【The Telegraph】Mr Cameron praised Meryl Streep's performance in The Iron Lady as "fantastic", but questioned the decision to make the film while Baroness Thatcher is alive.
i.e. David Cameron has suggested that a controversial film about Margaret Thatcher should have been delayed until after her death.
【NME】Prime Minister David Cameron has said he wishes the Margaret Thatcher biopic The Iron Lady had been delayed and focused more on her leadership skills rather than her health.
David Cameron: 'I wish 'The Iron Lady' hadn't been made yet'
The Iron Lady 三月八日在香港上映
【維基百科】The Iron Lady is a 2011 British biographical film based on the life of Margaret Thatcher, the longest serving Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of the 20th century.
The film begins circa 2008 (opening against the backdrop of news of the Islamabad Marriott Hotel bombing) with an elderly Lady Thatcher buying milk unrecognized by other customers and walking back from the shop alone.
Over the course of three days we see her struggle with dementia and with the lack of power that comes with old age, whilst looking back on defining moments of her personal and professional life, on which she reminisces with her (dead) husband, Denis. She is shown as having difficulty distinguishing between the past and present .......

Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher
Jim Broadbent as Denis Thatcher
Anthony Head as Geoffrey Howe
Richard E. Grant as Michael Heseltine
Directed by Phyllida Lloyd
演技派女星 梅麗 史翠普,於29年後,憑電影 The Iron Lady 再當上 金球獎金像獎雙料影后,港譯:鐵娘子~戴卓爾夫人傳。
需要挑剔的話,可能就是如現任英國首相所言:A controversial film about Margaret Thatcher should have been delayed until after her death. 因為年老的鐵娘子仍然在世,即是還未能有蓋棺論,電影中有的煽情位置,未能去得更盡。不過,這只是我個人的感覺。
【維基百科】 Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, LG, OM, PC, FRS (née Roberts; born 13 October 1925) is a British politician and longest-serving (1979–1990) British prime minister of the 20th century, and the only woman to have held the post.
Dubbed the "Iron Lady" for her firm opposition to the Soviet Union, she implemented a number of conservative policies that have come to be known as Thatcherism.
Originally a chemist, and then a barrister, Thatcher became Member of Parliament (MP) for Finchley in the 1959 general election. Edward Heath appointed her Secretary of State for Education and Science in his 1970 government.
In 1975 Thatcher defeated Heath in the Conservative Party leadership election and became Leader of the Opposition, as well as the first woman to head a major political party in the United Kingdom. She became prime minister after winning the 1979 general election.
After entering 10 Downing Street, Thatcher introduced a series of political and economic initiatives to reverse what she perceived as a precipitous national decline in Britain.
Her political philosophy and economic policies emphasised deregulation (particularly of the financial sector), flexible labour markets, the privatisation of state-owned companies, and reducing the power and influence of trade unions.
In her first years in office Thatcher's popularity waned amid recession and high unemployment; then economic recovery and the 1982 Falklands War brought a resurgence of support, resulting in her re-election in 1983.
Thatcher was re-elected for a third term in 1987, but her Community Charge was widely unpopular and her views on the European Community were not shared by others in her Cabinet. She resigned as Prime Minister and party leader in November 1990, after Michael Heseltine launched a challenge to her leadership.
Thatcher holds a life peerage as Baroness Thatcher, of Kesteven in the County of Lincolnshire, which entitles her to sit in the House of Lords.
當然電影沒有包括 1982年,戴卓爾夫人戴着福克蘭戰役的勝利光環,又去到北京會見鄧小平,為香港作前途談判,結果碰得一面灰,她還在人民大會堂梯級摔了一跤!
2013年 4月 8日 戴卓爾夫人中風去世,17日在倫敦舉行《禮葬》儀式,英女皇及皇夫皆有出席。
但反對者卻慶祝她的離世,高唱 Ding Dong The Witch is Dead!
除了解決煤礦工潮,戴卓爾夫人 把衰落的英國恢復尊嚴,阿根廷 入侵 福克蘭群島,戴卓爾夫人 派遣遠征軍南下,用武力奪回群島。
戴卓爾 乘勝追擊,為殖民地香港的主權與中國攤牌,但最終經過談判,1997年 7月 1日歸還中國,主權換治權方案無效,鄧小平 堅決回收香港,若有必要提早收回。
曾經處於權力高峰,但最後黯然離開唐寧街 10號!
2013年 4月 17日 倫敦 (CNN)
Meryl Streep 維基百科
David Cameron: The Iron Lady should have been delayed telegraph.co.uk
David Cameron: 'I wish 'The Iron Lady' hadn't been made yet' nme.com The Iron Lady 維基百科
Margaret Thatcher 維基百科
演技的切磋 前者:Doubt 港譯:聖訴,後者:Frost/Nixon 港譯:驚世真言
梅麗史翠普的變臉:Doubt 聖訴
當兩個女人遇到兩個好男人:Julie & Julia 茱莉對茱莉亞-隔代廚神
三個 Aunties + 三個過期型男 + ABBA's hit songs = Mama Mia!