Yum Cha Dim Sum 在《英文維基百科》都有記載,而多家網上《英文字典》都有解釋,港式點心在世界上並不陌生。
Yum cha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yum cha (simplified Chinese: 饮茶; traditional Chinese: 飲茶), also known as Ban ming (品茗), is a Chinese style morning or afternoon tea, which involves drinking Chinese tea and eating dim sum dishes. Yum cha in Cantonese Chinese literally means "drink tea", while ban ming is a more poetic "tasting of tea".
Dim sum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dim sum refers to a style of Cantonese food prepared as small bite-sized or individual portions of food traditionally served in small steamer baskets or on small plates. Dim sum is also well known for the unique way it is served in some restaurants, wherein fully cooked and ready-to-serve dim sum dishes are carted around the restaurant for customers to choose their orders while seated at their tables.
Eating dim sum at a restaurant is usually known in Cantonese as going to "drink tea" (yum cha, 飲茶), as tea is typically served with dim sum.
【維基百科】The Cantonese Chinese term yam cha or yum cha primarily refers to the tradition of morning tea in Cantonese cuisine exemplified by the traditional tea houses of Guangzhou (Canton).
Due to the prevalence of Cantonese cuisine outside China, the Cantonese yum cha tradition can be found in many parts of the world. By analogy, yum cha is also used to refer to morning or afternoon teas in other Chinese cultural traditions, even though such meals have different native names.
Similarly to a Western morning or afternoon tea, despite the name, yum cha is focused as much on the food items served with the tea as the tea itself. These food items are collectively known as "dim sum", a varied range of small dishes which may constitute or replace breakfast, brunch or afternoon tea.
Dishes are usually steamed or fried and may be savoury or sweet. They include steamed buns such as char siu baau, assorted dumplings, siu mai, and rice noodle rolls, which contain a range of ingredients, including beef, chicken, pork, prawns and vegetarian options. Typical desserts include egg tarts, sai mai lo (tapioca pudding) and mango pudding. Many yum cha restaurants also offer plates of steamed green vegetables, roasted meats, congee porridge, and soups.
出外旅遊多吃外國當地食制,但偶然可以吃到港式飲茶點心,也不失為一大樂事。三藩市唐人街是世界上最大(比多倫多唐人街還要大),有很多港式飲茶點心茶樓酒樓,親戚說三藩市唐人街吃點心普遍都算不錯,個別在週末還要排隊等位子,嗜悲 曾去過試食 Lichee Garden 荔香村 1416 Powell Street
以上是單指唐人街區域,但比起加拿大安大略省的 多倫多 士嘉堡 北約克 萬錦 列治文山 和 密西沙加 加起來的所謂:大多倫多地區總的來說,飲茶吃點心的供應者,密度和普及化就沒法比較了,有機會另文介紹。
在三藩市除了唐人街外,還有一家在 Daly City:《鯉魚門》Koi Palace 頗具名氣
沿着 Hwy 280 South 到了 Serramonte Blvd 出口,轉入 Gellert Blvd,就是 Serramonte Plaza,內面有一間港式茶寮。
鯉魚門 Koi Palace @ Serramonte Plaza: 365 Gellert Ave, Daly City, CA 94015
鯉魚門海鮮茶寮大門 圖片來源:koipalace.com
Menu 就請 Click 入去 看看 variety 也很多選擇。
嗜悲 幾次去到 鯉魚門茶寮,都是長長的人龍,就算先打電話訂位子,同樣要輪號碼等候着檯子,每次我都要先到周圍逛逛,然後回來還要多等一會才有檯,但食物的水準比香港的一般還要高,算是補返浪費等候的時間。
若怕等得不耐煩,可以改去較遠些一間,確實很不可錯過的《東海》,地點是在 三藩市 灣區的另一方岸邊即是對岸,駕車經由 San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge 橫越三藩市灣後,轉向 HWY 80 North 北走不很遠,抵達 Marina Park Powell Street。
未抵達前就見到三藩市灣區的景色,下面圖中的就是過海來後,見到遠方的 San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge 跨海大橋了。
再行過些這裡有一間外貌古式古鄉的建築物,內面就是 東海海鮮酒家,Hong Kong East Ocean Seafood Restaurant:3199 Powell St, Emeryville, CA 94608
這裡是《東海》的 點心 有 86款 Menu


YUM CHA 維基百科
DIM SUM 維基百科
Koi Palace 鯉魚門海鮮茶寮 官方網頁
East Ocean Seafood Restuarant 東海海鮮酒家 官方網頁