怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Saturday, December 23, 2006
人家慶祝一周年﹐實是可喜可賀。 我翻查一o下, 不經不覺﹐竟然也有一個月﹐有三十幾篇“博”。 交到了新網友外﹐ 還得到連結﹐增加訪客量﹐ 這是鼓勵﹐也推動了我繼續“博”。
曾經說過我是一個對新事物拿起來快﹐ 但把事物放下來得更快的人﹐ 見異思遷﹐見多不怪﹐見微知著﹐ 是一個沒恆心的人﹐我是表表者﹐ 應是《哈哈哈》。。。。。。。。。。 還是《唉唉唉》合適o的呢?
最後還是這一句: 歡迎光臨
我不是粵劇迷﹐亦不懂欣賞﹐只是《帝女花》之「香夭」﹐這一節實在扣人心絃。昨天看到石琪在明報OL網談《帝女花》﹐ 勾起了我對外婆的回憶。
外婆家住北角﹐她老人家喜愛看粵劇﹐由其是任白的戲寶﹐年幼時隨外婆到新光戲院看過﹐不用另外購票﹐ 當年是沒有這麼嚴謹﹐現在是不能的﹐還有太年幼的孩子也不能帶進去的。 那年代當然也不會是任白演出的啦﹐是雛鳳還是其他名伶主演的﹐ 我記不得了。
外婆辭世多年﹐但願 你在天之靈﹐ 聽聽我從YOUTUBE 給你找到的﹐
任白 《帝女花》之「香夭」。
我耳邊是聽著《帝女花》之「香夭」﹐ 眼前卻浮現著外婆她慈祥的面孔。
Friday, December 22, 2006
Three pictures sewed together taken in June 2006
香港島又何嘗不是﹐從尖沙咀鐘樓﹐以前可以見到山頂﹐現在被海旁過高的建築物阻擋了﹐看不見了﹐沒法看到了。還有登上山頂往下望﹐維港被半山區的高樓阻擋了景觀﹐只看見人家的後窗﹐ 維港在哪喇 ??? 變成不是一大幅的﹐而是斷了幾截較小的維港景﹐如果你還能找得到的話。
記得小學中國語文讀本是有這一課﹐ 大約是這樣描寫的: “ 入黑後從山頂看到維多利亞港﹐兩面是璀璨的燈火﹐中間一段是黑黑的一片﹐但有無數亮著了燈的船隻在穿梳往還﹐就像一顆一顆的夜明珠﹐在漆黑的盤子上滾動著”。 我想現在兩岸的燈光實在太光亮﹐黑盤子消失了。
香港馳名世界的維港兩岸景觀﹐被破壞到殘缺不全﹐慘不忍睹。 還有小學中國語文讀本﹐應該早已經沒有那一課罷﹐ 有沒有人能告訴我?
後記: TVB 新聞報導
有七十年歷史的灣仔街市,今日度過了最後一次冬至,街市租戶收到通知,明年七月前要搬走,之後會重建成為豪宅項目。新聞片中 記者提及﹐這建築物採用德式圓形設計﹐各位請留意!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Charlotte's Web 港譯: 莎樂的神奇網網
港譯: 莎樂的神奇網網

Voice Starring: Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, Robert Redford, Dominic Scott Kay, John Cleese
Movie review not yet available, please click here for Charlotte’s Web - Trailer
Poster sourced from yahoo movie
年幼時看到母親檯頭上的小說﹐ 叫「夏綠蒂的憂鬱」﹐已不記得是那位名家的作品喇﹐也不重要﹐於是問及「夏綠蒂」這個美麗的名字﹐母親在懂與不懂之間答說﹐是英文名Charlotte 的中文譯名。後來有一位auntie從外國帶了一本英文的圖畫書回來﹐母親就在睡覺前講故事給我兄弟倆聽。Picture sourced from wikiphedia

就在這時候另外一隻蛛出現了﹐她是一隻很有愛心的蜘蛛媽媽﹐她用她的蜘蛛網織成一個字﹐引起人的注意不去殺小小豬﹐一次﹑兩次﹑三次﹑蜘蛛媽媽都救了小小豬﹐不斷的為小小豬織成不同的字﹐最後終於農夫承諾不會殺小小豬喇﹐ 整個農莊的牲畜都在慶祝時﹐蜘蛛媽媽就因絲盡蛛亡﹐死了。 弟弟比我年幼他哭了﹐我也眼濕濕。這個故事我們聽了成個月都唔厭。
前兩天因為要找「先睹為快 」電影的posters﹐ 在 Yahoo movie 隅然看到「Charlotte's Web」的簡介﹐ 細讀一遍﹐故事大致相同。 但翻查香港的電影目錄﹐還未見上「不日上映」。 期待著﹐靜待著﹐等待著﹐「Charlotte's Web」能夠盡快在香港上映。
查 兒童書作家 E.B.White (Elwyn Brooks White), 1899–1985, 除了Charlotte’s Web 外 還有Stuart Little 已拍成電影。
後記: 莎樂的神奇網網 終於在香港上映來了﹐但同期有Night At The Museum (翻生侏羅館)﹐和Open Season (森林反恐隊)﹐恐難有好成績喇。(07-02-13 )
網友風子 01-01-2009 的一篇網誌用了“Ordinary Miracle “ 為文章標題,並加入 Youtube 的 MV,有 Sarah McLachlan 悅耳歌聲,充滿感情的演繹,睿智的歌詞,謹請欣賞。
Ordinary Miracle
It's not that usual when everything is beautiful
It's just another ordinary miracle today
The sky knows when its time to snow
You don't need to teach a seed to grow
It's just another ordinary miracle today
Life is like a gift they say
Wrapped up for you everyday
Open up and find a way
To give some of your own
Isn't it remarkable?
Like every time a raindrop falls
It's just another ordinary miracle today
Birds in winter have their fling
And always make it home by spring
It's just another ordinary miracle today
When you wake up everyday
Please don't throw your dreams away
Hold them close to your heart
Cause we are all a part
Of the ordinary miracle
Ordinary miracle
Do you want to see a miracle?
It seems so exceptional
That things just work out after all
It's just another ordinary miracle today
The sun comes up and shines so bright
It disappears again at night
It's just another ordinary miracle today
Ooohh Oooohh
It's just another ordinary miracle today
Ordinary Miracle Hyacinthus' Corner
Sarah McLachlan-Ordinary Miracle Youtube
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
首播:周一至周五 16:45
重播:周二至周六 06:30
他老人家說還有七集就完了﹐看了七百多集的「李敖有話說」﹐當然不是百份百同意李敖的觀點﹐但聽他的政治評論是頗過癮的﹐罵人唔駛本﹐還有他談軟性的話題﹐人生道理﹐男女問題﹐份外獨﹑毒到﹐如 「紅顏為何愛自毀」﹐前題是論瑪麗蓮夢露﹐其實是談他跟前妻胡茵夢的恩怨。
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Golden Globe Awards 金球獎 2007-1-15
Golden Globe Awards 金球獎﹐它是金像獎 Oscar 的預賽﹐金球獎的得獎者﹐不但很大機會可以入圍﹐金像獎的候選名單﹐還有勝出的可以再下一城﹐連奪兩獎的﹐屢見不鮮。 在下面就是本屆金球獎電影主要候選名單: ( 金球獎電影電視主要候選名單點擊)
Picture, Drama:
The Departed
Little Children
The Queen
Actress, Drama:
Penelope Cruz, Volver
Judi Dench, Notes on a Scandal
Maggie Gyllenhaal, Sherrybaby
Helen Mirren, The Queen
Kate Winslet, Little Children
Actor, Drama:
Leonardo DiCaprio, Blood Diamond
Leonardo DiCaprio, The Departed
Peter O'Toole, Venus
Will Smith, The Pursuit of Happyness
Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland
Picture, Musical or Comedy:
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
The Devil Wears Prada
Little Miss Sunshine
Thank You for Smoking
Actress, Musical or Comedy:
Annette Bening, Running With Scissors
Toni Collette, Little Miss Sunshine
Beyonce Knowles, Dreamgirls
Meryl Streep, The Devil Wears Prada
Renee Zellweger, Miss Potter
Actor, Musical or Comedy:
Sacha Baron Cohen, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Aaron Eckhart, Thank You for Smoking
Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kinky Boots
Will Ferrell, Stranger than Fiction
Supporting Actress:
Adriana Barraza, Babel
Cate Blanchett, Notes on a Scandal
Emily Blunt, The Devil Wears Prada
Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls
Rinko Kikuchi, Babel
Supporting Actor:
Ben Affleck, Hollywoodland
Eddie Murphy, Dreamgirls
Jack Nicholson, The Departed
Brad Pitt, Babel
Mark Wahlberg, The Departed
Clint Eastwood, Flags of Our Fathers
Clint Eastwood, Letters from Iwo Jima
Steven Frears, The Queen
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Babel
Martin Scorsese, The Departed
Guillermo Arriaga, Babel
Todd Field and Tom Perrotta, Little Children
Patrick Marber, Notes on a Scandal
William Monahan, The Departed
Peter Morgan, The Queen
Foreign Language:
Apocalypto, USA
Letters from Iwo Jima, USA/Japan
The Lives of Others, Germany
Pan's Labyrinth, Mexico
Volver Spain
Animated Film:
Happy Feet
Monster House
Presentation of "The 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards" Live telecast on NBC Television at 8 p.m. EST 2007-1-15
先睹為快 Coming Soon
ONE thing I would like to warn the parents was that some scenes would scare your kids below 5 years old (being chased by penguin predators). So please take note.
Related Blogs:
Happy Feet 踢躂小企鵝
Lessons I learned from Happy Feet
口白人生 Stranger than Fiction --A good man fulfilling his destiny to save a LIFE
Starring: Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Queen Latifah, Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman
HE knows he is going to die but since it is his fate so he goes for it. We cant compare this with the christians believes about Jesus Christ died on the cross to save mankind and on the 3rd day he came back and risen to sky.
BUT.... OK back to the story, not a typical Will Ferrell movie, this time HE is a boring routine guy doing the same things everyday for 12 years, and one day he met a girl (Maggie), a client of his profession. BUT BUT, it is actually the set up by a fiction writer (Emma) of which Will's life follows her story line. At first he was hesitant to go any further with Maggie, until the university professor (Dustin) told him it is his fate, it will happen no matter what.
So he continues with the relationship with this girl. But this writer is going to make him die while performing a bravely act of saving a LIFE (she has killed 8 other persons all in her 8 novels). As this guy is now very in love with this girl he wishes to change his destiny of NOT dying.
So he went to see this writer. But the writer handed him the finished pages and the draft of the ending and asked him to decide himself. AFTER reading the ending he determined that he would carry on as written. HE was then being hit by a bus while he tried save a boy and was bleeding and near death, NOW it was the writer's decision DID she want to change the ending???
Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson, need not to say they are both brilliant actor and actress with excellent acting skill, Will Ferrell stopped his overacted facial expression, but his role was a boring guy he only needed to lock his eye bows, zip his mouth, and stop moving his face.
To my surprise Maggie Gyllenhaal only appeared in very few scenes but she really lighted up the movie, she can be candidate for best supporting actress in many prize nominations. Before ending I must point out the director Marc Forster was the main reason that attracted me to see this movie. He has had several serious movies in the past and reportedly he won the job among some 20 or more directors.
Related blog(s): Stranger Than Fiction 離奇過小說
時凶感應 Deja Vu --Time line theory, alter the past change the future???
Starring: Denzel Washington, Val Kilmer, Paula Patton, Bruce Greenwood, Adam Goldberg
IF you were not prepared for the time line theory, this movie would be too complicated for YOU. This movie was playing the TIME line theory. Would the change in the past alter the outcome in the futures, or it was the destiny the fate that nobody could change. ONE could only change the path the procedure the way but the end result would still be the same??? This movie exploring these questions.
Denzel Washington is an ATF local agent in New Orleans he was recruited by the FBI to investigate a TERRORIST explosion killing over 500 people. The FBI told him they had a satellite surveillance system to capture the visual images and audio conversations of the whole city, but it took FOUR and a Half days to process the files so the earliest they could see was 4 1/2 days history. But actually the FBI had a time machine that can focus on each person each scene at their discretion but only FOUR and half days apart in the past because of the tech limitations.
NOW with this machine they traced the terrorist down and finally made the arrest. BUT can they use this machine to change the past and will the change alter the end result or just changing the path, and/ or STOP the explosion???? So, first they tried to send a note to Denzel in the past to warn him about the terrorist explosion. But it was being picked up by Denzel 's partner instead, and his partner did go to stop the terrorist but got shot. So Denzel must go back in the time to stop the crime himself. Can he change the ending????
The movie story telling goes very fast and jumping between the present and the past at the first half telling how they located the terrorist and captured him. Then in the second half when Denzel was being sent back to the past to kill the terrorist before the explosion. But Future Denzel who travelled back in time was being killed when he drove the pickup truck with bomb into the RIVER, then would the other Denzel of that time frame still be alive THERE????
Story was excellent and put the audience hanging in suspense, action also exciting, but don't expect too much acting as it was not a drama. Must go to see this movie if you were a die hard fans about time travelling and time line theory. People who like to use their brain when watching movies you are also invited.
Picture of posters from Yahoo movie dot com
Monday, December 18, 2006
外國乒團 (貳) -- 陪練
中國的乒乓球員﹐實力雄厚﹐一個冠軍後面﹐其實是有很多不見經傳的幕後英雄。有留意乒壇的朋友都知道﹐中國的乒乓球員在外國很吃香﹐有退役的冠軍﹐也有省市級的球員﹐還有一些 陪練」 的。
中國乒乓球選秀﹐是從城鄉﹐省市﹐一層層上去的﹐到了北京接受國家隊挑選的苗子﹐經教練的篩選﹐尖子培養為冠軍﹐次一級的成為陪練﹐落選的發回地方。 陪練是根據他她的特質﹐模仿外國的冠軍乒乓球員﹐加以訓練﹐在國家隊訓練基地﹐和培養為冠軍的尖子球員對練。找出打敗外國冠軍的途徑﹐讓尖子球員熟習外國的冠軍的球路和打法。
這些陪練的球員﹐其實懷著好身手﹐但不能代表中國出賽﹐一嘗冠軍滋味。 一但退役﹐一但離開中國﹐被外國吸納﹐便成外國的乒乓球隊主力﹐吐氣揚眉﹐代表新主人﹐以一挫中國乒乓球員為己任﹐盡吐一生屈氣﹑一身屈辱﹐一伸委屈﹐熱淚盈眶的﹐踏上獎臺﹐做一次冠軍。
「命運為何這樣作弄我? WHY?」。
Sunday, December 17, 2006
曲終人散﹐亞運會閉幕﹐總結香港隊取得6金12銀10銅的破紀錄成績。但有多少是本港土生土長的運動員呢。 以乒乓球為例﹐其實不祇香港﹐澳門﹐臺灣﹐新架坡﹐甚至日本﹐吸納中國的棄將﹐意大利也有﹐德國也有。
體育界如是﹐但人的腦袋呢? 也是一樣﹐美國那麼強﹐是他們吸納外國的精英腦袋﹐為他們服務﹐再而歸化成為美國人﹐加州聖荷西 Silicon Valley﹐大把外國來的腦袋子﹐而大隻佬﹐亞諾舒華﹑辛力加 是奧地利人﹐來美國多年﹐現貴為加州州長﹐是個好例子。
經濟學有理論說,出口自己強項產品﹐換回別國的強項產品﹐但人是不是貨物﹐人是不是商品﹐可以出口﹐可以入口嗎? 想深一層又有何不可?
上世紀盛行賣豬仔﹐今世紀叫 BRAIN DRAIN。
有網友提醒﹐郎朗和李雲迪﹐經輸入優才計劃﹐已成為香港居民﹐拿特區護照。 香港人日後又多的機會威威了!!!
