Madonna 在電影 Evita 中的 “Don't Cry for Me Argentina”
阿根廷人在首都布宜諾思艾利斯,修建了一個 伊娃貝隆 的像在某大廈前,來紀念這位短命的女士。
【The Telegraph】President Cristina Kirchner, who often invokes Evita's memory in speeches to supporters, unveiled the forged steel portrait that covers one side of the health ministry building three months ahead of a presidential election in which she is running for a second term.
"She was the most hated but the most loved, the most offended, insulted and discounted but the most venerated – the most humiliated but today eternally victorious," the president said. "She taught us that to confront the powerful carries a high price."

The giant Evita image, which is 31 meters (100 feet) tall and 24 meters (79 feet) wide, looks down on the busy avenue that cuts across the centre of downtown Buenos Aires, depicting a glamorous Evita with her trademark topknot hairstyle.
Evita, an actress who married late president Juan Peron, is adored by many Argentines for helping women get the vote, securing labour benefits for the working classes and founding hospitals and orphanages.
"Eva Peron is an authentic cultural and historical icon for all Argentines," Mrs Kirchner said at the Tuesday evening inauguration, during which she referred to the late first lady in almost religious terms.
而 Evita 就是 伊娃·貝隆 María Eva Duarte de Perón ,也讓我認識到一首好歌:『不要為我哭泣, 柯珍天娜!』之後有套電影由 娜姐主演的 Evita,也是用 Don't cry for me Argentina 做 theme song 主題曲。
【維基百科】Evita 是前阿根廷 貝隆總統的妻子,她在 1952年便因癌病,在布宜諾斯艾利斯逝世,死時年僅 33歲。
之後 伊娃·貝隆 遺體被防腐保存,並陳列在一個紀念館中。1955年貝隆總統被一次軍事政變推翻後伊娃·貝隆 的遺體首先被運往意大利米蘭,16年後即1971年被移送到西班牙。
1973年貝隆重返阿根廷再任總統,到1974年貝隆逝世。伊娃·貝隆 遺體被運回阿根廷,並曾短暫陳列在她丈夫的遺體旁,此後她被安葬在她父親家族,在布宜諾斯艾利斯的墓園中。
伊娃·貝隆 的一生,在英國音樂舞臺劇 Evita 音樂劇中得到再現,後來更被改編為電影和連續劇,在被改編成的電影中,由著名搖滾歌星 麥當娜 飾演 伊娃·貝隆 的 Evita 電影是最廣為人知的作品。
聽 Evita (soundtrack) 當然是不可缺少的了,插曲《You Must Love Me》也是膾炙人口的好歌,而主題曲:《Don't Cry for Me, Argentina》可以一聽再聽!
如今阿根廷人還沒有忘記 Evita 貝隆夫人,而現今的阿根廷的女總統 Cristina Kirchner 也需要借助 貝隆夫人,謀取她的第二個總統任期。
Suzan Erens 與 André Rieu 合作的版本
Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Evita) lyrics Andrew Lloyd Webber It won't be easy You'll think it strange When I try to explain how I feel That I still need your love After all that I've done You won't believe me All you will see Is a girl you once knew Although she's dressd up to the nines At sixes and sevens with you I had to let it happen I had to change Couldn't stay all my life down at heel Looking out of the window Staying out of the sun So I chose freedom Running around trying everything new But nothing impressed me at all I never expected it too Don't cry for me Argentina The truth is I never left you All through my wild days My mad existence I kept my promise Don't keep your distance And as for fortune and as for fame I never invited them in Though it seemed to the world They were all I desired They are illusions They're not the solutions They promise to be The answer was here all the time I love you and hope you love me Don't cry for me Argentina Don't cry for me Argentina The truth is I never left you All through my wild days My mad existence I kept my promise Don't keep your distance Have I said to much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you But all you have to do Is look at me to know That every word is true 細讀歌詞令我深思,整首歌詞像是一篇演說,政治人物講的有幾多成真呢? 結尾:『Have I said to much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you. But all you have to do is look at me to know that every word is true.』 後後補: You must Love me 伊娃貝隆 患上不治之症 伸延閱覽: Evita Peron statue unveiled in Buenos Aires telegraph.co.uk Eva Perón 谷歌搜尋 伊娃·貝隆 維基百科 María Eva Duarte de Perón 維基百科 Evita 電影 維基百科 Evita 音樂劇 維基百科 Evita (original soundtrack) 維基百科
以便兄:Evita 是1996的電影,不會是很久遠吧!不過隻歌,就可能是1976年創作的音樂劇時已經編寫,真正是很有歷史嚕!
政客說的話就像男人說話--- 講既時候係真架! (但講完之後, who cares?)
AK 姐:by deduction 男人玩政治和講說話,都是講既時候係真架! 但講完之後,who cares?
After reading your article, I spent the next hour listening to the same song presented by different singers. Madonna is good, but not the best !!
As to the story of Evita, if María Eva Duarte de Perón had been watching history unfolding after her own death, she would have been really sad to see her country suffering thru so much blood and violence, including those caused by her husband and later the military junta during the Dirty War.
I visited BA many years later. Altho the Junta had receded back into the shadow by then, I could still feel the chill emanating from behind the concrete walls of many stadiums.
ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_War
Dear HBB,the best one I have ever heard was from an unknown singer from USA, she played piano and sang songs at the hotel lounge where I used to stay during my business trip to singapore. She also played my most favourite piano solo Souvenir D'enfance.
see my old articles:Evita and Souvenir D'enfance
again HBB after EVITA and the song my knowledge about argentina were limited to:
1) soccer stars:Lionel Messi, Gabriel Batistuta,Mario Kempes。
2)the USA backed dictator: Augusto Pinochet。
3) Canned corned beef brand “Hereford” re:my old article 罐頭鹹牛肉。
I remember that HBB, you have nostalgia about 鹹牛肉三文治。
South America without soccer is like honey without bees !!!
BTW, Augusto Pinochet was the dictator from Chile.
I posted a comment re corned beef on your old article site :)
Thanks HBB 對,皮諾切特是智利的獨裁者!so you see how ignorant I used to be about Argentina!!!
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