北美影訊 Star Dust 港譯 魔幻星塵
晚上閒來上網YAHOO MOVIE﹐查看上週末個電影
龍虎榜﹐第一到第十名有些已經在香港上映﹐第一名的 Superbad﹐ 是反糾校園片﹐不在暑假頭排期上映﹐先飲頭淡湯﹐而守在尾關﹐在大片已經高潮已過﹐又冇大片計續氣勢﹐Superbad 連續兩星期居首位﹐這片種不在我考慮之列。成蟲的 RUSH HOURS 3 更不勘題了﹐catch my eyes 的是名為「Stardust」的童話式片子﹐悲觀的我﹐都是睇些舒服些的較適合。
男女主角Charlie Cox 和 Claire Danes 不見經傳﹐但配角卻大有來頭﹐計有 Robert De Niro﹐ Peter O'Toole﹐Michelle Pfeiffer等等。 據介紹 Claire Danes 曾經在 Terminator 3 演出﹐飾演 Kate Brewster﹐ 是領袖 John Connor 的妻子。今次飾演「謫星」變成人形﹐不過印象她不算美麗﹐做謫星應否需要較美麗的呢? 不過觀眾意見﹐話佢做得OK。 Anyway﹐ 香港上映時﹐入戲院看看就成了。

Claire Danes as Yvaine
Charlie Cox as Tristan
Robert De Niro as Captain Shakespeare
Michelle Pfeiffer as Lamia
Peter O'Toole The King
Matthew Vaughn
Yahoo movies:
Tailer海報的大頭相片﹐是兩個大配角 Robert De Niro 和 Michelle Pfeiffer 可知一二!
A young man named Tristan (Charlie Cox) tries to win the heart of Victoria (Sienna Miller), the beautiful but cold object of his desire, by going on a quest to retrieve a fallen star. His journey takes him to a mysterious and forbidden land beyond the walls of his village.

On his odyssey, Tristan finds the star, which has transformed into a striking girl named Yvaine (Claire Danes).

However, Tristan is not the only one seeking the star. A king's (Peter O'Toole) four living sons - not to mention the ghosts of their three dead brothers - all need the star as they vie for the throne.
Tristan must also overcome the evil witch, Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer), who needs the star to make her young again.

As Tristan battles to survive these threats, encountering a pirate named Captain Shakespeare (Robert De Niro) and a shady trader named Ferdy the Fence (Ricky Gervais) along the way, his quest changes.
Tristan must now win the heart of the star for himself as he discovers the meaning of true love.

台灣把 STARDUST 譯成「星塵奇緣」 ﹐台灣上映日期 2007/08/24﹐至於香港﹐遍找不著﹐是已經上映了﹐我沒有留意﹐還是片商不看好﹐連片都沒有買?
剛剛在MOVE3見到﹐Stardust 港譯 「魔幻星塵」﹐又話8月26上映﹐但在那裡映?
明報影訊:《魔幻星塵》 奇妙世界
究竟什麼故事吸引這鑽石陣容演員參與演出?改編自Neil Gaiman的同名小說,初時以漫畫形式面世,後來再出版小說,被喻為現代經典神話,集魔幻與喜劇,創意的劇情再加黑色幽默,充滿歡樂。
上映日期: 9月26日
新鮮人 魔幻星塵(Stardust)