲杯嘢兼且休息一吓。還有過了中環 IFC後,以西是沒有一間戲院,居民要看電影就要最近返回中環,或去較遠的銅鑼灣了。


西環舖租急升街坊小店無法生存 有線新聞


Tuesday, February 19, 2013



今天在某商場路過,有個播《有線電視》的大螢幕下,剛巧播出新聞 。。。。。阿婆話:『嗄!!!!』




中國人:見官講官話,見人講人話,見鬼講鬼話,見中聯辦當然說中聯辦愛聽的話 。。。。。。。。




時事評論員劉銳紹稱,張曉明此番言論,是因為建制派近來有部份人向北京打小報告,張曉明欲傳達明確訊息,中央仍然支持梁振英。 (看片)

中央送走 彭清華 去廣西,換來 張主任 連這點都睇唔明?聰明如曉明先生還刻意要用這個說法,這不言而喻 梁振英 實際的情況可想而知,雖不中也不遠矣!記得 姜恩柱 說過:香港是一本難以讀得懂的書。






張主任曉明先生要兜大圈,出言撐梁特首振英先生,但避免說是自己親自看到的,而是從接觸香港社會各界人士的印象,可想而知 。。。。。!


2013/06/05 有線新聞有段趣聞:安徽前副省長嚴重違紀被查



朱鎔基在《講話實錄》一書中回顧他當年回到北京,發現被地方官欺騙後,曾經在內部會議說「連我都敢騙,真是膽大包天」。 (看片)

張曉明:特首滿意度勝評論 雅虎新聞網
中聯辦指中央支持新政府的工作 有線新聞

閑心:談唐伯虎 的閑 涉及溫總撰文紀念胡耀邦

Sunday, February 17, 2013

When the inner space meets the inner light

When the inner space meets the inner light

2013年癸巳蛇年的新年,幾天假期除了回老家跟 爸媽拜年,Space 孵在家中《蛇王》,重溫了過去寫過有關:Star Trek ~ The Next Generation (TNG)的網文。

TNG 第 125集 The Inner Light 即第五季第二十五集

Starship Enterprise 遇到一個物體,發出一道能量,剛好射中太空船船長 Captain Picard. 他暈倒不醒人事﹐船上全人努力搶救,而 Picard 的腦波,顯現他是清醒的,原來 Picard 魂遊到了另一個 dimension!!!

Picard 在這次奇遇,學會了吹奏笛子,當他再醒過來後,他發覺在他靈魂出竅之時,所用過得笛子,就藏在那個不明物體裡面,Picard 不自覺的拿起笛子,再次吹奏出哀怨的 melody,再次跌進回憶裡。

利用 The Inner Light orchestral music 伴奏着整個故事的縮映

一個即將被他們星系的太陽毀滅的星球,為了保留他們的文化和歷史,發射了一個 Probe 上太空,希望遇到其他路過的生物太空船,讓其他文化文明知道,他們的曾經存在!

Star Ship Enterprise 的 Captain Picard 和他的船員路過時,這個 Probe 射出一度能量,剛巧射中 Captain Picard,立刻倒地昏迷。

昏倒的 Picard 發覺他醒來,有個名叫 Eline 的女人,呼喚着他為 Kamin, 說她是 Kamin 的新婚妻子,但 Picard 不肯承認自己是 Kamin 。

Picard 外出走走,發覺他身處一個名叫:Kataan 的星球,爬上高山遠望。Picard 又發覺這個星系的太陽變得愈來愈熱,令到星球乾旱水源貧乏,正在漸漸步向死亡,但他卻無能為力挽救。

Picard/ Kamin 唯有認命,開始展開他和 Eline 的夫妻生活,做回他鐵匠本行,閒時就吹奏笛子為樂,兩夫婦並生下了女兒 Meribor,之後還多生下一個兒子 Batai,但 Picard/ Kamin 還繼續利用公餘時間研究太陽。

女兒 Meribor 得到 Picard/ Kamin 的栽培,成為研究解決乾旱的科學家,但兒子卻終日無所事事,一時要做畫家,一是有要學音樂。日子就是這樣過着,兩夫婦年紀漸長,Eline 先去世,Picard/ Kamin 悲痛不已。

女兒 Meribor 結婚生下孫兒,鐵匠 Picard/ Kamin 也退休了,終日弄孫為樂,一天女兒來到說:政府要發射火箭上太空。眾人外出觀看時,就在此時所有人一起出現,並告訴經已白髮蒼蒼老態龍鍾的 Picard/ Kamin,他們其實經已離開 1000年了。

Kataan 星球發射火箭送一個 Probe 上太空,就是希望有機會遇到其他生物乘太空船路過,讓其他文明知道,他們的 Kataan 星球曾經存在過。Picard 終於明白了,他就這個 chosen one,他生活過很長時間,正好讓他明白到 Kataan 星球的文明和文化以及歷史。

"Oh, it's me, isn't it?", he says, "I'm the someone ... I'm the one it finds."

在 Enterprise 上昏睡的 Picard 醒來了! 原來幾十年的經歷,只是太空船上的 25分鐘,船員把漂浮的 Probe 捉着打開,發覺經已失效,內面藏有一個小盒子,送了給 Captain Picard,打開來一看就是他在 Kataan 星球生活時,時常吹奏用的笛子。

Picard 不期然揍到口邊,吹起一段 The Inner Light,再墮入回憶中!!!

The Complete Ending

In English

【維基百科】On stardate 45944.1, the Enterprise has just finished a magnetic wave survey of the Parvenium System, when they encounter an unknown probe which scans the ship and directs an energy beam at Captain Picard, rendering him unconscious.

Picard wakes up to find himself on the surface of Kataan, a non-Federation planet. A woman identifies herself as his wife, Eline, telling Picard that he is Kamin, an iron weaver recovering from a feverish sickness.

Picard talks of his memories on the Enterprise, but Eline and their close friend Batai try to convince Picard that his memories were only dreams, and acclimate him into their society as Kamin. Picard begins living out his life as Kamin in the village of Ressik, starting a family with Eline, and learning to play the flute.

Kamin spends much time outdoors studying nature. As the years pass, he begins to notice that the planet is suffering a worldwide drought owing to increased radiation from the planet's sun. He sends reports to the planet's leaders, who seem to ignore his concerns. Ultimately, Kamin confronts a government official who privately admits to him that the government already knows this but wish to keep it a secret to avoid a panic.

The official points out to Kamin that they only just recently managed to successfully launch artificial satellites using primitive rockets: their race simply does not possess the technology level needed to evacuate even a small colony's worth of people before their planet is rendered uninhabitable.

Meanwhile, on board the Enterprise, the crew continues attempts to revive Picard. They try to block the influence of the probe, but this only makes Picard worse, leaving them no choice but to let it continue.

Years pass and Kamin grows old, outliving his wife. Kamin and his daughter Meribor continue their study of the drought. They find that it is not temporary; extinction of all life on the planet is inevitable. One day, while playing with his grandson, Kamin is summoned by his adult children to watch the launch of a rocket, which everyone seems to know about except him.

As he walks outside into the glaring sunlight, Kamin sees Eline and Batai, as young as when he first saw them. They explain that he has already seen the rocket, just before he came there. Knowing that the planet was doomed, the planet's leaders placed the memories of their culture into a probe and launched it into space, in the hope that it would find someone who could tell others about their species.

Picard then realizes the entire context: "Oh, it's me, isn't it?", he says, "I'm the someone...I'm the one it finds."

Picard wakes up on the bridge of the Enterprise to discover that only 25 minutes have passed. While he was unconscious, the crew of the Enterprise tracked the probe's course back to a scorched and desolate planet whose sun went nova 1,000 years earlier.

The now inactive probe is brought aboard the Enterprise and the crew finds a small box within it. A somber Riker gives the box to Picard who opens it to find Kamin's flute. Picard, now adept at the instrument, plays the melody he learned during his life as Kamin. (An even more detailed version)

The inner light 這個樂章,在第六季第十九集 Lessons 再出現過,Picard 認識到一位女船員 Lt. Nella Daren,工餘她愛彈琴常與 Picard 合奏了一曲,也因此合奏了 the inner light 共譜愛曲!

但上司與下屬關係,一個要下命令,一個要接受命令,就難免產生尷尬 。。。。

更不幸是有一次戰鬥任務,Picard 要派女友上戰場,生死攸關但也沒有辦法,唯有焦急等候她平安回來。兩個和 Picard 有感情的女人,Eline 和 Nella 都和 The Inner Light 樂章關連着。

The Inner Light orchestral music Plus Picard with Eline and Nella

最後,Nella 選擇調離 Enterprise,Captain Picard 這段愛情無疾而終!

In English

【維基百科】Picard is irritated that the stellar cartography department has shut down several systems on the Enterprise, and heads down there to find out what is going on. He meets the head of the department, Lt. Commander Nella Daren, who makes an impression on Picard.

It is a meeting memorable enough to later discuss with Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden). At a musical recital by Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner), Picard is surprised to see Daren, once again, playing the piano. The two discuss music, and later meet in Picard's quarters and participate in a duet. Daren on a portable piano and Picard on his Ressikan flute.

The two meet more often; even in a Jefferies tube, which Daren claims has the best acoustics on the ship. In this private setting, their attraction for one another is expressed in a kiss. The moment of intimacy is fleeting, however. When they enter a turbolift, and are joined by another crewmember, Picard resumes the professional demeanour of Captain. The Enterprise is diverted from its mission, when it is directed to investigate a report of firestorms at a Federation outpost.

While in transit, Picard consults Counsellor Troi (Marina Sirtis) regarding his actions with Daren. Picard then goes to Daren to apologize and to explain. He recounts an earlier experience in which he was scanned by an alien probe (previously shown in the episode "The Inner Light").

The probe imparted to Picard the life experience of a man named Kamin, on the planet Kataan. As Kamin, Picard had a wife and family, became a grandfather, and grew old. And he learned to play the flute. The probe imparted to Picard a deep appreciation of intimacy and family life, as well as knowledge of the probe's doomed creators. When the probe shut down, and Picard re-awoke on the bridge of the Enterprise, only a few moments had elapsed. When the probe was dismantled, it contained Kamin's flute, an object of great significance to Picard.

Daren speaks to Commander Riker (Jonathan Frakes) requesting a transfer. Riker turns down the request. Afterwards, Riker speaks with Picard, explaining that Picard and Daren's relationship made the decision complicated.

The Enterprise arrives at the Federation outpost to find that firestorms are heading toward the facility. Daren suggests a means of deflecting the storms, but the equipment requires trained personnel on the ground to operate it. Daren is assigned to the surface team, along with a number of other crew.

The outpost is evacuated during the dangerous mission, leaving only the Enterprise away team on surface. The firestorms overwhelm the position that Daren's team occupies before they can be retrieved. Believing Daren to be dead, Picard sits contemplating his decision in his quarters. He then hears that survivors are being transported aboard, and heads to the transporter room.

Daren is not among the initial group of survivors, but is later transported to the ship. Eight members of the team have died. Afterwards, Picard and Daren discuss their relationship. They realize that it cannot continue, as Picard could not put her in danger once more. They discuss giving up their Starfleet careers to be together.

Daren then realizes that Picard, still cherishing the family life he experienced as Kamin, has nonetheless chosen duty, career, and loneliness. They both know that Daren must transfer off the Enterprise. They kiss once more, and Daren makes Picard promise not to give up music. (An even more detailed version


Last but not least,When the inner space meets the inner light,he falls in love with this Music and Melody!

TNG: The Inner Light 維基百科
TNG: Lessons 維基百科
the 177 episodes of TNG 湯承安 TNG 網頁
The inner light 125th episode TNG 湯承安 TNG 網頁
Lessons 145th episode TNG 湯承安 TNG 網頁

星空奇遇記 STAR Trek~The Inner Light (The music)
星空奇遇記 STAR Trek~The Inner Light (The story)
THE INNER LIGHT vs the inner space