
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報

“During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, May 29, 2015

奮戰十年 根津公子

奮戰十年 根津公子

根津公子 ねず きみこ Nezu Kimiko 1950年生於 神奈川縣今年 64歲,原本是 日本中學的家庭科教師。1994年 3月因為在 八王子市立石川中學畢業儀式中:掲揚されていた国旗を降ろして,受到減薪處分 。。。。期間不斷被處罰扣薪調遷 。。。2009年 3月 東京都立 あきる野學園,畢業禮中在奏日本國歌 “君が代” 不起立,被教育局停職 3個月(共 6月)。。。。。經 1審,再 2審 於昨天 5月 28日得到判決!!!

【NHK News】東京の公立学校の卒業式で、君が代を斉唱する際に起立しなかったことを理由に元教員の女性が教育委員会から受けた停職 6か月の懲戒処分について。


この裁判は、東京・町田市の市立中学校の教員だった女性が平成 19年の卒業式で、君が代を斉唱する際に起立しなかったことを理由に、東京都教育委員会から停職6か月の懲戒処分を受けたのは不当だと訴えていたものです。

1審は、元教員は過去にも減給や停職1か月と 3か月の処分を受けたにもかかわらず、再び起立しなかったとして訴えを退けました。

28日の 2審の判決で、東京高等裁判所の須藤典明裁判長は「処分を機械的に重くしていくと最後は免職処分になり、自分の思想を捨てるか教員の身分を捨てるかの選択を迫られる。

憲法が保障している個人の思想や良心の自由の実質的な侵害につながるものだ」と判断して、懲戒処分を取り消すとともに 10万円の賠償を東京都に命じました。



連結:以上 NHK News 翻譯成英文 by Google Translation

教育長 中井敬三 表示仍然對教職員違反命令,今後依然處以嚴正懲罰,云云!兼且 NHK News 有很多 related news 相關新聞,都指出這只是冰山一角。

根據 2005年 華盛頓郵報的一篇報導:Tokyo Teacher Is Punished for Pacifist Stance

根津公子 反對和擔憂的是:

“She said she opposes the song because it was the same one sung as the Imperial Army set forth from Japan calling for an "eternal reign" of the emperor.”


“Japan's dwindling pacifists worry not only about the surge in nationalism but also a trend toward revisionist history that glorifies militarism.”


”I feel as if freedom to question authority is being quashed just as it was during the war years,“ she said in a quiet, studied voice. ”But I will never stand for that song, the same one that played when we were invading Asia. Never.“

自 安倍晉三 上台之後,幾年間不斷尋求方法:把二戰和包括侵華歷史 纂改,企圖修改戰後日本和平憲法,容許自衛隊作海外作戰,等等大動作,若未得到美國的默許絕對是不敢做的。縱使日本人有豺狼之心,假若沒有美國人的縱容曖昧地背後推動,安倍政府是不敢明目張膽大幹特幹蠻幹。

美國國務院海軍司令和白宮,近日不斷把中國在南海島礁造島炒作,把事件不斷升溫火上加油,美軍又帶 CNN 上飛機偵察島礁,卻絕口不提 越南 和 菲律賓 也在南海侵佔中國的島礁上,幹著同樣的填海造島工程,建立軍事設施的事實。美國人的雙重標準,繼續以武力永遠稱霸不死之心,才是全球紛亂戰亂的源頭。

可惜 小小婦人 根津公子 只是極小數的日本人 “I will never stand for that song, the same one that played when we were invading Asia. Never.“ 反對用 ”君之代 君が代“ 再被選為日本國歌,警惕日本勿要重蹈覆轍,再做亞洲和全世界的罪人!!!

自 1999年日本重設 ”君之代 君が代“ 再成為國歌開始,根津公子 堅守戰後日本 “平和主張”,切底捨棄 ”軍國主義“ 思想,嚴防 日本右派鷹派 借屍還雲魂,把 ”軍國主義“ 從死裡復活,根津公子 卑微而非暴力的行動,只是在奏 ”君之代 君が代“ 時不作起立,可惜已經慘被折磨打擊超過十年。


其實,這個抗爭不止 根津公子 單單一人,之後其他還有其他 167名教師和議(仍屬小眾),共同擁有這個堅守和平理念。

【日本共產黨】東京都教育委員会による「日の丸・君が代」への起立・斉唱の強制に従わなかったことを理由に処分された都立学校教職員 168人が、処分は思想・良心の自由の侵害だとして、都を相手にその取り消しと損害賠償を求めた(1人は損害賠償だけ請求)第 1次訴訟の控訴審判決が 10日、東京高裁でありました。大橋寛明裁判長は、原告の請求を棄却した 一審判決を変更し、処分を取り消す判決を出しました。







大橋裁判長は同日、都内の元小学校教員ら 2人が起こした同様の訴訟でも、懲戒処分を取り消す逆転判決を言い渡しました。

【Yahoo Japan】卒業式などの君が代斉唱で不起立を繰り返し、停職処分を受けた元都立学校教諭ら 2人が、都に処分取り消しなどを求めた訴訟の控訴審判決が 28日、東京高裁であった。

須藤典明裁判長は、1人の訴えのみ認めた一審東京地裁判決を取り消し、2人に対する処分を違法と認定、都に計 20万円の損害賠償も支払うよう命じた。

君が代不起立訴訟では最高裁が 2012年、「戒告までは懲戒権者の裁量の範囲内」とする一方、停職など減給以上の処分は原則的に認められないとの判断を示し、同裁判長もこれを踏襲した。



連結:上面兩段日文新聞 翻譯成英文 by Google Translation

一部勝訴 逆轉勝訴 又如何呢?法庭命令 20萬円的賠償,怎能擋精神上的打擊?!


2005年 8月 30日 的 華盛頓郵報:Tokyo Teacher Is Punished for Pacifist Stance (全文)

【Washington Post】When the national anthem started playing during a ceremony this year at Tachikawa Daini Junior High School, Kimiko Nezu (根津公子), a soft-spoken but resolute home economics teacher, refused to stand and kept her mouth shut while others sang around her.

Nezu, a self-described pacifist, said she has done the same thing ever since the parliament designated the World War II hymn "Kimigayo" as the national anthem in 1999. She said she opposes the song because it was the same one sung as the Imperial Army set forth from Japan calling for an "eternal reign" of the emperor.

Previously, her protest brought nothing more than harsh stares from some students and parents. But the Tokyo school board issued an order in October 2003 that the anthem must be respected. Since then, Nezu, 54, has been punished by frequent transfers from one school to another and with temporary salary cuts.

And in May, shortly after the incident at Tachikawa, she was suspended for a month. Officials warned that another offense could lead to her dismissal after 34 years of teaching.

The school board reaction was part of an effort by Tokyo and other school districts to enforce a new sense of pride in being Japanese. The measures were strongly backed by Shintaro Ishihara, the governor of Tokyo and an outspoken nationalist, as a way to strengthen classroom patriotism.

The school board's mandatory rule has had a visible effect. At graduation ceremonies in 2004, 198 teachers refused to stand. After a series of fines and disciplinary actions, Nezu and nine other teachers were the only protesters this year.

"They are trying to weed us out of society," Nezu said. "The pacifists, the people who oppose nationalism in Japan. We are gradually being silenced."

The school board action is at the center of criticism throughout East Asia about rising Japanese nationalism. But it is also part of an ideological battle over the role of patriotism in Japan, where people are especially concerned about how the young will view their country.

"It is time our children learned to be proud of Japan," said Hitomi Nakayama, 48, a council member in Tokyo's Tachikawa City district. Nakayama, whose son has just graduated from the junior high school, has called for an investigation of Nezu's teaching practices.

"There is nothing wrong with paying respect to our flag and our anthem or in taking pride in our nation and heritage," Nakayma said. "Most of the world enjoys that right. Why shouldn't we?"

Displays of overt patriotism were controversial in Japan in the decades after World War II. But public discourse has been changing. When the parliament adopted the "Kimigayo" hymn, it also declared the traditional Japanese sun flag, a red disk in a field of white, as the official flag. Until then, the country did not have a legally recognized national flag or anthem.

As Japan has observed the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II in the Pacific this month, nationalist political leaders have gained prominence advocating a stronger role for Japan in the world. In the aftermath of Japan's economic recession in the 1990s, there is a growing popular notion that the country deserves clout commensurate with its position as the world's second-largest economy.

Citing the threat of international terrorism and concerns that North Korea may have nuclear weapons, members of the governing Liberal Democratic Party say part of updating the country's international profile involves military preparedness. They advocate a change in Japan's constitution, which was drafted by the United States after World War II and removed Japan's right to maintain a military or wage war. The change would allow the country to define its Self-Defense Forces as Japan's armed forces.

But Japan's dwindling pacifists worry not only about the surge in nationalism but also a trend toward revisionist history that glorifies militarism.

On Aug. 15, the anniversary of Japan's surrender in World War II, a record 205,000 worshipers turned out at Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine -- a nationalist symbol that honors Japan's fallen warriors, including convicted World War II criminals.

That same weekend, the Mainichi newspaper here released a poll of 1,058 Japanese showing that only 43 percent thought the nation's actions during World War II were "clearly wrong," while the rest said the war had been unavoidable or were unsure.

The comparable response was even lower among younger Japanese -- 36 percent of 20- to 30-year-olds participating in the poll considered Japan's role in World War II as clearly wrong.

Such views, experts said, are based in part on education, as younger Japanese have been exposed to gradually lower doses of war guilt. Unlike Germany, which still strongly confronts the Holocaust in history classes, Japan's most frequently used history book for junior high schools emphasizes ancient history, spending 15 of 207 pages on wartime aggression and only one paragraph on the Tokyo trials that condemned the nation's war criminals.

Updated textbooks approved by the Education Ministry this year sparked outrage in China and South Korea for glossing over Japanese war crimes. The books dedicate 24 pages to the war period but whitewash the Japanese role and call for a "reconsideration" of the Tokyo trials. Sharp criticism from abroad has seemed to have had no effect. Before anti-Japanese street riots erupted in Beijing, Shanghai and Seoul in April, only 14 Japanese schools had adopted the revisionist books. Since then, at least 30 more have approved their use for the coming school year.

"A long time has passed and apologies and compensation have been given," said Yuko Tojo, 66, the granddaughter of Gen. Hideki Tojo, Japan's wartime prime minister. "Our children should now be allowed to honor their country."

As the cherry blossoms bloomed in April outside Tachikawa junior high in west Tokyo, Nezu prepared to make her stand against the school board by simply sitting down. She said she had been directly warned by her superiors about the consequences of violating the new regulations about classroom patriotism.

Nezu said she developed her views on nationalism after graduating from high school, when she read graphically detailed accounts about Japanese atrocities in Korea and China -- in books she had never seen at school. She confronted her father on the issue, she said. He had been a member of the Imperial Army during Japan's campaigns in China but had never spoken in detail about the war with his children, she said. "You were part of it, too, weren't you?" she recalled asking him, saying he fell silent and refused to answer when his teenage daughter looked him in the eye.

Clearly, Nezu has influenced students. Natsuki Tajima, 19, who was in Nezu's 1999-2000 class at Ishikawa Junior High, said many of her classmates had refused to stand and sing the national anthem after hearing Nezu's arguments. The school board transferred Nezu from Ishikawa in 2000, and her influence at the school faded, Tajima said. "I was one of the only ones who continued to sit down by the time I graduated," she said.

Authorities were eager to counteract such influences. "History education is meant to make children love their nation and national land, learn their predecessors' achievements and mistakes, and to think about ways to further advance their accomplishments," Ishihara, the governor, wrote in a 1997 book that discussed developing pride in Japan.

Nezu's struggle has become national news; she has been both demonized by conservatives and supported by pacifist groups and the teachers union. Tokyo school board officials dismiss the contention that they are trampling her rights.

But Nezu and the school board authorities have remained at odds. She was transferred four times in five years, often to schools two hours from her home. Nezu has fought back by filing lawsuits against the moves; she has lost one, and at least four other cases are pending. In addition to the salary cuts and the transfers, Nezu is now allowed to teach only when another teacher is present. But she said she is adamant about her stance.

"I feel as if freedom to question authority is being quashed just as it was during the war years," she said in a quiet, studied voice. "But I will never stand for that song, the same one that played when we were invading Asia. Never."




A thousand years of happy life be thine!
Live on, my Lord, till what are pebbles now,
By age united, to great rocks shall grow,
Whose venerable sides the moss doth line.

君が代不起立 処分を取り消し NHK News
君が代不起立 処分を取り消し Japan Google Search
君が代」処分取り消し 都教職員 167人 逆転勝訴 日本共產黨 JCP
君が代不起立で都に賠償命令=停職処分は違法、元教諭ら勝訴―東京高裁 yahoo japan
2005 Tokyo Teacher Is Punished for Pacifist Stance washington post
根津公子 日文維基百科
君が代 日文維基百科


《For your attention 懇請垂注》
Recently,Blogger spam filter has become overly sensitive, your comment may automatically relocate into the spam locker temporarily,awaiting for my discretion. I shall visit the spam locker frequently to unlock your comment,please remain patient. 若閣下的留言突然消失,此乃 Blogger 的自動過濾系統過份敏感,留言被掃入 SPAM 儲物箱,需要 嗜悲 審查後作出裁決。愚弟定必每天巡邏多次,儘早釋放返回留言板,謝謝你的耐性。

Wednesday, May 27, 2015




又據 百度百科

腥臭:fishy and stenchy stinking smell as of rotten fish 蛋白質腐爛所發出的惡臭

《韓詩外傳》卷九:「 齊王 厚送女,欲妻 屠牛吐 , 屠牛吐 辭以疾。 其友曰:子終死腥臭之肆而已乎,何謂辭之? 」

《三國志·吳志·諸葛恪傳》:「 恪 將見之夜,精爽擾動,通夕不寐。 明將盥漱,聞水腥臭。 」

清 俞正燮 《癸巳存稿·駱君小傳》:「開門入其室,腥臭不可聞。 」

丁玲 《韋護》第二章二:「直到走進了弄堂裡,被一股強烈的便溺的腥臭沖進了鼻管,才將那些熱鬧的影像抹去。」


【頭條新聞】屈迎妍:人生馬拉松 —— 從此不做不錯




閱報時,我看到這幾句話:「。。。。警方調查十九天,翻看八百小時閉路電視片段,綜合街坊口供鎖定疑犯 。。。。」

聚精會神看八百小時的 CCTV,不是說笑的活兒,就算「飛帶」快看,也起碼要用四百小時,如果真的要「濫捕」,探員何必捱這些苦?第一天就把所有穿紅衣黑褲的抓回來屈打成招算了。

這案件在太多非專業的外人指指點點下,匆匆蓋棺,連最高層都道歉了,誰還敢再踩地雷續查案?執法者原本一心為老翁雪冤,廢寢忘餐查案,只因中間出錯了,就把所有努力推翻,還被亂扣濫捕帽子,以後,還會有警察敢做事嗎?不做就不會錯,如果探員不去看那八百小時 CCTV,就不會拉錯人,就不會成批鬥對象,就不會令一哥難堪 。。。。如果,如果大家甚麼都不做,就甚麼亂子也不會出,警隊就可明哲保身。


結果,引來各方攻伐也引來支持者,有正反雙方陣營(立場新聞) 多篇文字往還,互相攻擊你來我往好不熱鬧!!!



嗜悲 粗略 Google 一吓,原來 屈穎妍 在《明報》《頭條新聞》和 《晴報》都有個專欄,跟著不久之後就發生了:”道不同不相為謀“ ,屈穎妍 決定停寫《明報專欄》事件。

婦唱夫隨 關係,屈穎妍老公 林超榮 也隔天聲援發表:“後會有期” 即時停寫《明報專欄》云云!

最後,《明報》:明報編輯室手記 發表 ”告別專欄作家“ 文.小鳳





直至 5月 19日,屈小姐在「心筆在妍」專欄裏寫道,大半年來不斷被狙擊被恐嚇,還收到死亡恐嚇,這是她最後一篇替《明報》寫的專欄。記得這不是她第一次收到恐嚇,早在 2012年反國民教育科,她也在專欄裏說,收到祼男恐嚇照片。


或許這是個是非不分的時代,但「此處不留人 自有留人處」,相信她會有更遠大的未來。




“腥臭” 本發出自 【頭條日報~人生馬拉松 —— 從此不做不錯】,不過照 屈穎妍 的 ”道不同不相為謀“ 說:《明報》連續幾天一次又一次點名撩事,看來是人家腥臭在《頭條日報》,但《明報》也加入腥臭一番。回看 屈穎妍 與 署名 小鳳 者,令人聯想到這次是兩女之爭,無怪會利用 “腥臭” 來罵對方 。。。。。。。。哈哈哈哈哈!(“腥臭” 各位 google 便知不贅矣)

嗜悲 已經放棄購買《明報》nth 多年,自從 華叔 司徒華 停寫 《三言堂》後,就放棄不再網上閱讀《明報副刊》專欄文章,如今只止於網上讀讀《明報》新聞和社論。

免費報章 《都市日報》《頭條日報》《AM730》和《晴報》4份,每天經過地鐵站必取,雖然 屈女士 在《頭條日報》和《晴報》有專欄,但卻一向沒有閱讀 屈女士 文章的習慣。

今次事件 嗜悲 只當是娛樂新聞一場鬧劇來看,希望未有沾染上 “腥臭” !!!


登文後在人家的 blog處,讀到一封 屈穎妍 寫的公開信,是由 周融 代替讀出,因為 屈穎妍 接受 警方建議, 不親身出席過去的週日撐 “屈穎妍大遊行“,云云。











哈哈哈,連 梁振英政府 和 新一哥的警隊,都給 屈穎妍 問罪!?

經過今次一鬧,把 屈穎妍 由本不被留意的 local 香港專欄作家,變成整個華文世界都知道都認識,香港有個專欄作家 屈穎妍 紅遍全球。

唔寫 《明報》 都可預見增加其他報章約稿,兼且增加原有稿費,出版社結集成書趕快出書刊,出席有酬勞演講 午餐會 conference 會議,豬籠入水不在話下。更可能被邀請到聯合國作證,受到 “欺凌 Bullying“ 聽證會,塞翁失馬焉知非福?!

屈穎妍 從此 不做不錯 頭條日報
弱智人士家長會﹕屈穎妍文章傷口灑鹽 長青網
屈穎妍 效應 主場新聞
【編輯室手記】告別專欄作家 明報新聞網
屈穎妍 公開信 港人講地

《環球時報》呱呱嘈 解放軍入不到中大校園

《For your attention 懇請垂注》
Recently,Blogger spam filter has become overly sensitive, your comment may automatically relocate into the spam locker temporarily,awaiting for my discretion. I shall visit the spam locker frequently to unlock your comment,please remain patient. 若閣下的留言突然消失,此乃 Blogger 的自動過濾系統過份敏感,留言被掃入 SPAM 儲物箱,需要 嗜悲 審查後作出裁決。愚弟定必每天巡邏多次,儘早釋放返留言板,謝謝你的耐性。

Monday, May 25, 2015

Losing of a beautiful mind

Losing of a beautiful mind

噩耗傳來,Nobel Prize Winner John Nash (June 13, 1928 – May 23, 2015) 夫婦乘搭的士,的士在公路上快線超車,卻不幸發生意外撞爛,的士司機無生命危險,倆老被拋出車外重傷,未及送院經已傷重不治!!!

【nj.com】John Forbes Nash Jr., the brilliant Princeton University mathematician whose life story was the subject of the film "A Beautiful Mind," was killed with his wife Alicia on Saturday in a crash on the New Jersey Turnpike.

Nash was 86. Alicia Nash was 82. The couple lived in Princeton Junction.

Police said the two were in a taxi traveling southbound in the left lane of the turnpike when the driver of the Ford Crown Victoria lost control as he tried to pass a Chrysler in the center lane, crashing into a guard rail near Interchange 8A in Monroe Township, according to State Police Sgt. Gregory Williams.

The couple was ejected from the car, Williams said.

"It doesn't appear that they were wearing seatbelts," he said.

The second vehicle also crashed into the guard rail, Williams said. The taxi driver was extricated from the vehicle and flown to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick with non-life-threatening injuries. He was identified as Tark Girgis, 46, of Elizabeth. A passenger in the Chrysler was treated for neck pain.

The crash was reported at 4:30 p.m. The couple were pronounced dead at the scene at 5:18 p.m., said authorities.

Turnpike 是美國收費公路的簡稱,嗜悲 當年自駕遊就曾經由 紐約市 南下 華盛頓DC,就是利用 New Jersey 新澤西 Turnpike 但已經忘記了收費多少,不過記得當年還是人手收費的,入口要先拿一張卡,到出口處就憑卡付費。

Via New Jersey Turnpike S and I-95 S

又電影 A Beautiful Mind 是利用 John Nash 生平作出的電影故事,有真的有潤色的增加可觀性。其中一段落是冷戰時期,五角大廈美國的國防部,邀請 John Nash 幫忙破解敵方的密碼:

【維基百科】In 1947, John Nash (Russell Crowe) arrives at Princeton University. He is co-recipient, with Martin Hansen, of the prestigious Carnegie Scholarship for mathematics. At a reception, he meets a group of other promising math and science graduate students, Richard Sol, Ainsley, and Bender. He also meets his roommate Charles Herman, a literature student.

Nash is under extreme pressure to publish, but he wants to publish his own original idea. His inspiration comes when he and his fellow graduate students discuss how to approach a group of women at a bar. Hansen quotes Adam Smith and advocates "every man for himself", but Nash argues that a cooperative approach would lead to better chances of success. Nash develops a new concept of governing dynamics and publishes an article on this. On the strength of this, he is offered an appointment at MIT where Sol and Bender join him.

Some years later, Nash is invited to the Pentagon to crack encrypted enemy telecommunication. Nash can decipher the code mentally, to the astonishment of other decrypters. He considers his regular duties at MIT uninteresting and beneath his talents, so he is pleased to be given a new assignment by his mysterious supervisor, William Parcher (Ed Harris) of the United States Department of Defense. He is to look for patterns in magazines and newspapers in order to thwart a Soviet plot. Nash becomes increasingly obsessive about searching for these hidden patterns and believes he is followed when he delivers his results to a secret mailbox.

Meanwhile a student, Alicia Larde (Jennifer Connelly), asks him to dinner, and the two fall in love. On a return visit to Princeton, Nash runs into Charles and his niece, Marcee. With Charles' encouragement, he proposes to Alicia and they marry.

Nash begins to fear for his life after witnessing a shootout between Parcher and Soviet agents, but Parcher blackmails him into staying on his assignment. While delivering a guest lecture at Harvard University, Nash tries to flee from people he thinks are foreign agents, led by Dr. Rosen (Christopher Plummer). After punching Rosen in an attempt to flee, Nash is forcibly sedated and sent to a psychiatric facility he believes is run by the Soviets.

Dr. Rosen tells Alicia that Nash has paranoid schizophrenia and that Charles, Marcee, and Parcher exist only in his imagination. Alicia investigates and finally confronts Nash with the unopened documents he had delivered to the secret mailbox. Nash is given a course of insulin shock therapy and eventually released. Frustrated with the side-effects of the antipsychotic medication he is taking, which make him lethargic and unresponsive, he secretly stops taking it. This causes a relapse and he meets Parcher again.

After an incident where Nash endangers his infant son and accidentally knocks Alicia and the baby to the ground (thinking he's stopping Parcher from killing her), she flees the house with their child. Nash steps in front of her car to prevent her from leaving, after he realizes that he's known Marcee for a long time, yet she never grew older. He finally accepts that Parcher and other figures are hallucinations. Against Dr. Rosen's advice, Nash decides not to restart his medication, believing that he can deal with his symptom himself. Alicia decides to stay and support him in this.

Nash approaches his old friend and rival, Martin Hansen, now head of the Princeton mathematics department. He grants Nash permission to work out of the library and to audit classes. Years pass and as Nash grows older, he learns to ignore his hallucinations and earns the privilege of teaching again.

In 1994, Nash is honored by his fellow professors for his achievement in mathematics. He wins the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his revolutionary work on game theory. The movie ends as Nash and Alicia leave the auditorium in Stockholm; Nash sees Charles, Marcee, and Parcher standing to one side and watching him.

意想不到是 Nash 夫婦倆老,熬過了難關重重,卻在一次乘搭的士中意外身亡不得善終。夫婦不能同月同日生,卻能同年同月同日同時死,這是否倆老修到的福氣呢???

RIP Mr and Mrs Nash !!!


找到這一段 National Geographic 的 A Brilliant Madness 54分鐘 John Nash 的生平。

mathematician John Nash, wife, killed in N.J. Turnpike crash nj.com
John Forbes Nash, Jr. 維基百科
A Beautiful Mind (film) 維基百科

博弈論 中的 囚徒困境

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