最新型的 B-52H 空中堡壘美國現存 95架,中國設立防空識別區,美國就高調派了兩架飛來,並且來回飛航兜了幾圈。
B-52 Stratofortress Bomber 的研發過程
B-52 同溫層空中堡壘戰略轟炸機 Stratofortress Bomber,是美國為了對抗當年蘇俄而建造的轟炸機,美蘇兩國爭霸三十多年冷戰二十多年,美國靠借去維持軍力,國債升至十七萬億(Ceiling 永遠可以不斷加),國債債台高築美國在所不計,但也同時拖垮了蘇聯。
蘇聯解體後的剩下俄國,俄國國內重新執過位,沒時間與美國全球性紏纏,剛巧中國在亞洲崛起,美國就把中國妖魔化,成為美軍敵對假想敵,美國繼續 舉債 維持超級軍力做惡霸,更把爭霸焦點轉到來東亞。
八個引擎的 B-52 戰略轟炸機
【維基百科】The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is a long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber. The B-52 was designed and built by Boeing, which has continued to provide support and upgrades. It has been operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) since the 1950s. The bomber is capable of carrying up to 70,000 pounds (32,000 kg) of weapons.
Beginning with the successful contract bid in June 1946, the B-52 design evolved from a straight-wing aircraft powered by six turboprop engines to the final prototype YB-52 with eight turbojet engines and swept wings. The B-52 took its maiden flight in April 1952. Built to carry nuclear weapons for Cold War-era deterrence missions, the B-52 Stratofortress replaced the Convair B-36. A veteran of several wars, the B-52 has dropped only conventional munitions in combat. The B-52's official name Stratofortress is rarely used in informal circumstances, and it has become common to refer to the aircraft as the BUFF (Big Ugly Fat Fucker).
可以在五萬呎高空狂轟猛炸快過疴蛋 B-52 的炸彈如雨下作地氈式轟炸
【維基百科】The B-52 has been in active service with the USAF since 1955. As of 2012, 85 were in active service with nine in reserve. The bombers flew under the Strategic Air Command (SAC) until it was inactivated in 1992 and its aircraft absorbed into the Air Combat Command (ACC); in 2010 all B-52 Stratofortresses were transferred from the ACC to the new Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC).
Superior performance at high subsonic speeds and relatively low operating costs have kept the B-52 in service despite the advent of later aircraft, including the canceled Mach 3 B-70 Valkyrie, the variable-geometry B-1 Lancer, and the stealth B-2 Spirit. The B-52 completed fifty years of continuous service with its original operator in 2005; after being upgraded between 2013 and 2015, it is expected to serve into the 2040s.
【維基百科】The B-52 shared many technological similarities with the preceding Boeing B-47 Stratojet strategic bomber. The two aircraft utilized the same basic design, such as swept wings and podded jet engines, and the cabin included the crew ejection systems. On the B-52D, the pilots and electronic countermeasures (EDM) operator ejected upwards, while the lower deck crew ejected downwards; until the B-52G, the gunner had to jettison the tail gun to bail-out.
The ability to carry up to 20 AGM-69 SRAM nuclear missiles was added to G and H models, starting in 1971. To further improve the B-52's offensive ability, air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs) were fitted.
After testing of both the air force-backed Boeing AGM-86 and the navy-backed General Dynamics AGM-109 Tomahawk, the AGM-86B was selected for operation by the B-52 (and ultimately by the B-1 Lancer). A total of 194 B-52Gs and Hs were modified to carry AGM-86s, carrying 12 missiles on underwing pylons, with 82 B-52Hs further modified to carry another eight missiles on a rotary launcher fitted in the aircraft's bomb-bay.
To conform with SALT II Treaty requirements that cruise missile-capable aircraft be readily identifiable by reconnaissance satellites, the cruise missile armed B-52Gs were modified with a distinctive wing root fairing. As all B-52Hs were assumed modified, no visual modification of these aircraft was required.
In 1990, the stealthy AGM-129 ACM cruise missile entered service; although intended to replace the AGM-86, a high cost and the Cold War's end led to only 450 being produced; unlike the AGM-86, no conventional (non-nuclear) version was built. The B-52 was to have been modified to utilize Northrop Grumman's AGM-137 TSSAM weapon; however, the missile was canceled due to development costs.
Show off 演嘢
【維基百科】Those B-52Gs not converted as cruise missile carriers underwent a series of modifications to improve conventional bombing. They were fitted with a new Integrated Conventional Stores Management System (ICSMS) and new underwing pylons that could hold larger bombs or other stores than could the external pylons. Thirty B-52s were further modified to carry up to 12 AGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles each, while 12 B-52Gs were fitted to carry the AGM-142 Have Nap stand-off air-to-ground missile.[97] When the B-52G was retired in 1994, an urgent scheme was launched to restore an interim Harpoon and Have Nap capability, the four aircraft being modified to carry Harpoon and four to carry Have Nap under the Rapid Eight program.
The Conventional Enhancement Modification (CEM) program gave the B-52H a more comprehensive conventional weapons capability, adding the modified underwing weapon pylons used by conventional-armed B-52Gs, Harpoon and Have Nap, and the capability to carry new-generation weapons including the Joint Direct Attack Munition and Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser guided bombs, the AGM-154 glide bomb and the AGM-158 JASSM missile. The CEM program also introduced new radios, integrated Global Positioning System into the aircraft's navigation system and replaced the under-nose FLIR with a more modern unit. Forty-seven B-52Hs were modified under the CEM program by 1996, with 19 more by the end of 1999.
B-52 經改裝後機腹內可以攜帶新的一代武器 智能炸彈 巡航導彈
【維基百科】Starting in 2016, Boeing is to upgrade the internal rotatory launchers to the MIL-STD-1760 interface to enable the internal carriage of smart bombs, which can currently only be carried on the wings.
For a study for the U.S. Air Force in the mid-1970s, Boeing investigated replacing the engines, changing to a new wing, and other improvements to upgrade B-52G/H aircraft as an alternative to the B-1A, then in development. Boeing later suggested re-engining the B-52H fleet with the Rolls-Royce RB211 535E-4.
This would involve replacing the eight Pratt & Whitney TF33s (total thrust 8 × 17,000 lb) with four RB211s (total thrust 4 × 37,400 lb)— which would increase range and reduce fuel consumption, at a cost of approximately US$2.56 billion for the whole fleet (71 aircraft at $36 million each).
A Government Accountability Office study concluded that Boeing's estimated savings of US$4.7 billion would not be realized and that it would cost US$1.3 billion over keeping the existing engines; citing significant up-front procurement and re-tooling expenditure, and the RB211's higher maintenance cost. The GAO report was subsequently disputed in a Defense Sciences Board report in 2003; the Air Force was urged to re-engine the aircraft without delay.
舊款的 B-52 機隊停放在 阿里桑拿州的露天停機坪
【維基百科】Further, the DSB report stated the program would have significant savings, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase aircraft range and endurance; in line with the conclusions of a separate Congress-funded study conducted in 2003. The re-engining has not been approved as of 2013.

B-52 與 隱形戰機 B-1 共飛都毫不輸蝕
其實多年來 B-52 不斷改進計有:X/YB-52,B-52A,B-52B,B-52C,B-52D,B-52E,B-52F,B-52G,和 B-52H 等等不同型號。
最新款的 B-52H
【維基百科】The B-52H had the same crew and structural changes as the B-52G. The most significant upgrade was the switch to TF33-P-3 turbofan engines which, despite the initial reliability problems (corrected by 1964 under the Hot Fan program), offered considerably better performance and fuel economy than the J57 turbojets.
The ECM and avionics were updated, a new fire control system was fitted, and the rear defensive armament was changed from machine guns to a 20 mm M61 Vulcan cannon (later removed in 1991–94). A provision was made for four GAM-87 Skybolt ballistic missiles. The aircraft's first flight occurred on 10 July 1960, and it entered service on 9 May 1961. This is the only variant still operational. A total of 744 B-52s were built. The last production aircraft, B-52H AF Serial No. 61-0040, left the factory on 26 October 1962.
General characteristics
Crew: 5 (pilot, copilot, radar navigator (bombardier), navigator, and Electronic Warfare Officer)
Length: 159 ft 4 in (48.5 m)
Wingspan: 185 ft 0 in (56.4 m)
Height: 40 ft 8 in (12.4 m)
Wing area: 4,000 sq ft (370 m²)
Airfoil: NACA 63A219.3 mod root, NACA 65A209.5 tip
Empty weight: 185,000 lb (83,250 kg)
Loaded weight: 265,000 lb (120,000 kg)
Max. takeoff weight: 488,000 lb (220,000 kg)
Powerplant: 8 × Pratt & Whitney TF33-P-3/103 turbofans, 17,000 lbf (76 kN) each
Fuel capacity: 47,975 U.S. gal (39,948 imp gal; 181,610 L)
Zero-lift drag coefficient: 0.0119 (estimated)
Drag area: 47.60 sq ft (4.42 m²)
B-52 戰略轟炸機 H-型號
Maximum speed: 560 kt (650 mph, 1,047 km/h)
Cruise speed: 442 kt (525 mph, 844 km/h)
Combat radius: 4,480 mi (3,890 nmi, 7,210 km)
Ferry range: 10,145 mi(8,764 nmi, 16,232 km)
Service ceiling: 50,000 ft (15,000 m)
Rate of climb: 6,270 ft/min (31.85 m/s)
Wing loading: 120 lb/ft² (586 kg/m²)
Thrust/weight: 0.31
Lift-to-drag ratio: 21.5
Guns: 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) M61 Vulcan cannon originally mounted in a remote controlled tail turret on the H-model, removed from all current operational aircraft in 1991
Bombs: Approximately 70,000 lb (31,500 kg) mixed ordnance; bombs, mines, missiles, in various configurations.
美國本土的飛機發燒友拍到的 B-52H
【維基百科】B-52H 現存 95架的最新型,結構與組員組成與 B-52G相同,但將 J-57更換為 TF-33渦扇引擎,新的引擎不但可以提供更大的推力,並且較 J-57更為省油。是故換裝新引擎的 B-52H航程加大15%。
The only active operational model of the B-52 is the B-52H. It is currently stationed at two USAF bases, flown by three wings:
2d Bomb Wing - Barksdale AFB, Louisiana
11th Bomb Squadron (B-52H, Tail Code: LA, Gold Tail Stripe)
20th Bomb Squadron (B-52H, Tail Code: LA, Blue Tail Stripe)
96th Bomb Squadron (B-52H, Tail Code: LA, Red Tail Stripe)
5th Bomb Wing - Minot AFB, North Dakota **
23d Bomb Squadron (B-52H, Tail Code: MT, Red Tail Stripe)
69th Bomb Squadron (B-52H, Tail Code: MT, Black Tail Stripe)
307th Bomb Wing (AFRES) - Barksdale AFB, Louisiana
93d Bomb Squadron (B-52H, Tail Code: BD, Blue/Gold Chex Tail Stripe))
343d Bomb Squadron
2004年美空軍第 5轟炸聯隊的首批 B-52轟炸機,從北達科塔州前移至,位于日本關島的安德森空軍基地。第 5空軍轟炸聯隊指揮官稱,將有 6架 B-52H 轟炸機和大約 300名空軍官兵被派駐安德森空軍基地,每 3個月後輪換(嗜悲 加註:在關島還有 B-2 隱形轟炸機)。
2013年中國訂立東海防空識別區,其實日本早於 44年前,也是從未曾諮詢中國,就經已單方面設立防空識別區,並伸延至離中國沿海海岸線僅僅 130海哩,日方今次卻惡人先告狀,說中國未經諮詢日方不予承認,至於一向偏袒日方的美國,就高調派出兩架 B-52H來華尋釁滋事。
日本政壇 安倍晉三 的自民黨,在十二月做了很多的大動作,直程就是挑戰中國的底線到底有幾低,見中國唔想打熱戰,就繼續更變本加厲刺激中國,無他為了撩仗打可以去得好盡。前些時的國有化釣魚台列島是陽謀,最近的計有:拉攏東盟圍堵中國(擴大中國威脅論),向在蘇丹的韓國維和部隊送子彈(突破禁止輸出武器),通過《特定秘密保護法》(以保密為由矇騙國民實行黑箱作業),安倍親自參拜靖國神社(明目張膽歌頌崇拜軍國主義)。。。。。美國作出小責罵卻實在是大幫忙,有誰保證和相信沒有美國在幕後擺佈,臨近歲末還漏出美國對台灣售武,輸出魚叉導彈專門針對中國航母!
2014年是清日甲午戰爭的 120週年,1894年(清光绪二十年,日本明治二十七年)清日在黃海爆發海戰,清北洋艦隊不堪一擊清朝戰敗。 120年後中日在東海的對峙,加上美國的刻意偏袒,2014年將會是凶險的一年 。。。。。。。。。解放軍以往打過的都是陸地上人海戰術,海面、海面上空、和海面底下的高級科技戰,只有理論沒有一丁點半點實戰經驗,若習近平等沉不著氣,或是壓不著鷹派解放軍求戰,大家等著朝 120年後亦終於難逃一敗再敗!
120年後的 2014年,美國這隻 ”無形之手“ 無時無刻 Unintentional to play a part 的幕後黑手,繼續在全球指指點點,如今更把第二次大戰發動太平洋戰爭的死敵,偷襲珍珠港的日本人擁抱,並推出來當爛頭卒,劍指當年的盟友中國。
《明報 12月 22日 社評》:安倍國防外交瞄準中國 幕後玩家美國若隱若現
【明報專訊】最近 10天(按 12月 22日計),日本首相安倍晉三在外交和國防兩條戰線動作頻仍,連串都是衝着中國而來,先是日本與東盟在東京舉行峰會,發表聯合聲明「確保飛行自由」,雖然聲明沒有提到中國最近的東海防空識別區,但針對中國已是不言而喻。
連串外交角力 美日東盟聯線
儘管有說東盟在峰會上只答應發表沒有提到中國的確保飛行自由聲明,有着不欲事情鬧大至組成日本<-->東盟聯盟對付中國的潛台詞,這種說法其實未必盡然。東盟 1960年代成立時就是冷戰包夾中國及蘇聯的產物,美國對東盟的影響力從未消減,東盟不願公開點中國的名,只是冀圖兩邊得利。
這是日本遵守超過 40年的原則,1967年,時任首相佐藤榮作提出武器出口的「三不」:不向共產國家出口、不向被聯合國禁運武器國家出口、不向發生國際爭端或可能發生國際爭端的國家出口。前兩條已無甚意義,在第三條,菲律賓和越南都適用,事實上目前也是這兩個國家在南海主權糾紛上與中國齟齬最多,日本一旦武器出口、而且若是去這兩個國家,就必須如大綱所說那樣要「修改3原則」了。
修改武器出口原則 日本利誘東盟諸國
中國對兩國關係好轉所抱的期許正在高速收縮,儘管戰爭全面爆發的可能此刻仍不算太高,然而 1980年代中日友好時期「日中不再戰」的善頌善禱已無大意義,尤其這不僅是中日紛爭,更重要的是,美國的黑影正把這種關係推向難以修補的地步。
中國若戰必受美日東盟三方夾擊,俄國必將效法韓戰越戰時蘇聯趁機攞著數,然而中國怎去平復國內主戰的軍方鷹派,和另一方面也要向國民交代,改革開放多年的成果,會否在 2014年一鋪清袋,看看中國人的彩數矣!
美國國防部長訪華,被邀請上 ”遼寧艦“後,再在北京被 習總 以柔制剛罵了一頓後。
解放軍 中将批狂妄美军:我军若把钓鱼岛当靶场请有准备
第二,钓鱼岛当面是我华东地区,在国防安全上由我南京战区管辖。在东海上与贵部“管辖”范围重叠。钓鱼岛距我岸不足 400千米,在军事地理上属于近海范畴。笔者可以负责任地告诉你,仅凭我战区武装力量,管控钓鱼岛还是绰绰有余的,我区战役火力能够覆盖钓鱼岛海域和空域。作为军人,我们都知道“护航”这个军语,过去的兵力护航,现在已经发展到火力护航。所以不要威胁在我钓鱼岛海域、空域执行任务的公务船、公务机。否则自身安全也会受到威胁。提醒你在动武前,好好研究一下兵力对比和战场环境,再搞一下兵棋推演或计算机仿真,看看胜算几何?否则可能收不了场。
最后还要说明一点,笔者作为曾经的战区指挥官,本应与你的上级 —— 太平洋总部指挥官对话。当下与你对话,是对你的尊敬。笔者当年曾与你的老上级 —— 参联会主席佩斯和太平洋总部司令基廷,就中美两军感兴趣的话题单独聊过,并留下美好记忆。请你向你的老上级学习,不要动辄以武力相威胁,请对曾经在抗美援朝战争中打败过贵军的中国军队放尊重些。还要建议你好好学习历史,对当年的太平洋战争和中国的抗日战争认真补课,搞明白日本军国主义是什么东西。
《为梦想领跑》 六分四十二秒鐘宣傳片
論口水戰中國十三億人口的口水,一定浸死只得三億多人口的美國。但這是沒用的,硬得起來的才是 “真有撚用”!!!
Boeing B-52 Stratofortress 同溫層堡壘轟炸機 維基百科
B-52 Stratofortress 同溫層堡壘轟炸機 基地和編隊 維基百科
黃海海戰 (1894年) 維基百科
台灣購入美軍魚叉反艦導彈 有線新聞
幕後玩家美國若隱若現 新浪新聞網
美军高官:美军不用登陆就可消灭登钓鱼岛解放军 新浪新聞網
解放軍中将批狂妄美军:我军若把钓鱼岛当靶场请有准备 新浪新聞網
霸權主義 11個航母戰闘群 耀武揚威
日本最新最大準航母 出雲號 下水
Unintentional to play a part