Not suitable for Under 16 again!
當全香港的評論界,都劍指思歪的 N冇 “施政報告”,真的是悶出“鳥”來!
異曲同工有這一個,想看就 Click 點擊 吧。
Recommendation 先止聲明:
女性網友們,若自問不能接受 hard sell 男性 fantasy,及帶有點侮辱女性的廣告,請不要繼續!
有興趣者 continue 。。。。。。。
Isenbeck beer 是 Argentina 的啤酒!
AXE 是北美男性除汗臭的噴劑!
日本仔的 宅配壽司銀のさら 不要瞎猜呀!
這個講廣東話的 Rejoice 廣告,壞在太過露骨 Click 點擊,無法做到無傷大雅,兼加點幽默感,大抵創作人(華人),還是缺乏這種境界!
還有這一個 Toyota 的廣告,無聲勝有聲,要看就 Click 點擊,最緊要會意,哈哈哈哈哈!
Last but not least,追加這個 Isenbeck beer 的廣告,要看就 Click 點擊 吧!
Not suitable for Under 16
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, January 18, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Walmart 落實在 LA 的 唐人街,開設一所 沃爾瑪,雖然只得 1/5 的一般 沃爾瑪 面積,卻引來反對聲音。
【NBC Network】Opponents of a Walmart planned for Los Angeles' historic Chinatown neighborhood announced Wednesday that they would hold the "largest Walmart protest in the history of the U.S." on June 30.
The proposed store would create a Walmart "Neighborhood Market" in a long-vacant commericial space below an apartment building at the northwest corner of Cesar Chavez and Grand avenues, just north of downtown.
Critics say the 33,000-square-foot grocery store -- about a fifth the size of a typical Walmart superstore -- would be destructive to the "cultural fabric" of LA's Chinatown, and would threaten the viability of the area's mom-and-pop stores.
A news conference at 1 p.m. Wednesday to announce the anti-Walmart march brought out Rep. Judy Chu, County Fed leader Maria Elena Durazo and dozens of labor union members.
"We must stop Walmart," said Chu, a Chinese-American Democrat who represents an area of east of Chinatown in the San Gabriel Valley.
Chinatown’s classic mom-and-pop stores could be in jeopardy if Walmart opens a market on the edge of the historic district, community advocates said Monday.
The retail giant’s announcement Saturday that it will open a 33,000-square-foot grocery store at the northwest corner of Cesar Chavez and Grand avenues has advocacy groups and community organizers gearing up for a fight.
Local organizations like the Southeast Asian Community Alliance were blindsided by the announcement, and are “looking into options to prevent this from happening,” said SEACA Executive Director Sissy Trinh.
The new location will be about one-fifth the size of a typical Walmart, allowing the retailer to sidestep the LA superstore ordinance passed in 2004, which allowed the city to review implications like job quality and potential neighborhood business loss before approving stores larger than 100,000 square feet.
The proposed Walmart would be housed in a facility built with public funds allocated by the California Redevelopment Agency and mandated to provide permanent, quality jobs for low-income residents.
“Public dollars were used to build the building and it should have a public benefit,” said Trinh.
Instead, Trinh worries a Walmart will hurt locally owned businesses and the area’s “strong cultural identity.”
But groups like SEACA aren’t arguing that grocery stores or even large corporations are completely unwanted in an area like Chinatown; it’s Walmart’s specific reputation for unfair employment and edging local businesses that worries Trinh.
“We wouldn’t be against Walmart if they didn’t have such a bad track record,” Trinh said.
At this early stage, councilmembers are making sure Walmart has the needed permits to move into the space, which is what they would typically do for any business coming in, said council spokesperson Tony Perez.
Because of the neighborhood’s high number of Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Mexican immigrants and refugees, many of the staple foods found in locally owned stores can’t be found at run-of-the-mill supermarkets.
If Walmart were to put many of these shops out of business as it has in other cities, Chinatown could lose some of its signature flavor, Trinh said.
“It would be like any other neighborhood,” Trinh said. “Not Chinatown.”

到了十月 LA China Town Walmart 開始招工!
【Huffingtonpost】After nearly 100 Walmart workers across the country went on an unprecedented strike this week, the retailer announced that it is opening a hiring center Thursday near one of its most hotly contested locations.
The store, currently under construction, is in downtown Los Angeles' historic Chinatown neighborhood. Although one-fifth the size of the company's big-box stores, the Chinatown Walmart would be the first one centrally located in the city of Los Angeles.
The retail giant is hiring 65 employees for its Chinatown store and is encouraging potential employees to go to the center, which is a few blocks away from the store, or apply online, according to a press release from Walmart. "Our expectation is that a majority of the jobs at this store will be full-time," Steven Restivo, a Walmart spokesman, told The Huffington Post.
California Walmart employees make an average hourly wage of $12.82 and those who work 24 hours or more a week receive benefits, according to the corporate website.
However, opponents say Walmart doesn't give the wages, hours or benefits it advertises. In June, thousands of Angelenos marched through Chinatown in what was touted as the largest anti-Walmart protest in history. The protesters expressed concern about Walmart's low wages and lack of benefits. They also said they wanted to protect the cultural heritage of LA's Chinatown and the mom-and-pop stores that could be forced to close after competing with Walmart.
Although the LA City Council unanimously approved in March an emergency ban on chain retail stores in the Chinatown area, Walmart surprised the Council by obtaining building permits the night before the vote. The Pacific American Labor Alliance (PALA), the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE) and some Chinatown business owners and residents are currently appealing the city's eleventh-hour issuance of the permits.
In fact, because of the appeal, some say the hiring center should not be opening yet. "They still haven't obtained their 'Certificate of Occupancy' to open and cannot do so until all the building permits are exhausted or granted, rending the hiring center premature," said LAANE spokeswoman Allison Mannos.
Walmart maintains that its Chinatown store, which has been under construction since June, is scheduled to open in early 2013. "We continue to think that our permits were issued validly and look forward to creating good jobs in the city on the way to opening our store early next year," Restivo said.
The opening of the hiring center comes about a week after more than 70 Walmart workers from nine LA-area stores walked off the job in an unprecedented one-day strike. On Tuesday, 88 Walmart workers from 12 cities followed LA's example and held a day-long protest against low wages and Walmart's attempts to silence workers who speak up about poor working conditions.
Workers are also threatening even larger action on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving that's considered one of the biggest shopping days of the year.
新的 沃爾瑪 在 2013年 3月,就會正式開幕,將會改變 唐人街 的周邊環境,一個很大的 WALmart 標誌豎立在唐人街!反對團體繼續向市政府進行上訴,可惜,不獲接納。
沃爾瑪 Neighborhood Mart 雖然只得一般 Walmart Superstore 五分一面積,將於三月在洛杉磯唐人街開業,反對團體將盡最後一分力,祈求再次上訴至 Central Area Planning Commission 的五人委員會。
【Huffingtonpost】Walmart has prevailed again in the continuing battle against its controversial proposed store in downtown LA's Chinatown.
A Los Angeles zoning official denied an appeal of the retailer's building permits. The appeal had been filed by the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance and by the Los Angeles Alliance for New Economy, which have concerns about the store impacting the historic neighborhood's identity, traffic, small businesses, and living wage.
However, Associate Zoning Administrator Maya Zaitzevsky issued a report Dec. 20 finding the Department of Building and Safety did not err or abuse its discretion when it issued the permits, the LA Weekly reports.
And despite this being the third unsuccessful attempt to stop the store, Gideon Kracov, attorney for the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, told the Los Angeles Times that the group would likely appeal again. It has until Jan. 4 to file an appeal to the Central Area Planning Commission, a panel whose five members are appointed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
In the meantime, the Walmart Neighborhood Mart, which is one-fifth the size of the retailer's big-box stores, has already hired employees for the new store and is on track to open its doors in March.
“We look forward to soon opening our doors and providing the community what they have wanted all along: a new choice for their grocery shopping needs,” Steven Restivo, Walmart’s senior director of community affairs, said in a statement.
現任的L.A.民主黨市長 Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa,推說他只剩下幾個月就任滿了,ASK The Next Mayor 請向下一任市長查詢吧!
社區的建設總會和保育互相矛盾,Like 微豆兄說:Changes are Inevitable!也慶幸暫時香港未有 Walmart 沃爾瑪,國內的 沃爾瑪 醜聞頻頻,HONG KONG people:NO Wal-mart! say no to 沃爾瑪!
可惜全部重頭戲都推說現在急不來,需要長時間去整理加強配套,將會成立多個委員會去研究,要等到 2017年或之後才能正式上馬。例子一:在保證質素的前提下,檢討加快興建公屋進度,在 2018年起的 5年內,至少新增 10萬個公屋單位。例子二:雖然沒有說不做 15年免費教育,但施政報告提出的免費幼稚園教育需要研究。大話特首是把新的政策紮綁 2017他可以再連任特首。
依據中央應許, 2017年將實行政改普選特首,到時的提名門檻尚屬未知數,但要落實今屆特首的政策,就要讓 CY 順利連任,否則可能又要推倒重來,固然費時失事,香港又要虛耗多幾年光陰。
Tie-In Sales 綑綁銷售 or 紥綁銷售 Definition:Marketing arrangement in which a supplier of an in-demand good or service sells it on the basis that the buyer (usually a retailer or reseller) also buys a certain amount of another (less popular) product.
Can we say NO CY @ Hong Kong?
CY 發表第一份施政報告後,蔡子強:In the long run, we are all dead
梁振英是否共產黨我不知道,但他的「會」卻真很多,在昨天公布的施政報告裏,竟然成立了 2個局、9個委員會、3個專責小組﹗
從梁振英上任之後計,已經等了 6個多月,從他當選之後等計,更是等了近 10個月,原本大家期望,今次施政報告會對一些水深火熱的課題如房屋和扶貧,以至經濟發展策略和產業政策等,提供較為確切的答案。誰料到,結果只是成立了一個又一個的委員會和小組,繼續「吹水」而已。
例如,說得咬牙切齒的扶貧,也只是交由扶貧委員會討論,什麼社會保障、退休保障、低收入家庭補貼,繼續交由扶貧委員會討論;又例如,之前言之鑿鑿的 15年免費教育,如今施政報告只是提出由教育局成立免費幼稚園教育可行性研究委員會,研究其「可行性」。
更高規格的還有,於 1998年成立的香港特別行政區長官特設國際顧問委員會,負責就香港長遠發展的策略性課題從國際的宏觀角度向行政長官提供意見,成員包括西門子、豐田汽車、匯豐、三菱銀行等國際商界及企業的傑出領袖。
由「三萬五」 變作 「一萬五」
特首選舉之初,梁振英為了爭取民望,好讓他入閘成為候選人,曾於 2011年 10月 16日,於深水埗與街坊會面時,提出每年興建公屋單位 3.5萬個。後來遭廣泛質疑可行性之後,他又改口,變成加快未來 5年興建 7.5萬個單位,把計劃在後期完成的一半單位,即約 3.5萬個單位,提前在一年內完成。
但到了今次施政報告,這些承諾已經統統不提,就像他那僭建的地庫一樣,已經變得「不存在」。施政報告只提到,2012/13年度起 5年內落成約 7.5萬個新公屋單位,在 2018年起的 5年內,公屋的總供應以至少 10萬個單位為產量目標。
梁振英終於發現「吹水」與管治,原來完全是兩回事,於是成立委員會之類來 buy time 的「時間偽術」,也成了他臨急抱佛腳的「救命草」了。梁營人士張震遠昨晚在電視特備新聞節目中,談到房屋問題時,要我們有多一點耐性,要看到梁振英長線給了我們希望。
聽到之後,我只能苦笑,並想回以凱恩斯的名句:「In the long run, we are all dead」。
Chinatown Advocates Unhappy With Walmart Announcement
Chinatown Walmart Opponents Plan 10,000-Strong March
Chinatown Walmart Is Hiring
LA Chinatown Walmart Appeal Denied, Store Set To Open In March
In the long run, we are all dead 雅虎新聞網
Walmart 落實在 LA 的 唐人街,開設一所 沃爾瑪,雖然只得 1/5 的一般 沃爾瑪 面積,卻引來反對聲音。
【NBC Network】Opponents of a Walmart planned for Los Angeles' historic Chinatown neighborhood announced Wednesday that they would hold the "largest Walmart protest in the history of the U.S." on June 30.
The proposed store would create a Walmart "Neighborhood Market" in a long-vacant commericial space below an apartment building at the northwest corner of Cesar Chavez and Grand avenues, just north of downtown.
Critics say the 33,000-square-foot grocery store -- about a fifth the size of a typical Walmart superstore -- would be destructive to the "cultural fabric" of LA's Chinatown, and would threaten the viability of the area's mom-and-pop stores.
A news conference at 1 p.m. Wednesday to announce the anti-Walmart march brought out Rep. Judy Chu, County Fed leader Maria Elena Durazo and dozens of labor union members.
"We must stop Walmart," said Chu, a Chinese-American Democrat who represents an area of east of Chinatown in the San Gabriel Valley.
Chinatown’s classic mom-and-pop stores could be in jeopardy if Walmart opens a market on the edge of the historic district, community advocates said Monday.
The retail giant’s announcement Saturday that it will open a 33,000-square-foot grocery store at the northwest corner of Cesar Chavez and Grand avenues has advocacy groups and community organizers gearing up for a fight.
Local organizations like the Southeast Asian Community Alliance were blindsided by the announcement, and are “looking into options to prevent this from happening,” said SEACA Executive Director Sissy Trinh.
The new location will be about one-fifth the size of a typical Walmart, allowing the retailer to sidestep the LA superstore ordinance passed in 2004, which allowed the city to review implications like job quality and potential neighborhood business loss before approving stores larger than 100,000 square feet.
The proposed Walmart would be housed in a facility built with public funds allocated by the California Redevelopment Agency and mandated to provide permanent, quality jobs for low-income residents.
“Public dollars were used to build the building and it should have a public benefit,” said Trinh.
Instead, Trinh worries a Walmart will hurt locally owned businesses and the area’s “strong cultural identity.”
But groups like SEACA aren’t arguing that grocery stores or even large corporations are completely unwanted in an area like Chinatown; it’s Walmart’s specific reputation for unfair employment and edging local businesses that worries Trinh.
“We wouldn’t be against Walmart if they didn’t have such a bad track record,” Trinh said.
At this early stage, councilmembers are making sure Walmart has the needed permits to move into the space, which is what they would typically do for any business coming in, said council spokesperson Tony Perez.
Because of the neighborhood’s high number of Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Mexican immigrants and refugees, many of the staple foods found in locally owned stores can’t be found at run-of-the-mill supermarkets.
If Walmart were to put many of these shops out of business as it has in other cities, Chinatown could lose some of its signature flavor, Trinh said.
“It would be like any other neighborhood,” Trinh said. “Not Chinatown.”
到了十月 LA China Town Walmart 開始招工!
【Huffingtonpost】After nearly 100 Walmart workers across the country went on an unprecedented strike this week, the retailer announced that it is opening a hiring center Thursday near one of its most hotly contested locations.
The store, currently under construction, is in downtown Los Angeles' historic Chinatown neighborhood. Although one-fifth the size of the company's big-box stores, the Chinatown Walmart would be the first one centrally located in the city of Los Angeles.
The retail giant is hiring 65 employees for its Chinatown store and is encouraging potential employees to go to the center, which is a few blocks away from the store, or apply online, according to a press release from Walmart. "Our expectation is that a majority of the jobs at this store will be full-time," Steven Restivo, a Walmart spokesman, told The Huffington Post.
California Walmart employees make an average hourly wage of $12.82 and those who work 24 hours or more a week receive benefits, according to the corporate website.
However, opponents say Walmart doesn't give the wages, hours or benefits it advertises. In June, thousands of Angelenos marched through Chinatown in what was touted as the largest anti-Walmart protest in history. The protesters expressed concern about Walmart's low wages and lack of benefits. They also said they wanted to protect the cultural heritage of LA's Chinatown and the mom-and-pop stores that could be forced to close after competing with Walmart.
Although the LA City Council unanimously approved in March an emergency ban on chain retail stores in the Chinatown area, Walmart surprised the Council by obtaining building permits the night before the vote. The Pacific American Labor Alliance (PALA), the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE) and some Chinatown business owners and residents are currently appealing the city's eleventh-hour issuance of the permits.
In fact, because of the appeal, some say the hiring center should not be opening yet. "They still haven't obtained their 'Certificate of Occupancy' to open and cannot do so until all the building permits are exhausted or granted, rending the hiring center premature," said LAANE spokeswoman Allison Mannos.
Walmart maintains that its Chinatown store, which has been under construction since June, is scheduled to open in early 2013. "We continue to think that our permits were issued validly and look forward to creating good jobs in the city on the way to opening our store early next year," Restivo said.
The opening of the hiring center comes about a week after more than 70 Walmart workers from nine LA-area stores walked off the job in an unprecedented one-day strike. On Tuesday, 88 Walmart workers from 12 cities followed LA's example and held a day-long protest against low wages and Walmart's attempts to silence workers who speak up about poor working conditions.
Workers are also threatening even larger action on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving that's considered one of the biggest shopping days of the year.
新的 沃爾瑪 在 2013年 3月,就會正式開幕,將會改變 唐人街 的周邊環境,一個很大的 WALmart 標誌豎立在唐人街!反對團體繼續向市政府進行上訴,可惜,不獲接納。
沃爾瑪 Neighborhood Mart 雖然只得一般 Walmart Superstore 五分一面積,將於三月在洛杉磯唐人街開業,反對團體將盡最後一分力,祈求再次上訴至 Central Area Planning Commission 的五人委員會。
【Huffingtonpost】Walmart has prevailed again in the continuing battle against its controversial proposed store in downtown LA's Chinatown.
A Los Angeles zoning official denied an appeal of the retailer's building permits. The appeal had been filed by the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance and by the Los Angeles Alliance for New Economy, which have concerns about the store impacting the historic neighborhood's identity, traffic, small businesses, and living wage.
However, Associate Zoning Administrator Maya Zaitzevsky issued a report Dec. 20 finding the Department of Building and Safety did not err or abuse its discretion when it issued the permits, the LA Weekly reports.
And despite this being the third unsuccessful attempt to stop the store, Gideon Kracov, attorney for the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, told the Los Angeles Times that the group would likely appeal again. It has until Jan. 4 to file an appeal to the Central Area Planning Commission, a panel whose five members are appointed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
In the meantime, the Walmart Neighborhood Mart, which is one-fifth the size of the retailer's big-box stores, has already hired employees for the new store and is on track to open its doors in March.
“We look forward to soon opening our doors and providing the community what they have wanted all along: a new choice for their grocery shopping needs,” Steven Restivo, Walmart’s senior director of community affairs, said in a statement.
社區的建設總會和保育互相矛盾,Like 微豆兄說:Changes are Inevitable!也慶幸暫時香港未有 Walmart 沃爾瑪,國內的 沃爾瑪 醜聞頻頻,HONG KONG people:NO Wal-mart! say no to 沃爾瑪!
可惜全部重頭戲都推說現在急不來,需要長時間去整理加強配套,將會成立多個委員會去研究,要等到 2017年或之後才能正式上馬。例子一:在保證質素的前提下,檢討加快興建公屋進度,在 2018年起的 5年內,至少新增 10萬個公屋單位。例子二:雖然沒有說不做 15年免費教育,但施政報告提出的免費幼稚園教育需要研究。大話特首是把新的政策紮綁 2017他可以再連任特首。
依據中央應許, 2017年將實行政改普選特首,到時的提名門檻尚屬未知數,但要落實今屆特首的政策,就要讓 CY 順利連任,否則可能又要推倒重來,固然費時失事,香港又要虛耗多幾年光陰。
Tie-In Sales 綑綁銷售 or 紥綁銷售 Definition:Marketing arrangement in which a supplier of an in-demand good or service sells it on the basis that the buyer (usually a retailer or reseller) also buys a certain amount of another (less popular) product.
Can we say NO CY @ Hong Kong?
CY 發表第一份施政報告後,蔡子強:In the long run, we are all dead
梁振英是否共產黨我不知道,但他的「會」卻真很多,在昨天公布的施政報告裏,竟然成立了 2個局、9個委員會、3個專責小組﹗
從梁振英上任之後計,已經等了 6個多月,從他當選之後等計,更是等了近 10個月,原本大家期望,今次施政報告會對一些水深火熱的課題如房屋和扶貧,以至經濟發展策略和產業政策等,提供較為確切的答案。誰料到,結果只是成立了一個又一個的委員會和小組,繼續「吹水」而已。
例如,說得咬牙切齒的扶貧,也只是交由扶貧委員會討論,什麼社會保障、退休保障、低收入家庭補貼,繼續交由扶貧委員會討論;又例如,之前言之鑿鑿的 15年免費教育,如今施政報告只是提出由教育局成立免費幼稚園教育可行性研究委員會,研究其「可行性」。
更高規格的還有,於 1998年成立的香港特別行政區長官特設國際顧問委員會,負責就香港長遠發展的策略性課題從國際的宏觀角度向行政長官提供意見,成員包括西門子、豐田汽車、匯豐、三菱銀行等國際商界及企業的傑出領袖。
由「三萬五」 變作 「一萬五」
特首選舉之初,梁振英為了爭取民望,好讓他入閘成為候選人,曾於 2011年 10月 16日,於深水埗與街坊會面時,提出每年興建公屋單位 3.5萬個。後來遭廣泛質疑可行性之後,他又改口,變成加快未來 5年興建 7.5萬個單位,把計劃在後期完成的一半單位,即約 3.5萬個單位,提前在一年內完成。
但到了今次施政報告,這些承諾已經統統不提,就像他那僭建的地庫一樣,已經變得「不存在」。施政報告只提到,2012/13年度起 5年內落成約 7.5萬個新公屋單位,在 2018年起的 5年內,公屋的總供應以至少 10萬個單位為產量目標。
梁振英終於發現「吹水」與管治,原來完全是兩回事,於是成立委員會之類來 buy time 的「時間偽術」,也成了他臨急抱佛腳的「救命草」了。梁營人士張震遠昨晚在電視特備新聞節目中,談到房屋問題時,要我們有多一點耐性,要看到梁振英長線給了我們希望。
聽到之後,我只能苦笑,並想回以凱恩斯的名句:「In the long run, we are all dead」。
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In the long run, we are all dead 雅虎新聞網
Monday, January 14, 2013
聽 地水南音:《客途秋恨》
冬至日全日沒有出街,午餐吃了個自家泡製撈丁麵,留在家中看了部《客途秋恨》,電影有 許鞍華 導演,加上台灣的 陸小芬 和 香港的 張曼玉,兩人分別飾演兩母女。
你喉 上有人上載了分成九輯:客途秋恨 許鞍華 1-9
陸小芬 飾演的母親,是個日本戰敗留在中國的日本女子,她嫁了給一位曾經幫助她家人返回日本的國民黨軍官,也就是 張曼玉 飾演女兒的爸爸。
很多年前已經看過《客途秋恨》,之前只覺得 maggie cheung 只是花瓶,由這一次 許鞍華 導演的戲,張曼玉 看來像是開竅了,之後成為幾屆影后。
311大地震大海嘯,加快了日本政客的侵華決心,野田佳彥 的買島鬧劇,到 安倍晉三 一連串的圍華堵華手段,日方釋心策劃侵華之心路人皆見,日人沒有以史為鑑,難道中國人又要再次受辱?
聽 地水南音:《客途秋恨》
冬至日全日沒有出街,午餐吃了個自家泡製撈丁麵,留在家中看了部《客途秋恨》,電影有 許鞍華 導演,加上台灣的 陸小芬 和 香港的 張曼玉,兩人分別飾演兩母女。
你喉 上有人上載了分成九輯:客途秋恨 許鞍華 1-9
陸小芬 飾演的母親,是個日本戰敗留在中國的日本女子,她嫁了給一位曾經幫助她家人返回日本的國民黨軍官,也就是 張曼玉 飾演女兒的爸爸。
很多年前已經看過《客途秋恨》,之前只覺得 maggie cheung 只是花瓶,由這一次 許鞍華 導演的戲,張曼玉 看來像是開竅了,之後成為幾屆影后。
311大地震大海嘯,加快了日本政客的侵華決心,野田佳彥 的買島鬧劇,到 安倍晉三 一連串的圍華堵華手段,日方釋心策劃侵華之心路人皆見,日人沒有以史為鑑,難道中國人又要再次受辱?
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