英航 777客機,在倫敦希思魯機場,著陸前失去動力,飛機最後安全降落,全世界捧正機長被為英雄,他謙遜地發表了,副機長才是控制安全降落的真正英雄。
令人失笑的是,副機長 Mr. John Coward,Coward 在翻譯為中文是 『膽小鬼』或 『懦夫』,昨天他是 Hero 『英雄』,英國之英雄!
《BBC》Co-pilot controlled crash-landing A British Airways jet that crash-landed at Heathrow was being controlled by the co-pilot, it has been revealed.
Captain Peter Burkill told a press conference Senior First Officer John Coward brought the plane in to land on Thursday afternoon. Mr Burkill was greeted with massive applause as he made his way to give a short statement at the airline's headquarters in west London.
All 136 passengers and 16 crew survived the incident.
Mr Burkill thanked the crew who demonstrated "the highest standards of skill and professionalism", but he said because of the ongoing investigation he could not comment on what caused the incident.
'Most remarkable'
He also praised passengers and rescue staff for the way they reacted when the plane was forced to ditch short of the runway.
"As British Airways flight and cabin crew we are trained on a regular basis to deal with emergency situations," he said.
"We have procedures to follow and everyone knows their place.
"Flying is about teamwork and we had an outstanding team on board."
He said Mr Coward had done a "most remarkable job" in landing the aircraft.
First Officer Conor Magenis was also praised after he "continually assisted" in the operation.
Mr Burkill and Mr Coward are said to have shared a curry on Thursday night after the incident.
The plane's cabin services director Sharon Eaton-Mercer joined Mr Burkill and Mr Coward on the podium.
'Unfamiliar circumstances'
The pilot praised the cabin director and her staff, some of whom suffered minor injuries making sure passengers were safe.
He said Ms Eaton Mercer only left the aircraft after she was certain those on the flight deck were unharmed.
"I want to thank the passengers too for their calmness and good sense during extremely unfamiliar circumstances," Mr Burkill said.
He also thanked the fire, ambulance and police personnel for their quick response to the crash.
Investigators are trying to find out what caused the incident. The plane is thought to have suffered a sudden loss of power on approach.
TVB News:初步調查顯示,日前英航客機緊急降落,希思羅機場前,引擎故障,無回應加速指令,客機突然失去動力。

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【明報專訊】英航BA038班機的英雄班底正式會見記者,詳談歷險經歷。事故後廣獲讚譽的43歲機長伯基爾(Peter Burkill)表示,居功至偉的其實是肇事時負責控制飛機的41歲副機師科沃德(John Coward)。
肇事客機機艙服務員領班伊頓—默瑟(Sharron Eaton-Mercer)的表現亦備受讚賞,她在確保所有乘客安全脫險後才撤離飛機。她與兩名機師在記者會上現身時,贏得一片熱烈掌聲和喝采。伯基爾稱讚全機服務人員「忘我無私」,迅速而有效率地疏散旅客,表現出「最高標準的技術與專業」。他還感謝乘客表現鎮定。
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Co-pilot controlled crash-landing
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