上次說好些人話要尋找人生中的 soul mate, 那麼既然是soul mate 心靈之侶﹐當然應該不計較外表﹐外形的美醜喇﹐高矮肥肥瘦﹐應該不是考慮之因素﹐祇要求心靈上的互通﹐但人不竟是人﹐是否真的能夠做到呢。 靈性上能夠溝通﹐對人是否足夠呢﹐但如果不是人的形像﹐那就可能性不大了。Let me give you another example by telling you this story.
第36集 "The Dauphin "。
starrring: the usual crew
Captain Jean-Luc Picard - Patrick Stewart
Commander William Riker - Jonathan Frakes
Dr. Beverly Crusher - Gates McFadden
Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher - Wil Wheaton
Counselor Deanna Troi - Marina Sirtis
Lt. Worf - Michael Dorn
Special guest star : Salia - Jaime Hubbard
The Enterprise arrives at Klavdia Three and picks up Salia, future ruler of Daled Four, with her guardian Anya. Geordi takes the opportunity to make some minor adjustments to the warp engines, and sends Wesley for a magnet. Wes gets it, and then runs into Salia, and they seem immediately attracted to one another.

Wes follows, but then the two are separated by Picard and Anya, who's already noticed Salia's gone. As the ship departs for Daled Four (since Geordi's done with his repairs), Picard explains to Wes that Anya's a shape-changer (allasomorph) and very dangerous. Wes promises to stay away from her, but allows Salia in when she sneaks out of her room while Anya's sleeping. The two kiss, but are interrupted by Anya, again as a monster. To Wes's shock, Salia then changes form herself, into something even worse.
The ship arrives at Daled Four, and Anya tells Salia that her task as protector is over, and she is not coming to the planet, but returning to her home. When Salia comes to Wes's quarters to say goodbye, however, Wes is angry and hurt, and asks Salia to leave.
However, as she prepares to beam down, he brings her some Thalian chocolate mousse as "a taste to remember me by." He watches her assume her natural form, one of wondrous light, and then goes to Ten- Forward, where Guinan comforts him.
The Dauphin 是可以隨意變化形像的生物﹐當他們來到Starship Enterprise, 人類 humanoid 的社會﹐她們幻化為一老一少﹐狀如兩母女的形像﹐少男Wesley 瞬間墮入愛河﹐跟那幻為少女的dauphin, 時常一起﹐遂引起作為監護人的dauphin, 處處防範。
一次監護人的 dauphin 和 Enterprise 的security chief Worf 發生分歧﹐繼而互相對峙﹐監護人的dauphin, 幻化為一頭怪獸﹐打敗了Worf。另一次少女的 dauphin,為保護 Wesley, 和監護人的 dauphin﹐雙雙幻化成不同的怪獸﹐嚇得少男 Wesley﹐ 目瞪口呆﹐再不敢約會少女的dauphin。最後Wesley 雖然克服了恐懼﹐前往送行﹐但他再沒有愛得感覺了。
兩個Dauphins ﹐一個可以話是惡意的去改變形像﹐另一個則可算是為了善意的去改變形像﹐ 但人類可以接受得來嗎? 作為愛侶﹐當一方在你面前徹底改變了形像﹐變成另外不同的物體﹐之後又回復過來﹐人會接受得來嗎﹐【白蛇傳】裡的許仙﹐就是被化為白蛇的白素貞﹐嚇死了。
後記: 有些人有幾副面孔﹐雙面人﹐精神分裂﹐三面人﹐四面人﹐他們活生生的﹐活在我們身旁。 但你可否接受雙面人﹐精神分裂﹐三面人﹐四面人﹐做伴侶﹐你現在可能說不能。BUT, trust me, 相信很多人能夠﹐因為他她自己都是雙面人﹐精神分裂﹐三面人﹐四面人!
Related blog(s):
Soul Mate 心靈之侶 (The Host)
The Inner Light (The music)
The Inner Light (The story)
Thanks for posting this...I will read it again before I respond...
So Wes loves Salia's exterior form x...not the inner self?
What if Salia's form is an old woman...anotheer example of shallow man :P
我都認我係雙面甚三四面人架, 不過唔係想害人果種. :)
soul mate ….
soul mate 應該是 ….
不要忘記,要成為soulmate前是有條件的, 當中包括首先的相互吸引, 可以是外在的樣子身材, 可以是才情內涵, 更可是了無邊際的緣, 或是什麼的陰錯陽差!
過了這一關, 往後的計較與計較問題相對的簡單! 過不了這一關, 想成soulmate都幾難,更不要說計較不計較啦~
所以我用這兩集 Star Trek TNG 做例子喇。 雖然推得很盡﹐但人類恐怕就是這樣的罷﹐不能脫離 humanoid 人類的外表。
Soul Mate? Soul 鬼 Soul 馬 咩!!!
你好真.... 敢認!!!
You are a true woman !!!
讀完後發覺﹐你都是將 Soul Mate 等如 humanoid 人類的模樣來談!!!
何 SOUL 之有呢?
yes, i like to be honest. :) but i am not bipolar. ;P
C.K. Lim,
Thank you for visiting. 多謝捧場!!!
Thank you for more food-for-thoughts on "soul mate" which you said is BS based on human beings' preoccupation with forms (i.e. humanoid shape) over function (i.e. the soul part).
hari 兄: thank you for your insight concerning:human beings' preoccupation with forms (i.e. humanoid shape) over function (i.e. the soul part).
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