袁門 Rimsky Gate
一部上一個世紀的舊電影,Sliding Doors 電影中女主角第一次受阻了上不到車,而另一條 timeline,卻是她趕上了 Sliding Doors 上到了車。
結果女主角在兩條不同 Timelines,發展出截然不同的經歷和際遇,生與死竟然原來就由 Sliding Doors 決定了命運。中文片名譯作:“緣份兩面睇” 頗為貼合也很到題。
袁國強 袁大狀 Rimsky Yuen 2012年 7月 1日趕上了,梁振英 政府的執政團隊的車,由 HK Bar Association 的前主席,再升級成為 “香港特別行政區 律政司司長”。就發生了 袁門事件 Rimsky Gate Incident(借用了:水門事件 Watergate incident),新任律政司 袁國強 要面對他的 Sliding Doors 於是:袁分兩面睇。
若剛巧 袁大狀 上不到車,作為前大律師公會主席的他,還會說出:「不同意」不代表「不可行」嗎?!?!?請閱讀以下的一段新聞報導。
人大副秘書長 李飛 來香港做完大騷後,臨離港前約見 大律師公會代表,並由律政司司長 袁國强 陪同。大律師公會主席 石永泰 明確指出人大方案法理上矛盾,袁國强 無言以對,耍出一招:「不同意」不代表「不可行」。
大律師公會主席石永泰會後稱,他們提出對人大議決的疑問和憂慮,包括要求提委會過半提名、候選人數限 2至 3名,以及維持提委會四大界別,認為這些限制對特首選舉是否符合無「不合理限制」的國際標準,仍存「很大爭議」。
石永泰與李飛會晤逾一個半小時後稱未被中央官員說服,他質疑人大決定要求特首參選人要獲過半支持才可成為候選人,除非提委會成員可隨時改變政見,「頭一分鐘提名政見 A的候選人,後一分鐘提名鍾意政見 B的候選人」,否則要提委「分心二用」,提名兩個不同政治光譜「不是太大可能」。若要求提委透過協商提名不同政見的候選人,正是構成不合理限制所在。
大律師公會 4月提出政改建議時說,若特首選舉是有預選,或會面臨司法覆核。不過,石永泰昨稱人大已作決定,本港法庭不能覆核人大決定,至今剩下的只是政治問題,例如立法會最終是否通過政改方案,這涉及很多不同考慮,例如政制是否可完善。
袁大狀 2012年 7月 1日趕上了,梁振英 政府的執政團隊的車,由 HK Bar Association 的前主席,再升級成為 “香港特別行政區 律政司司長”。若剛巧 袁大狀 上不到車,作為大律師的前主席,袁大狀還會說出:『應平常心看待白皮書不應作陰謀論』嗎?!?!?
袁未上車前的 2008年,還是 BAR Association 主席是,曾白紙黑字:
這個 袁門事件 Rimsky Gate 袁大狀的自然轉軚,他有需要為自己的前言後語辯解嗎?袁大狀今次面對兩難真的局面,夾在捍衛司法獨立,與不可拂逆中央的兩大原則之間 。。。。唉!真的是難為了 ”袁家嫂“!
袁司長 曾經是 大律師公會主席,如今升格做了做司長,竟然讓法理矛盾含糊以對,再一次重演多一次 袁分兩面睇。不過,現任工會主席 石永泰 也在不久之後,退下了 Bar Association 主席位,由 譚允芝女士 Winnie Tam 補上。
【SCMP】The new leaders of the Bar Association have pledged to defend the rule of law from any attack, just as their professional body has always done.
Winnie Tam Wan-chi SC, who had been vice-chair, became the new chairwoman of the barristers' organisation at its annual general meeting yesterday after the position was uncontested.
She vowed to spare no effort in carrying on the work of the body, describing her style as "similar" to outgoing chairman Paul Shieh Wing-tai SC.
"We have worked together very well for four years," Tam told reporters after the meeting.
"What we've said and done is a collective effort. The association's standpoint will not change overnight just because the leader is changed."
She noted that political events last year had brought pressure on the association, but said she was ready for challenges in the coming year.
At the height of the Occupy Central sit-ins in October, the association twice criticised protesters' defiance of injunctions to clear the streets, warning of an erosion of the rule of law.
A specialist in intellectual property law, Tam was admitted to the Bar in 1984 and took silk as senior counsel in 2006. She has represented the government and corporations on a range of intellectual property disputes, including in music, film, advertising and construction.
She is also known among peers as an accomplished musician, having written the law anthem for the University of Hong Kong's law faculty.
At the same meeting, Joseph Tse Wah-yuen SC succeeded Tam as vice-chairman. The other vice-chairman, Paul Lam Ting-kwok SC, will remain in his post.
Tse agreed the rule of law would remain the association's top priority. "We will issue position papers on political reform and constitutional issues as we've done in the past," he said.
Apart from the three leaders, 11 barristers were elected to the Bar Council, the executive committee that governs the association. Tam said another nine members would be co-opted.
Legal-sector lawmaker Dennis Kwok said he hoped to see the association make a formal submission to the government on political reform, which is now undergoing a second public consultation, that would declare the reform framework laid down by Beijing as unconstitutional.
The association has been vocal on public law issues. At the Legal Year ceremony on Monday, Shieh criticised the government for overemphasising obedience to the law. He said the rule of law also covered respect for human rights.
據聞這位 Winnie Tam 譚允芝女士師從 Mohan Bharwaney 包華禮,同門師弟是律政司司長 Rimsky Yuen 袁國強,兩師姊弟都是做過 BAR Association 的主席,將來是閉門一家親,還是不在其位不謀其政呢?袁門 Rimsky Gate 仍然會繼續 。。。。。。。袁氏 的 Sliding Doors continue 袁分兩面睇 !
臨別秋波 Paul Shieh 石永泰在 2015年度的法律年度開啟典禮,發表了鏗鏘有聲的重要演說。
大律師公會主席 石永泰 在法律年度開啟典禮,批評政府「開口閉口」提「依法」,有誤導公眾之嫌,並評論公民抗命與法律觀念,認為部分名人扭曲及否定公民抗命原則,呼籲社會不要以眼還眼,分清手法與目的。
附:石永泰 2015年法律年度開啟典禮致辭全文中文譯本
1.英國其中一位最偉大的公務員,漢弗萊•阿普爾比爵士(Sir Humphrey Appleby) 曾經對他的晚輩伯納•伍利 (Bernard Woolley) 說過︰「演辭不是為現場觀眾寫的。發表演說只不過是把一篇新聞稿發放給各大傳媒必經的例行公事。」
3.香港考試及評核局於 2014年 11月發表的報告指出,很多中學生對法治概念理解錯誤,以為「法治」的意思只是執行和遵守法律,報告建議學生必須加強認識「法治」。很多一向對法治問題鮮有發聲的人士,也突然興致勃勃地對「法治」這課題侃侃而談。此時此刻,獨立的大律師公會實有必要對這課題作出持平的論述,以正視聽。
5.「法治」這名詞往往令人想起一些公認自由和文明的政權,帶有正面的含義。隨意亂用「法治」一詞,往往會不慎為一些「以法管治」(Rule of Law) 或「人治」(Rule by Man) 的政權錯誤鍍金,給它們加上名不符實的道德冠冕。
6.尤其是在一些沒有真正獨立的司法機構,法律被任意執行的體制,法院跟政府「合作」,以確保法律按政府喜歡的方法詮釋,用來打壓一些令當權者不悅的人或組織。這往往被包裝為「法治」(Rule of Law),但說穿了其實就是「我以『法』來『治』你」 (Rule by Law)。所謂「依法辦事」,說穿了就是「依我們的意旨辦事」 (Rule by Man)。
8.我接著要說的是國務院於 2014年 6月發表的白皮書。很多爭議都圍繞著「法官」是否應該被視作「治港者」。有人將問題歸咎於翻譯。但是,白皮書有關部份的真正問題,其實與翻譯無關。在我們的制度下,法院獨立的行使司法職能。當權者根本不應把任何定義不清的政治要求加諸於他們身上,例如要「愛國」,「維護國家發展利益」云云。
10.另一個因白皮書引起的不良後果便是它可能讓香港境外的有心人趁機大造文章,詆毀香港的司法制度。我們獨立的終審法院在剛果共和國一案(FG Hemisphere case)有關國家豁免的一個正常判決竟然被人錯誤定性,用來打擊香港作為國際爭議解決中心的地位。白皮書內有關法院部份的不恰當內容更可能被人作為話柄,污衊和中傷香港的司法機構。
11.但事實勝於雄辯,根據 2014-2015 年世界經濟論壇全球競爭力報告,香港在司法獨立方面於全球 144個地區之中排名第5,於亞洲名列榜首。我們的終審法院不僅在仲裁和商業法方面,也在其他範疇——例如公法和刑事法——得到主要普通法法域的支持。我們有一個真正獨立的司法機構,對案件作出裁決,就算判決結果在政治上不受歡迎,也無畏無懼。我有信心香港法院處理案件的態度,不會因白皮書改變一絲一毫。
13. 2014年 8月 31日,全國人民代表大會常務委員會頒布了關於香港特別行政區 2017行政長官產生辦法和 2016立法會選舉辦法之決定。
大律師公會對於決定的諸多不合理限制,立場早在決定頒布之前已清楚表達。現在讓我針對性地撮述大律師公會於 2014年 4月 28日提交之意見書中第 55至 69段的內容︰
(2).假若一候選人必須得到超過半數提名委員會成員支持方可獲得提名,這不可能確保選民享有對於候選人有自由和真正選擇。這「少數服從多數」的要求相比 2012年特別行政區第四任行政長官之選舉辦法,更屬倒退。
17.吾道不孤-包致金法官在 2014年 11月 23日一個電視台訪問中說過以下一番話:
18.前終審法院首席法官李國能先生在 2014年 11月 17日接受媒體訪問時則更加直接和具針對性:「[佔領者]採取的行動不能凌駕法治。這個佔領行動的規模,加上已持續了一段時間,並且法院頒布的禁制令未有受到尊重,這些行動對我們的法治有負面的影響,削弱我們的法治。」
20.很多人指出問題的源頭是 8月 31日的全國人大常委會決定,也有人指責警方濫用暴力(例如大律師公會譴責的 928催淚彈事件),振振有詞說“他們有錯在先,他們更加破壞法治”。然而,兩件錯事加起來不會變成一件好事或對的事,也不應「以牙還牙,以眼還眼」,「你做初一,我做十五」。別人就算做了苛刻、不對、或未能令人信服的舉措,但也不代表過份的反抗行為就能因此被合理化。話雖如此,若認為不斷重覆地把運動官方定性為「違法運動」就可以把全國人大常委會決定的缺憾和人們的不滿置諸腦後,則未免自欺欺人。歸根究底,必須各方都具備開明的態度和政治智慧,才有希望解決我們面對的困局。
大律師會﹕未被說服 長青網
Newly-elected Bar Association chairwoman Winnie Tam vows to defend rule of law SCMP
Speech of the Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association at the Opening of the Legal Year 2015 - 12th January 2015 HKBA.org
袁大狀的 sliding doors
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, January 16, 2015
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 Part II
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 Part II
上一篇講到 Divisional Week 如今繼續:
Divisional Week 分組週
January 10 -11 (winners in RED)
AFC 美聯:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第六種籽 波瑅馬烏鴉隊隊 Baltimore Ravens(10-6-0)
烏鴉隊 Ravens 是 愛國者隊 Patriots 的剋星,今次真的是冤家路窄兩隊又遇上了!
賽果:烏鴉隊 Ravens 31-35愛國者隊 Patriots
不過 半場 烏鴉隊一直領先:
第一節完:Ravens 14 - 7 Patriots (得分14-7)烏鴉隊領先
第二節完:Ravens 21 - 14 Patriots(得分7-7)烏鴉隊仍然領先
第三節完:Ravens 28 - 28 Patriots(得分7-14)烏鴉隊被愛國者隊追平
第四節完:Ravens 31 - 35 Patriots (得分3-7)愛國者反敗為勝
烏鴉隊的 四分衛 Falcco 和 跑球接球的 Forsett 和 Smith 續有優良表演,一直領先到第三節。不過 關鍵 可能是 愛國者隊的四分衛 Brady 在第一節落後 14分時,在一次進攻中他不傳球,而是自己冒險帶球跑入底線 TD 達陣。一早就這樣博肯冒險衝入如狼似虎的守衛羣中間,這給予 烏鴉隊一個顧慮要看守著他。 要知道 Brady 曾經有過 十字韌帶斷裂,要休息了一整季的陰影。
還有戲劇性,第四節尾尾完場前得分 Ravens 31 - 35 Patriots,烏鴉隊進攻中 四分衛 Falcco 傳球落底線,接球手 Smith 與 愛國者守衛 Harmon 在空中爭奪皮球,結果是 愛國者隊的守衛 Harmon intercepted 爭得球兒,完場。
第二種籽 丹佛野馬隊 Denver Broncos (12-4-0)
第四種籽 印第安納小馬隊 Indianapolis Colts (11-5-0)
野馬隊 Broncos 的四分衛 Peyton Manning 曾經是 小馬隊 Colts 贏得超級碗的主將,但頸部受傷要休息一季,他的位置被新的四分衛 Oliver Luck 取代,康復後唯有轉會到 野馬隊 Broncos,如今兩隊對決也即是 Manning vs Luck 的對決。
賽果:野馬隊 Broncos 13-24 小馬隊 Colts
第一節完:Colts 0 - 7 Broncos (得分0-7)野馬隊領先
第二節完:Colts 14 - 10 Broncos(得分14-3)小馬隊已經反而領先半場
第三節完:Colts 21 - 10 Broncos(得分7-0)野馬隊第三節捧蛋大局已定
第四節完:Colts 24 - 13 Broncos (得分3-3)野馬隊無力反敗為勝
是不是年紀老大 38歲的 Manning 已經光輝不再,小馬隊放棄他是理所當然呢?Luck 的表現真的蓋過了 Manning,統計數字也是一樣,整場只得一個 TD,英雄不可見白頭喲!
去年已經不年輕的 Manning 在 Superbowl 賽中,恥辱地輸了給 海鷹隊 後,結果 Manning 再來多一屆,能打到如 playoffs 已經不容易,但傷病的陰影可能就是 Manning 再次臨危不濟的因素。
不過,Manning 一向都怕死怕傷,仍在 Colts 小馬隊年代,已經不止一次入到季後賽就腳軟不濟,常規賽就無敵,但多年沒得過 Superbowl 冠軍,等待了多年卒之在 2007 Superbowl 41 僅僅一次,有傳說是 NFL 賞賜給他的。
經過第一節唯一的 TD Manning 再沒有貨賣了,Manning 完全被小馬隊的防守睇死他的慣常技俩早有準備。進攻不成 野馬隊的防守球員就有壓力,落場不久又要上場多費氣力和時間防守搶回皮球。休息時間不夠長未能恢復體能,又要再上場防守及搶回進攻權,最後連防守隊都沒有貨了。哀哉!哀哉!
NFC 國聯:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的盟主
第四種籽 北卡羅連納州野豹隊 Carolina Panthers (7-8-1)
Panthers 會不會 繼續好運可以連去屆的盟主 Seahawks 都打敗呢?
賽果:海鷗隊 Seahawks 31-17 野豹隊 Carolina Panthers
去屆盟主 Seahawks 海鷗隊一直領先由頭帶到尾:
第一節完:Seahawks 7 - 0 Panthers (得分7-0)海鷗隊領先
第二節完:Seahawks 14- 10 Panthers(得分7-10)野豹隊反撲
第三節完:Seahawks 14 - 10 Panthers(得分0-0)兩無記錄
第四節完:Seahawks 31 - 17 Panthers (得分17-7)海鷗隊攻入 17分奠勝
可算是優勝劣敗,不過第四節 落後的野豹隊是有機會追近,但四分衛 Newton 傳球入底線,卻給海鷗隊守衛 Chancellor intercepted,由一邊場跑到另一邊落底線 89碼達陣 TD 6+1 共 7分,and it just sealed the victory 這就原封海鷗隊的勝果。
之後就算 野豹隊 得到一個達陣,得 7分也於事無補。但來回來計算若沒有被 intercept 而失 7分,反而得分 7+7 兩隊就會平手要加時,若野豹隊敢來個 2 Point Play 成功的話,野豹隊可能是晉級的一隊。但這世界是沒有 IF 如果的!!!
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
第三種籽 達拉斯牛仔隊 Dallas Cowboys(12-4-0)
賽果:牛仔隊 Cowboys 21-26 包裝工隊 Packers
不過 半場後第三節 牛仔隊一直領先:
第一節完:Cowboys 7 - 7 Packers (得分7-7)平手
第二節完:Cowboys 14 - 10 Packers(得分7-3)牛仔隊領先
第三節完:Cowboys 21 - 20 Packers(得分7-10)牛仔隊仍然領先 1分
第四節完:Cowboys 21 - 26 Packers(得分0-6)包裝工反勝
正如之前說兩隊旗鼓相當,雙方咬得很緊,三節完畢 牛仔隊 仍然領先 包裝工隊 1分 21-20。
第四節開始時 包裝工隊 得到一個達陣 6分,想要保證就算輸回一個達陣都是平手,而選擇來一個 Two Point Play 2分(共28分) instead of 射門得 1分(共27分),但是 Two Point Play 卻不成功,變成 Cowboys 21-26 Packers,哈哈哈 。。。。有嘢睇嘞。
到第四節餘下比賽膠著,分數 牛仔 20-26 包裝工 到尚餘 4分鐘時,牛仔隊進攻中 4th Down 本需要踢球,但時間無多 牛仔隊唯一選擇就是進攻, 四分衛 Romo 傳球真的給 88號 Bryant 落到底線,看似是個達陣 6分,若射門入了就多 1分可以反勝。但包裝工隊主教練 提出挑戰 Challenge,球證重看幾次錄影後,改判為 imcomplete 未完成接球,所得 6分遭球證扣回,仍然是 21-26 落後。
牛仔隊沒法得分反勝,還要因為 4th Down (每次只有四次進攻權已經完畢),進攻權便轉回給 包賺工隊。得到皮球 包裝工隊 不斷浪費餘下時間,完了!
Conference Final 聯盟冠軍賽
January 18
AFC 美聯冠軍賽:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第四種籽 印第安納小馬隊 Indianapolis Colts (11-5-0)
愛國者隊的名將 四分衛 Brady,自從拋棄有了身孕中的前女友 Bridget Moynahan(後來誕生了兒子從母姓),而娶了名模 Gisele Bündchen 為妻,就像被下了咒語,無緣無故傷了十字韌帶要休息一整季,而且再沒法贏到 Superbowl 超級碗。今次,Colts 小馬隊可能有機會入到 Superbowl 超級碗。
NFC 國聯冠軍賽:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的盟主
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
去屆盟主 海鷗隊依然勇猛,看來 Green Bay Packers 不是敵手。不過看過上一圈的比賽,覺得 綠灣包裝工的 四分衛 Rodgers 比起已經贏過 Superbowl 的 西雅圖海鷗隊 四分衛 Wilson 肯博,因此看來雙方的防守隊伍才是定出誰主勝的關鍵!
Superbowl 超級碗 Championship 盟主賽
February 1
AFC 美聯冠軍
NFC 國聯冠軍
聯盟冠軍戰 和 Superbowl 49 比賽下次再續,Stay Tunned !
現在介紹一吓今屆 Superbowl 的舉行城市 阿里桑拿鳳凰城
比賽場地是 Arizona University of Phoenix Stadium
在講嘢條中佬就是阿里桑拿主教隊(又名紅雀隊)的退休名將四分衛 Kurt Warner
Superbowl 49 NFL.com
NFL Playoff Picture Week 17: Scenarios and Bracket bleacherreport.com
Road to Superbowl 超級碗 bracket NFL.com
Katy Perry will perform at Superbowl 超級碗 49 Halftime Show NFL.com
2014 Superbowl 超級碗 48
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 - Part I
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 - Part III
鬼婆談的遁廻報應 Tom Brady
London Bridge 倫敦橋 Lake Havasu City Arizona
上一篇講到 Divisional Week 如今繼續:
Divisional Week 分組週
January 10 -11 (winners in RED)
AFC 美聯:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第六種籽 波瑅馬烏鴉隊隊 Baltimore Ravens(10-6-0)
烏鴉隊 Ravens 是 愛國者隊 Patriots 的剋星,今次真的是冤家路窄兩隊又遇上了!
賽果:烏鴉隊 Ravens 31-35愛國者隊 Patriots
不過 半場 烏鴉隊一直領先:
第一節完:Ravens 14 - 7 Patriots (得分14-7)烏鴉隊領先
第二節完:Ravens 21 - 14 Patriots(得分7-7)烏鴉隊仍然領先
第三節完:Ravens 28 - 28 Patriots(得分7-14)烏鴉隊被愛國者隊追平
第四節完:Ravens 31 - 35 Patriots (得分3-7)愛國者反敗為勝
烏鴉隊的 四分衛 Falcco 和 跑球接球的 Forsett 和 Smith 續有優良表演,一直領先到第三節。不過 關鍵 可能是 愛國者隊的四分衛 Brady 在第一節落後 14分時,在一次進攻中他不傳球,而是自己冒險帶球跑入底線 TD 達陣。一早就這樣博肯冒險衝入如狼似虎的守衛羣中間,這給予 烏鴉隊一個顧慮要看守著他。 要知道 Brady 曾經有過 十字韌帶斷裂,要休息了一整季的陰影。
還有戲劇性,第四節尾尾完場前得分 Ravens 31 - 35 Patriots,烏鴉隊進攻中 四分衛 Falcco 傳球落底線,接球手 Smith 與 愛國者守衛 Harmon 在空中爭奪皮球,結果是 愛國者隊的守衛 Harmon intercepted 爭得球兒,完場。
第二種籽 丹佛野馬隊 Denver Broncos (12-4-0)
第四種籽 印第安納小馬隊 Indianapolis Colts (11-5-0)
野馬隊 Broncos 的四分衛 Peyton Manning 曾經是 小馬隊 Colts 贏得超級碗的主將,但頸部受傷要休息一季,他的位置被新的四分衛 Oliver Luck 取代,康復後唯有轉會到 野馬隊 Broncos,如今兩隊對決也即是 Manning vs Luck 的對決。
賽果:野馬隊 Broncos 13-24 小馬隊 Colts
第一節完:Colts 0 - 7 Broncos (得分0-7)野馬隊領先
第二節完:Colts 14 - 10 Broncos(得分14-3)小馬隊已經反而領先半場
第三節完:Colts 21 - 10 Broncos(得分7-0)野馬隊第三節捧蛋大局已定
第四節完:Colts 24 - 13 Broncos (得分3-3)野馬隊無力反敗為勝
是不是年紀老大 38歲的 Manning 已經光輝不再,小馬隊放棄他是理所當然呢?Luck 的表現真的蓋過了 Manning,統計數字也是一樣,整場只得一個 TD,英雄不可見白頭喲!
去年已經不年輕的 Manning 在 Superbowl 賽中,恥辱地輸了給 海鷹隊 後,結果 Manning 再來多一屆,能打到如 playoffs 已經不容易,但傷病的陰影可能就是 Manning 再次臨危不濟的因素。
不過,Manning 一向都怕死怕傷,仍在 Colts 小馬隊年代,已經不止一次入到季後賽就腳軟不濟,常規賽就無敵,但多年沒得過 Superbowl 冠軍,等待了多年卒之在 2007 Superbowl 41 僅僅一次,有傳說是 NFL 賞賜給他的。
經過第一節唯一的 TD Manning 再沒有貨賣了,Manning 完全被小馬隊的防守睇死他的慣常技俩早有準備。進攻不成 野馬隊的防守球員就有壓力,落場不久又要上場多費氣力和時間防守搶回皮球。休息時間不夠長未能恢復體能,又要再上場防守及搶回進攻權,最後連防守隊都沒有貨了。哀哉!哀哉!
NFC 國聯:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的盟主
第四種籽 北卡羅連納州野豹隊 Carolina Panthers (7-8-1)
Panthers 會不會 繼續好運可以連去屆的盟主 Seahawks 都打敗呢?
賽果:海鷗隊 Seahawks 31-17 野豹隊 Carolina Panthers
去屆盟主 Seahawks 海鷗隊一直領先由頭帶到尾:
第一節完:Seahawks 7 - 0 Panthers (得分7-0)海鷗隊領先
第二節完:Seahawks 14- 10 Panthers(得分7-10)野豹隊反撲
第三節完:Seahawks 14 - 10 Panthers(得分0-0)兩無記錄
第四節完:Seahawks 31 - 17 Panthers (得分17-7)海鷗隊攻入 17分奠勝
可算是優勝劣敗,不過第四節 落後的野豹隊是有機會追近,但四分衛 Newton 傳球入底線,卻給海鷗隊守衛 Chancellor intercepted,由一邊場跑到另一邊落底線 89碼達陣 TD 6+1 共 7分,and it just sealed the victory 這就原封海鷗隊的勝果。
之後就算 野豹隊 得到一個達陣,得 7分也於事無補。但來回來計算若沒有被 intercept 而失 7分,反而得分 7+7 兩隊就會平手要加時,若野豹隊敢來個 2 Point Play 成功的話,野豹隊可能是晉級的一隊。但這世界是沒有 IF 如果的!!!
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
第三種籽 達拉斯牛仔隊 Dallas Cowboys(12-4-0)
賽果:牛仔隊 Cowboys 21-26 包裝工隊 Packers
不過 半場後第三節 牛仔隊一直領先:
第一節完:Cowboys 7 - 7 Packers (得分7-7)平手
第二節完:Cowboys 14 - 10 Packers(得分7-3)牛仔隊領先
第三節完:Cowboys 21 - 20 Packers(得分7-10)牛仔隊仍然領先 1分
第四節完:Cowboys 21 - 26 Packers(得分0-6)包裝工反勝
正如之前說兩隊旗鼓相當,雙方咬得很緊,三節完畢 牛仔隊 仍然領先 包裝工隊 1分 21-20。
第四節開始時 包裝工隊 得到一個達陣 6分,想要保證就算輸回一個達陣都是平手,而選擇來一個 Two Point Play 2分(共28分) instead of 射門得 1分(共27分),但是 Two Point Play 卻不成功,變成 Cowboys 21-26 Packers,哈哈哈 。。。。有嘢睇嘞。
到第四節餘下比賽膠著,分數 牛仔 20-26 包裝工 到尚餘 4分鐘時,牛仔隊進攻中 4th Down 本需要踢球,但時間無多 牛仔隊唯一選擇就是進攻, 四分衛 Romo 傳球真的給 88號 Bryant 落到底線,看似是個達陣 6分,若射門入了就多 1分可以反勝。但包裝工隊主教練 提出挑戰 Challenge,球證重看幾次錄影後,改判為 imcomplete 未完成接球,所得 6分遭球證扣回,仍然是 21-26 落後。
牛仔隊沒法得分反勝,還要因為 4th Down (每次只有四次進攻權已經完畢),進攻權便轉回給 包賺工隊。得到皮球 包裝工隊 不斷浪費餘下時間,完了!
Conference Final 聯盟冠軍賽
January 18
AFC 美聯冠軍賽:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第四種籽 印第安納小馬隊 Indianapolis Colts (11-5-0)
愛國者隊的名將 四分衛 Brady,自從拋棄有了身孕中的前女友 Bridget Moynahan(後來誕生了兒子從母姓),而娶了名模 Gisele Bündchen 為妻,就像被下了咒語,無緣無故傷了十字韌帶要休息一整季,而且再沒法贏到 Superbowl 超級碗。今次,Colts 小馬隊可能有機會入到 Superbowl 超級碗。
NFC 國聯冠軍賽:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的盟主
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
去屆盟主 海鷗隊依然勇猛,看來 Green Bay Packers 不是敵手。不過看過上一圈的比賽,覺得 綠灣包裝工的 四分衛 Rodgers 比起已經贏過 Superbowl 的 西雅圖海鷗隊 四分衛 Wilson 肯博,因此看來雙方的防守隊伍才是定出誰主勝的關鍵!
Superbowl 超級碗 Championship 盟主賽
February 1
AFC 美聯冠軍
NFC 國聯冠軍
聯盟冠軍戰 和 Superbowl 49 比賽下次再續,Stay Tunned !
現在介紹一吓今屆 Superbowl 的舉行城市 阿里桑拿鳳凰城
比賽場地是 Arizona University of Phoenix Stadium
在講嘢條中佬就是阿里桑拿主教隊(又名紅雀隊)的退休名將四分衛 Kurt Warner
Superbowl 49 NFL.com
NFL Playoff Picture Week 17: Scenarios and Bracket bleacherreport.com
Road to Superbowl 超級碗 bracket NFL.com
Katy Perry will perform at Superbowl 超級碗 49 Halftime Show NFL.com
2014 Superbowl 超級碗 48
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 - Part I
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 - Part III
鬼婆談的遁廻報應 Tom Brady
London Bridge 倫敦橋 Lake Havasu City Arizona
Monday, January 12, 2015
重組 遷冊 葫蘆 賣藥 恥笑
重組 遷冊 葫蘆 賣藥 恥笑
自 超人李 上週五 宣布 “和黃長江系” 重組,成為 “長地” 和 “長和” 後,在香港已有很多人討論。人民日報海外版 第三版 是 台港澳(注意:不是港澳台 排列有別)有關的版面,一向有很多的處名文章刊登。
至於今早有:葫芦里卖的什么药? by 王大可
首先,李嘉诚肯定是赚了。李嘉诚的重组大计初获市场欢迎,集团于美国挂牌的预托证券(ADR)在重组消息刺激下,上周升值逾 10%,李嘉诚宣布有关消息后,其身家一夜暴增 158亿元(港币下同),更加巩固了其首富地位。
据香港媒体统计,截至 2014年 6月,长实的净资产约 3908亿元,如果将和黄地产业务合并,资产净值将达到 4787亿元,新成立的长江实业地产将超过新鸿基地产成为香港最大的发展商。
长实与和黄是香港股民心中一直立于不败之地的蓝筹股。这已经不是李嘉诚第一次祭出分拆大法。近年来,长实与和黄在全球的出售、分拆和投资动作不断。2013年,分拆香港电灯上市套现 390亿元;2014年,和黄向淡马锡出售屈臣氏 24.95%权益,套现 440亿元;2013年,出售上海和广州两地物业套现超过 100亿元;同时近两年在澳大利亚、爱尔兰、荷兰、加拿大等海外大举收购总投资超 300亿元。
李嘉诚对这个话题相当敏感,日前他多次在记者会上澄清,重组集团业务,并把公司注册地由香港转为开曼群岛,只为了方便儿子兼集团副主席李泽钜接棒及做生意。“过去 10年,75%以上在港上市公司,都在开曼群岛或其他海外注册,这并不是对香港没信心,而是做生意方便。” 另外,与他关系相近人士也称,重组也与有人揣测的“占中”事件没太多关系。
有金融界人士认为,到开曼群岛注册很简单,任何时间都可以做。李嘉诚如要迁册,不需要留待集团大重组时才进行。根据安排,长实与和黄合并之前,李嘉诚还会将由李嘉诚家族信托持有的 6.24%在加拿大上市的赫斯基能源的股权出售于和黄。对此,李泽钜指出,“我们将赫斯基股权从海外拿到香港公司控制,这是对香港有信心才这么做。”
对于本次的世纪大重组,李嘉诚称之为集团历史上的重要里程碑。他表示,重组完成后有利提升股东价值。“最主要是股东不会吃亏 。。。。做完后,就会显示两间公司的真正价值大了多少。”
然而,对于注册地变化的动作,也有香港舆论担心这将增加同新成立的两家公司在香港法律诉讼的难度。香港《明报》网站 9日分析说,开曼群岛属于英国领土,李嘉诚在开曼成立长和,日后若遇到官司,香港可能对长和没有司法权力,最终审核权由香港终审法院变为英国最高法院。
嗜悲 從來沒有持有 和黃長江股票,因此基於 事不關己 己不勞心 心態,沒有注視 李超人 的消息。不過難免在公司內 蛇竇 聽過不少。。。。。。。
上面文章可讀性頗低,不過淡化衝擊之情昭昭可見,last but not least 但最尾尾作者不忘借用了《香港明報》說:「開曼群島屬於英國領土,李嘉誠在開曼成立長和,日後若遇到官司,香港可能對長和沒有司法權力,最終審核權由香港終審法院變為英國最高法院。」
明報的文章剛巧 嗜悲 有讀過,全文是這樣寫的:
開曼群島在古巴以南,屬英國領土,在開曼成立的長和,日後若遇到官司,最終審核權,會由香港終審法院變為英國最高法院。以早前鏞記的清盤案為例,代表甘琨禮的一方曾指出,鏞記母公司 Yung Kee Holdings Ltd.於 BVI 註冊,本港法庭無司法權處理海外註冊公司事宜,不應審理清盤呈請。
2015年 1月 15日
李嘉诚 “撤资” 内地人受惊就太怂了
由 環球時報 出面嘲笑 李嘉誠,只是幾百億美元身家,如今相對比起強國是 ”微不足道“,這種財大氣粗可算是一脈鑲成。
唉!有咁樣的上層官員,才會有一樣的地下層平民。 中國旅客去到任何的方都是神憎鬼厭,勉強逢迎為的只是商業價值,其他都是被人嗤之以鼻。
【環球時報】“李嘉诚从香港和内地撤资”的消息近日传得满天飞,“李嘉诚从香港和内地撤资”的消息近日传得满天飞。“ 这有可能预示人民币资产将大幅贬值”的说法也不胫而走。
李嘉诚毕竟 86岁了,人在这个年龄的考虑和牵挂与市场上主流投资者大概是不同的。人到了这时经验丰富,但也容易注重“稳健”,怕失去有时会多于想得到。86岁的李嘉诚和66岁的李嘉诚自身对比也会有诸多区别,前者比后者更能证明自己的成功,但他的启示已经更多是人生及市场哲学上的,而不是操作层面的市场判断。
然而马云、雷军们的前途仍被广泛看好。李嘉诚“撤资”带来了某种警惕,但中国经济的总规模太大了,李嘉诚的投资也显得有些 “微不足道”。且不说李嘉诚“撤资”的真实缘由是什么,这些年从政治、经济角度对中国曾经有过的悲观预言多如牛毛,但它们都输给了中国真正的时与势。
自上台後 習主席 要 “依法治國 依法治黨” 有 2014年 10月 28日的:
关于《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》的说明 by 习近平
習主席洋洋萬言 嗜悲 不打算在此轉載,各位朋友有興趣看看可以 點擊閱讀 長文內其中有關 “一國兩制”
加强和改进党对全面推进依法治国的领导,从坚持依法执政、加强党内法规制度建设、提高党员干部法治思维和依法办事能力、推进基层治理法治化、深入推进依法治军从严治军、依法保障 “一国两制” 实践和推进祖国统一、加强涉外法律工作 7个方面展开。最后,号召全党全国为建设法治中国而奋斗。
「依法保障 “一国两制” 实践和推进祖国统一。」沒有甚麽特別和新意呀 。。。。。。。
不過,記得去年中央發表了《「一國兩制」在香港特別行政區的實踐》白皮書,之後在香港有兩位前後大法官撰文:其中現任的 馬道立 文中 引述了 前任的 李國能 的文章 "Price of Liberty" 之一段:
Under rule of law, an independent judiciary answers to no political masters
Andrew Li says:judicial independence goes beyond notions of patriotism, as judges are duty-bound to be fair. Hong Kong must remain vigilant to ensure the rule of law continues to thrive.
李大法官 "Price of Liberty" 文章並指出:「恆久警惕乃自由的代價 Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. 」
同一時段 習近平 在北京接見了 董建華 帶領上京的香港富豪團,而當然 李嘉誠 被專奉為貴賓長的貴賓,坐在 習主席 旁邊。據明報報導:
【明報專訊】國家主席習近平前日在北京會見香港一眾富豪及專業人士,在人民大會堂發生了一件看似平常、但富象徵意義的「小事」。話說 70名香港貴賓到達會堂,列陣跟習近平大合照後,眾人一起步向旁邊的會議廳就座,此際習近平與首富李嘉誠(誠哥),就在會議廳中央,當著一眾富豪面前,竊竊私語了好一陣子,言談甚歡,讓一眾富豪及京官當觀眾。中央對誠哥的重視,不言而喻。
習主席 和 李超人 竊竊私語了好一陣子,真的是令人想像無限 。。。。。。!
Anyway,這都是去年的事情了,但回看剛剛過去 12月的《佔中》期間,律政司並非禁制令申請人,和警察局長不去執行所賦予的權力,反而假借民間的團體入禀法院,向法院申請清走障礙物的《禁制令》,但又借用《禁制令》要求警方協助執行之時機,同時出動強大警力作出全面清場的舉措。
事到如今事已至此,香港的司法制度已經被 ”依法治港“ 攪到甚麽程度。那末對 長地 和 長和 在香港可能沒有司法權力,最終審核權由香港終審法院,變為英國最高法院。
登文後下午 法院的新法律年度開幕,大法官 馬道立,律政司司長 袁國強,大律師公會主席 石永泰 發言。
律政司長袁國強在 2015年法律年度開啟典禮致辭時,談到處理被捕佔領人士的問題。他說,明白此問題很可能引發重大意見分歧,但律政司立場清晰堅定,檢控必須符合兩項條件,即證據充分及有公眾利益。
無官一身輕的 石永泰 一段陳述:『政府開口「依法」,閉口也「依法」,例如立法會「依法」舉行、政府「依法」施政等。他認為,過分強調民眾必須「守法」,往往是極權政府的特徵:「利用法律作為整治民眾的工具,而非用法律約束自己管治的方法。」』
馬道立 也就 袁國強 指佔領行動帶來法治衝擊,回應佔領事件顯示大多數人尊重法治 。。。。。。
佔中發起人之一的 戴耀廷,評論有關律政司司長 袁國強 的發言 說:「法治只是『為赤裸裸的政治暴力披上法律的遮醜布。』」
戴耀廷批評袁國強把法治等同公民守法,是理解過於狹窄。他指出,法治更在於掌權者守法及按法律做的決定,須符合法律正義要求,而人大 2004年釋法改三部曲為五部曲,及 2014年的落三閘決定,雖是按法律條文規定而作,但因沒有權力制衡,故不符法律正義,對法治損害更大。
還有 CCTVB 也有報導 袁國強司長 與 馬道立大法官 基本上南弦北轍。馬道立強調:法院司法工作不能受政治影響。
【TVB News】法律年度開啟,終審法院首席法官馬道立表示,法院的司法工作不會亦不能受政治影響,他又談及佔領事件與法治的關係。去年底持續 79日的「佔領行動」期間,法庭頒下多個臨時禁制。
From 0:10 至 2:36 袁國強 和 馬道立 發言均是 in English 有機會找來英文 Full Text 讀一讀
馬道立 與 袁國強都指,本港未來一年都會遇到挑戰,各人都有責任堅守及彰顯法治。
袁國強,馬道立,石永泰,還有 戴耀庭 都是本港訓練出來的法律界精英,無可否認不同的位置,但對法治的理解可以分別如此 ”鴻溝“,未來本港的法治將遇到不斷挑戰可想而知!
Well 卒之找到了 袁國強 的英文演辭 Full Text
Following is the speech by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, at the Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2015 (January 12).
【Info.Gov.HK】On behalf of the Department of Justice, may I start off by extending our warmest welcome to all of you here, especially to our guests who travelled from other jurisdictions to attend this event.
This occasion, though known as "Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year", is not just a ceremony. It provides an opportunity for the legal, and indeed the entire, community to reflect on matters concerning our legal system, administration of justice and the rule of law.
The Rule of Law and Universal Suffrage
The importance of the rule of law is universally accepted in modern civilised societies. It is a treasure of our community which each of us, irrespective of our position and role, should make every effort to protect and defend. In highlighting this point, I have no intention whatsoever to diminish the importance of other concepts such as democracy, universal suffrage or social justice. However, the pursuit of democracy, universal suffrage, social justice or any other noble cause cannot and should not be used as a justification to act in any way which would erode the rule of law.
Unfortunately, the rule of law in Hong Kong is facing significant challenges. The recent "Occupy Movement", which involved large-scale as well as sporadic unlawful activities, brings about blatant challenges to the rule of law.
Some people put forward civil disobedience or the pursuit of universal suffrage as justification for their unlawful conduct. Whilst I believe the overwhelming majority of our community would not dispute the importance of universal suffrage, one should reflect on this fundamental question: Can there be universal suffrage without the rule of law? I would, without doubt, say "Not possible!". The reason is obvious. The rule of law is the bedrock of democracy and universal suffrage.
Any constitutional development, including development towards universal suffrage, has to be built on the relevant legal and constitutional basis. The constitution and documents of constitutional nature represent the supreme law of the jurisdiction concerned, and provide the ultimate legal anchor for any constitutional development. The rule of law dictates that all constitutional development must be consistent with, and not contrary to, the relevant constitutional regime. Once the model of universal suffrage and the relevant details are devised, they would have to be translated into clear law (which usually takes the form of electoral legislation). Every step in the electoral process should be conducted in accordance with the law, so that members of the community can have their electoral rights protected. Should there be any electoral disputes, there should be proper channels to facilitate the fair and effective adjudication by an independent judiciary.
All these would not be possible unless the rule of law is well and alive. Constitutional development or universal suffrage without the rule of law is no different to a house without foundation. It is accordingly difficult to see how there can be any valid reason for resorting to unlawful means for the purpose of pursuing universal suffrage, especially when such unlawful means would prejudice other people's rights and disrupt social order. Any contrary contention would in effect allow people to disregard the law as and when they see fit, which is the antithesis of the rule of law.
Some people in the community suggest that the concept of the rule of law has different levels, and that obeying the law is only the lowest level. As a matter of legal philosophy, such a view may provide an interesting topic for discussion. But the law remains the law, and is there to be obeyed. One also wonders how can one escalate oneself to the higher levels of the rule of law without even respecting the fundamentals.
Although the "Occupy Movement" has in a sense come to an end (at least for the time being), my worries concerning challenges to the rule of law have not altogether disappeared. I note, with regret, that there remain people in the community advocating, or are considering to advocate, further unlawful activities in the near future. May I make use of this opportunity to appeal to those people to come back to the realm of the rule of law and rationality, and abandon any thought for instigating any unlawful conduct. Any further unlawful activities, especially massive ones, would only do further harm to our community both domestically and at the international level.
Criminal Prosecution
Another challenge concerns the question of how to appropriately deal with the people who were involved in the unlawful activities that took place during the "Occupy Movement".
This question, I fully appreciate, is likely to attract huge differences of opinions. As far as the Department of Justice is concerned, our stance is clear and firm. We would, as always, adhere to the two-stage approach set out in the Prosecution Code. This means that no prosecution will be made unless: firstly, there is sufficient admissible evidence to demonstrate a reasonable prospect of conviction, and secondly, commencing prosecution will be in the public interest.
By applying this approach, we can ensure that any prosecutorial decision is only made on the basis of the applicable law, the admissible evidence and the public interest. The corollary is that other considerations such as the suspects' social status, their political affiliations or political views would not be taken into account. The exclusion of these irrelevant considerations is of utmost importance, especially for the purpose of discharging our duty under Article 63 of the Basic Law, as well as maintaining public confidence in the criminal justice system and the rule of law generally.
From time to time, persons charged with criminal offences (especially offences relating to public order events) asserted that they are victims of political retribution. By reason of the prosecution policy we adopt, such allegations are completely groundless, and are often made with a view to gaining political mileage. The Department of Justice would never allow prosecution to be used as a political instrument, still less as a means to achieve political revenge.
In future, when persons charged with a criminal offence repeat this kind of allegations, I would invite you to consider two questions: Have these people been convicted by the court after due process? Can it be sensibly suggested that our independent Judiciary is not discharging their duty properly by confining to law and evidence when making judicial decisions? A rational analysis of these two questions will dispel any contention of political persecution. Further, if a person can escape prosecution simply because his or her political stance is upheld by certain sectors in the community as a noble cause, that would in effect mean that our prosecutors are being subject to the influence of political thoughts, and that such a situation would be wholly contrary to the rule of law.
A proper understanding of how the criminal justice system operates is essential to maintaining public confidence in our rule of law. To guard against unnecessary misunderstandings, it is important that the community appreciates the difference between the approach adopted by the Department of Justice to decide whether prosecution should be made, the test adopted by the Police when effecting arrest, and also the test adopted by the court when deciding whether to convict a defendant after trial.
Police officers are entitled to effect an arrest provided they have a genuine and reasonable suspicion that the person in question has committed a relevant offence. They are not required to consider matters, such as public interest, which would have to be considered by the Department of Justice. Due to such differences, the mere fact that an arrested person is not subsequently charged with any criminal offence does not necessarily mean that the Police have made a wrongful arrest; nor does it necessarily follow that the prosecutors have failed in their duty to commence prosecution.
Judges, on the other hand, will only deliver a guilty verdict if the offence is proved beyond reasonable doubt, which is a threshold higher than that adopted by prosecutors. Accordingly, the mere acquittal of a defendant does not necessarily mean that the defendant should not have been arrested or charged in the first place.
Arbitration and Mediation
Moving on, if I may, to the Government's policy to promote Hong Kong as a centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region. This policy brings benefits not just to the legal profession, but to Hong Kong as a whole as it enhances Hong Kong's competitiveness and international image as an international financial and commercial centre. I am happy to report that considerable progress has been made during the past legal year.
In the context of arbitration, we have set up the Advisory Committee on Promotion of Arbitration. This Advisory Committee, comprising representatives of the key stakeholders and eminent members of the arbitration community, will be responsible for overall co-ordination and strategic planning for the future development and promotion of Hong Kong's arbitration services. We are confident that this Advisory Committee will take the promotion of Hong Kong's arbitration services to a new height.
In November last year, the China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC), a leading maritime arbitration institution in the Mainland, set up an arbitration centre in Hong Kong, which is its first arbitration centre outside the Mainland. The presence of CMAC in Hong Kong will further strengthen our status as an arbitration centre, and consolidate Hong Kong's status as a shipping and logistics hub.
Last week, the Central People's Government and the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), an internationally renowned arbitration institution based in the Hague with a history of over a century, signed a Host Country Agreement on the conduct of dispute settlement proceedings in Hong Kong, whilst Hong Kong signed the related Memorandum of Administrative Arrangements with PCA. The arrangement set out in these two documents will facilitate PCA-administered dispute settlement proceedings to be conducted in Hong Kong. Not only will this arrangement enable us to attract more international investment arbitrations to be conducted in Hong Kong, it represents a vote of confidence on the legal system, legal infrastructure and the rule of law in Hong Kong.
In the context of mediation, the Steering Committee on Mediation is making good progress in its work. Amongst others, the study on the need to introduce an apology legislation to facilitate settlement of disputes is entering its final stage. We anticipate we shall be in a position to issue a consultation document within this year.
Looking ahead, we will continue with our efforts to promote the use of mediation as a means of dispute resolution, as well as to promote Hong Kong's mediation services to local and overseas end users. General mediation aside, we will be moving towards the promotion of sector-specific mediation. In addition to medical and building management disputes, one of the key focuses in the coming years will be the use of mediation as a means to resolve intellectual property disputes, and we will explore the use of evaluative mediation on top of facilitative mediation. With our expertise and experience in intellectual property, we believe this new direction will further enhance Hong Kong's status both as a regional dispute resolution centre and as an intellectual property trading hub in the region.
Concluding Remarks
Ladies and gentlemen, Hong Kong is admittedly facing formidable challenges. However, we owe it to Hong Kong and to our future generations to resolutely maintain the rule of law, so as to provide a solid foundation for the pursuit of constitutional development, democracy, social justice and other worthy causes. With our strong fundamentals, our top quality judicial and legal personnel, and the joint efforts by all the relevant stakeholders, I have every confidence that our rule of law will remain robust and sustainable.
On this note, may I wish all of you a happy and rewarding 2015.
也找到了 馬道立 的英文演辭 Full Text
【News.Gov.HK】Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal Geoffrey Ma gave this address at the ceremonial opening of the legal year 2015.
Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma:
In the review of any year in Hong Kong, it would be right to make the comment that the community has faced challenges. The year 2014 was no different and I have no doubt that this year will produce challenges of some sort in Hong Kong. As the community faces these challenges, we must not lose sight of those fundamentals that have benefitted Hong Kong in the past and which continue to do so.
One of the most discussed topics this past year has been the perennially important subject of the rule of law in Hong Kong. An aspect of the discussion has been the extent to which the administration of justice by the courts in Hong Kong is affected by extraneous factors, such as political factors.
Politics has featured much in Hong Kong people's lives this past year. The question remains: To what extent is the work of the courts influenced or affected by factors other than the strict application of the law itself, such as politics or political considerations?
The clear answer of course is that the administration of justice by the courts is not, nor can it be, influenced in the slightest by extraneous factors such as politics or political considerations. The courts and our judges apply only the law.
The constitutional role of judges is to adjudicate on legal disputes between parties. It is no part of the courts' function to solve political questions, but only to determine legal questions even though the reason for bringing legal proceedings may be a political one.
Fundamental rights enforced
The rule of law is the foundation of any society and is essential to the cohesion of a community. Hong Kong has over 7 million people who all want, for themselves and their families, to lead a dignified and productive life. They are entitled to. But different people will obviously have different interests and different priorities. Their points of view will differ, sometimes substantially so.
The cohesiveness of the law ensures that not only rights, particularly what are commonly referred to as fundamental rights, are enforced but that there is an equal respect for other people's rights as well. The law and the administration of justice by the courts seek to achieve a just and proper balance of these widely divergent interests and points of view.
Put simply, the objective is to ensure that fundamental human rights are properly enforced by the courts, and that individual rights and the rights of others in our community are all respected.
How is this achieved in reality? The starting point is an acceptance that everyone is equal before the law. This includes everyone: the Government, the authorities, members of the public. No person, group of persons or organisation can claim to be above the law nor to enjoy any preferential treatment by the courts. This is key to the notion of respect for the rights of other persons.
Judicial independence
Next, it is fundamental to the operation of the law that courts apply only the law and its spirit, and that they do so independently of any outside influences - whether the Government, the authorities, the public or any section of the public.
These features of the rule of law and the administration of justice I have just referred to - equality, fidelity to the law and its spirit, and judicial independence - are fundamental to the operation of the law. They are set out and protected under Hong Kong's constitution, the Basic Law.
The constitutional role of judges to apply only the law is reflected in those provisions of the Basic Law dealing with the exercise of judicial power. Article 84 of the Basic Law states simply that judges shall adjudicate cases in accordance with the law. The Judicial Oath taken by all judges requires adherence to the law and the safeguarding of the law without fear or favour.
Elsewhere in the Basic Law, the qualifications of judges are set out: judges are to be chosen on the basis of their judicial and professional qualities alone. The Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission, which makes recommendations to the Chief Executive regarding the appointment of judges, applies these two criteria. There are no other qualifying criteria which are applicable to judges as a whole.
For the Chief Justice and the Chief Judge of the High Court there is a nationality requirement in that they have to be Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of Hong Kong with no right of abode in any foreign country. There is no such requirement for other judges; the Basic Law provides that judges may be recruited from other common law jurisdictions.
The independence of the Judiciary is of course a key feature of our legal system. The Basic Law makes reference to an independent Judiciary in at least three separate articles. The Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission, to which I have earlier referred, is required to be an independent commission.
Matters affecting judiciary
In last year's address at the opening of the legal year, I identified those features of our legal system which demonstrated that the existence of the rule of law, including the independence of the Judiciary, was not just theoretical but real. Before I refer to recent events to reinforce this, I would like to provide an update on a few matters affecting the Judiciary and access to justice:
* Access to justice is a crucial part of any legal system. There is little point in having a sound legal infrastructure, manned by the best judges, when there are difficulties of access to justice. The Basic Law expressly provides for access to the courts as a right. Legal Aid is an important feature which enhances in a meaningful way access to justice. Legal Aid is available in a number of different types of cases such as applications for judicial review which often involves persons making legal claims against the Government.
* This past year, the Judiciary has been actively reviewing the jurisdictional limits of the District Court as well as the limits of claims in the Small Claims Tribunal, with a view to increasing these limits to facilitate access to the courts.
* Recently, the Legislative Council voted to abolish the "as of right" route of appeal to the Court of Final Appeal. This means of access to the Court of Final Appeal is outdated and has no place in a modern system of law. It allows access based purely on monetary value, thereby promoting an inequality based on monetary value among litigants. I welcome the removal of this provision in our law.
* On the recruitment of judges, this has largely been successful. There are some difficulties in recruitment at the level of the Court of First Instance of the High Court. With this in mind and in order also to address the long-term needs of the whole of the Judiciary, we are conducting various reviews, such as one on the conditions of service of judges and another on retirement age. The important aspect to bear in mind is that it is of crucial importance that the high standards expected of judges are maintained. I have said on many occasions that it is better to leave positions vacant than to have appointments of persons not of the requisite standard.
*This year will hopefully see the relocation of the Court of Final Appeal to the former Supreme Court at Jackson Road, formerly also the Legislative Council. We have been advised by the Architectural Services Department that this is feasible. I take this opportunity to express the Judiciary's gratitude to that department for the sterling work they have undertaken for the community's benefit. The new Court of Final Appeal will be a lasting and tangible symbol of Hong Kong's rule of law. I look forward very much to its opening and welcoming members of the public to visit this historic building.
No politicisation
Throughout the year, the operational requirements and initiatives of the Judiciary have been supported by the Administration and the Legislature. I express my gratitude for this support. It is important to the administration of justice by our courts that we have this support and, importantly, that matters relating to the Judiciary are not politicised in any way.
I now turn to recent events. I will naturally not comment on the political aspects of the "occupy" protests, but wish to say something about their relevance to the rule of law in Hong Kong.
In my view, these recent events have demonstrated the respect that most people have for the rule of law and emphasised once again the pivotal position it occupies in our community. No one has seriously questioned the need for respect for the rule of law and it is easy to see why this is so: it simply cannot be seriously suggested that the rule of law and all that it stands for should somehow not be respected.
The work of the courts, its core activity in the protection of fundamental rights, administering justice equally without fear or favour, is dependent on the knowledge that the community on the whole respects and trusts the rule of law.
The legal proceedings in the courts which took place during the course of the protests demonstrated an adherence to the rule of law. The various injunction proceedings before the Court of First Instance, heard over a number of days by the Judge in charge of the Constitutional & Administrative Law List, meticulously and fastidiously went over every possible legal argument.
Access to justice unimpeded
All parties were given full opportunity to make their submissions before the court. Access to justice was unimpeded; the defendants in the proceedings, represented by Senior Counsel and other experienced counsel, were assisted by Legal Aid. Every step in the proceedings was done according to law and legal procedure, and the proceedings were open to the public to observe.
When the court made its decisions in the various injunction proceedings, it did so according to law and this was plain to see in the detailed, reasoned judgments that were given. When the Court of Appeal rejected applications for leave to appeal from the decisions of the Court of First Instance, the Court again did so explaining in detail the legal reasons for its conclusions.
All this illustrates the practice of our courts: deciding cases strictly according to law thereby fulfilling the constitutional mandate of the Judiciary and being seen to do so by their reasoned judgments being made publicly available. This is the rule of law and the administration of justice operating in practice, and this is precisely how the Hong Kong Judiciary operates on a daily basis. It will always continue to do so in this way.
I would add this: Given all I have said as to the painstaking way in which at times difficult legal outcomes are reached, it is to be expected that the judgments and orders of the courts are respected and complied with.
The recent injunctions granted by the Court were expected by the community to be complied with. After all, every party, and of course this included the unsuccessful parties, had been given a full opportunity to make their submissions to the Court.
No compromise in rule of law
Whatever one's beliefs or motives, the rule of law and all that it represents must be respected by all, whether the Government or the public or sections of it. The rule of law is there to protect our rights and to help achieve the objective of any community: a respect for rights and a respect for the rights of others.
There can be no compromise as far as the rule of law is concerned. It is not something from which there can be any deviation nor can there be any room for bargaining in relation to it. It operates all the time, not just part of the time.
The rule of law is an end in itself and stands alone as one of the important institutions contributing not just to the success of Hong Kong, but to the overall and future well-being of her residents.
It is right to remind ourselves yet again of this fundamental feature of Hong Kong society. We assemble here at the annual opening of the legal year, this year and every year, to acknowledge the importance of the rule of law. All our judges know this and, as you will presently hear from the speeches following mine, it is incumbent on all members of the legal profession to know this as well. I believe the community knows this and is certainly entitled to expect this.
It has been an eventful year for all of us. It only remains for me to wish everyone a fulfilling New Year, with good health and much happiness.
至於大律師公會主席 石永泰 的英文演辭 Full Text Chairman HK Barrister Association Paul Shieh 的演辭也找到了,但是 PDF File 沒法 Copy and Paste 過來,please Click to READ 閱讀。
嗜悲 利用很長時間,讀過 三篇 英文演辭一遍,尤其是對無官一身輕的 Paul Shieh 石永泰 12 pages 演辭,如真的沒有時間,推薦給各位值得細讀 first 4 pages 首四頁吧。
雖然沒有 石永泰 的英文全文,有朋友 電郵 了中文譯本,據說是《信報》的
1.英國其中一位最偉大的公務員,漢弗萊•阿普爾比爵士(Sir Humphrey Appleby) 曾經對他的晚輩伯納•伍利 (Bernard Woolley) 說過︰「演辭不是為現場觀眾寫的。發表演說只不過是把一篇新聞稿發放給各大傳媒必經的例行公事。」
5.「法治」這名詞往往令人想起一些公認自由和文明的政權,帶有正面的含義。隨意亂用「法治」一詞,往往會不慎為一些「以法管治」(Rule of Law) 或「人治」(Rule by Man) 的政權錯誤鍍金,給它們加上名不符實的道德冠冕。
6.尤其是在一些沒有真正獨立的司法機構,法律被任意執行的體制,法院跟政府「合作」,以確保法律按政府喜歡的方法詮釋,用來打壓一些令當權者不悅的人或組織。這往往被包裝為「法治」(Rule of Law),但說穿了其實就是「我以『法』來『治』你」 (Rule by Law)。所謂「依法辦事」,說穿了就是「依我們的意旨辦事」 (Rule by Man)。
10.另一個因白皮書引起的不良後果便是它可能讓香港境外的有心人趁機大造文章,詆毀香港的司法制度。我們獨立的終審法院在剛果共和國一案(FG Hemisphere case)有關國家豁免的一個正常判決竟然被人錯誤定性,用來打擊香港作為國際爭議解決中心的地位。白皮書內有關法院部份的不恰當內容更可能被人作為話柄,污衊和中傷香港的司法機構。
13. 2014年8月31日,全國人民代表大會常務委員會頒布了關於香港特別行政區2017行政長官產生辦法和2016立法會選舉辦法之決定。
要向這位朋友道謝! 嗜悲顿首 Orz
葫芦里卖的什么药? 人民網
倘打官司 港對長和或失司法權 長青網
习近平:关于《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》的说明 人民網
馬道立:法院司法工作不能受政治影響 TVBnews.com
Speech by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen at the Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2015 January 12 Info.gov.hk
Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma:Rule of law protects our rights January 12, 2015 news.gov.hk
Speech of the Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association at the Opening of the Legal Year 2015 - 12th January 2015 HKBA.org
環球時報 社评:李嘉诚“撤资”内地人受惊就太怂了 環時網
自 超人李 上週五 宣布 “和黃長江系” 重組,成為 “長地” 和 “長和” 後,在香港已有很多人討論。人民日報海外版 第三版 是 台港澳(注意:不是港澳台 排列有別)有關的版面,一向有很多的處名文章刊登。
至於今早有:葫芦里卖的什么药? by 王大可
首先,李嘉诚肯定是赚了。李嘉诚的重组大计初获市场欢迎,集团于美国挂牌的预托证券(ADR)在重组消息刺激下,上周升值逾 10%,李嘉诚宣布有关消息后,其身家一夜暴增 158亿元(港币下同),更加巩固了其首富地位。
据香港媒体统计,截至 2014年 6月,长实的净资产约 3908亿元,如果将和黄地产业务合并,资产净值将达到 4787亿元,新成立的长江实业地产将超过新鸿基地产成为香港最大的发展商。
长实与和黄是香港股民心中一直立于不败之地的蓝筹股。这已经不是李嘉诚第一次祭出分拆大法。近年来,长实与和黄在全球的出售、分拆和投资动作不断。2013年,分拆香港电灯上市套现 390亿元;2014年,和黄向淡马锡出售屈臣氏 24.95%权益,套现 440亿元;2013年,出售上海和广州两地物业套现超过 100亿元;同时近两年在澳大利亚、爱尔兰、荷兰、加拿大等海外大举收购总投资超 300亿元。
李嘉诚对这个话题相当敏感,日前他多次在记者会上澄清,重组集团业务,并把公司注册地由香港转为开曼群岛,只为了方便儿子兼集团副主席李泽钜接棒及做生意。“过去 10年,75%以上在港上市公司,都在开曼群岛或其他海外注册,这并不是对香港没信心,而是做生意方便。” 另外,与他关系相近人士也称,重组也与有人揣测的“占中”事件没太多关系。
有金融界人士认为,到开曼群岛注册很简单,任何时间都可以做。李嘉诚如要迁册,不需要留待集团大重组时才进行。根据安排,长实与和黄合并之前,李嘉诚还会将由李嘉诚家族信托持有的 6.24%在加拿大上市的赫斯基能源的股权出售于和黄。对此,李泽钜指出,“我们将赫斯基股权从海外拿到香港公司控制,这是对香港有信心才这么做。”
对于本次的世纪大重组,李嘉诚称之为集团历史上的重要里程碑。他表示,重组完成后有利提升股东价值。“最主要是股东不会吃亏 。。。。做完后,就会显示两间公司的真正价值大了多少。”
然而,对于注册地变化的动作,也有香港舆论担心这将增加同新成立的两家公司在香港法律诉讼的难度。香港《明报》网站 9日分析说,开曼群岛属于英国领土,李嘉诚在开曼成立长和,日后若遇到官司,香港可能对长和没有司法权力,最终审核权由香港终审法院变为英国最高法院。
嗜悲 從來沒有持有 和黃長江股票,因此基於 事不關己 己不勞心 心態,沒有注視 李超人 的消息。不過難免在公司內 蛇竇 聽過不少。。。。。。。
上面文章可讀性頗低,不過淡化衝擊之情昭昭可見,last but not least 但最尾尾作者不忘借用了《香港明報》說:「開曼群島屬於英國領土,李嘉誠在開曼成立長和,日後若遇到官司,香港可能對長和沒有司法權力,最終審核權由香港終審法院變為英國最高法院。」
明報的文章剛巧 嗜悲 有讀過,全文是這樣寫的:
開曼群島在古巴以南,屬英國領土,在開曼成立的長和,日後若遇到官司,最終審核權,會由香港終審法院變為英國最高法院。以早前鏞記的清盤案為例,代表甘琨禮的一方曾指出,鏞記母公司 Yung Kee Holdings Ltd.於 BVI 註冊,本港法庭無司法權處理海外註冊公司事宜,不應審理清盤呈請。
2015年 1月 15日
李嘉诚 “撤资” 内地人受惊就太怂了
由 環球時報 出面嘲笑 李嘉誠,只是幾百億美元身家,如今相對比起強國是 ”微不足道“,這種財大氣粗可算是一脈鑲成。
唉!有咁樣的上層官員,才會有一樣的地下層平民。 中國旅客去到任何的方都是神憎鬼厭,勉強逢迎為的只是商業價值,其他都是被人嗤之以鼻。
【環球時報】“李嘉诚从香港和内地撤资”的消息近日传得满天飞,“李嘉诚从香港和内地撤资”的消息近日传得满天飞。“ 这有可能预示人民币资产将大幅贬值”的说法也不胫而走。
李嘉诚毕竟 86岁了,人在这个年龄的考虑和牵挂与市场上主流投资者大概是不同的。人到了这时经验丰富,但也容易注重“稳健”,怕失去有时会多于想得到。86岁的李嘉诚和66岁的李嘉诚自身对比也会有诸多区别,前者比后者更能证明自己的成功,但他的启示已经更多是人生及市场哲学上的,而不是操作层面的市场判断。
然而马云、雷军们的前途仍被广泛看好。李嘉诚“撤资”带来了某种警惕,但中国经济的总规模太大了,李嘉诚的投资也显得有些 “微不足道”。且不说李嘉诚“撤资”的真实缘由是什么,这些年从政治、经济角度对中国曾经有过的悲观预言多如牛毛,但它们都输给了中国真正的时与势。
自上台後 習主席 要 “依法治國 依法治黨” 有 2014年 10月 28日的:
关于《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》的说明 by 习近平
習主席洋洋萬言 嗜悲 不打算在此轉載,各位朋友有興趣看看可以 點擊閱讀 長文內其中有關 “一國兩制”
加强和改进党对全面推进依法治国的领导,从坚持依法执政、加强党内法规制度建设、提高党员干部法治思维和依法办事能力、推进基层治理法治化、深入推进依法治军从严治军、依法保障 “一国两制” 实践和推进祖国统一、加强涉外法律工作 7个方面展开。最后,号召全党全国为建设法治中国而奋斗。
「依法保障 “一国两制” 实践和推进祖国统一。」沒有甚麽特別和新意呀 。。。。。。。
不過,記得去年中央發表了《「一國兩制」在香港特別行政區的實踐》白皮書,之後在香港有兩位前後大法官撰文:其中現任的 馬道立 文中 引述了 前任的 李國能 的文章 "Price of Liberty" 之一段:
Under rule of law, an independent judiciary answers to no political masters
Andrew Li says:judicial independence goes beyond notions of patriotism, as judges are duty-bound to be fair. Hong Kong must remain vigilant to ensure the rule of law continues to thrive.
李大法官 "Price of Liberty" 文章並指出:「恆久警惕乃自由的代價 Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. 」
同一時段 習近平 在北京接見了 董建華 帶領上京的香港富豪團,而當然 李嘉誠 被專奉為貴賓長的貴賓,坐在 習主席 旁邊。據明報報導:
【明報專訊】國家主席習近平前日在北京會見香港一眾富豪及專業人士,在人民大會堂發生了一件看似平常、但富象徵意義的「小事」。話說 70名香港貴賓到達會堂,列陣跟習近平大合照後,眾人一起步向旁邊的會議廳就座,此際習近平與首富李嘉誠(誠哥),就在會議廳中央,當著一眾富豪面前,竊竊私語了好一陣子,言談甚歡,讓一眾富豪及京官當觀眾。中央對誠哥的重視,不言而喻。
習主席 和 李超人 竊竊私語了好一陣子,真的是令人想像無限 。。。。。。!
Anyway,這都是去年的事情了,但回看剛剛過去 12月的《佔中》期間,律政司並非禁制令申請人,和警察局長不去執行所賦予的權力,反而假借民間的團體入禀法院,向法院申請清走障礙物的《禁制令》,但又借用《禁制令》要求警方協助執行之時機,同時出動強大警力作出全面清場的舉措。
事到如今事已至此,香港的司法制度已經被 ”依法治港“ 攪到甚麽程度。那末對 長地 和 長和 在香港可能沒有司法權力,最終審核權由香港終審法院,變為英國最高法院。
登文後下午 法院的新法律年度開幕,大法官 馬道立,律政司司長 袁國強,大律師公會主席 石永泰 發言。
律政司長袁國強在 2015年法律年度開啟典禮致辭時,談到處理被捕佔領人士的問題。他說,明白此問題很可能引發重大意見分歧,但律政司立場清晰堅定,檢控必須符合兩項條件,即證據充分及有公眾利益。
無官一身輕的 石永泰 一段陳述:『政府開口「依法」,閉口也「依法」,例如立法會「依法」舉行、政府「依法」施政等。他認為,過分強調民眾必須「守法」,往往是極權政府的特徵:「利用法律作為整治民眾的工具,而非用法律約束自己管治的方法。」』
馬道立 也就 袁國強 指佔領行動帶來法治衝擊,回應佔領事件顯示大多數人尊重法治 。。。。。。
佔中發起人之一的 戴耀廷,評論有關律政司司長 袁國強 的發言 說:「法治只是『為赤裸裸的政治暴力披上法律的遮醜布。』」
戴耀廷批評袁國強把法治等同公民守法,是理解過於狹窄。他指出,法治更在於掌權者守法及按法律做的決定,須符合法律正義要求,而人大 2004年釋法改三部曲為五部曲,及 2014年的落三閘決定,雖是按法律條文規定而作,但因沒有權力制衡,故不符法律正義,對法治損害更大。
還有 CCTVB 也有報導 袁國強司長 與 馬道立大法官 基本上南弦北轍。馬道立強調:法院司法工作不能受政治影響。
【TVB News】法律年度開啟,終審法院首席法官馬道立表示,法院的司法工作不會亦不能受政治影響,他又談及佔領事件與法治的關係。去年底持續 79日的「佔領行動」期間,法庭頒下多個臨時禁制。
From 0:10 至 2:36 袁國強 和 馬道立 發言均是 in English 有機會找來英文 Full Text 讀一讀
馬道立 與 袁國強都指,本港未來一年都會遇到挑戰,各人都有責任堅守及彰顯法治。
袁國強,馬道立,石永泰,還有 戴耀庭 都是本港訓練出來的法律界精英,無可否認不同的位置,但對法治的理解可以分別如此 ”鴻溝“,未來本港的法治將遇到不斷挑戰可想而知!
Well 卒之找到了 袁國強 的英文演辭 Full Text
Following is the speech by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, at the Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2015 (January 12).
【Info.Gov.HK】On behalf of the Department of Justice, may I start off by extending our warmest welcome to all of you here, especially to our guests who travelled from other jurisdictions to attend this event.
This occasion, though known as "Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year", is not just a ceremony. It provides an opportunity for the legal, and indeed the entire, community to reflect on matters concerning our legal system, administration of justice and the rule of law.
The Rule of Law and Universal Suffrage
The importance of the rule of law is universally accepted in modern civilised societies. It is a treasure of our community which each of us, irrespective of our position and role, should make every effort to protect and defend. In highlighting this point, I have no intention whatsoever to diminish the importance of other concepts such as democracy, universal suffrage or social justice. However, the pursuit of democracy, universal suffrage, social justice or any other noble cause cannot and should not be used as a justification to act in any way which would erode the rule of law.
Unfortunately, the rule of law in Hong Kong is facing significant challenges. The recent "Occupy Movement", which involved large-scale as well as sporadic unlawful activities, brings about blatant challenges to the rule of law.
Some people put forward civil disobedience or the pursuit of universal suffrage as justification for their unlawful conduct. Whilst I believe the overwhelming majority of our community would not dispute the importance of universal suffrage, one should reflect on this fundamental question: Can there be universal suffrage without the rule of law? I would, without doubt, say "Not possible!". The reason is obvious. The rule of law is the bedrock of democracy and universal suffrage.
Any constitutional development, including development towards universal suffrage, has to be built on the relevant legal and constitutional basis. The constitution and documents of constitutional nature represent the supreme law of the jurisdiction concerned, and provide the ultimate legal anchor for any constitutional development. The rule of law dictates that all constitutional development must be consistent with, and not contrary to, the relevant constitutional regime. Once the model of universal suffrage and the relevant details are devised, they would have to be translated into clear law (which usually takes the form of electoral legislation). Every step in the electoral process should be conducted in accordance with the law, so that members of the community can have their electoral rights protected. Should there be any electoral disputes, there should be proper channels to facilitate the fair and effective adjudication by an independent judiciary.
All these would not be possible unless the rule of law is well and alive. Constitutional development or universal suffrage without the rule of law is no different to a house without foundation. It is accordingly difficult to see how there can be any valid reason for resorting to unlawful means for the purpose of pursuing universal suffrage, especially when such unlawful means would prejudice other people's rights and disrupt social order. Any contrary contention would in effect allow people to disregard the law as and when they see fit, which is the antithesis of the rule of law.
Some people in the community suggest that the concept of the rule of law has different levels, and that obeying the law is only the lowest level. As a matter of legal philosophy, such a view may provide an interesting topic for discussion. But the law remains the law, and is there to be obeyed. One also wonders how can one escalate oneself to the higher levels of the rule of law without even respecting the fundamentals.
Although the "Occupy Movement" has in a sense come to an end (at least for the time being), my worries concerning challenges to the rule of law have not altogether disappeared. I note, with regret, that there remain people in the community advocating, or are considering to advocate, further unlawful activities in the near future. May I make use of this opportunity to appeal to those people to come back to the realm of the rule of law and rationality, and abandon any thought for instigating any unlawful conduct. Any further unlawful activities, especially massive ones, would only do further harm to our community both domestically and at the international level.
Criminal Prosecution
Another challenge concerns the question of how to appropriately deal with the people who were involved in the unlawful activities that took place during the "Occupy Movement".
This question, I fully appreciate, is likely to attract huge differences of opinions. As far as the Department of Justice is concerned, our stance is clear and firm. We would, as always, adhere to the two-stage approach set out in the Prosecution Code. This means that no prosecution will be made unless: firstly, there is sufficient admissible evidence to demonstrate a reasonable prospect of conviction, and secondly, commencing prosecution will be in the public interest.
By applying this approach, we can ensure that any prosecutorial decision is only made on the basis of the applicable law, the admissible evidence and the public interest. The corollary is that other considerations such as the suspects' social status, their political affiliations or political views would not be taken into account. The exclusion of these irrelevant considerations is of utmost importance, especially for the purpose of discharging our duty under Article 63 of the Basic Law, as well as maintaining public confidence in the criminal justice system and the rule of law generally.
From time to time, persons charged with criminal offences (especially offences relating to public order events) asserted that they are victims of political retribution. By reason of the prosecution policy we adopt, such allegations are completely groundless, and are often made with a view to gaining political mileage. The Department of Justice would never allow prosecution to be used as a political instrument, still less as a means to achieve political revenge.
In future, when persons charged with a criminal offence repeat this kind of allegations, I would invite you to consider two questions: Have these people been convicted by the court after due process? Can it be sensibly suggested that our independent Judiciary is not discharging their duty properly by confining to law and evidence when making judicial decisions? A rational analysis of these two questions will dispel any contention of political persecution. Further, if a person can escape prosecution simply because his or her political stance is upheld by certain sectors in the community as a noble cause, that would in effect mean that our prosecutors are being subject to the influence of political thoughts, and that such a situation would be wholly contrary to the rule of law.
A proper understanding of how the criminal justice system operates is essential to maintaining public confidence in our rule of law. To guard against unnecessary misunderstandings, it is important that the community appreciates the difference between the approach adopted by the Department of Justice to decide whether prosecution should be made, the test adopted by the Police when effecting arrest, and also the test adopted by the court when deciding whether to convict a defendant after trial.
Police officers are entitled to effect an arrest provided they have a genuine and reasonable suspicion that the person in question has committed a relevant offence. They are not required to consider matters, such as public interest, which would have to be considered by the Department of Justice. Due to such differences, the mere fact that an arrested person is not subsequently charged with any criminal offence does not necessarily mean that the Police have made a wrongful arrest; nor does it necessarily follow that the prosecutors have failed in their duty to commence prosecution.
Judges, on the other hand, will only deliver a guilty verdict if the offence is proved beyond reasonable doubt, which is a threshold higher than that adopted by prosecutors. Accordingly, the mere acquittal of a defendant does not necessarily mean that the defendant should not have been arrested or charged in the first place.
Arbitration and Mediation
Moving on, if I may, to the Government's policy to promote Hong Kong as a centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region. This policy brings benefits not just to the legal profession, but to Hong Kong as a whole as it enhances Hong Kong's competitiveness and international image as an international financial and commercial centre. I am happy to report that considerable progress has been made during the past legal year.
In the context of arbitration, we have set up the Advisory Committee on Promotion of Arbitration. This Advisory Committee, comprising representatives of the key stakeholders and eminent members of the arbitration community, will be responsible for overall co-ordination and strategic planning for the future development and promotion of Hong Kong's arbitration services. We are confident that this Advisory Committee will take the promotion of Hong Kong's arbitration services to a new height.
In November last year, the China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC), a leading maritime arbitration institution in the Mainland, set up an arbitration centre in Hong Kong, which is its first arbitration centre outside the Mainland. The presence of CMAC in Hong Kong will further strengthen our status as an arbitration centre, and consolidate Hong Kong's status as a shipping and logistics hub.
Last week, the Central People's Government and the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), an internationally renowned arbitration institution based in the Hague with a history of over a century, signed a Host Country Agreement on the conduct of dispute settlement proceedings in Hong Kong, whilst Hong Kong signed the related Memorandum of Administrative Arrangements with PCA. The arrangement set out in these two documents will facilitate PCA-administered dispute settlement proceedings to be conducted in Hong Kong. Not only will this arrangement enable us to attract more international investment arbitrations to be conducted in Hong Kong, it represents a vote of confidence on the legal system, legal infrastructure and the rule of law in Hong Kong.
In the context of mediation, the Steering Committee on Mediation is making good progress in its work. Amongst others, the study on the need to introduce an apology legislation to facilitate settlement of disputes is entering its final stage. We anticipate we shall be in a position to issue a consultation document within this year.
Looking ahead, we will continue with our efforts to promote the use of mediation as a means of dispute resolution, as well as to promote Hong Kong's mediation services to local and overseas end users. General mediation aside, we will be moving towards the promotion of sector-specific mediation. In addition to medical and building management disputes, one of the key focuses in the coming years will be the use of mediation as a means to resolve intellectual property disputes, and we will explore the use of evaluative mediation on top of facilitative mediation. With our expertise and experience in intellectual property, we believe this new direction will further enhance Hong Kong's status both as a regional dispute resolution centre and as an intellectual property trading hub in the region.
Concluding Remarks
Ladies and gentlemen, Hong Kong is admittedly facing formidable challenges. However, we owe it to Hong Kong and to our future generations to resolutely maintain the rule of law, so as to provide a solid foundation for the pursuit of constitutional development, democracy, social justice and other worthy causes. With our strong fundamentals, our top quality judicial and legal personnel, and the joint efforts by all the relevant stakeholders, I have every confidence that our rule of law will remain robust and sustainable.
On this note, may I wish all of you a happy and rewarding 2015.
也找到了 馬道立 的英文演辭 Full Text
【News.Gov.HK】Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal Geoffrey Ma gave this address at the ceremonial opening of the legal year 2015.
Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma:
In the review of any year in Hong Kong, it would be right to make the comment that the community has faced challenges. The year 2014 was no different and I have no doubt that this year will produce challenges of some sort in Hong Kong. As the community faces these challenges, we must not lose sight of those fundamentals that have benefitted Hong Kong in the past and which continue to do so.
One of the most discussed topics this past year has been the perennially important subject of the rule of law in Hong Kong. An aspect of the discussion has been the extent to which the administration of justice by the courts in Hong Kong is affected by extraneous factors, such as political factors.
Politics has featured much in Hong Kong people's lives this past year. The question remains: To what extent is the work of the courts influenced or affected by factors other than the strict application of the law itself, such as politics or political considerations?
The clear answer of course is that the administration of justice by the courts is not, nor can it be, influenced in the slightest by extraneous factors such as politics or political considerations. The courts and our judges apply only the law.
The constitutional role of judges is to adjudicate on legal disputes between parties. It is no part of the courts' function to solve political questions, but only to determine legal questions even though the reason for bringing legal proceedings may be a political one.
Fundamental rights enforced
The rule of law is the foundation of any society and is essential to the cohesion of a community. Hong Kong has over 7 million people who all want, for themselves and their families, to lead a dignified and productive life. They are entitled to. But different people will obviously have different interests and different priorities. Their points of view will differ, sometimes substantially so.
The cohesiveness of the law ensures that not only rights, particularly what are commonly referred to as fundamental rights, are enforced but that there is an equal respect for other people's rights as well. The law and the administration of justice by the courts seek to achieve a just and proper balance of these widely divergent interests and points of view.
Put simply, the objective is to ensure that fundamental human rights are properly enforced by the courts, and that individual rights and the rights of others in our community are all respected.
How is this achieved in reality? The starting point is an acceptance that everyone is equal before the law. This includes everyone: the Government, the authorities, members of the public. No person, group of persons or organisation can claim to be above the law nor to enjoy any preferential treatment by the courts. This is key to the notion of respect for the rights of other persons.
Judicial independence
Next, it is fundamental to the operation of the law that courts apply only the law and its spirit, and that they do so independently of any outside influences - whether the Government, the authorities, the public or any section of the public.
These features of the rule of law and the administration of justice I have just referred to - equality, fidelity to the law and its spirit, and judicial independence - are fundamental to the operation of the law. They are set out and protected under Hong Kong's constitution, the Basic Law.
The constitutional role of judges to apply only the law is reflected in those provisions of the Basic Law dealing with the exercise of judicial power. Article 84 of the Basic Law states simply that judges shall adjudicate cases in accordance with the law. The Judicial Oath taken by all judges requires adherence to the law and the safeguarding of the law without fear or favour.
Elsewhere in the Basic Law, the qualifications of judges are set out: judges are to be chosen on the basis of their judicial and professional qualities alone. The Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission, which makes recommendations to the Chief Executive regarding the appointment of judges, applies these two criteria. There are no other qualifying criteria which are applicable to judges as a whole.
For the Chief Justice and the Chief Judge of the High Court there is a nationality requirement in that they have to be Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of Hong Kong with no right of abode in any foreign country. There is no such requirement for other judges; the Basic Law provides that judges may be recruited from other common law jurisdictions.
The independence of the Judiciary is of course a key feature of our legal system. The Basic Law makes reference to an independent Judiciary in at least three separate articles. The Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission, to which I have earlier referred, is required to be an independent commission.
Matters affecting judiciary
In last year's address at the opening of the legal year, I identified those features of our legal system which demonstrated that the existence of the rule of law, including the independence of the Judiciary, was not just theoretical but real. Before I refer to recent events to reinforce this, I would like to provide an update on a few matters affecting the Judiciary and access to justice:
* Access to justice is a crucial part of any legal system. There is little point in having a sound legal infrastructure, manned by the best judges, when there are difficulties of access to justice. The Basic Law expressly provides for access to the courts as a right. Legal Aid is an important feature which enhances in a meaningful way access to justice. Legal Aid is available in a number of different types of cases such as applications for judicial review which often involves persons making legal claims against the Government.
* This past year, the Judiciary has been actively reviewing the jurisdictional limits of the District Court as well as the limits of claims in the Small Claims Tribunal, with a view to increasing these limits to facilitate access to the courts.
* Recently, the Legislative Council voted to abolish the "as of right" route of appeal to the Court of Final Appeal. This means of access to the Court of Final Appeal is outdated and has no place in a modern system of law. It allows access based purely on monetary value, thereby promoting an inequality based on monetary value among litigants. I welcome the removal of this provision in our law.
* On the recruitment of judges, this has largely been successful. There are some difficulties in recruitment at the level of the Court of First Instance of the High Court. With this in mind and in order also to address the long-term needs of the whole of the Judiciary, we are conducting various reviews, such as one on the conditions of service of judges and another on retirement age. The important aspect to bear in mind is that it is of crucial importance that the high standards expected of judges are maintained. I have said on many occasions that it is better to leave positions vacant than to have appointments of persons not of the requisite standard.
*This year will hopefully see the relocation of the Court of Final Appeal to the former Supreme Court at Jackson Road, formerly also the Legislative Council. We have been advised by the Architectural Services Department that this is feasible. I take this opportunity to express the Judiciary's gratitude to that department for the sterling work they have undertaken for the community's benefit. The new Court of Final Appeal will be a lasting and tangible symbol of Hong Kong's rule of law. I look forward very much to its opening and welcoming members of the public to visit this historic building.
No politicisation
Throughout the year, the operational requirements and initiatives of the Judiciary have been supported by the Administration and the Legislature. I express my gratitude for this support. It is important to the administration of justice by our courts that we have this support and, importantly, that matters relating to the Judiciary are not politicised in any way.
I now turn to recent events. I will naturally not comment on the political aspects of the "occupy" protests, but wish to say something about their relevance to the rule of law in Hong Kong.
In my view, these recent events have demonstrated the respect that most people have for the rule of law and emphasised once again the pivotal position it occupies in our community. No one has seriously questioned the need for respect for the rule of law and it is easy to see why this is so: it simply cannot be seriously suggested that the rule of law and all that it stands for should somehow not be respected.
The work of the courts, its core activity in the protection of fundamental rights, administering justice equally without fear or favour, is dependent on the knowledge that the community on the whole respects and trusts the rule of law.
The legal proceedings in the courts which took place during the course of the protests demonstrated an adherence to the rule of law. The various injunction proceedings before the Court of First Instance, heard over a number of days by the Judge in charge of the Constitutional & Administrative Law List, meticulously and fastidiously went over every possible legal argument.
Access to justice unimpeded
All parties were given full opportunity to make their submissions before the court. Access to justice was unimpeded; the defendants in the proceedings, represented by Senior Counsel and other experienced counsel, were assisted by Legal Aid. Every step in the proceedings was done according to law and legal procedure, and the proceedings were open to the public to observe.
When the court made its decisions in the various injunction proceedings, it did so according to law and this was plain to see in the detailed, reasoned judgments that were given. When the Court of Appeal rejected applications for leave to appeal from the decisions of the Court of First Instance, the Court again did so explaining in detail the legal reasons for its conclusions.
All this illustrates the practice of our courts: deciding cases strictly according to law thereby fulfilling the constitutional mandate of the Judiciary and being seen to do so by their reasoned judgments being made publicly available. This is the rule of law and the administration of justice operating in practice, and this is precisely how the Hong Kong Judiciary operates on a daily basis. It will always continue to do so in this way.
I would add this: Given all I have said as to the painstaking way in which at times difficult legal outcomes are reached, it is to be expected that the judgments and orders of the courts are respected and complied with.
The recent injunctions granted by the Court were expected by the community to be complied with. After all, every party, and of course this included the unsuccessful parties, had been given a full opportunity to make their submissions to the Court.
No compromise in rule of law
Whatever one's beliefs or motives, the rule of law and all that it represents must be respected by all, whether the Government or the public or sections of it. The rule of law is there to protect our rights and to help achieve the objective of any community: a respect for rights and a respect for the rights of others.
There can be no compromise as far as the rule of law is concerned. It is not something from which there can be any deviation nor can there be any room for bargaining in relation to it. It operates all the time, not just part of the time.
The rule of law is an end in itself and stands alone as one of the important institutions contributing not just to the success of Hong Kong, but to the overall and future well-being of her residents.
It is right to remind ourselves yet again of this fundamental feature of Hong Kong society. We assemble here at the annual opening of the legal year, this year and every year, to acknowledge the importance of the rule of law. All our judges know this and, as you will presently hear from the speeches following mine, it is incumbent on all members of the legal profession to know this as well. I believe the community knows this and is certainly entitled to expect this.
It has been an eventful year for all of us. It only remains for me to wish everyone a fulfilling New Year, with good health and much happiness.
至於大律師公會主席 石永泰 的英文演辭 Full Text Chairman HK Barrister Association Paul Shieh 的演辭也找到了,但是 PDF File 沒法 Copy and Paste 過來,please Click to READ 閱讀。
嗜悲 利用很長時間,讀過 三篇 英文演辭一遍,尤其是對無官一身輕的 Paul Shieh 石永泰 12 pages 演辭,如真的沒有時間,推薦給各位值得細讀 first 4 pages 首四頁吧。
雖然沒有 石永泰 的英文全文,有朋友 電郵 了中文譯本,據說是《信報》的
1.英國其中一位最偉大的公務員,漢弗萊•阿普爾比爵士(Sir Humphrey Appleby) 曾經對他的晚輩伯納•伍利 (Bernard Woolley) 說過︰「演辭不是為現場觀眾寫的。發表演說只不過是把一篇新聞稿發放給各大傳媒必經的例行公事。」
5.「法治」這名詞往往令人想起一些公認自由和文明的政權,帶有正面的含義。隨意亂用「法治」一詞,往往會不慎為一些「以法管治」(Rule of Law) 或「人治」(Rule by Man) 的政權錯誤鍍金,給它們加上名不符實的道德冠冕。
6.尤其是在一些沒有真正獨立的司法機構,法律被任意執行的體制,法院跟政府「合作」,以確保法律按政府喜歡的方法詮釋,用來打壓一些令當權者不悅的人或組織。這往往被包裝為「法治」(Rule of Law),但說穿了其實就是「我以『法』來『治』你」 (Rule by Law)。所謂「依法辦事」,說穿了就是「依我們的意旨辦事」 (Rule by Man)。
10.另一個因白皮書引起的不良後果便是它可能讓香港境外的有心人趁機大造文章,詆毀香港的司法制度。我們獨立的終審法院在剛果共和國一案(FG Hemisphere case)有關國家豁免的一個正常判決竟然被人錯誤定性,用來打擊香港作為國際爭議解決中心的地位。白皮書內有關法院部份的不恰當內容更可能被人作為話柄,污衊和中傷香港的司法機構。
13. 2014年8月31日,全國人民代表大會常務委員會頒布了關於香港特別行政區2017行政長官產生辦法和2016立法會選舉辦法之決定。
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