香港譯: 搶錢至尊 內地譯: 搶錢世界

It is based on a play (Riqueza ajena) by Jerry Sterner. The director was Norman Jewison and the screenplay was credited to Alvin Sargent.
The story:
Corporate raider "Larry the Liquidator" (Danny DeVito), always looking for the next big score, puts his sights on New England Wire and Cable, a family-owned business run by old codger "Jorgy" Jorgenson (Gregory Peck). Trying to stave off the takeover, Jorgy hires Kate (Penelope Ann Miller), his stepdaughter, to stall Larry. Before long, Larry becomes involved in a complicated game of cat-and-mouse (and mutual attraction) in which he and Kate each struggle to maintain the upper hand. As he closes in on his goal - taking over New England Wire and Cable - Larry has to decide which he loves more: money, or Kate.
Danny DeVito 這位綠葉演員﹐有很多的作品﹐但做主角的﹐記得的好像就是得這一部﹐做大配角的記憶中還有﹐<蝙蝠俠>中的企鵝﹐跟大隻佬加州州長“亞諾﹑舒華辛力加‘的<龍兄鼠弟>﹐他現在還很活躍於荷李活影壇。
Penelope Ann Miller 這位女演員﹐除了這部電影外﹐只記得有也是和大隻佬加州州長”亞諾﹑舒華辛力加“的<幼稚園特警>﹐Miller 有點像 Jodie Foster 的面孔﹐但缺少了 Jodie的憂鬱神韻﹐演技也有所不及﹐後來發展不大﹐近年消聲匿跡了。
Gregory Peck,不用多介紹了﹐老牌影星﹐幾年前才逝世。
電影中結尾 Larry the Liquidator 說了一篇演辭﹐令股票持有人出賣手頭上股票﹐至為精警﹐十多年後﹐也歷久如新﹐現節錄一段文字如下。是對夕陽工業﹐夕陽行業﹐提供最好出路。 無論是小投資者﹐資本家﹐ 財富管理專業者等等﹐都是 study material 閱讀資料。
“Amen, & amen, & amen!!!! .........................This company is dead. I didn't kill it. Don't blame me. It was dead when I got here. It's too late for prayers. For even if the prayers were answered, and a miracle occurred, and the yen did this, and the dollar did that, and the infrastructure did the other thing, we would still be dead. You know why? Fiber optics. New technologies. Obsolescence. We're dead alright. We're just not broke. And you know the surest way to go broke? Keep getting an increasing share of a shrinking market. Down the tubes. Slow but sure. You know, at one time there must've been dozens of companies making buggy whips. And I'll bet the last company around was the one that made the best god damn buggy whip you ever saw. Now how would you have liked to have been a stockholder in that company? You invested in a business and this business is dead. Let's have the intelligence, let's have the decency, to sign the death certificate, collect the insurance, and invest in something with a future........................”
如果你有時間可以看埋 YOUTUBE 這一段片﹐是正反雙方的演辭﹐"Jorgy" Jorgenson (Gregory Peck)說不要賣﹐我們還大有可為。
Larry (Danny DeVito) 說賣掉喇﹐投資到一個有前景的行業﹐不但可以幫你增加財富﹐ 還可以製造就業﹐做福社會。。。。。!!!
Why New England Cable and Wire worth more dead than alive?
感言: 若有全部看完的朋友﹐你可有似曾見過之感? 對﹐我們的舊天星碼頭和鐘樓﹐正反雙方各持己見﹐我不是法官﹐我沒有裁決。
只是前日下午趁小休時, 寫了一篇有很多 typo error 的回應, 登在明報討論區﹐原來電影中正反雙方的辯辭入了腦﹐不經不覺借用了。
伸延閱覽: Other People's Money 維基百科