靠武功威嚇力 保障美元地位
又靠美元地位 支持最強武功
嗜悲 在不少舊文中與網友討論,都指出美元作為報價和結算貨幣,享受着巨大的經濟利益和優惠,加上可以無限量發債,靠印銀紙去去支付國家開支,才能繼續靠借延逐霸權主義。若一旦不做霸主或失去霸主地位,到時又有誰還敢相信美元的購買力呢?
幾十年前產生的 歐洲美元 Euro Dollars,最後死不瞑目死無全屍。近十年來歐洲的德國,和法國企圖成立 EUR 歐元區,又想挑再次戰抗衡美元,在歐洲及全世界的地位。最近落得歐元區的比較弱勢國家,所謂歐豬五國頻臨破產。美國先從這些國家入手,巧妙誤購美國人重新包裝過的垃圾票據,繼而出現違約危機。近年的還有 塞浦路斯,更離譜為了拯救銀行,竟然徵收存戶存款去抵債。
長貧難顧拖累德國和法國,法國的 薩爾科齊 大選失敗下台,換了 奧朗德 上台,德國的 默克爾 除了應付國內問題,還要兼顧歐元區的窮兄弟,去年距離大選不遠,被認為地位岌岌可危!(嗜悲註:結果這位阿嬸 默克爾女士 有料到,轉危為安沒有因此落台,而且她的地位更催穩固,不贅。)
【am730 C專欄】奧巴馬說:「中國走在成功的道路上,這符合美國的利益。」這句說話不能當真,因為中國一旦在成功的路上走得太快,就會威脅美國的國際盟主地位。
美國的債務問題雖然再不是新話題,累積超過十七萬億,並且秒秒以億計增加不在講,又時不時傳出民主共和兩黨為調高發債上限爭拗,美國的貿赤問題和高負債,若不用量化寬鬆 QE1, QE2, QE3 ..... 的方式去解決,境況就會落入歐洲一樣的困境,就算吞十粒百粒偉哥不振不起。
不過美國人的財技,又實在是玩得出色,主要是美籍猶太裔。今次繼續八十年代把日元推高,把這個競爭對手坎於經濟低迷三十多年後,今次利用石油價格來玩貨幣戰爭,把 普京的俄羅斯 玩殘。
2014年頭 俄羅斯 吞拼 克里米亞,各國依從美國為首的北約,沒有軍事行動,只靠出口術要聯手制裁 俄羅斯,結果 克里米亞 成為 俄羅斯 一部分。
等到年中美國完成了 QE3,每個月不再需要 Operation Twist 買債,就可以騰出時間來應對 俄羅斯,首先憑著吹捧 “頁岩油” 的開發技術,究竟到底有幾勁呢?究竟價格有沒有競爭性呢?除了美國人自己自吹自捧,實在沒有人認真知道。
但是,卻可以牽起了中東石油的價格波動,再令到北海石油價格都要同樣降低價格遷就,以維持市場佔有率,結果把油價 110美元左右一桶,質到如今的 55美元一桶,今個星期更見到 50樓下。斷了 俄羅斯 靠能源出口賺取外匯財路,當堂沒有了一半外匯收入。
【東周刊 蔡子強】世情多變,年初,俄羅斯派兵進入烏克蘭,美國和北約鞭長莫及,最後只能眼白白看着克里米亞半島脫烏入俄,在吞併了克里米亞後,又插手烏克蘭東部武裝分離。
這種石油戰爭的分析,並不是純粹天馬行空,我想起曾專門參與策劃美國瓦解別國的計劃,美國中央情報局前僱員 Peter Schweizer 所撰寫的一本書《The Reagan Administration's Secret Strategy that Hastened the Collapse of the Soviet Union》中,他詳細記載及分析了當年美國瓦解蘇聯的策略。
他引述前 KGB 特務頭子的說法:「美國在八十年代的政策是蘇聯解體的催化劑。」前蘇聯外交部長更直接指出:「戰略防禦系統(SDI)等計劃,加速了蘇聯的衰落。」
在這個指導戰略思想之下,美國制訂了打擊蘇聯體制的一系列做法,包括:一方面,展開一場高科技的國防建設,尤其是俗稱「星戰計劃」的 SDI,與蘇聯「玩沙蟹」,使蘇聯為了追上,而疲於奔命,加劇其財政危機。
美國上次用 SDI 星戰把 蘇聯 財政拖垮解體,今次在利用石油價格讓 俄羅斯 受創,都是沒有利用熱戰。美國有的是強大威嚇力,是世界上唯一有能力,打這種戰爭的國家。
美國能打這種沒有硝煙的戰爭,皆因她擁有著足可以威嚇人家的武功,沒有國家想和美軍打一場熱戰,有了這個 BACKING,Green Back(美元)就是使之不盡的銀紙,要有幾多就有幾多,可以隨時印出來用應用,聯邦政府不斷發支票找數。一旦失去了武功美元值幾多呢?
但美國人的武功威嚇力,是靠不斷製造更新最先進的武器,錢又是由借回來的國債來支付,因此其實這是有雞先還是有蛋先的問題,是一個互相緊扣鏈鎖著的 Chain Reaction,週而復始地不停 looping 著,若要破解和怎去破解呢?只是這世上的人暫時不想去破解吧!
C觀點 施永青:美國為何一定要做一哥? AM730
石油和貨幣戰爭 東周刊
霸權主義 耀武揚威
霸權主義 恃機凌人
你用膳 我付鈔?
The Merkel Regime 默克爾時代
Invest in something with a future
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, January 09, 2015
Wednesday, January 07, 2015
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 - Part I
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 - Part I
美式足球 NFL 的秋季又到尾聲,全公司的球迷當然談論今年的 四強,分別是:
NFL 中的 AFC 美聯:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第二種籽 丹佛野馬隊 Denver Broncos (12-4-0)
NFL 中的 NFC 國聯:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的 盟主
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
其實比賽 16週之後,除了上述四隊位置較固定,可以入到季後賽,但名次卻仍存在變數,有可能排名跌落第三第四名種籽,furthermore 第三四種籽和第五第六名外卡隊,仍然未明朗要打完最尾尾一週,第 17週賽事才可以找到誰,有份入到 playoffs 季後賽。
NFL Playoff Picture Week 17: Scenarios and Bracket --- Bleacher Report
Week 17 AFC Scenarios
Broncos Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Denver win vs. Oakland OR Denver tie vs. Oakland and Cincinnati loss or tie vs. Pittsburgh OR Cincinnati loss OR Cincinnati tie and Indianapolis win vs. Tennessee
Bengals Clinch AFC North with:
Cincinnati win vs. Pittsburgh
Bengals Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Cincinnati win and Denver loss or tie OR Cincinnati tie and losses by both Denver and Indianapolis
Steelers Clinch AFC North with:
Pittsburgh win vs. Cincinnati
Chargers Clinch Playoff Spot with:
San Diego win vs. Kansas City OR San Diego tie and Baltimore loss or tie vs. Cleveland
Ravens Clinch Playoff Spot with:
Baltimore win and San Diego loss or tie ORBaltimore tie and San Diego loss
Chiefs Clinch Playoff Spot with:
Kansas City win and loss by Baltimore and loss or tie by Houston
Texans Clinch Playoff Spot with:
Houston win and losses by both Baltimore and San Diego
Week 17 NFC Scenarios
Cowboys Clinch Home-Field Advantage Throughout NFC with:
Dallas win and loss or tie by Arizona vs. San Francisco and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie OR Dallas win and win by Seattle vs. St. Louis and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie
Cowboys Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Dallas win and loss or tie by both Seattle and Arizona OR Dallas win and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie OR Seattle and Arizona both lose OR Dallas and Seattle both tie and Arizona loses or ties and Detroit vs. Green Bay does not end in a tie
Lions Clinch NFC North with:
Lions win or tie
Lions Clinch Home-Field Advantage Throughout NFC Playoffs with:
Lions win and Seattle loss or tie and Arizona loss or tie ORDetroit tie and losses by both Seattle and Arizona and Dallas loses or ties
Lions Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Detroit win OR Detroit tie and Dallas loss or tie OR Detroit tie and both Arizona and Seattle lose
Packers Clinch NFC North and First-Round Bye with:
Green Bay win
Packers Clinch Home-Field Advantage Throughout NFC Playoffs with:
Green Bay win and loss or tie by Seattle
Seahawks Clinch NFC West with:
Seattle win OR Seattle tie and loss or tie by Arizona ORArizona loss
Seahawks Clinch Home-Field Advantage Throughout NFC Playoffs with:
Seattle win and Detroit vs. Green Bay does not end in tie OR Seattle win and Dallas loss or tie OR Seattle tie and losses or ties by both Arizona and Dallas and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie
Seahawks Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Seattle win ORSeattle tie and Arizona loss or tie and Dallas loss OR Seattle tie and Arizona loss or tie and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie
Cardinals Clinch NFC West with:
Arizona win and Seattle loss or tie OR Arizona tie and Seattle loss
Cardinals Clinch Home-Field Advantage Throughout NFC Playoffs with:
Arizona win and Seattle and Green Bay both lose or tie OR Arizona tie and Seattle loss and Dallas loss or tie and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie
Cardinals Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Arizona win and Seattle loss or tie OR Arizona tie and Seattle loss and Dallas loss or tie OR Arizona tie and Seattle loss and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie
Panthers Clinch NFC South with:
Carolina win or tie vs. Atlanta
Falcons Clinch NFC South with:
Atlanta win
Three games feature divisional showdowns in which the winner takes the crown—the Pittsburgh Steelers hosting the Cincinnati Bengals, the Green Bay Packers hosting the Detroit Lions and the Atlanta Falcons hosting the Carolina Panthers.
I'm inclined to predict the home team will win in each contest.
For starters, Pittsburgh recently wiped the floor with the Bengals andBen Roethlisberger has been excellent at home this season, with 21 touchdown passes and just three interceptions in seven games in Pittsburgh (in contrast, he's thrown nine touchdown passes and five picks in eight road games).
Le'Veon Bell has the ability to exploit Cincinnati's suspect rush defense (23rd in the NFL) and Antonio Brown has been the league's best wide receiver this season. If this game ends up being a shootout—and it might—I'll take Big Ben and the Steelers offense over Andy Dalton any day.
Atlanta's combination of Matt Ryan and Julio Jones has been red hot down the stretch. Ryan has thrown for 300 or more yards in four straight games, while Jones has gone for over 100 receiving yards in his last three contests.
Atlanta also won the last matchup between these teams, a 19-17 game in Carolina. This game could truly go either way, given how hot Cam Newton has been in his last two games and the fact that Steven Jackson is likely out of action, but I'll take the red-hot Ryan in this contest.
Finally, the highlight of Sunday is between the Lions and the Packers.
I'm not betting against the Packers at home. Green Bay is a perfect 7-0 at Lambeau Field this season and led by likely MVP winner Aaron Rodgers, who has thrown for 4,155 yards, 36 touchdowns and just five interceptions on the year.
Jordy Nelson and Randall Cobb have been the league's best duo at wide receiver, while Eddie Lacy has gone for over 100 yards from scrimmage in eight straight games and has 13 touchdowns on the season.
It also helps that Green Bay's defense has been dramatically improved this season, especially against the pass, holding opponents to just 228.1 passing yards per game, 10th in the NFL.
Of course, the Lions are no joke. Detroit's defensive line has been superb this season, and their defense has been excellent in general. Joique Bell has played well down the stretch, while the Matt Stafford and Calvin Johnson duo is always capable of tipping a game in Detroit's favor.
But honestly, are you really going to bet against the Packers in Lambeau Field with a division title on the line after the season that Rodgers and the offense has had?
I'm not.
第 17週的結果:
北卡羅連納州的野豹隊 Carolina Panthers,由於同組的隊伍不濟 竟然可以憑(7-8-1)勝不過半的低劣成績,僅僅多一場和波成為第四種籽壓倒 (7-9-0)的 紐奧連聖人隊 New Orleans Saints 入到季後賽。
AFC 美聯:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第二種籽 丹佛野馬隊 Denver Broncos (12-4-0)
第三種籽 匹茲堡鋼人隊 Pittsburgh Steelers (11-5-0)
第四種籽 印第安納小馬隊 Indianapolis Colts (11-5-0)
第五種籽 辛辛納瑅孟加拉虎隊 Cincinnati Bengals (10-5-1)
第六種籽 波瑅馬烏鴉隊隊 Baltimore Ravens(10-6-0)
NFC 國聯:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的 盟主
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
第三種籽 達拉斯牛仔隊 Dallas Cowboys(12-4-0)
第四種籽 北卡羅連納州野豹隊 Carolina Panthers (7-8-1)
第五種籽 阿里桑拿主教隊 Arizona Cardinals(11-5-0)
第六種籽 底特律獅隊 Detroit Lions (11-5-0)
Wildcard Week 外卡週
Bye Week 休息週 隊伍
AFC 美聯:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第二種籽 丹佛野馬隊 Denver Broncos (12-4-0)
NFC 國聯:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的 盟主
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
January3-4兩天 外卡週 Wildcard Week (Winners in Red) 由
AFC 美聯:
第三種籽 匹茲堡鋼人隊 Pittsburgh Steelers(11-5-0)
賽果:17 vs 30
第六種籽 波瑅馬烏鴉隊隊 Baltimore Ravens(10-6-0)
第四種籽 印第安納小馬隊 Indianapolis Colts (11-5-0)
賽果:26 vs 10
第五種籽 辛辛納瑅孟加拉虎隊 Cincinnati Bengals (10-5-1)
NFC 國聯:
第三種籽 達拉斯牛仔隊 Dallas Cowboys(12-4-0)
賽果:24 vs 20
第六種籽 底特律獅隊 Detroit Lions (11-5-0)
第四種籽 北卡羅連納州野豹隊 Carolina Panthers (7-8-1)
賽果:27 vs 16
第五種籽 阿里桑拿主教隊 Arizona Cardinals(11-5-0)
常規賽中 北卡羅連納州的野豹隊 Carolina Panthers,竟然可以憑(7-8-1)勝不過半的低劣成績,僅僅多一場和波成為第四種籽壓倒 (7-9-0)的 紐奧連聖人隊 New Orleans Saints 入到季後賽。不知道是好運還是留力得宜,第一場季後賽竟然把 阿里桑拿主教隊 Arizona Cardinals(11-5-0)踢了出局。
Divisional Week 分組週
January 10 -11
AFC 美聯:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第六種籽 波瑅馬烏鴉隊隊 Baltimore Ravens(10-6-0)
烏鴉隊 Ravens 是 愛國者隊 Patriots 的剋星,今次真的是冤家路窄兩隊又遇上了!
第二種籽 丹佛野馬隊 Denver Broncos (12-4-0)
第四種籽 印第安納小馬隊 Indianapolis Colts (11-5-0)
野馬隊 Broncos 的四分衛 Peyton Manning 曾經是 小馬隊 Colts 贏得超級碗的主將,但頸部受傷要休息一季,他的位置被新的四分衛 Oliver Luck 取代,康復後唯有轉會到 野馬隊 Broncos,如今兩隊對決也即是 Manning vs Luck 的對決。
NFC 國聯:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的盟主
第四種籽 北卡羅連納州野豹隊 Carolina Panthers (7-8-1)
Panthers 會不會 繼續好運可以連去屆的盟主 Seahawks 都打敗呢?
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
第三種籽 達拉斯牛仔隊 Dallas Cowboys(12-4-0)
之後有了賽果另篇遲些再談,現在轉去看看誰擔當 超級碗半場的大騷。
HALF Time Show
Katy Perry will perform on Feb 1 2015 Superbowl 49 Halftime and the NFL confirmed the announcement on November 23, 2014.
Superbowl 超級碗 也是個商品爭買廣告時間,定必各出奇謀競拍出新的廣告,企圖強搶市場佔有率。
這是前屆 Superbowl 47 的 Top 10
去屆 Superbowl 48 的 Superbowl Commercials
嗜悲 都好期待看看今年的 Superbowl 超級碗 冠軍誰屬?
Superbowl 49 NFL.com
NFL Playoff Picture Week 17: Scenarios and Bracket bleacherreport.com
Road to Superbowl 超級碗 bracket NFL.com
Katy Perry will perform at Superbowl 超級碗 49 Halftime Show NFL.com
2014 Superbowl 超級碗 48
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 - Part II
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 - Part III
美式足球 NFL 的秋季又到尾聲,全公司的球迷當然談論今年的 四強,分別是:
NFL 中的 AFC 美聯:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第二種籽 丹佛野馬隊 Denver Broncos (12-4-0)
NFL 中的 NFC 國聯:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的 盟主
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
其實比賽 16週之後,除了上述四隊位置較固定,可以入到季後賽,但名次卻仍存在變數,有可能排名跌落第三第四名種籽,furthermore 第三四種籽和第五第六名外卡隊,仍然未明朗要打完最尾尾一週,第 17週賽事才可以找到誰,有份入到 playoffs 季後賽。
NFL Playoff Picture Week 17: Scenarios and Bracket --- Bleacher Report
Week 17 AFC Scenarios
Broncos Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Denver win vs. Oakland OR Denver tie vs. Oakland and Cincinnati loss or tie vs. Pittsburgh OR Cincinnati loss OR Cincinnati tie and Indianapolis win vs. Tennessee
Bengals Clinch AFC North with:
Cincinnati win vs. Pittsburgh
Bengals Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Cincinnati win and Denver loss or tie OR Cincinnati tie and losses by both Denver and Indianapolis
Steelers Clinch AFC North with:
Pittsburgh win vs. Cincinnati
Chargers Clinch Playoff Spot with:
San Diego win vs. Kansas City OR San Diego tie and Baltimore loss or tie vs. Cleveland
Ravens Clinch Playoff Spot with:
Baltimore win and San Diego loss or tie ORBaltimore tie and San Diego loss
Chiefs Clinch Playoff Spot with:
Kansas City win and loss by Baltimore and loss or tie by Houston
Texans Clinch Playoff Spot with:
Houston win and losses by both Baltimore and San Diego
Week 17 NFC Scenarios
Cowboys Clinch Home-Field Advantage Throughout NFC with:
Dallas win and loss or tie by Arizona vs. San Francisco and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie OR Dallas win and win by Seattle vs. St. Louis and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie
Cowboys Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Dallas win and loss or tie by both Seattle and Arizona OR Dallas win and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie OR Seattle and Arizona both lose OR Dallas and Seattle both tie and Arizona loses or ties and Detroit vs. Green Bay does not end in a tie
Lions Clinch NFC North with:
Lions win or tie
Lions Clinch Home-Field Advantage Throughout NFC Playoffs with:
Lions win and Seattle loss or tie and Arizona loss or tie ORDetroit tie and losses by both Seattle and Arizona and Dallas loses or ties
Lions Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Detroit win OR Detroit tie and Dallas loss or tie OR Detroit tie and both Arizona and Seattle lose
Packers Clinch NFC North and First-Round Bye with:
Green Bay win
Packers Clinch Home-Field Advantage Throughout NFC Playoffs with:
Green Bay win and loss or tie by Seattle
Seahawks Clinch NFC West with:
Seattle win OR Seattle tie and loss or tie by Arizona ORArizona loss
Seahawks Clinch Home-Field Advantage Throughout NFC Playoffs with:
Seattle win and Detroit vs. Green Bay does not end in tie OR Seattle win and Dallas loss or tie OR Seattle tie and losses or ties by both Arizona and Dallas and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie
Seahawks Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Seattle win ORSeattle tie and Arizona loss or tie and Dallas loss OR Seattle tie and Arizona loss or tie and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie
Cardinals Clinch NFC West with:
Arizona win and Seattle loss or tie OR Arizona tie and Seattle loss
Cardinals Clinch Home-Field Advantage Throughout NFC Playoffs with:
Arizona win and Seattle and Green Bay both lose or tie OR Arizona tie and Seattle loss and Dallas loss or tie and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie
Cardinals Clinch First-Round Bye with:
Arizona win and Seattle loss or tie OR Arizona tie and Seattle loss and Dallas loss or tie OR Arizona tie and Seattle loss and Detroit vs. Green Bay tie
Panthers Clinch NFC South with:
Carolina win or tie vs. Atlanta
Falcons Clinch NFC South with:
Atlanta win
Three games feature divisional showdowns in which the winner takes the crown—the Pittsburgh Steelers hosting the Cincinnati Bengals, the Green Bay Packers hosting the Detroit Lions and the Atlanta Falcons hosting the Carolina Panthers.
I'm inclined to predict the home team will win in each contest.
For starters, Pittsburgh recently wiped the floor with the Bengals andBen Roethlisberger has been excellent at home this season, with 21 touchdown passes and just three interceptions in seven games in Pittsburgh (in contrast, he's thrown nine touchdown passes and five picks in eight road games).
Le'Veon Bell has the ability to exploit Cincinnati's suspect rush defense (23rd in the NFL) and Antonio Brown has been the league's best wide receiver this season. If this game ends up being a shootout—and it might—I'll take Big Ben and the Steelers offense over Andy Dalton any day.
Atlanta's combination of Matt Ryan and Julio Jones has been red hot down the stretch. Ryan has thrown for 300 or more yards in four straight games, while Jones has gone for over 100 receiving yards in his last three contests.
Atlanta also won the last matchup between these teams, a 19-17 game in Carolina. This game could truly go either way, given how hot Cam Newton has been in his last two games and the fact that Steven Jackson is likely out of action, but I'll take the red-hot Ryan in this contest.
Finally, the highlight of Sunday is between the Lions and the Packers.
I'm not betting against the Packers at home. Green Bay is a perfect 7-0 at Lambeau Field this season and led by likely MVP winner Aaron Rodgers, who has thrown for 4,155 yards, 36 touchdowns and just five interceptions on the year.
Jordy Nelson and Randall Cobb have been the league's best duo at wide receiver, while Eddie Lacy has gone for over 100 yards from scrimmage in eight straight games and has 13 touchdowns on the season.
It also helps that Green Bay's defense has been dramatically improved this season, especially against the pass, holding opponents to just 228.1 passing yards per game, 10th in the NFL.
Of course, the Lions are no joke. Detroit's defensive line has been superb this season, and their defense has been excellent in general. Joique Bell has played well down the stretch, while the Matt Stafford and Calvin Johnson duo is always capable of tipping a game in Detroit's favor.
But honestly, are you really going to bet against the Packers in Lambeau Field with a division title on the line after the season that Rodgers and the offense has had?
I'm not.
第 17週的結果:
北卡羅連納州的野豹隊 Carolina Panthers,由於同組的隊伍不濟 竟然可以憑(7-8-1)勝不過半的低劣成績,僅僅多一場和波成為第四種籽壓倒 (7-9-0)的 紐奧連聖人隊 New Orleans Saints 入到季後賽。
AFC 美聯:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第二種籽 丹佛野馬隊 Denver Broncos (12-4-0)
第三種籽 匹茲堡鋼人隊 Pittsburgh Steelers (11-5-0)
第四種籽 印第安納小馬隊 Indianapolis Colts (11-5-0)
第五種籽 辛辛納瑅孟加拉虎隊 Cincinnati Bengals (10-5-1)
第六種籽 波瑅馬烏鴉隊隊 Baltimore Ravens(10-6-0)
NFC 國聯:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的 盟主
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
第三種籽 達拉斯牛仔隊 Dallas Cowboys(12-4-0)
第四種籽 北卡羅連納州野豹隊 Carolina Panthers (7-8-1)
第五種籽 阿里桑拿主教隊 Arizona Cardinals(11-5-0)
第六種籽 底特律獅隊 Detroit Lions (11-5-0)
Wildcard Week 外卡週
Bye Week 休息週 隊伍
AFC 美聯:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第二種籽 丹佛野馬隊 Denver Broncos (12-4-0)
NFC 國聯:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的 盟主
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
January3-4兩天 外卡週 Wildcard Week (Winners in Red) 由
AFC 美聯:
第三種籽 匹茲堡鋼人隊 Pittsburgh Steelers(11-5-0)
賽果:17 vs 30
第六種籽 波瑅馬烏鴉隊隊 Baltimore Ravens(10-6-0)
第四種籽 印第安納小馬隊 Indianapolis Colts (11-5-0)
賽果:26 vs 10
第五種籽 辛辛納瑅孟加拉虎隊 Cincinnati Bengals (10-5-1)
NFC 國聯:
第三種籽 達拉斯牛仔隊 Dallas Cowboys(12-4-0)
賽果:24 vs 20
第六種籽 底特律獅隊 Detroit Lions (11-5-0)
第四種籽 北卡羅連納州野豹隊 Carolina Panthers (7-8-1)
賽果:27 vs 16
第五種籽 阿里桑拿主教隊 Arizona Cardinals(11-5-0)
常規賽中 北卡羅連納州的野豹隊 Carolina Panthers,竟然可以憑(7-8-1)勝不過半的低劣成績,僅僅多一場和波成為第四種籽壓倒 (7-9-0)的 紐奧連聖人隊 New Orleans Saints 入到季後賽。不知道是好運還是留力得宜,第一場季後賽竟然把 阿里桑拿主教隊 Arizona Cardinals(11-5-0)踢了出局。
Divisional Week 分組週
January 10 -11
AFC 美聯:
第一種籽 新英倫愛國者隊 New England Patriots (12-4-0)
第六種籽 波瑅馬烏鴉隊隊 Baltimore Ravens(10-6-0)
烏鴉隊 Ravens 是 愛國者隊 Patriots 的剋星,今次真的是冤家路窄兩隊又遇上了!
第二種籽 丹佛野馬隊 Denver Broncos (12-4-0)
第四種籽 印第安納小馬隊 Indianapolis Colts (11-5-0)
野馬隊 Broncos 的四分衛 Peyton Manning 曾經是 小馬隊 Colts 贏得超級碗的主將,但頸部受傷要休息一季,他的位置被新的四分衛 Oliver Luck 取代,康復後唯有轉會到 野馬隊 Broncos,如今兩隊對決也即是 Manning vs Luck 的對決。
NFC 國聯:
第一種籽 西雅圖海鷹隊 Seattle Seahawks(12-4-0)去屆的盟主
第四種籽 北卡羅連納州野豹隊 Carolina Panthers (7-8-1)
Panthers 會不會 繼續好運可以連去屆的盟主 Seahawks 都打敗呢?
第二種籽 綠灣包裝工隊 Green Bay Packers(12-4-0)
第三種籽 達拉斯牛仔隊 Dallas Cowboys(12-4-0)
之後有了賽果另篇遲些再談,現在轉去看看誰擔當 超級碗半場的大騷。
HALF Time Show
Katy Perry will perform on Feb 1 2015 Superbowl 49 Halftime and the NFL confirmed the announcement on November 23, 2014.
Superbowl 超級碗 也是個商品爭買廣告時間,定必各出奇謀競拍出新的廣告,企圖強搶市場佔有率。
這是前屆 Superbowl 47 的 Top 10
去屆 Superbowl 48 的 Superbowl Commercials
嗜悲 都好期待看看今年的 Superbowl 超級碗 冠軍誰屬?
Superbowl 49 NFL.com
NFL Playoff Picture Week 17: Scenarios and Bracket bleacherreport.com
Road to Superbowl 超級碗 bracket NFL.com
Katy Perry will perform at Superbowl 超級碗 49 Halftime Show NFL.com
2014 Superbowl 超級碗 48
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 - Part II
Superbowl 49 2015 Feb 1 超級碗 - Part III
Monday, January 05, 2015
22nd Jump Street and The Judge
22nd Jump Street and The Judge
雨傘運動 期間心中納悶,悶悶地最好入戲院進入 “夢工場” 看部電影,暫時拋開腦海中驅散不去的陰醚 。。。。。。。。。。結果看了兩部電影 (含小小劇透)。
入場看 22nd Jump Street 是因為之前兩年,看過上集 21st Jump Street,電影版的 21st Jump Street 其實是重拍多年前 Johnny Depp 的一部電視劇 TV series 同名:21st Jump Street 的。
結果 Johnny Depp 客串了電影版臨尾 21st Jump Street 的一幕亂槍戲
上集由 Jonah Hill 和 Channing Tatum 重拍的 21st 刀子鋸大樹,在北美洲大收特收,在香港一隅也頗有觀眾,這才促成續集 22 Jump Street 製作,港譯:囧探出更 而上集 21st Jump Street 港譯:逃學黐孖咇 呱。
嗜悲 希望續集也又會給我一些驚喜喇
可惜,沒有了任何驚喜簡直就是 “狗尾續貂” ,全場都是很公式化沉悶,因此本片不提也罷。嗜悲 一向都有看這些 “粗口” Fxxk Fxxk Fxxk 我叫這些是 麻甩佬電影 (見我舊文)。最終捱到散場 Ending Credit 卒之總算有啲 semi 驚喜了 。。。。演員職員表 rolling 時有 虛構的續集預告片,enjoy!
有關 囧探出更 到此為止,轉談 The Judge 港譯:辯父律師,因為男主角一個唯利是圖的大城市律師,以抗辯出名的蠱惑狀棍,專為有銀兼有罪者打甩官司,所以一開場就說:Innocent People can‘t afford me!
不過法官只入獄七個月,就因為 compassionate parole 釋放了出來。因為法官患有末期癌症,被診斷已經時日無多,主角接了父親法官出獄,更和父親坐小舟到湖中垂釣,當男主角轉身揮動魚桿拋出魚絲,坐在小舟另一邊的父親法官,就靜靜的離世而去。
唯一有趣的小枝節男主角回鄉,遇見在 High School 的 Sweet Heart,如今徐娘半老的 Samantha 。。。。
男主角急忙去查找這位美少女的年紀,她會不會是自己當年自己不辭而別,卻留下的親生女兒呢?幾次男主角很想問舊相好,誰是美少女的 biological father?都沒有結果或是無菱兩可,把男主角弄得急起來慌起來囉囉攣!
兩部電影都是雷聲大雨點小,僅可讓 嗜悲 暫時忘記心中鬱悶約兩小時,但絕對不是我會等待購買 DVD,作為收藏品的級數。下一次談 interstellar 星際啟示錄 stay tunned !
21 Jump Street (original TV series) 維基百科
21 Jump Street (film) 維基百科
22 Jump Street 維基百科
The Judge (2014 film) 維基百科
雨傘運動 期間心中納悶,悶悶地最好入戲院進入 “夢工場” 看部電影,暫時拋開腦海中驅散不去的陰醚 。。。。。。。。。。結果看了兩部電影 (含小小劇透)。
入場看 22nd Jump Street 是因為之前兩年,看過上集 21st Jump Street,電影版的 21st Jump Street 其實是重拍多年前 Johnny Depp 的一部電視劇 TV series 同名:21st Jump Street 的。
結果 Johnny Depp 客串了電影版臨尾 21st Jump Street 的一幕亂槍戲
上集由 Jonah Hill 和 Channing Tatum 重拍的 21st 刀子鋸大樹,在北美洲大收特收,在香港一隅也頗有觀眾,這才促成續集 22 Jump Street 製作,港譯:囧探出更 而上集 21st Jump Street 港譯:逃學黐孖咇 呱。
嗜悲 希望續集也又會給我一些驚喜喇
可惜,沒有了任何驚喜簡直就是 “狗尾續貂” ,全場都是很公式化沉悶,因此本片不提也罷。嗜悲 一向都有看這些 “粗口” Fxxk Fxxk Fxxk 我叫這些是 麻甩佬電影 (見我舊文)。最終捱到散場 Ending Credit 卒之總算有啲 semi 驚喜了 。。。。演員職員表 rolling 時有 虛構的續集預告片,enjoy!
有關 囧探出更 到此為止,轉談 The Judge 港譯:辯父律師,因為男主角一個唯利是圖的大城市律師,以抗辯出名的蠱惑狀棍,專為有銀兼有罪者打甩官司,所以一開場就說:Innocent People can‘t afford me!
不過法官只入獄七個月,就因為 compassionate parole 釋放了出來。因為法官患有末期癌症,被診斷已經時日無多,主角接了父親法官出獄,更和父親坐小舟到湖中垂釣,當男主角轉身揮動魚桿拋出魚絲,坐在小舟另一邊的父親法官,就靜靜的離世而去。
唯一有趣的小枝節男主角回鄉,遇見在 High School 的 Sweet Heart,如今徐娘半老的 Samantha 。。。。
男主角急忙去查找這位美少女的年紀,她會不會是自己當年自己不辭而別,卻留下的親生女兒呢?幾次男主角很想問舊相好,誰是美少女的 biological father?都沒有結果或是無菱兩可,把男主角弄得急起來慌起來囉囉攣!
兩部電影都是雷聲大雨點小,僅可讓 嗜悲 暫時忘記心中鬱悶約兩小時,但絕對不是我會等待購買 DVD,作為收藏品的級數。下一次談 interstellar 星際啟示錄 stay tunned !
21 Jump Street (original TV series) 維基百科
21 Jump Street (film) 維基百科
22 Jump Street 維基百科
The Judge (2014 film) 維基百科
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