
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報

“During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Durian Durian 榴槤飄香

Durian Durian 榴槤飄香



泰國的 金枕頭 大家隨時在 佳佳 和 康康 買到不贅﹐ 以下是我的馬來西亞朋友電郵給我的﹐ 有關馬來西亞榴槤品種。

All credits go to the talented photographer who took these pictures and explained to the world the different kinds of durians we have in Malaysia!!!! In a way, makes us proud of our KING OF FRUITS - DURIAN!!!

D11 "Number Eleven" is a very popular durian in the 70's. It has creamy yellow flesh with a pleasant taste and a subtle smell.

D604 The D604 was first cultivated by the late Mr. Teh Hew Hong of Sungai Pinang, Balik Pulau. The flesh is quite sweet, and has some "body" to it as the seed is small.

D600 This durian originates in Sungai Pinang in Balik Pulau. The flesh has a bittersweet taste to it, with a touch of sourness. The one that I documented is a bit hard.

D700 The flesh is darker than D600, like chrome yellow. Also slightly hard. Crispy, but the smell is not very strong.

Hor Loh (Water Gourd Durian) The flesh of the Hor Loh is very soft, dry and quite bitter. It has a sharp smell to it. Hor Loh was first cultivated at the Brown Estate of Sungai Ara. It got its name from its appearance resembling a "Hor Lor" pumpkin. If the durian hits the ground hard when it falls, the flesh tends to be bitter thereafter.

Ang Heh (Red Prawn Durian) Ang Heh originates from Pondok Upeh, Balik Pulau, and has a round-shaped husk. The orange reddish flesh is highly aromatic, very soft with a bitter-sweet taste.

Xiao Hung (Little Red Durian) Xiao Hung, whose name means "Little Red One," originates in Sungai Pinang, Balik Pulau. The flesh has a bittersweet taste to it, with a touch of sourness. The one that I tasted for this write-up is a bit hard. There are only one or two seeds per section, but the flesh is thick.

Yah Kang (Centipede Durian) Yah Kang is one of my favourite durians. Although its flesh is whitish, the taste is superb, milky, like very sweet, melting chocolate. The name "yah kang" means centipede, and accounts for the number of centipedes found at the foot of the tree, hence giving it the rather unusual name.

Bak Eu (Pork Fat Durian) Bak Eu has a slightly acidic aroma. The flesh is whitish while the taste is quite bitter but nice.

D17 is dark cream flesh. The taste is slightly dry but sweet. It is a tasty durian.

Coupling This durian is gets its unusual name because it looks like two durians joined together, one big and one small. When split open, you almost thought the two halves belong to two different durians. Coupling has whitish flesh which is slightly dry but tastes good.

Ooi Kyau (Tumeric Durian) The name Ooi Kyau (tumeric) describes the colour of the bright yellow flesh of this durian. It is very sweet and tasty.

Chaer Phoy (Green Skin Durian) Chaer Phoy is shaped like a small canteloupe. The skin is bright green, giving it the name which means "green skin". Chaer Phoy has creamy white flesh which is a bit dry, not too sweet but tasty.

Ang Jin (Red Yoke Durian) As the name suggests, Ang Jin Durian has deep orange flesh. It is very sweet and tasty.

Lin Fong Jiau This durian is named after Lin Fong Jiau, aka Mrs Jackie Chan. I wonder whether it is indicative of the relationship of the celebrity couple, for Lin Fong Jiau is a bittersweet

前些時候集體吹水聯盟﹐ 【我不吃~~~~,因為……】有很多朋友提出﹐榴槤是絕對不吃的﹐但嗜吃榴槤的我﹐絕不放棄﹐任何機會吃這個稱謂【菓皇】的生菓。

上次到 馬來西亞﹐ 在吉隆坡 Ampang ﹐吃過一品種名為【貓山皇】的榴槤﹐檔販說是新的最佳品種﹐吃落也很滿意﹐但以上沒有提及。

睇唔睇到啲圖片呀??? 睇唔到。。。唔該出聲。。。。。。。。!!!



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...




噢!!!噢!!! 你們喜歡較實肉的﹐ 這是個人口味﹐但不是指較生的罷。


mad dog said...

i like creamy durian! especially when they are chilled.

收買佬 said...


Fire Within said...

在马来西亚,嗜吃榴莲的人都说越苦的榴莲越好吃,苦到什么程度?苦到好像喝XO那样,因此,这里最苦的榴莲就叫XO。但不是每个地方都有得卖,我只在KL的Pandah Indah吃过一次,哇!太苦了!我比较喜欢60%苦,40%甜的,比如说:D24。
在Pandah Indah还有一个品种,叫“榴莲王”,70%苦,30%甜,YES!This is the BEST my friend!

The Inner Space said...

Mad 姐:

我不嗜甜﹐榴蓮的淡甜較合口味。 Creamy and chilled 對﹐ 我都喜歡雪凍的榴蓮。

Mad 姐 留學的城市﹐應該有冰酒 ice wine 出產﹐一定明白﹐CHILLED 更好吃的道理。

I am drooling I want to get some Durian Durian !!!!

Anonymous said...

收收兄 好記性!!! 唔該晒!!!

The Inner Space said...

c.k. LIM 林生:


你說的苦味!!! 正是我們香港人叫的 “甘”味。

嘩嘩﹐咁甘!!! 咁苦!!!!的確要試試﹐記住先。



lu said...




Anonymous said...

i studied in the states woh, not canada. yes, i love inniskillin ice wine!

Anonymous said...


Welcome to my blog.

Ah!!! Do you know how to choose Durian??

Anonymous said...

Mad 姐:

If I were not wrong the stae you did your study was (is) very Snowy I thought it could be possible for them to produce Ice Wine liked the Canadians, didnt they?

Hyacinthus said...


Anonymous said...

“風子不好榴槤的! ”

one person's honey is another person's poison﹐

one person's poison is another person's medicine!

新鮮人 said...

我唔要囉! =(

Anonymous said...


新鮮人 said...


新鮮人 said...

哈哈哈~~~~~ =p