賀詞 寄語
新曆年舊曆年讀過完了以下的兩段文字,頗有感想感概感懷,寫文今天仍是初七 “人日” ,登出日是初八日了!
2013年尾 主席 發表了對全國國民和向全世界的華人講話:
不過 嗜悲 也讀到另一篇,不知是否真還是假的 《習總寄語》:
新春 應該是指舊曆年呱 。。。《習近平新春寄語》說:
要讓國家變得更加富強、讓社會變得更加公平正義、讓人民生活得更加美好 。。。。。騎自行車,再努力也追不上寶馬車,說明公平很重要;男人再優秀,沒女人也生不下孩子,說明配合很重要。
兩段說話都有談及:公平 ==》 “更加公平正義” 和 “公平很重要” ,這是否說 “正義” 是沒有咁重要呢?反而 “配合” 很重要。
公平 equality 雙反辭就是 不公平 inequality,還提出 正義 justice,雙反辭是 不正義 injustice,中文四字加埋就是:公平正義,簡化寫就是:“公義” 嗜悲 查查字典 public justice ???不過認為 social justice 比較貼近。
想深一層 “公義 social justice” ,其實咪即是時常有人說的:“人權” human rights,做人應該享有的權利。不過,人權是人生下來,就應該享有的,還是別人賜予的施捨的,是人家慷概給予才會有的,再者是部份還是完全的,這才是問題重點所在,很多時還是模糊得很。
人權 human rights,人生下來就人人平等,有著同等的權利,聯合國有:《人權公約》,又有《世界人權宣言》。加拿大在 Pierre Trudeau 杜魯多時代已經 The Charter of Rights and Freedoms,French: La Charte canadienne des droits et libertés 加拿大《權利與自由憲章》。
不過,人寫出來的文字怎樣華麗,冠冕堂皇令人嚮往,都是按不同環境出現不同的解釋,而這個最終的 “解釋權”,又是誰給予誰的呢?
就以加拿大做例子:The task of interpreting and enforcing the Charter falls to the courts, with the Supreme Court of Canada being the ultimate authority on the matter,但不是一個法官,而是:The Supreme Court of Canada is composed of nine judges: the Chief Justice of Canada (首席法官)and eight Puisne Justices (陪審法官),即是集體的決定。
今天是 “人日” ,嗜悲 思考著:公平正義 簡稱:“公義” 。還有 “人權” 是與生俱來,即是人生下來,就因該享有的,這並不是一定。而實際上,是由別人賜予的,是施捨得來的,是人家慷概給予,才會有小部份,因為 習總 有一句:說明配合很重要。
嗜悲 寫博目的一為練習用中文書寫,比較複習的話題。其二就是記錄 我個人的 “思想﹑思考﹑思念” 和 “所見﹑所聞﹑所做”之事,留作日後的回顧。因此頗多文字極為乏味,多謝您們的常來!
國家主席習近平發表 2014年新年賀詞 中時電子報
是幫他還是害他呢? annex
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, February 07, 2014
Wednesday, February 05, 2014
鹽干鮭 煲仔飯
鹽干鮭 煲仔飯
自從買了個瓦煲返來,嘗試煲過兩煲後,嗜悲 心思思想吃第三煲 。。。。。
第三煲的自家製煲仔飯,原來不用等太久,某天收工經過日資超級市場,剛巧做北海道節,有日商專程來港在日資超市做 “蒲霉”,整條 ”鹽干“ 三文魚即席切開叫賣,最靚的部份當然最高價,但是魚尾就平價沽售,Cheapie 嗜悲 仲專登等到一份自覺最靚的,就買了份魚尾有七塊添。
塩干 鮭 (鹽干 えん - かん 鮭 即 三文魚 又稱 鹽拉鮭 鹽引鮭)
【dictionary.goo.ne.jp】えん - かん (塩干):魚介類を塩に漬けてから干したもの。また、塩辛や干物など、魚介類を塩漬けにしたり干したりしたものの総称。
嗜悲 當年到日本公幹,每趁週末到東京近郊的溫泉鄉住兩天休息,溫泉旅館都是包兩餐:朝食 和 夕食,晝食即是午餐是沒有得吃,須改往市集的小食店吃拉麵或味自慢。
溫泉旅館的 早餐 = 朝食,嗜悲 當然選擇日式朝食,必定有一件鹹魚,而且多數是給一片醃鹹的三文魚==》鮭,一隻生雞蛋,幾小碗小碟的酸菜酸瓜,另加幾片紫菜,和一碗白飯(可以添飯),當然不能少的麵豉湯,因此 嗜悲 對此種 “紅鮭鹹魚” 並不陌生,而且十分懷念,因為食物可以幫助回憶。
以下日文的 Label 不知道寫些甚麽東東,好像是話飼養的 “鮭”,嗜悲 心知野生的 “鮭”,不會賣這個低價錢。懂日文的朋友可否告知,個 Label 寫啲咩嘢???
要回憶就買好了回家就做 鹽干 (鹽 かん鮭)/ 鹽引 (鹽びき鮭)~煲仔飯 。。。。。。
按照過往兩次蒐集的數據,先大火煲飯至飯水收好,才放落 “鮭” 三文魚塊落煲,再煲它三分鐘,之後就焗它足足十五分鐘,一打開煲,香氣撲鼻而來,但不是煲燶飯,而是鮭魚的香味,隨著蒸汽撲鼻而來。
用筷子嘜開鮭魚塊,內面都已經全熟,但吃落不覺 “嚡” 的口感,還感到有些魚油魚汁!
因為是 “鹽干” 鮭魚,所以是經已經過事先醃製過,嗜悲 沒有再加鹽都經已很夠味,最好的就是又不覺太鹹剛剛好,實在很好吃只可惜份量過少,三扒兩撥很快就全部報銷了大半煲。
第三煲:鹽引鮭(鹽びき鮭)煲仔飯,自我感覺良好,吃落十分滿意,下次又試試甚麽餸好呢???照睇 嗜悲 樂此不疲,仲有排玩玩煮飯仔自製煲仔飯。
えん - かん 塩干 dictionary.goo.ne.jp
自家製 煲仔飯
茶漬飯 茶漬け
自從買了個瓦煲返來,嘗試煲過兩煲後,嗜悲 心思思想吃第三煲 。。。。。
第三煲的自家製煲仔飯,原來不用等太久,某天收工經過日資超級市場,剛巧做北海道節,有日商專程來港在日資超市做 “蒲霉”,整條 ”鹽干“ 三文魚即席切開叫賣,最靚的部份當然最高價,但是魚尾就平價沽售,Cheapie 嗜悲 仲專登等到一份自覺最靚的,就買了份魚尾有七塊添。
塩干 鮭 (鹽干 えん - かん 鮭 即 三文魚 又稱 鹽拉鮭 鹽引鮭)
【dictionary.goo.ne.jp】えん - かん (塩干):魚介類を塩に漬けてから干したもの。また、塩辛や干物など、魚介類を塩漬けにしたり干したりしたものの総称。
嗜悲 當年到日本公幹,每趁週末到東京近郊的溫泉鄉住兩天休息,溫泉旅館都是包兩餐:朝食 和 夕食,晝食即是午餐是沒有得吃,須改往市集的小食店吃拉麵或味自慢。
溫泉旅館的 早餐 = 朝食,嗜悲 當然選擇日式朝食,必定有一件鹹魚,而且多數是給一片醃鹹的三文魚==》鮭,一隻生雞蛋,幾小碗小碟的酸菜酸瓜,另加幾片紫菜,和一碗白飯(可以添飯),當然不能少的麵豉湯,因此 嗜悲 對此種 “紅鮭鹹魚” 並不陌生,而且十分懷念,因為食物可以幫助回憶。
以下日文的 Label 不知道寫些甚麽東東,好像是話飼養的 “鮭”,嗜悲 心知野生的 “鮭”,不會賣這個低價錢。懂日文的朋友可否告知,個 Label 寫啲咩嘢???
要回憶就買好了回家就做 鹽干 (鹽 かん鮭)/ 鹽引 (鹽びき鮭)~煲仔飯 。。。。。。
按照過往兩次蒐集的數據,先大火煲飯至飯水收好,才放落 “鮭” 三文魚塊落煲,再煲它三分鐘,之後就焗它足足十五分鐘,一打開煲,香氣撲鼻而來,但不是煲燶飯,而是鮭魚的香味,隨著蒸汽撲鼻而來。
用筷子嘜開鮭魚塊,內面都已經全熟,但吃落不覺 “嚡” 的口感,還感到有些魚油魚汁!
因為是 “鹽干” 鮭魚,所以是經已經過事先醃製過,嗜悲 沒有再加鹽都經已很夠味,最好的就是又不覺太鹹剛剛好,實在很好吃只可惜份量過少,三扒兩撥很快就全部報銷了大半煲。
第三煲:鹽引鮭(鹽びき鮭)煲仔飯,自我感覺良好,吃落十分滿意,下次又試試甚麽餸好呢???照睇 嗜悲 樂此不疲,仲有排玩玩煮飯仔自製煲仔飯。
えん - かん 塩干 dictionary.goo.ne.jp
自家製 煲仔飯
茶漬飯 茶漬け
Monday, February 03, 2014
NFL playoffs 2013-14 Superbowl 48
NFL playoffs 2013-14 Superbowl 48
2013-14年度的 Superbowl 將會在週日 2月 2日(香港 2月 3日初四週一補假日)美國東岸時間 6:30pm 在 Rutherford New Jersey 新澤西州的 MetLife Stadium 舉行。
不過,同日也是北美著名的 Ground Hog Day,今年 美國 Punxsutawney Phil 和 加拿大 Wiarton Willie 都見到影子,所以預測 six more weeks of winter for U.S, Canada,但是 Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam 沒有見到影子,預言將有個早春。
不過今年的 Superbowl 賽果也可算爆了個小冷門,本來旗鼓雙當的兩隊,兼且被秤先啲的 丹佛野馬隊,慘以大比數輸了給 超級碗 初哥 西雅圖海鷹隊。
由第一 round playoffs 開始,公司內蛇竇已經吵得熱烘烘,每逢週一賽事完畢,更是馬後礟齊發,有為自己捧一隊敗北怒罵球證,更有人為自己捧的一隊晉級高興。
每年臨到 Superbowl 比賽, 嗜悲 都捱義氣,讓一班北美的同事們,可以安心欣賞賽事直播後才回來上班,美籍大老闆們更小賭注碼賽後萬歲,但今年剛巧是農曆假期補假,嗜悲 自己都看埋一份,看看明天上班,還有沒有補返 “萬歲”。
到底那兩隊可以代表 AFC 和 NFC 比賽呢?讓 嗜悲 由頭說起 。。。。。
今年的 NFL 成績而論與其說是實力平均,可以反過來說各隊表現高低起伏頗大,除了 西雅圖的海鷹隊 一枝獨秀 取得 12勝 3敗,全 NFL 最佳應該得到主場之利外,其他的要打到第 16週(總共17週賽事)還是一片混亂狀態,很多隊的命運要等到打完第 17週才能知道結果。
16週後 AFC 的連丹佛野馬隊(12-3)就算入了圍,都不知道有沒有取得全主場的優勢。同樣傳統強隊 新英倫愛國者(11-4)也是可能被排擠出局危機,印第安納小馬隊(10-5)和 辛辛納瑅孟加拉虎隊(10-5),肯薩斯猶長隊(10-5),以至 聖地亞哥閃電隊(8-7),匹茲堡鋼人隊(7-8),波提馬烏鴉隊(7-8),邁阿密海豚隊(7-8),紐約噴射機隊(7-8)都有機會爭外卡。
16週後 NFC West 除了海鷹隊(12-3)外,同區的 舊金山 49人隊(11-4)和 阿里桑拿紅雀隊(10-5)都要爭外卡,若海鷹隊輸了而 49人隊勝,兩隊就會同分,還要慢慢計數了。NFC North 的綠灣包裝工隊(7-7-1),芝加哥熊隊(7-8),和底特律獅子隊(7-8)爭地區冠軍,最後都不知誰是冠軍誰得到外卡。NFC South 卡路連拿美洲豹隊(11-4)和 紐澳蓮聖徒隊(10-5)也要打完 17週,才知誰是地區冠軍誰得外卡。NFC East 費城鷹隊(9-6)略有優勢,而 達拉斯牛仔隊(8-7)可能有機會爭外卡。
請讀讀在 16週後的季後賽 scenario 評論和分析:
【Bleacherreport.com】13 of the 16 games on the schedule this week (17th) have playoff implications, meaning that this year's regular-season finale is highly important for many teams. That being said, keeping track of all the action won't be easy.
Playoff scenarios are difficult enough to wrap our heads around when there are only a few teams involved. With nearly every game meaning something this late in the season, trying to understand what's going on without some sort of organization can be tricky.
Never fear, football fans.
The following overview will help you keep track of who's in and who's out of the 2013-14 NFL playoffs.
As you can see, the NFC playoff picture is pretty wide open. The only teams currently guaranteed playoff berths from the conference are the Seattle Seahawks, San Francisco 49ers and Carolina Panthers, and all three still have a shot at clinching home-field advantage throughout the playoffs.
The two easiest scenarios to follow are the NFC East and NFC North playoff pictures. Dallas and Philadelphia will play Sunday night to decide the East. To put it simply, the winner will move on to the playoffs while the loser will start making tee times for next week.
In the North, the Chicago Bears just need to tie (or win, of course) to clinch the division. The tie by the Green Bay Packers earlier in the season made the tie scenario possible for Chicago. Green Bay just needs a win to clinch.
Their chances are stronger than ever now that Aaron Rodgers is back under center, and head coach Mike McCarthy told Dan Hanzus of NFL.com that Rodgers will be ready for a full workload.
"We're going to cut him loose and we're going to go play. We're going to play to win."
The final two NFC teams looking to make the playoffs have several different scenarios available for them. The New Orleans Saints have the most opportunities.
If they win against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, they're in. If they tie and the Arizona Cardinals tie against the 49ers, they're in. If the Cardinals lose outright, they're in.
While the Cardinals did just defeat the Seahawks in Week 16, defeating the Niners will be no easy task. They need to win or tie to make the playoffs themselves, and Carson Palmer will have to step up and play a turnover-free game against a team that will take advantage of turnovers.
Thought the NFC was interesting? Just take a look at the AFC.
In the AFC, the Denver Broncos, New England Patriots, Indianapolis Colts, Cincinnati Bengals and Kansas City Chiefs are all locked into the playoffs. Where they are seeded, however, will be decided on Week 17 play.
Denver already clinched the AFC West and a first-round bye. New England, Indianapolis and Cincinnati have all earned their respective division crowns. Several different scenarios will determine the order (Nos. 2 through 4) of these teams. Kansas City is locked into the No. 5 spot as a wild card.
The fight for the final spot will rest on multiple outcomes. Let's go team by team.
If the Miami Dolphins lose, then their chances are over. But a win or tie would give them an opportunity. A win coupled with a Baltimore loss or tie, a San Diego win or a San Diego loss or tie with a Baltimore loss would get them in. Should they tie, they'll need Baltimore and San Diego both to tie as well.
Baltimore can actually still make the playoffs if they lose. Aside from the first several scenarios listed on the above table, the Ravens can earn the No. 6 spot on a loss if Miami, San Diego and Pittsburgh all lose as well. Seeing as all three are playing tough divisional games this week, this scenario remains a real possibility.
The most intriguing scenario here is with the Steelers. After starting the season 2-6, the Steelers can clinch the No. 6 seed with a win and losses by the other three teams on the table. Pittsburgh plays the Cleveland Browns this week in a rematch of Nov. 24, when Pittsburgh won 27-11.
Pittsburgh would be a dangerous opponent for the Broncos should it advance. Ben Roethlisberger and Antonio Brown have developed fantastic chemistry this season, and Le'Veon Bell is becoming a rock out of the backfield.
The defense, as usual, has been strong, ranking No. 14 in the NFL in total defense.
The AFC is by far the more confusing playoff picture. The NFC's scenarios will easily be decided by mostly head-to-head affairs, while the AFC will rest on the results of four separate matchups from Week 17.
The lack of disparity in the NFL this season speaks to the competitiveness of the league, and if nothing else, that means we're in for a great playoffs.
Be sure to monitor all the action this week and check back if you need a refresher on who's in and who's out.
第 17週的 16場比賽賽果如下(Bolded 勝方):
Browns 7-20 Steelers
Redskins 6-20 Giants
Ravens 17-34 Bengals
Texans 10-16 Titans
Jaguars 10-30 Colts
Jets 20-7 Dolphins
Lions 13-14 Vikings
維京人隊一早無望 不過打敗了獅子隊也斷了獅子隊 爭取外卡賽的機會
Panthers 21-20 Falcons
Buccaneers 17-42 Saints
Bills 20-34 Patriots
Rams 9-27 Seahawks
可算是無關痛癢小羊隊一早無望海鷹隊取勝出理所當然 取得 NFC最佳的(13-3)成績成為 NFC第一名不用打外卡賽
Packers 33-28 Bears
包裝工取勝外 也是最幸運的一隊僅以(8-7-1)成績取得NFC North 區冠軍 也是NFC的第四名
49ers(去年超級碗冠軍) 23-20 Cardinals
Broncos 34-14 Raiders
Chiefs 24-27 Chargers
是最幸運的兩隊 閃電隊(9-7)取勝但與猶長隊(11-5)同時取得AFC的第六和第五名 雙雙都取得外卡資格
Eagles 24-22 Cowboys
鷹隊打敗了牛仔隊後 鷹隊以(10-6)成績取得NFC第三名
因此 Playoffs 季後賽的賽程編排將會如下:
No. 5 Kansas City Chiefs at No. 4 Indianapolis Colts, Saturday Jan. 4
No. 6 San Diego Chargers at No. 3 Cincinnati Bengals, Sunday Jan. 5
No. 1 Denver Broncos, No. 2 New England Patriots, 輪空不用比賽
No. 5 San Francisco 49ers at No. 4 Green Bay Packers, Sunday Jan. 5
No. 6 New Orleans Saints at No. 3 Philadelphia Eagles, Saturday Jan. 4
No. 1 Seattle Seahawks, No. 2 Carolina Panthers 輪空不用比賽
TBD at No. 1 Denver Broncos, Sunday Jan. 12
TBD at No. 2 New England Patriots, Saturday Jan. 11
TBD at No. 1 Seattle Seahawks, Saturday Jan. 11
TBD at No. 2 Carolina Panthers, Sunday Jan. 12
SUNDAY, FEB. 2, 6:30 p.m. ET MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, N.J.
第一週的 季後賽 又稱 外卡週 Wild Card 結果:
同一時間美國的嚴寒天氣,聽說是因為一個名為:Polar Vortex 的氣旋帶著北極的冷空氣南下,穿過加拿大直達美國,很多州份氣溫跌到破紀錄,NFL 的 Playoffs 也跟著爆冷。
Saturday Jan. 4
No. 5 Kansas City Chiefs at No. 4 Indianapolis Colts
Chiefs 44 - 45 Colts 小馬隊 晉級
Sunday Jan. 5
No. 6 San Diego Chargers at No. 3 Cincinnati Bengals
Chargers 27 - 10 Bengals 閃電隊 晉級
Sunday Jan. 5
No. 5 San Francisco 49ers at No. 4 Green Bay Packers
49ers 23 - 20 Packers 四九人隊 晉級
Saturday Jan. 4
No. 6 New Orleans Saints at No. 3 Philadelphia Eagles
Saints 26 - 24 Eagles 聖徒隊 晉級
至此經過外卡週後,經已有 三隊外卡隊打敗了排名第三和第四的地區冠軍隊淘汰出局,只有小馬隊僅僅以 44-45 一分之微保著東岸AFC 第四名可以今入第二圈。
區域季後賽週 Divisional Playoffs 的賽程和結果:
AFC Divisional Playoffs
Jan 11
No. 4 Indianapolis Colts at No. 2 New England Patriots
小馬隊 22 - 43 愛國者隊 Patriots 晉級
Jan 12
No. 6 San Diego Chargers at No. 1 Denver Broncos
閃電隊 17 - 24 野馬隊 Broncos 晉級
NFC Divisional Playoffs
Jan 11
No. 6 New Orleans Saints at No. 1 Seattle Seahawks
聖徒隊 15 - 23 海鷹隊 Seahawks 晉級
Jan 12
No. 5 San Francisco 49ers at No. 2 Carolina Panthers
四九人隊 23 -10 美洲豹隊 49ers 晉級
結果產生了 Patriots 將會到訪 Broncos,全個 NFL 中最穩健的四分衛:愛國者隊的 Tom Brady vs Peyton Manning 野馬隊,兩大四分衛 quarterback 對決,可能比超級碗更加值得欣賞和可觀。而 49ers 是唯一外卡隊仍然生存,他們將會挑戰第一名的 Seahawks,49ers 可否重演去年一路好運,攞埋超級碗蟬聯呢?
聯盟冠軍戰 Conference Championship 的賽程和結果:
No. 2 New England Patriots at No. 1 Denver Broncos
No. 5 San Francisco 49ers at No. 1 Seattle Seahawks
AFC 美聯冠軍
愛國者隊 16 - 26 野馬隊 (highlights)
極寒之後在丹佛市風和日麗差 63F 華氏舉行了決賽
第一節 愛國者隊 0 - 3 野馬隊
第二節 愛國者隊 3 - 10 野馬隊
第三節 愛國者隊 0 - 7 野馬隊
三節完畢野馬領先 愛國者隊 3 - 20 野馬隊
第四節 愛國者隊 13 - 6 野馬隊
遙遙領先的野馬隊在第四節保存實力,才讓愛國者隊爭回一點面子,愛國者有兩節是捧蛋的,野馬的四分衛 曼寧 vs 愛國者四分衛 悲迪,後者被前者的光芒掩蓋了。愛國者隊的 Tom Brady 悲迪 自從拋棄糟糠之妻 Bridget Moynahan,和棄子 John Edward Thomas Moynahan (跟媽媽姓),與名模 Gisele Bundchen 結婚之後,像是被咒了,再沒有得過超級碗 Superbowl,現眼報,報應啊!
總分:愛國者隊 16 - 26 野馬隊
Broncos 野馬隊 晉級
NFC 國聯冠軍
四九人隊 17 - 23 海鷹隊 (highlights)
第一節 49人隊 3 - 0 海鷹隊
第二節 49人隊 7 - 3 海鷹隊
第三節 49人隊 7 - 10 海鷹隊
四九人隊三節完畢仍然領先但差距已經被收窄 17 - 13
第四節 49人隊 0-10
四九人隊後勁不繼,轉捩點是海鷹隊第四節開始,4th down 本來打算射球得 3分,但暫停後轉為博一博,一記 40碼以上的傳球得到 touchdown 達陣 6分,加上 1分射門共得 7分,成功反先,四九人 17-20 海鷹。四九人隊最後一擊,沒法達陣慘被 intercepted 在 end zone 被截擊了,四九人隊再捧蛋而回反勝為敗,奈何!奈何!
總分:49人隊 17 - 23 海鷹隊
Seahawks 海鷹隊 晉級
北美洲連氣幾週都有 freezing temperature Polar Vortex 先看看 weather forecast
最後 超級碗 Superbowl 對賽是:
AFC No. 1 Denver Broncos vs NFC No. 1 Seattle Seahawks
丹佛野馬隊 vs 西雅圖海鷹隊 (兩隊本身都是兩個聯盟的第一名可謂旗鼓相當)
先要看看的還有各大品牌的超豪華廣告 super bowl commercials
Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial -- "A Hero's Welcome" (大美國主義)
Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial -- "Puppy Love" (又再玩馬狗情未了)
又是 Bud light 2014 Super Bowl XLVIII (阿諾舒華辛力加 做完加州州長 重出江湖)
2014 SuperBowl Commercial - Ellen DeGeneres Beats Music (絕對無驚喜)
Audi 2014 Super Bowl Commercial (本覺得平平無奇 不過有 "A Special Message from Sarah McLachlan" follow up)
Heinz 2014 Super Bowl Commercial (哈哈哈玩放屁)
Cheerios' first ever Super Bowl ad (黑人爸爸白人媽媽混血女女 將會有一位弟弟 and a puppy inter racial marriage 成為話題)
Coca Cola Super Bowl 2014 Commercial (可口可樂縱肯落本但未能再有新意)
last but not least 告白上的告白
去年 2013 super bowl 的 廣告
Funniest Super Bowl Commercials of 2013!
AFC champion vs NFC champion 的賽程和結果:
第一節 海鷹隊 8 - 0 野馬隊
第二節 海鷹隊 14 - 0 野馬隊
哈哈哈哈 野馬隊錯誤百出, 一開波就輸 2分 safety,因為 野馬隊 明星 quarterback Peyton Manning 準備 snap 得波傳出,snap 竟然飛咗去 end zone 底線,球證判 safety 野馬隊先輸 2分。繼而 Manning 的拿手本領超遠傳球,結果都被 intercepted 再輸,半場已經落後 22 - 0。
Halftime show 是:Bruno Mars,Red Hot Chili Peppers Anthony Kiedis 。。。。。
第三節 海鷹隊 14 - 8 野馬隊
下半場 野馬隊 一開波,海鷹隊得到接發球,Percy Harvin's 的 開球 kick off return 87-yard,Touch down 達陣 野馬隊又再多輸 7分,海鷹隊 29 - 0 遙遙領先 野馬隊,Game Over?是真的 。。。。。海鷹隊 Jermaine Kearse 又一個達陣 TD,海鷹隊 36 - 0 拉開領先,野馬隊要 5個 TD都未夠,還要靠 2 point play,有冇可能???最後挽回一點面子 Peyton Manning 一個達陣傳球 + 2 point play 得 8分,第三節完。
三節完畢總分 海鷹隊 36 - 8 野馬隊
第四節 海鷹隊 7 - 0 野馬隊
野馬隊要追回 28分才能打成平手,海鷹隊只要拖延時間就可以勝出了,不久海鷹隊又得到一個達陣 7分,43 - 8 大勢已去,野馬隊應可以收兵矣!時間不斷的 take off seconds minutes ,最後進入 2 minutes warning 的小休,還是 海鷹隊 43 - 8 野馬隊,最終這個 quarter 完畢 。。。。。
總分:(得勝隊伍 in Red)
AFC No. 1 Denver Broncos 8 - 43 NFC No. 1 Seattle Seahawks
西雅圖海鷹隊 43 - 8 丹佛野馬隊
海鷹隊針對 Peyton Manning 傳球失誤,大勝 43 -8 奪得 “能百敵” 大獎,西雅圖海鷹隊的 linebacker Malcolm Smith 一次 intercept Peyton Manning 的傳球達陣,另一次就截劫了 Peyton Manning 傳球 fumble,是為賽事的轉捩點,被選為 Superbowl 的 MVP 最有價值球員。 Peyton Manning 37歲,恥辱地大距離輸了決賽 。。。。。。。他會不服氣再來多一季???
NFL Playoff Scenarios 2014: Final Overview for AFC and NFC Before Week 17 bleacherreport.com
NFL:AFC NFC 8個區域的成績表 NFL.com
Seahawks' Malcolm Smith named Super Bowl MVP cbc.ca
Groundhog Day 2014 National Post
Post Super Bowl 46 Gossips: Gisele Bundchen‘s comment
Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil
2013-14年度的 Superbowl 將會在週日 2月 2日(香港 2月 3日初四週一補假日)美國東岸時間 6:30pm 在 Rutherford New Jersey 新澤西州的 MetLife Stadium 舉行。
不過,同日也是北美著名的 Ground Hog Day,今年 美國 Punxsutawney Phil 和 加拿大 Wiarton Willie 都見到影子,所以預測 six more weeks of winter for U.S, Canada,但是 Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam 沒有見到影子,預言將有個早春。
不過今年的 Superbowl 賽果也可算爆了個小冷門,本來旗鼓雙當的兩隊,兼且被秤先啲的 丹佛野馬隊,慘以大比數輸了給 超級碗 初哥 西雅圖海鷹隊。
由第一 round playoffs 開始,公司內蛇竇已經吵得熱烘烘,每逢週一賽事完畢,更是馬後礟齊發,有為自己捧一隊敗北怒罵球證,更有人為自己捧的一隊晉級高興。
每年臨到 Superbowl 比賽, 嗜悲 都捱義氣,讓一班北美的同事們,可以安心欣賞賽事直播後才回來上班,美籍大老闆們更小賭注碼賽後萬歲,但今年剛巧是農曆假期補假,嗜悲 自己都看埋一份,看看明天上班,還有沒有補返 “萬歲”。
到底那兩隊可以代表 AFC 和 NFC 比賽呢?讓 嗜悲 由頭說起 。。。。。
今年的 NFL 成績而論與其說是實力平均,可以反過來說各隊表現高低起伏頗大,除了 西雅圖的海鷹隊 一枝獨秀 取得 12勝 3敗,全 NFL 最佳應該得到主場之利外,其他的要打到第 16週(總共17週賽事)還是一片混亂狀態,很多隊的命運要等到打完第 17週才能知道結果。
16週後 AFC 的連丹佛野馬隊(12-3)就算入了圍,都不知道有沒有取得全主場的優勢。同樣傳統強隊 新英倫愛國者(11-4)也是可能被排擠出局危機,印第安納小馬隊(10-5)和 辛辛納瑅孟加拉虎隊(10-5),肯薩斯猶長隊(10-5),以至 聖地亞哥閃電隊(8-7),匹茲堡鋼人隊(7-8),波提馬烏鴉隊(7-8),邁阿密海豚隊(7-8),紐約噴射機隊(7-8)都有機會爭外卡。
16週後 NFC West 除了海鷹隊(12-3)外,同區的 舊金山 49人隊(11-4)和 阿里桑拿紅雀隊(10-5)都要爭外卡,若海鷹隊輸了而 49人隊勝,兩隊就會同分,還要慢慢計數了。NFC North 的綠灣包裝工隊(7-7-1),芝加哥熊隊(7-8),和底特律獅子隊(7-8)爭地區冠軍,最後都不知誰是冠軍誰得到外卡。NFC South 卡路連拿美洲豹隊(11-4)和 紐澳蓮聖徒隊(10-5)也要打完 17週,才知誰是地區冠軍誰得外卡。NFC East 費城鷹隊(9-6)略有優勢,而 達拉斯牛仔隊(8-7)可能有機會爭外卡。
請讀讀在 16週後的季後賽 scenario 評論和分析:
【Bleacherreport.com】13 of the 16 games on the schedule this week (17th) have playoff implications, meaning that this year's regular-season finale is highly important for many teams. That being said, keeping track of all the action won't be easy.
Playoff scenarios are difficult enough to wrap our heads around when there are only a few teams involved. With nearly every game meaning something this late in the season, trying to understand what's going on without some sort of organization can be tricky.
Never fear, football fans.
The following overview will help you keep track of who's in and who's out of the 2013-14 NFL playoffs.
As you can see, the NFC playoff picture is pretty wide open. The only teams currently guaranteed playoff berths from the conference are the Seattle Seahawks, San Francisco 49ers and Carolina Panthers, and all three still have a shot at clinching home-field advantage throughout the playoffs.
The two easiest scenarios to follow are the NFC East and NFC North playoff pictures. Dallas and Philadelphia will play Sunday night to decide the East. To put it simply, the winner will move on to the playoffs while the loser will start making tee times for next week.
In the North, the Chicago Bears just need to tie (or win, of course) to clinch the division. The tie by the Green Bay Packers earlier in the season made the tie scenario possible for Chicago. Green Bay just needs a win to clinch.
Their chances are stronger than ever now that Aaron Rodgers is back under center, and head coach Mike McCarthy told Dan Hanzus of NFL.com that Rodgers will be ready for a full workload.
"We're going to cut him loose and we're going to go play. We're going to play to win."
The final two NFC teams looking to make the playoffs have several different scenarios available for them. The New Orleans Saints have the most opportunities.
If they win against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, they're in. If they tie and the Arizona Cardinals tie against the 49ers, they're in. If the Cardinals lose outright, they're in.
While the Cardinals did just defeat the Seahawks in Week 16, defeating the Niners will be no easy task. They need to win or tie to make the playoffs themselves, and Carson Palmer will have to step up and play a turnover-free game against a team that will take advantage of turnovers.
Thought the NFC was interesting? Just take a look at the AFC.
In the AFC, the Denver Broncos, New England Patriots, Indianapolis Colts, Cincinnati Bengals and Kansas City Chiefs are all locked into the playoffs. Where they are seeded, however, will be decided on Week 17 play.
Denver already clinched the AFC West and a first-round bye. New England, Indianapolis and Cincinnati have all earned their respective division crowns. Several different scenarios will determine the order (Nos. 2 through 4) of these teams. Kansas City is locked into the No. 5 spot as a wild card.
The fight for the final spot will rest on multiple outcomes. Let's go team by team.
If the Miami Dolphins lose, then their chances are over. But a win or tie would give them an opportunity. A win coupled with a Baltimore loss or tie, a San Diego win or a San Diego loss or tie with a Baltimore loss would get them in. Should they tie, they'll need Baltimore and San Diego both to tie as well.
Baltimore can actually still make the playoffs if they lose. Aside from the first several scenarios listed on the above table, the Ravens can earn the No. 6 spot on a loss if Miami, San Diego and Pittsburgh all lose as well. Seeing as all three are playing tough divisional games this week, this scenario remains a real possibility.
The most intriguing scenario here is with the Steelers. After starting the season 2-6, the Steelers can clinch the No. 6 seed with a win and losses by the other three teams on the table. Pittsburgh plays the Cleveland Browns this week in a rematch of Nov. 24, when Pittsburgh won 27-11.
Pittsburgh would be a dangerous opponent for the Broncos should it advance. Ben Roethlisberger and Antonio Brown have developed fantastic chemistry this season, and Le'Veon Bell is becoming a rock out of the backfield.
The defense, as usual, has been strong, ranking No. 14 in the NFL in total defense.
The AFC is by far the more confusing playoff picture. The NFC's scenarios will easily be decided by mostly head-to-head affairs, while the AFC will rest on the results of four separate matchups from Week 17.
The lack of disparity in the NFL this season speaks to the competitiveness of the league, and if nothing else, that means we're in for a great playoffs.
Be sure to monitor all the action this week and check back if you need a refresher on who's in and who's out.
第 17週的 16場比賽賽果如下(Bolded 勝方):
Browns 7-20 Steelers
Redskins 6-20 Giants
Ravens 17-34 Bengals
Texans 10-16 Titans
Jaguars 10-30 Colts
Jets 20-7 Dolphins
Lions 13-14 Vikings
維京人隊一早無望 不過打敗了獅子隊也斷了獅子隊 爭取外卡賽的機會
Panthers 21-20 Falcons
Buccaneers 17-42 Saints
Bills 20-34 Patriots
Rams 9-27 Seahawks
可算是無關痛癢小羊隊一早無望海鷹隊取勝出理所當然 取得 NFC最佳的(13-3)成績成為 NFC第一名不用打外卡賽
Packers 33-28 Bears
包裝工取勝外 也是最幸運的一隊僅以(8-7-1)成績取得NFC North 區冠軍 也是NFC的第四名
49ers(去年超級碗冠軍) 23-20 Cardinals
Broncos 34-14 Raiders
Chiefs 24-27 Chargers
是最幸運的兩隊 閃電隊(9-7)取勝但與猶長隊(11-5)同時取得AFC的第六和第五名 雙雙都取得外卡資格
Eagles 24-22 Cowboys
鷹隊打敗了牛仔隊後 鷹隊以(10-6)成績取得NFC第三名
因此 Playoffs 季後賽的賽程編排將會如下:
No. 5 Kansas City Chiefs at No. 4 Indianapolis Colts, Saturday Jan. 4
No. 6 San Diego Chargers at No. 3 Cincinnati Bengals, Sunday Jan. 5
No. 1 Denver Broncos, No. 2 New England Patriots, 輪空不用比賽
No. 5 San Francisco 49ers at No. 4 Green Bay Packers, Sunday Jan. 5
No. 6 New Orleans Saints at No. 3 Philadelphia Eagles, Saturday Jan. 4
No. 1 Seattle Seahawks, No. 2 Carolina Panthers 輪空不用比賽
TBD at No. 1 Denver Broncos, Sunday Jan. 12
TBD at No. 2 New England Patriots, Saturday Jan. 11
TBD at No. 1 Seattle Seahawks, Saturday Jan. 11
TBD at No. 2 Carolina Panthers, Sunday Jan. 12
SUNDAY, FEB. 2, 6:30 p.m. ET MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, N.J.
第一週的 季後賽 又稱 外卡週 Wild Card 結果:
同一時間美國的嚴寒天氣,聽說是因為一個名為:Polar Vortex 的氣旋帶著北極的冷空氣南下,穿過加拿大直達美國,很多州份氣溫跌到破紀錄,NFL 的 Playoffs 也跟著爆冷。
Saturday Jan. 4
No. 5 Kansas City Chiefs at No. 4 Indianapolis Colts
Chiefs 44 - 45 Colts 小馬隊 晉級
Sunday Jan. 5
No. 6 San Diego Chargers at No. 3 Cincinnati Bengals
Chargers 27 - 10 Bengals 閃電隊 晉級
Sunday Jan. 5
No. 5 San Francisco 49ers at No. 4 Green Bay Packers
49ers 23 - 20 Packers 四九人隊 晉級
Saturday Jan. 4
No. 6 New Orleans Saints at No. 3 Philadelphia Eagles
Saints 26 - 24 Eagles 聖徒隊 晉級
至此經過外卡週後,經已有 三隊外卡隊打敗了排名第三和第四的地區冠軍隊淘汰出局,只有小馬隊僅僅以 44-45 一分之微保著東岸AFC 第四名可以今入第二圈。
區域季後賽週 Divisional Playoffs 的賽程和結果:
AFC Divisional Playoffs
Jan 11
No. 4 Indianapolis Colts at No. 2 New England Patriots
小馬隊 22 - 43 愛國者隊 Patriots 晉級
Jan 12
No. 6 San Diego Chargers at No. 1 Denver Broncos
閃電隊 17 - 24 野馬隊 Broncos 晉級
NFC Divisional Playoffs
Jan 11
No. 6 New Orleans Saints at No. 1 Seattle Seahawks
聖徒隊 15 - 23 海鷹隊 Seahawks 晉級
Jan 12
No. 5 San Francisco 49ers at No. 2 Carolina Panthers
四九人隊 23 -10 美洲豹隊 49ers 晉級
結果產生了 Patriots 將會到訪 Broncos,全個 NFL 中最穩健的四分衛:愛國者隊的 Tom Brady vs Peyton Manning 野馬隊,兩大四分衛 quarterback 對決,可能比超級碗更加值得欣賞和可觀。而 49ers 是唯一外卡隊仍然生存,他們將會挑戰第一名的 Seahawks,49ers 可否重演去年一路好運,攞埋超級碗蟬聯呢?
聯盟冠軍戰 Conference Championship 的賽程和結果:
No. 2 New England Patriots at No. 1 Denver Broncos
No. 5 San Francisco 49ers at No. 1 Seattle Seahawks
AFC 美聯冠軍
愛國者隊 16 - 26 野馬隊 (highlights)
極寒之後在丹佛市風和日麗差 63F 華氏舉行了決賽
第一節 愛國者隊 0 - 3 野馬隊
第二節 愛國者隊 3 - 10 野馬隊
第三節 愛國者隊 0 - 7 野馬隊
三節完畢野馬領先 愛國者隊 3 - 20 野馬隊
第四節 愛國者隊 13 - 6 野馬隊
遙遙領先的野馬隊在第四節保存實力,才讓愛國者隊爭回一點面子,愛國者有兩節是捧蛋的,野馬的四分衛 曼寧 vs 愛國者四分衛 悲迪,後者被前者的光芒掩蓋了。愛國者隊的 Tom Brady 悲迪 自從拋棄糟糠之妻 Bridget Moynahan,和棄子 John Edward Thomas Moynahan (跟媽媽姓),與名模 Gisele Bundchen 結婚之後,像是被咒了,再沒有得過超級碗 Superbowl,現眼報,報應啊!
總分:愛國者隊 16 - 26 野馬隊
Broncos 野馬隊 晉級
NFC 國聯冠軍
四九人隊 17 - 23 海鷹隊 (highlights)
第一節 49人隊 3 - 0 海鷹隊
第二節 49人隊 7 - 3 海鷹隊
第三節 49人隊 7 - 10 海鷹隊
四九人隊三節完畢仍然領先但差距已經被收窄 17 - 13
第四節 49人隊 0-10
四九人隊後勁不繼,轉捩點是海鷹隊第四節開始,4th down 本來打算射球得 3分,但暫停後轉為博一博,一記 40碼以上的傳球得到 touchdown 達陣 6分,加上 1分射門共得 7分,成功反先,四九人 17-20 海鷹。四九人隊最後一擊,沒法達陣慘被 intercepted 在 end zone 被截擊了,四九人隊再捧蛋而回反勝為敗,奈何!奈何!
總分:49人隊 17 - 23 海鷹隊
Seahawks 海鷹隊 晉級
北美洲連氣幾週都有 freezing temperature Polar Vortex 先看看 weather forecast
最後 超級碗 Superbowl 對賽是:
AFC No. 1 Denver Broncos vs NFC No. 1 Seattle Seahawks
丹佛野馬隊 vs 西雅圖海鷹隊 (兩隊本身都是兩個聯盟的第一名可謂旗鼓相當)
先要看看的還有各大品牌的超豪華廣告 super bowl commercials
Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial -- "A Hero's Welcome" (大美國主義)
Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial -- "Puppy Love" (又再玩馬狗情未了)
又是 Bud light 2014 Super Bowl XLVIII (阿諾舒華辛力加 做完加州州長 重出江湖)
2014 SuperBowl Commercial - Ellen DeGeneres Beats Music (絕對無驚喜)
Audi 2014 Super Bowl Commercial (本覺得平平無奇 不過有 "A Special Message from Sarah McLachlan" follow up)
Heinz 2014 Super Bowl Commercial (哈哈哈玩放屁)
Cheerios' first ever Super Bowl ad (黑人爸爸白人媽媽混血女女 將會有一位弟弟 and a puppy inter racial marriage 成為話題)
Coca Cola Super Bowl 2014 Commercial (可口可樂縱肯落本但未能再有新意)
last but not least 告白上的告白
去年 2013 super bowl 的 廣告
Funniest Super Bowl Commercials of 2013!
AFC champion vs NFC champion 的賽程和結果:
第一節 海鷹隊 8 - 0 野馬隊
第二節 海鷹隊 14 - 0 野馬隊
哈哈哈哈 野馬隊錯誤百出, 一開波就輸 2分 safety,因為 野馬隊 明星 quarterback Peyton Manning 準備 snap 得波傳出,snap 竟然飛咗去 end zone 底線,球證判 safety 野馬隊先輸 2分。繼而 Manning 的拿手本領超遠傳球,結果都被 intercepted 再輸,半場已經落後 22 - 0。
Halftime show 是:Bruno Mars,Red Hot Chili Peppers Anthony Kiedis 。。。。。
第三節 海鷹隊 14 - 8 野馬隊
下半場 野馬隊 一開波,海鷹隊得到接發球,Percy Harvin's 的 開球 kick off return 87-yard,Touch down 達陣 野馬隊又再多輸 7分,海鷹隊 29 - 0 遙遙領先 野馬隊,Game Over?是真的 。。。。。海鷹隊 Jermaine Kearse 又一個達陣 TD,海鷹隊 36 - 0 拉開領先,野馬隊要 5個 TD都未夠,還要靠 2 point play,有冇可能???最後挽回一點面子 Peyton Manning 一個達陣傳球 + 2 point play 得 8分,第三節完。
三節完畢總分 海鷹隊 36 - 8 野馬隊
第四節 海鷹隊 7 - 0 野馬隊
野馬隊要追回 28分才能打成平手,海鷹隊只要拖延時間就可以勝出了,不久海鷹隊又得到一個達陣 7分,43 - 8 大勢已去,野馬隊應可以收兵矣!時間不斷的 take off seconds minutes ,最後進入 2 minutes warning 的小休,還是 海鷹隊 43 - 8 野馬隊,最終這個 quarter 完畢 。。。。。
總分:(得勝隊伍 in Red)
AFC No. 1 Denver Broncos 8 - 43 NFC No. 1 Seattle Seahawks
西雅圖海鷹隊 43 - 8 丹佛野馬隊
海鷹隊針對 Peyton Manning 傳球失誤,大勝 43 -8 奪得 “能百敵” 大獎,西雅圖海鷹隊的 linebacker Malcolm Smith 一次 intercept Peyton Manning 的傳球達陣,另一次就截劫了 Peyton Manning 傳球 fumble,是為賽事的轉捩點,被選為 Superbowl 的 MVP 最有價值球員。 Peyton Manning 37歲,恥辱地大距離輸了決賽 。。。。。。。他會不服氣再來多一季???
NFL Playoff Scenarios 2014: Final Overview for AFC and NFC Before Week 17 bleacherreport.com
NFL:AFC NFC 8個區域的成績表 NFL.com
Seahawks' Malcolm Smith named Super Bowl MVP cbc.ca
Groundhog Day 2014 National Post
Post Super Bowl 46 Gossips: Gisele Bundchen‘s comment
Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil
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