標普降美信貸評級 關鍵在事實確鑿理據充分
標普評級成為既定事實之後,民主黨和共和黨相互推諉責任,正好說明兩黨纏鬥方興未艾。我們認為,標普下調美國信貸評級的理據,獲得普遍共鳴和認同,標普主權評級委員會主席錢伯斯(John Chambers)明確表示,未來半年至兩年,仍有三分一機率再下調美國信貸評級,情况包括若美國財政惡化,或國會陷入黨爭,無法就減赤達成共識等。
28年時移世易 聯繫匯率穩港還是累港?
今趟應該是我 Nth 次,再提出應否讓港幣脫離與美元的聯繫匯率,為何以曾蔭權為首的特區政府還未肯讓港幣脫鈎呢?
各位只要看看星加坡元在 1983年兌換多少港元,跟今天的匯率比較一吓,各位可以立即瑕瑜互見,為何沒有香港般背靠祖國的星加坡,沒有天天上萬的內地自由行旅客,星加坡的幣值兌換港幣,在這些年間卻整整升值了一倍開雙了。
外幣高企 難作投資
聯繫上美元後,為了避免美元和港幣間出現息差,引起匯率波動,香港金管局等如自廢了武功,所有經濟財務工具:neo keynesian policy,fiscal policy,monetary policy,microelectronic policy,macroeconomic policy etc etc 本可用來調節本港經濟和港幣幣值,因為沒能調節利率去襄輔襄成,就變得綁手綁腳,甚至做成助長通漲,釀成或是事倍功半,或是要被擱置一旁,港幣只能被美元牽著鼻子走。
1983年中英談判香港前途,受到金融大鱷狂拋空港幣,令到兌換價低至HK$9.3兌US$1,港英財政司彭勵治(Sir John Henry Bremridge)成立了聯繫匯率制度。又 1998年亞洲金融風暴期間,港元遭到金融大鱷聯手狙擊,聯繫匯率幾近崩潰,特區財政司曾蔭權 (Sir Donald Tsang)統領金管局出戰,最終需動用大量外匯儲備投入股市,之後成立了 Tracker Fund of Hong Kong『盈富基金』。
須要知道1983年曾蔭權還在沙田做芝麻官組織兒童壘球隊,但在1998年曾蔭權已經貴為特區財政司,曾蔭權賴以成名之作,每次有機會都琅琅上口誇誇其言曰:『帶領香港果斷擊退狙擊港幣的大鱷穩定港幣!』曾蔭權常常自比彭勵治。彭勵治不但穩定了港幣,還積極提倡積極不干預政策 Laissez-faire policy 和 小政府大市場 等等政策,奠定香港的黃金時代,之後的翟克誠、麥高樂、曾蔭權,祇是蕭規曹隨,吃先人的儲糧。
不過今次由0005的大班歐智華來講,當然立刻得到以陳德霖為首的金管局回應,還有很多金融界的大阿哥出來講話。美國國債評級被 downgrade,美元匯率拖累埋港幣,連曾俊華今天的財政司也說美債最深最闊。不過他們有沒有申報利益呢?否則他們的評論就會有偏頗矣!
香港的聯匯制度屬於「貨幣發行局制度」(Currency Board System),貨幣發行局(金管局)保證本地貨幣可無限制地、以固定匯率兌換為某一外幣,而貨幣基礎的流量及存量均得到外匯儲備的100%支持,貨幣基礎的任何變動,均須有外匯儲備按固定匯率計算的相應配合。
回看近年各國貨幣與美元脫鈎的消息,最震撼的自是05年,內地人民銀行突然宣布人民幣與美元脫鈎,改為參考一籃子貨幣,讓人民幣一口氣小幅升值。馬來西亞同年亦隨即宣布取消與美元的固定匯率制度,由「可管理的浮動匯率機制」(managed float、容許匯率在貨幣當局確定的區間內波動)取代。
後後記:2012年6月12日 前金管局總裁 任志剛 在中大 Institute of global economics and finance (IGEF去) 全球經濟及金融研究所,發表了:
香港貨幣體制的未來(全文) CUHK IGEF
The future of the monetary system of Hong Kong (Full Text) CUHK IGEF
如今 任志剛 獻計了,可惜傳出新的一屆主要財金官員,仍然是:曾俊華、陳家強、陳德霖,加上只懂我忘記了,和我沒有補充的 CY,我們市民可以祈望有甚麽改變呢? 唉!。。。。。。。。。。。唉!
聯匯迷思 政府欠市民一個解釋 雅虎新聞網
聯匯應與一籃子貨幣掛勾 雅虎新聞網
歐智華倡港元鈎一籃子貨幣 雅虎新聞網
聯匯制度存廢 AM730新聞網
匯率與民生 曾俊華財政司網誌 gov.hk
任志剛突倡改聯匯 新浪新聞網
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, August 12, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
我的舊文:“你用膳 我付鈔? ”是借用江澤民主席的名句:“你請客 我付鈔!”當時正值中英談判有關興建新香港機場的財務安排,我只是借用了並略為修改,成為我網文的標題,說全世界借了US$14,300,000,000,000給美國人,讓他們得以繼續享受美式的民主。
今有俄羅斯的前總統現任總理大人 普京 先生說:
Putin says:US a 'parasite' on world economy
【vanguard】Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday accused the United States of acting as a “parasite” on the world economy by accumulating massive debts that threaten the global financial system.
“The country is living in debt. It is not living within its means, shifting the weight of responsibility on other countries and in a way acting as a parasite,” Putin told a group of pro-Kremlin youth in central Russia.
He also suggested that Washington may have been flirting with the idea of a default in order to weaken the dollar “and create better conditions for exporting their goods.
“But they had enough common sense and responsibility” to avoid a default, Russia’s former president added.
US President Barack Obama on Sunday announced an 11th hour debt deal that will allow the country to avoid its first default in history while pushing ahead with a painful austerity plan designed to slash Washington’s swelling debt.
The deal was met initially with relief on global financial markets and saw Moscow’s two stock exchanges open the day up about two percent but investors then began to have doubts about the plan and gains were reversed sharply.
Putin has repeatedly criticised the United States’ recent foreign exchange policy and its propensity to cover budget deficits with treasury bills and bonds held by sovereign clients such as China and Russia.
The value of that paper will shrink if US debt is downgraded by a major Western ratings agency and Putin was insistent Monday that the world should be seeking new reserve currencies for trade and savings.
“If the US encounters a systemic malfunction, this affects everyone,” Putin told the Seliger camp gathering. “There should be other reserve currencies.”
Putin added that the debt agreement announced by Obama “was not that great overall because it simply delayed the adoption of a more systemic solution.”
普京先生說得比我更直接淺白:美國是世界經濟的寄生蟲! 首先讓我們知道多一些關於“寄生主義” Parasitism。
【維基百科】Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host.
Parasites are classified based on their interactions with their hosts and on their life cycles.
Parasites that live on the surface of the host are called ectoparasites (e.g. some mites) and those that live inside the host are called endoparasites (including all parasitic worms).
Endoparasites can exist in one of two forms: intercellular (inhabiting spaces in the host’s body) or intracellular (inhabiting cells in the host’s body). Intracellular parasites, such as bacteria or viruses, tend to rely on a third organism which is generally known as the carrier or vector.
The vector does the job of transmitting them to the host. An example of this interaction is the transmission of malaria, caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium, to humans by the bite of an anopheline mosquito.
An epiparasite is one that feeds on another parasite. This relationship is also sometimes referred to as hyperparasitism which may be exemplified by a protozoan (the hyperparasite) living in the digestive tract of a flea living on a dog.
Social parasites take advantage of interactions between members of social organisms such as ants or termites. In kleptoparasitism, parasites appropriate food gathered by the host. An example is the brood parasitism practiced by many species of cuckoo and cowbird, which do not build nests of their own but rather deposit their eggs in nests of other species and abandon them there.
The host behaves as a "babysitter" as they raise the young as their own. If the host removes the cuckoo's eggs, some cuckoos will return and attack the nest to compel host birds to remain subject to this parasitism.
The cowbird’s parasitism does not necessarily harm its host’s brood; however, the cuckoo may remove one or more host eggs to avoid detection, and furthermore the young cuckoo may heave the host’s eggs and nestlings from the nest.
Parasitism can take the form of isolated cheating or exploitation among more generalized mutualistic interactions. For example, broad classes of plants and fungi exchange carbon and nutrients in common mutualistic mycorrhizal relationships; however, some plant species known as myco-heterotrophs "cheat" by taking carbon from a fungus rather than donating it.
Parasitoids are organisms whose larval development occurs inside or on the surface of another organism, resulting in the death of the host. This means that the interaction between the parasitoid and the host is fundamentally different from that of a true parasite and shares some of the characteristics of predation.
An adelpho-parasite is a parasite in which the host species is closely related to the parasite, often being a member of the same family or genus. An example of this is the citrus blackfly parasitoid, Encarsia perplexa, unmated females of which may lay haploid eggs in the fully developed larvae of their own species. These result in the production of male offspring. The marine worm Bonellia viridis has a similar reproductive strategy, although the larvae are planktonic.
Traditionally parasite referred to organisms with lifestages that went beyond one host.
恕我中英文粗疏,我不打算翻譯成中文,大家只需 Google 一吓便成,不贅。
就近來美國國債上限的兩黨談判,民主和共和兩黨的議員們、議長、多數派領袖、少數派領袖,用盡可以發揮的民主主義賦予的權力,大玩其政治遊戲,於水浸眼眉的最後兩週,兩黨翩翩起舞,卻舞出個大龍鳳,雖然最終得到兩黨同意提高國債上限兩萬億美元,據說可以足夠去多借國債,用來支付未來兩年的財政開支,但要賠出了 Triiple A 的國家主權債務評級,被 S&P 標普 降為 AA+ 評級。
關於債務違約,評級下降,在事後孔明,偉大的阿倫斯潘出來說風涼話 。。。。。。
Alan Greenspan, Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve: "Very much so. This is not an issue of credit rating, the United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So, there is zero probability of default."
中國創辦的 大公國際信貸評級 Dagong Global Credit Rating:Dagong has downgraded the local and foreign currency long term sovereign credit rating of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as “United States” ) from “AA” to “A+“, which reflects its deteriorating debt repayment capability and drastic decline of the government’s intention of debt repayment.
根本美國有沒有意向還款的呢?格林斯潘說很明白了吧。就在國債上限在水浸眼眉之時,於死線前通過了調整增多兩萬億,據說可以足夠支付未來兩年的聯邦財政開支,但是兩黨貌合神離的舞蹈,引來標普對美國主權債務評級下降為 AA+,失去了 triple A 最高評級,引起了全球金融界的動盪,股票市場蒸發了數萬億美元的價格,全世界都受累了。
美國式的民主於國家級別,設有眾議院和參議院,內面又一大班眾議員參議員,除了黨部的辦公室和專業團隊外,每位參議員眾議員他她們除了在所屬州份設有辦公室外,在華盛頓有另設有辦公室,聘請顧有一大班不同範疇律師團、各行各業專家團、資料收集隊、民意調查隊、文書工作隊 etc etc 去輔助議員了解每一個議案,發表在議事廳內外的言論,和最終選擇投票的意向。
以上所有的就是為了保存美式的民主制度,是美國聯邦政府總經費的部份開支,也即是靠借國債得來金錢,讓其繼續維持運作,讓其可以支付薪金給員工,交水費交電費,交通費 etc etc。美國人先使未來錢,靠每季發新的國債去償還利息,除了利疊利之外,再要借更多些債,去繼續推行美國的霸權主義,派發失業救濟金給國民,支付聯邦機構員工的薪酬 etc etc。
美國國債 維基百科
Putin says:US a 'parasite' on world economy vanguardngr.com
你用膳 我付鈔?
我的舊文:“你用膳 我付鈔? ”是借用江澤民主席的名句:“你請客 我付鈔!”當時正值中英談判有關興建新香港機場的財務安排,我只是借用了並略為修改,成為我網文的標題,說全世界借了US$14,300,000,000,000給美國人,讓他們得以繼續享受美式的民主。
今有俄羅斯的前總統現任總理大人 普京 先生說:
Putin says:US a 'parasite' on world economy
【vanguard】Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday accused the United States of acting as a “parasite” on the world economy by accumulating massive debts that threaten the global financial system.
“The country is living in debt. It is not living within its means, shifting the weight of responsibility on other countries and in a way acting as a parasite,” Putin told a group of pro-Kremlin youth in central Russia.
He also suggested that Washington may have been flirting with the idea of a default in order to weaken the dollar “and create better conditions for exporting their goods.
“But they had enough common sense and responsibility” to avoid a default, Russia’s former president added.
US President Barack Obama on Sunday announced an 11th hour debt deal that will allow the country to avoid its first default in history while pushing ahead with a painful austerity plan designed to slash Washington’s swelling debt.
The deal was met initially with relief on global financial markets and saw Moscow’s two stock exchanges open the day up about two percent but investors then began to have doubts about the plan and gains were reversed sharply.
Putin has repeatedly criticised the United States’ recent foreign exchange policy and its propensity to cover budget deficits with treasury bills and bonds held by sovereign clients such as China and Russia.
The value of that paper will shrink if US debt is downgraded by a major Western ratings agency and Putin was insistent Monday that the world should be seeking new reserve currencies for trade and savings.
“If the US encounters a systemic malfunction, this affects everyone,” Putin told the Seliger camp gathering. “There should be other reserve currencies.”
Putin added that the debt agreement announced by Obama “was not that great overall because it simply delayed the adoption of a more systemic solution.”
普京先生說得比我更直接淺白:美國是世界經濟的寄生蟲! 首先讓我們知道多一些關於“寄生主義” Parasitism。
【維基百科】Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host.
Parasites are classified based on their interactions with their hosts and on their life cycles.
Parasites that live on the surface of the host are called ectoparasites (e.g. some mites) and those that live inside the host are called endoparasites (including all parasitic worms).
Endoparasites can exist in one of two forms: intercellular (inhabiting spaces in the host’s body) or intracellular (inhabiting cells in the host’s body). Intracellular parasites, such as bacteria or viruses, tend to rely on a third organism which is generally known as the carrier or vector.
The vector does the job of transmitting them to the host. An example of this interaction is the transmission of malaria, caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium, to humans by the bite of an anopheline mosquito.
An epiparasite is one that feeds on another parasite. This relationship is also sometimes referred to as hyperparasitism which may be exemplified by a protozoan (the hyperparasite) living in the digestive tract of a flea living on a dog.
Social parasites take advantage of interactions between members of social organisms such as ants or termites. In kleptoparasitism, parasites appropriate food gathered by the host. An example is the brood parasitism practiced by many species of cuckoo and cowbird, which do not build nests of their own but rather deposit their eggs in nests of other species and abandon them there.
The host behaves as a "babysitter" as they raise the young as their own. If the host removes the cuckoo's eggs, some cuckoos will return and attack the nest to compel host birds to remain subject to this parasitism.
The cowbird’s parasitism does not necessarily harm its host’s brood; however, the cuckoo may remove one or more host eggs to avoid detection, and furthermore the young cuckoo may heave the host’s eggs and nestlings from the nest.
Parasitism can take the form of isolated cheating or exploitation among more generalized mutualistic interactions. For example, broad classes of plants and fungi exchange carbon and nutrients in common mutualistic mycorrhizal relationships; however, some plant species known as myco-heterotrophs "cheat" by taking carbon from a fungus rather than donating it.
Parasitoids are organisms whose larval development occurs inside or on the surface of another organism, resulting in the death of the host. This means that the interaction between the parasitoid and the host is fundamentally different from that of a true parasite and shares some of the characteristics of predation.
An adelpho-parasite is a parasite in which the host species is closely related to the parasite, often being a member of the same family or genus. An example of this is the citrus blackfly parasitoid, Encarsia perplexa, unmated females of which may lay haploid eggs in the fully developed larvae of their own species. These result in the production of male offspring. The marine worm Bonellia viridis has a similar reproductive strategy, although the larvae are planktonic.
Traditionally parasite referred to organisms with lifestages that went beyond one host.
恕我中英文粗疏,我不打算翻譯成中文,大家只需 Google 一吓便成,不贅。
就近來美國國債上限的兩黨談判,民主和共和兩黨的議員們、議長、多數派領袖、少數派領袖,用盡可以發揮的民主主義賦予的權力,大玩其政治遊戲,於水浸眼眉的最後兩週,兩黨翩翩起舞,卻舞出個大龍鳳,雖然最終得到兩黨同意提高國債上限兩萬億美元,據說可以足夠去多借國債,用來支付未來兩年的財政開支,但要賠出了 Triiple A 的國家主權債務評級,被 S&P 標普 降為 AA+ 評級。
關於債務違約,評級下降,在事後孔明,偉大的阿倫斯潘出來說風涼話 。。。。。。
Alan Greenspan, Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve: "Very much so. This is not an issue of credit rating, the United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So, there is zero probability of default."
中國創辦的 大公國際信貸評級 Dagong Global Credit Rating:Dagong has downgraded the local and foreign currency long term sovereign credit rating of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as “United States” ) from “AA” to “A+“, which reflects its deteriorating debt repayment capability and drastic decline of the government’s intention of debt repayment.
根本美國有沒有意向還款的呢?格林斯潘說很明白了吧。就在國債上限在水浸眼眉之時,於死線前通過了調整增多兩萬億,據說可以足夠支付未來兩年的聯邦財政開支,但是兩黨貌合神離的舞蹈,引來標普對美國主權債務評級下降為 AA+,失去了 triple A 最高評級,引起了全球金融界的動盪,股票市場蒸發了數萬億美元的價格,全世界都受累了。
美國式的民主於國家級別,設有眾議院和參議院,內面又一大班眾議員參議員,除了黨部的辦公室和專業團隊外,每位參議員眾議員他她們除了在所屬州份設有辦公室外,在華盛頓有另設有辦公室,聘請顧有一大班不同範疇律師團、各行各業專家團、資料收集隊、民意調查隊、文書工作隊 etc etc 去輔助議員了解每一個議案,發表在議事廳內外的言論,和最終選擇投票的意向。
以上所有的就是為了保存美式的民主制度,是美國聯邦政府總經費的部份開支,也即是靠借國債得來金錢,讓其繼續維持運作,讓其可以支付薪金給員工,交水費交電費,交通費 etc etc。美國人先使未來錢,靠每季發新的國債去償還利息,除了利疊利之外,再要借更多些債,去繼續推行美國的霸權主義,派發失業救濟金給國民,支付聯邦機構員工的薪酬 etc etc。
美國國債 維基百科
Putin says:US a 'parasite' on world economy vanguardngr.com
你用膳 我付鈔?
Sunday, August 07, 2011
香港明報每個週六,都有外地評論摘要,為了解翻譯出來的中文稿子,與原來的英文原本文章有何差異,我通常會在網上搜尋原文閱讀。 以前很也曾經多次,把兩篇中英兩文一起轉載,方便網友參考,當然也方便自己以後查閱。
高鐵殘骸被埋 問責也被埋(WSJ:China's Wreckage Under Wraps)
【Wall Street Journal】China's Wreckage Under Wraps
Without accountability, each tragedy sparks greater public anger.
Modern China is no stranger to natural and industrial disasters. Yet the July 23 high-speed train crash that left 40 people dead and another 191 injured—according to the official tally—could become a different kind of event.
Chinese journalists and ordinary citizens are resisting government censorship and pressing for more information about the safety of a rail system the government has touted as the most advanced in the world.
What remains to be seen is whether the outrage the crash has provoked will force the regime to refashion its standard procedures for dealing with embarrassing—and revealing—events.
On Friday the government decided to curtail domestic media coverage of the accident after a week of sharp editorials asking whether official neglect cost the trains' passengers their lives. At a press conference with the railways ministry, journalists grilled the ministry's cowed-looking spokesman.
"When a country is so corrupt that one lightning strike can cause a train crash . . . none of us is immune," one person wrote on Sina Weibo, the country's most popular microblogging service. "China today is a train rushing through a lightning storm . . . we are all passengers."
This kind of open criticism of the government's failures raises expectations that China is developing a watchdog media. If only that were true. The regime has learned how to allow the public to vent and then prevent the follow-up reporting that would bring true accountability.
When a magnitude-7.9 earthquake ravaged Sichuan province in May 2008, reporters noted immediately that schoolhouses had been particularly hard-hit. Several newspapers published pointed stories asking whether corruption and inadequate building standards were responsible for the high number of school-age victims. Yet by mid-June of that year reporters from the commercial media were being recalled from the scene.
Likewise when toxic milk powder sickened thousands of infants in 2008, the government rushed its version of events out to the public in order to pre-empt those who would dig deeper.
The media were not silenced; rather they were forced to hew rigidly to the official line that contamination was under control and recalls were limited. Activist Zhao Lianhai, who tried to expose the cover-up and demanded greater compensation for the families, was threatened and then jailed.
After intense public pressure the Chinese government last week declared it would work to reform the rail system. When Premier Wen Jiabao visited the crash site last Thursday, he promised a "fair and transparent investigation." But now that the state has pressed its heavy hand, any reforms will be undertaken outside of the public gaze.
For now, too many questions about last month's crash remain unanswered. Reporters who arrived on the scene the day after the crash found crews busy burying the wrecked carriages in the mud, as if to conceal the evidence.
Rescue workers seemed more interested in restoring rail service than in recovering wounded passengers. The official death toll was suspiciously volatile. Many suspect that a cover-up was underway from the start.
Chinese media watchers like Qian Gang, who writes on the previous page, have dubbed the government's more sophisticated policies to control the media "Control 2.0." While this regime may maintain stability in the short term, it allows the problems that cause public distrust to fester.
Mothers still flock anxiously to Hong Kong to buy foreign milk powder for their infants, and ticket sales for the high-speed trains have collapsed. As each incident requires a bigger venting of anger before it can be contained, the day may be approaching when the government is unable to put the lid back on and deny the Chinese people's demands for answers.
WSJ 顯示這文是 Review and Outlook 是沒有處名的文章,也不是 Editorial 社評,我只可以理解成是 WSJ 華爾街日報 內部自己人寫的或是約稿,因為沒有處名,文責看來似是由 WSJ 肩負吧。
上文不是翻譯外電新聞報導的 FACTS 實況,而是翻譯轉載華爾街日報的八月三日的評論 REVIEW and OUTLOOK。不過原來明報已經做了翻譯後的“去蕪存菁”,摘要後才刊登出來,公開予讀者閱讀,而不是全文一段不漏全部展示,我不知道報章報社雙互之間的協議,也是非我後所能及。
看電視新聞,除了一貫的亞記亞洲台和無記互動新聞台,我都有收看鳳凰衛視和有線電視的新聞報導,若有國際大新聞則兼看 BBC(World),CNN(International),和 AJE (Al Jazeera 半島的英語頻道),務求得到更多方面收集而來的更多資訊。
於國際社會雖云:新聞自由,新聞報導應該依據 facts 實況實據,據實報導,至於是否能辦得到呢?這是後話。而評論文章例如:社評 editorial 評論 review 就可以 take sided 有先決立場。我時常強調讀報、讀新聞、看新聞、還有讀歷史要多讀,若能多讀經由不同的源和 perspective 發表的報導與評論,經過消化了解後,然後“去蕪存菁“,最為重要。
在這資訊發達的時代,新聞是24小時每週七天年中無休,即時的才是新聞,之後再重覆的只可稱舊聞(歷史)。但不改的是,人們總愛在事後作出評論,不管是有先見之明,還是馬後礮,人總是愛繼續說三道四。不過我也慶幸,還能在特區繼續寫我的 blog。
明報還有另一篇外地評論摘要:“高鐵慘劇 掀動中產造反”英國《金融時報》8月4日評論版文章作者:David Pilling。Financial Times:”China crashes into a middle class revolt“ By David Pilling。各位網友們,有暇可以細讀精讀原裝全文和中譯的摘要,了解了解!
China's Wreckage Under Wraps WSJ.com
高鐵殘骸被埋 問責也被埋《華爾街日報》 新浪新聞網
China crashes into a middle class revolt FT.com
高鐵慘劇 掀動中產造反《金融時報》David Pilling 新浪新聞網
香港明報每個週六,都有外地評論摘要,為了解翻譯出來的中文稿子,與原來的英文原本文章有何差異,我通常會在網上搜尋原文閱讀。 以前很也曾經多次,把兩篇中英兩文一起轉載,方便網友參考,當然也方便自己以後查閱。
高鐵殘骸被埋 問責也被埋(WSJ:China's Wreckage Under Wraps)
【Wall Street Journal】China's Wreckage Under Wraps
Without accountability, each tragedy sparks greater public anger.
Modern China is no stranger to natural and industrial disasters. Yet the July 23 high-speed train crash that left 40 people dead and another 191 injured—according to the official tally—could become a different kind of event.
Chinese journalists and ordinary citizens are resisting government censorship and pressing for more information about the safety of a rail system the government has touted as the most advanced in the world.
What remains to be seen is whether the outrage the crash has provoked will force the regime to refashion its standard procedures for dealing with embarrassing—and revealing—events.
On Friday the government decided to curtail domestic media coverage of the accident after a week of sharp editorials asking whether official neglect cost the trains' passengers their lives. At a press conference with the railways ministry, journalists grilled the ministry's cowed-looking spokesman.
"When a country is so corrupt that one lightning strike can cause a train crash . . . none of us is immune," one person wrote on Sina Weibo, the country's most popular microblogging service. "China today is a train rushing through a lightning storm . . . we are all passengers."
This kind of open criticism of the government's failures raises expectations that China is developing a watchdog media. If only that were true. The regime has learned how to allow the public to vent and then prevent the follow-up reporting that would bring true accountability.
When a magnitude-7.9 earthquake ravaged Sichuan province in May 2008, reporters noted immediately that schoolhouses had been particularly hard-hit. Several newspapers published pointed stories asking whether corruption and inadequate building standards were responsible for the high number of school-age victims. Yet by mid-June of that year reporters from the commercial media were being recalled from the scene.
Likewise when toxic milk powder sickened thousands of infants in 2008, the government rushed its version of events out to the public in order to pre-empt those who would dig deeper.
The media were not silenced; rather they were forced to hew rigidly to the official line that contamination was under control and recalls were limited. Activist Zhao Lianhai, who tried to expose the cover-up and demanded greater compensation for the families, was threatened and then jailed.
After intense public pressure the Chinese government last week declared it would work to reform the rail system. When Premier Wen Jiabao visited the crash site last Thursday, he promised a "fair and transparent investigation." But now that the state has pressed its heavy hand, any reforms will be undertaken outside of the public gaze.
For now, too many questions about last month's crash remain unanswered. Reporters who arrived on the scene the day after the crash found crews busy burying the wrecked carriages in the mud, as if to conceal the evidence.
Rescue workers seemed more interested in restoring rail service than in recovering wounded passengers. The official death toll was suspiciously volatile. Many suspect that a cover-up was underway from the start.
Chinese media watchers like Qian Gang, who writes on the previous page, have dubbed the government's more sophisticated policies to control the media "Control 2.0." While this regime may maintain stability in the short term, it allows the problems that cause public distrust to fester.
Mothers still flock anxiously to Hong Kong to buy foreign milk powder for their infants, and ticket sales for the high-speed trains have collapsed. As each incident requires a bigger venting of anger before it can be contained, the day may be approaching when the government is unable to put the lid back on and deny the Chinese people's demands for answers.
WSJ 顯示這文是 Review and Outlook 是沒有處名的文章,也不是 Editorial 社評,我只可以理解成是 WSJ 華爾街日報 內部自己人寫的或是約稿,因為沒有處名,文責看來似是由 WSJ 肩負吧。
上文不是翻譯外電新聞報導的 FACTS 實況,而是翻譯轉載華爾街日報的八月三日的評論 REVIEW and OUTLOOK。不過原來明報已經做了翻譯後的“去蕪存菁”,摘要後才刊登出來,公開予讀者閱讀,而不是全文一段不漏全部展示,我不知道報章報社雙互之間的協議,也是非我後所能及。
看電視新聞,除了一貫的亞記亞洲台和無記互動新聞台,我都有收看鳳凰衛視和有線電視的新聞報導,若有國際大新聞則兼看 BBC(World),CNN(International),和 AJE (Al Jazeera 半島的英語頻道),務求得到更多方面收集而來的更多資訊。
於國際社會雖云:新聞自由,新聞報導應該依據 facts 實況實據,據實報導,至於是否能辦得到呢?這是後話。而評論文章例如:社評 editorial 評論 review 就可以 take sided 有先決立場。我時常強調讀報、讀新聞、看新聞、還有讀歷史要多讀,若能多讀經由不同的源和 perspective 發表的報導與評論,經過消化了解後,然後“去蕪存菁“,最為重要。
在這資訊發達的時代,新聞是24小時每週七天年中無休,即時的才是新聞,之後再重覆的只可稱舊聞(歷史)。但不改的是,人們總愛在事後作出評論,不管是有先見之明,還是馬後礮,人總是愛繼續說三道四。不過我也慶幸,還能在特區繼續寫我的 blog。
明報還有另一篇外地評論摘要:“高鐵慘劇 掀動中產造反”英國《金融時報》8月4日評論版文章作者:David Pilling。Financial Times:”China crashes into a middle class revolt“ By David Pilling。各位網友們,有暇可以細讀精讀原裝全文和中譯的摘要,了解了解!
China's Wreckage Under Wraps WSJ.com
高鐵殘骸被埋 問責也被埋《華爾街日報》 新浪新聞網
China crashes into a middle class revolt FT.com
高鐵慘劇 掀動中產造反《金融時報》David Pilling 新浪新聞網
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