與日本舉國秩序井然地應付地震海嘯 aftermath 比較,中國人和香港的中國人,竟然誤信奸商謠言,蜂擁搶購食鹽,我等炎黃子孫,又何能夠阻止日本人,再次發動侵華呢?
日本地理 維基百科
「沉沒」與「崛起」~ 蔡子強 雅虎新聞網
中日交往的千年情仇 21cn.com
日核泄漏 背后秘密 嘿嘿解密
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, March 18, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Meltdown 核芯融化
Meltdown 核芯融化
電影 Movie:The China Syndrome
Directed by: James Bridges
Starring:Jane Fonda,Jack Lemmon,Michael Douglas
本篇已翻譯成繁體中文:谷歌翻譯 / 微軟翻譯
【維基百科】While visiting the Ventana nuclear power plant, television news reporter Kimberly Wells (Jane Fonda) witnesses the plant going through an emergency shutdown (SCRAM).
Shift Supervisor Jack Godell (Jack Lemmon) notices an unusual vibration; then he finds that a gauge is misreading and that the coolant is dangerously low. The crew manages to bring the reactor under control.
Wells's maverick cameraman Richard Adams (Michael Douglas) surreptitiously films the incident, despite being requested to turn his camera off for security purposes. When he shows the film to experts, they realize that the plant came close to the "China Syndrome" in which the core would have melted down into the earth, hitting groundwater and contaminating the surrounding area with radioactive steam.
Godell uncovers evidence that X-rays of welds have been falsified. He believes that the plant is unsafe and could be severely damaged if another full-power SCRAM occurs. He tries to bring the evidence to the attention of the public, but when he is chased, he takes refuge in the power plant.
To his dismay, he finds that the reactor has been brought up to full power. He grabs a gun from a security guard, forces everyone out, and demands to be interviewed on live television.
Plant technicians deliberately cause a SCRAM so that a SWAT team can force its way into the control room. The television cable is cut and Godell is shot by the police, but before he dies he feels the unusual vibration again. The resulting SCRAM is only brought under control by the plant's automatic systems. True to his predictions, the plant suffers significant damage.
Plant officials try to paint Godell as emotionally disturbed, but Godell's friend and coworker Ted Spindler states that Godell would not have taken such drastic steps had there not been something to his belief. The film ends as the reporter's live signal abruptly cuts to color bars.
理論 Theory:China Syndrome
【維基百科】The China Syndrome is a hypothetical idea of an extreme result of a nuclear meltdown in which molten reactor core products breach the barriers below them and flow downwards through the floor of the containment building. The origin of the phrase is the fictional idea that molten material from an American reactor could melt through the crust of the Earth and reach China.
The large size of nuclear power plants ordered during the late 1960s raised new safety questions and created fears of a severe reactor accident that would send large quantities of radiation into the environment.
In the early 1970s a contentious controversy over the performance of emergency core cooling systems in nuclear power plants, designed to prevent a core meltdown that could lead to the China Syndrome, was discussed in the popular media and in technical journals.
In 1971, nuclear physicist Ralph Lapp used the term "China syndrome" to describe the burn-through of the reactor vessel, the penetration of the concrete below it, and the emergence of a mass of hot fuel into the soil below the reactor.
He based his statements on the report of a task force of nuclear physicists headed by Dr. W.K. Ergen, published in 1967. The dangers of such a hypothetical accident were popularized by the 1979 film, The China Syndrome.
The name refers to the idea of the nuclear material burning a hole from the United States to 'the other side of the world', i.e., China. China is a metaphor, as the opposite side of the globe from a majority of the continental USA, save for Northern Montana, Central Colorado, Hawaii, and Northern Alaska is the Indian Ocean.
The 'China Syndrome' refers to the most drastically severe meltdown a nuclear reactor could possibly achieve. In this case, the reactor would reach the highest level of supercriticality for a sustained period of time, resulting in the melting of its support infrastructure.
The uranium in the core would behave in a similar manner to a delta-class fire, self-sustaining temperatures in excess of 2000°C. Since these temperatures would melt all materials around it, the reactor would sink due to gravity, effectively boring a hole through the reactor compartment's floor.
The China syndrome becomes fictional in the hypothesis of it boring a hole from the United States to China, or any other part of the world. Most obviously it is impossible because the Earth's gravity would only pull it towards the core of the planet and no further.
Furthermore, were the molten reactor fuel to reach the planetary mantle, the actual environmental effect would likely be low; the radioactive material would disperse by convection throughout the mantle, which is in any case kept liquid by natural nuclear decay.
However, it is likely that the uranium core would not exceed more than 10 meters of 'boring' due to natural passive safety. The surrounding ground beneath the reactor would absorb the heat and transfer its conductivity to the surrounding area, thus preventing the ground directly beneath the core from 'melting'.
This manner of spreading heat convectively through the ground is proposed for use in General Atomics' Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor for regular operation and passive safety, which aims to eliminate the possibility of a meltdown.
閱讀 本篇網誌(繁體中文) 谷歌翻譯
閱讀 本篇網誌(繁體中文) 微軟翻譯
The China Syndrome 電影 維基百科
China Syndrome 理論 維基百科
電影:危機 The China Syndrome 維基百科
The China Syndrome《中國症候群》危機 NOWNEWS.COM
The China Syndrome Movie Trailer YOUTUBE.com
The Nuclear Meltdown in Japan 谷歌新聞搜尋
核芯融化 谷歌新聞搜尋
電影 Movie:The China Syndrome
Directed by: James Bridges
Starring:Jane Fonda,Jack Lemmon,Michael Douglas
本篇已翻譯成繁體中文:谷歌翻譯 / 微軟翻譯
【維基百科】While visiting the Ventana nuclear power plant, television news reporter Kimberly Wells (Jane Fonda) witnesses the plant going through an emergency shutdown (SCRAM).
Shift Supervisor Jack Godell (Jack Lemmon) notices an unusual vibration; then he finds that a gauge is misreading and that the coolant is dangerously low. The crew manages to bring the reactor under control.
Wells's maverick cameraman Richard Adams (Michael Douglas) surreptitiously films the incident, despite being requested to turn his camera off for security purposes. When he shows the film to experts, they realize that the plant came close to the "China Syndrome" in which the core would have melted down into the earth, hitting groundwater and contaminating the surrounding area with radioactive steam.
Godell uncovers evidence that X-rays of welds have been falsified. He believes that the plant is unsafe and could be severely damaged if another full-power SCRAM occurs. He tries to bring the evidence to the attention of the public, but when he is chased, he takes refuge in the power plant.
To his dismay, he finds that the reactor has been brought up to full power. He grabs a gun from a security guard, forces everyone out, and demands to be interviewed on live television.
Plant technicians deliberately cause a SCRAM so that a SWAT team can force its way into the control room. The television cable is cut and Godell is shot by the police, but before he dies he feels the unusual vibration again. The resulting SCRAM is only brought under control by the plant's automatic systems. True to his predictions, the plant suffers significant damage.
Plant officials try to paint Godell as emotionally disturbed, but Godell's friend and coworker Ted Spindler states that Godell would not have taken such drastic steps had there not been something to his belief. The film ends as the reporter's live signal abruptly cuts to color bars.
理論 Theory:China Syndrome
【維基百科】The China Syndrome is a hypothetical idea of an extreme result of a nuclear meltdown in which molten reactor core products breach the barriers below them and flow downwards through the floor of the containment building. The origin of the phrase is the fictional idea that molten material from an American reactor could melt through the crust of the Earth and reach China.
The large size of nuclear power plants ordered during the late 1960s raised new safety questions and created fears of a severe reactor accident that would send large quantities of radiation into the environment.
In the early 1970s a contentious controversy over the performance of emergency core cooling systems in nuclear power plants, designed to prevent a core meltdown that could lead to the China Syndrome, was discussed in the popular media and in technical journals.
In 1971, nuclear physicist Ralph Lapp used the term "China syndrome" to describe the burn-through of the reactor vessel, the penetration of the concrete below it, and the emergence of a mass of hot fuel into the soil below the reactor.
He based his statements on the report of a task force of nuclear physicists headed by Dr. W.K. Ergen, published in 1967. The dangers of such a hypothetical accident were popularized by the 1979 film, The China Syndrome.
The name refers to the idea of the nuclear material burning a hole from the United States to 'the other side of the world', i.e., China. China is a metaphor, as the opposite side of the globe from a majority of the continental USA, save for Northern Montana, Central Colorado, Hawaii, and Northern Alaska is the Indian Ocean.
The 'China Syndrome' refers to the most drastically severe meltdown a nuclear reactor could possibly achieve. In this case, the reactor would reach the highest level of supercriticality for a sustained period of time, resulting in the melting of its support infrastructure.
The uranium in the core would behave in a similar manner to a delta-class fire, self-sustaining temperatures in excess of 2000°C. Since these temperatures would melt all materials around it, the reactor would sink due to gravity, effectively boring a hole through the reactor compartment's floor.
The China syndrome becomes fictional in the hypothesis of it boring a hole from the United States to China, or any other part of the world. Most obviously it is impossible because the Earth's gravity would only pull it towards the core of the planet and no further.
Furthermore, were the molten reactor fuel to reach the planetary mantle, the actual environmental effect would likely be low; the radioactive material would disperse by convection throughout the mantle, which is in any case kept liquid by natural nuclear decay.
However, it is likely that the uranium core would not exceed more than 10 meters of 'boring' due to natural passive safety. The surrounding ground beneath the reactor would absorb the heat and transfer its conductivity to the surrounding area, thus preventing the ground directly beneath the core from 'melting'.
This manner of spreading heat convectively through the ground is proposed for use in General Atomics' Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor for regular operation and passive safety, which aims to eliminate the possibility of a meltdown.
閱讀 本篇網誌(繁體中文) 谷歌翻譯
閱讀 本篇網誌(繁體中文) 微軟翻譯
The China Syndrome 電影 維基百科
China Syndrome 理論 維基百科
電影:危機 The China Syndrome 維基百科
The China Syndrome《中國症候群》危機 NOWNEWS.COM
The China Syndrome Movie Trailer YOUTUBE.com
The Nuclear Meltdown in Japan 谷歌新聞搜尋
核芯融化 谷歌新聞搜尋
Sunday, March 13, 2011
週六黃昏收到了日本老友記的來郵,報報平安! 放心下來!
老友記一家大細,住在東京武藏野的住宅區,但要到東京山手線圈內上班,故此每天來回需要四小時多,真是慘情,少了很多時間陪伴嬌妻,逗玩三歲多的女兒 plus 剛剛出生未及週歲的小兒子。
據市政府稱,當初耗資4億日圓 購入「濱百合」,已載客十餘年。地震發生當天,「濱百合」正在岩手縣大槌町的造船廠接受定期檢查。海嘯襲來後遊覽船被衝至150米遠的民宅屋頂。
日本三景 官方網頁
松島海岸觀光船「濱百合」沖上屋頂將被解體 雅虎新聞網
嵯峨溪 日本旅遊指引
松島海岸觀光船 官方網頁
週六黃昏收到了日本老友記的來郵,報報平安! 放心下來!
老友記一家大細,住在東京武藏野的住宅區,但要到東京山手線圈內上班,故此每天來回需要四小時多,真是慘情,少了很多時間陪伴嬌妻,逗玩三歲多的女兒 plus 剛剛出生未及週歲的小兒子。
據市政府稱,當初耗資4億日圓 購入「濱百合」,已載客十餘年。地震發生當天,「濱百合」正在岩手縣大槌町的造船廠接受定期檢查。海嘯襲來後遊覽船被衝至150米遠的民宅屋頂。
日本三景 官方網頁
松島海岸觀光船「濱百合」沖上屋頂將被解體 雅虎新聞網
嵯峨溪 日本旅遊指引
松島海岸觀光船 官方網頁
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