追加:天水圍泥頭山掘泥 可能觸犯盜竊罪
早前在網上 Time.com 見到一篇外媒的 說三道四 。。。。。

A Hong Kong Woman Just Got Convicted of Assaulting a Police Officer With Her Breast
The extent of the officer's physical injuries was not revealed
【Time.com】A court in Hong Kong convicted 30-year-old Ng Lai-ying Thursday of assaulting a police officer by hitting him with her breast during a protest on March 1.
Ng testified that during the protest the officer had reached out his arm to grasp the strap of her bag and that his hand had come in contact with her upper left breast, the South China Morning Post reports.
She told the court that she immediately yelled, “Indecent assault!”
But in his decision, the magistrate rejected those allegations, accusing Ng of lying in her testimony and instead finding her guilty of using her breast to bump the officer’s arm. “You used your female identity to trump up the allegation that the officer had molested you. This is a malicious act,” he said.
There was no word on what physical injuries, if any, the officer suffered.
香港女示威者使用最知名武器 ── 胸部
【明報專訊】男學生鄺振駹(20歲)與任職文員的女友吳麗英(30歲),被指參與 3月 1日「光復元朗」反水貨客示威期間,阻差辦公及襲警,兩人否認控罪受審。暫委裁判官陳碧橋早前裁決時指,鄺及吳杜撰總督察非禮吳,並裁定吳當日以胸口撞向總督察上臂的方式屬襲警。
原來上網又很多的外媒都有報導,其中包括:英國 的 《獨立報》
Hong Kong protester convicted of assaulting police officer with her breast
【Independent】A Hong Kong protester has been found guilty of assaulting a Chinese police inspector by hitting him with her breast, local media have reported.
Ng Lai-ying, 30, who works at a shipping company, was accused yesterday of using her chest to knock into the right arm of Chief Inspector Chan Ka-po, who was attempting to control a chaotic protest against cross-border traders in Yuen Long, Hong Kong on 1 March.
Lai-ying’s boyfriend, Kwong Chung-lung, 20, and university student Poon Tsz-hang, 22, were also found guilty of obstructing police officers and a 14-year-old pupil was found guilty of hitting Ka-po in the chest with their shoulder while the Inspector was urging protesters to move from the roadway to the pavement.
All four defendants pleaded not guilty to the charges against them.
According to the South China Morning Post, Lai-ying said in court that Ka-po had stretched out his arm to reach the strap of her shoulder bag causing his hand to touch the upper part of her left breast to which Lai-ying shouted “indecent assault.”
However, the magistrate, Michael Chan Pik-kiu, rejected her claim that the inspector had molested her and reportedly said: “You used your female identity to trump up the allegation that the officer had molested you. This is a malicious act.” He also added that it had caused great harm to the officer’s reputation.
Magistrate Pik-kiu stated that it was the police’s role to maintain law and order in a protest.
He said: ”There were two groups of people expressing different points of view at the protest. Without police officers there to maintain order, it is not surprising that there was commotion, or even clashes.“
Each of the defendants have been remanded in custody and will be sentenced on July 29 with appropriate punishments pending a series of reports, according to local media.
Hong Kong protester convicted of assaulting police officer with her breast
Magistrate convinced that woman struck police officer and then made up assault story
【SCMP】A participant in a protest against cross-border traders on March 1 was yesterday found guilty of assaulting a police chief inspector by hitting him with her breast.
Tuen Mun deputy magistrate Michael Chan Pik-kiu convicted Ng Lai-ying, 30, who works at a shipping company, of using her chest to bump against the right arm of Chief Inspector Chan Ka-po - who was trying to control the chaotic protest in Yuen Long that day.
A 14-year-old pupil whose name was not disclosed in open court for legal reasons was also found guilty of striking Chan in the chest with his shoulder while the officer was urging protesters to return to the pavement from the roadway on Sau Fu Street.
Ng's boyfriend, Kwong Chun-lung, 20, and university student Poon Tsz-hang, 22, were each found guilty of one count of obstructing police officers who were exercising their duties.
All four defendants pleaded not guilty to their charges.
During the trial, Ng said Chan stretched his arm to reach the strap of the bag on her shoulder, and his hand landed on the upper part of her left breast.
She said she immediately yelled "indecent assault".
But yesterday, after analysing the evidence, the magistrate rejected her claims that the inspector had molested her, and chastised her for making up the assault story.
"You used your female identity to trump up the allegation that the officer had molested you. This is a malicious act," he said, adding that it had caused great harm to the officer's reputation.
The magistrate noted that during his one-year stint in Tuen Mun Court, he had handled numerous cases in which defendants had assaulted other people who were exercising their duties, including police officers and Correctional Services Department staff.
"Those who are attacked because of their jobs should be protected," he said.
He also affirmed that the role of police in a protest was to maintain law and order.
"There were two groups of people expressing different points of view at the protest. Without police officers there to maintain order, it is not surprising that there was commotion, or even clashes."
All of the defendants, who will be sentenced on July 29, were remanded in custody, pending a series of reports to determine an appropriate punishment.
Last but not least,最後在 7月 30日早上,法官暫委裁判官陳碧橋判刑,吳麗英 被判監 3.5個月,被告獲准以 5000元現金保釋等候上訴。
吳早前經審訊後被裁定以胸口撞向總督察襲警罪成。案件今判刑,逾 70人到庭聲援。
吳被判監 3.5個月,鄺則被判入勞教中心。同案 14歲少年及另一男被告則分別被判入更生中心及被判 5個月零 1星期監禁。全部被告均獲准以 5000元現金保釋等候上訴。
一名學生與女文員吳麗英原否認一項襲警罪;另外兩男學生鄺振駹及潘子行各否認一項阻差辦公罪。裁判官早前裁定 4名被告全部罪名成立。
在公司蛇竇有一遍議論,有同事質疑:行兇的武器是否硬物?Another questioned 警方沒收凶器為呈堂證物?更有位頗為前衛的女性同事插嘴質疑:有沒有專家在法庭給予意見被襲擊者受到瘀傷/流血?
Anyway 吳麗英 誣衊遇襲總督擦非禮,法官可以以誣告他人入罪,但閱讀《明報》法官是裁定以胸口撞向總督察襲警罪成。以現時有限的資料,律政署的檢察官 prosecutor 是告 吳麗英 襲警,而不是告 吳麗英 誣告 。。。。。。。吧!!!
嗜悲 不是法律界,所以不知道 誣告的判刑,是否遠低於 襲警的判刑,所以律政署選擇後者!?
歐美媒體繼續報導《胸襲警察》說三道四,更有 Talk Show host Conan O’Brien jokes about Hong Kong ‘breast assault’ case (看片)。
明報:土盟挖泥抗議遭警阻止 稱或犯盜竊罪 拘4人
【明報專訊】天水圍嘉湖山莊附近出現「泥頭山」,屋宇署本月 8日發出危險斜坡修葺令,勒令土地擁有人在一星期內,即 15日或以前展開緊急噴漿工程,並在一個月內完成噴漿工程,但至今仍未見有施工。土地正義聯盟 10多名義工今早到泥頭山上挖泥,並計劃運送到政府總部示威。
土地正義聯盟多名義工今早到天水圍嘉湖山莊附近「泥頭山」挖泥,並計劃運送到政府總部示威,期間 8人被捕,包括土盟執委朱凱迪及前來聲援的工黨立法會議員李卓人。他們全部拒絕保釋,約於下午 5時 45分離開元朗警署。
朱凱迪表示「欲加之罪,何患無辭」,認為市民面對環境被破壞,不能袖手旁觀,「如果我們今日的付出,是可以讓社會更加多人,對於香港環境保護的關注,令政府不得不做點事的話,我畀人告 100次偷竊罪,又有什麼所謂?」
名筆 葉一知 在他的 面書 有以下的 比喻:

2016年 3月 22日 明報社評:天水圍泥頭山 事態發展荒誕
噴漿加固後可存在 壞先例或惡化堆填
不過,團體成員與早已在場的警員爭執對峙之後,警方以「盜竊」等罪名拘捕了 8人,帶返警署,包括到場支持的一名立法會議員,他們其後都在拒絕保釋下獲准離去。
增人手修例引入科技 從嚴全面規管倒泥頭
特區政府竟然找不到相關條例禁止築起泥頭山,變成默許以後可以不斷築起泥頭山,只要利用 灌漿/噴漿 技術術把基礎堅固,政府就無佢符!!!
A Hong Kong Woman Just Got Convicted of Assaulting a Police Officer With Her Breast Time.com
香港女示威者使用最知名武器──胸部 明報新聞網
Hong Kong protester convicted of assaulting police officer with her breast Independent.co.hk
Hong Kong protester convicted of assaulting police officer with her breast SCMP
胸口襲警罪成 反水客女文員判囚 3個半月 明報新聞網
土盟挖泥抗議遭警阻止 稱或犯盜竊罪 拘4人 明報新聞網
8被捕者離開警署 朱凱迪指「欲加之罪何患無辭」 明報新聞網
天水圍泥頭山 事態發展荒誕 明報新聞網
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