
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報

“During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Saturday, May 15, 2010



金莎朱古力 "Ferrero Rocher" 在考力克(巧力克)裡面,藏有著粒粒的榛子菓仁,累得我要續粒續粒把菓仁,吐出來的日子過去了!


【維基百科】Ferrero Rocher is a spherical chocolate sweet made by Italian chocolatier Ferrero SpA, the producer of Tic Tac and Nutella. The sweets consist of a whole roasted hazelnut encased in a thin wafer shell filled with hazelnut cream and covered in milk chocolate and chopped hazelnuts and walnuts. The sweets contain 202 calories, and are individually packaged inside a gold-coloured wrapper.

Apart from the traditional hazelnut flavor, there are several other flavors: Including coconut & dark chocolate; also Pistachio, Strawberry, and Lemon are the Ferrero Garden Varieties. The original Ferrero Rocher is in a gold wrapper whereas coconut is in a silver wrapper and dark chocolate a brown log.

本來不吃菓仁的我,Hazelnut 榛子 興趣不大,但對 Hazelnut 的香氣,卻很著迷,我常喝的咖啡就是加了 Hazelnut flavor 的咖啡豆,泡製成的咖啡。

去年十月十六日下午,午膳回來,桌面上多了盒『金沙朱古力』,當然要識做,拿出來分”金“同味,並先多拿出數百大洋(埋單時要多付五十多元),給予 Office 阿嬸,幫忙去買了個”榛子蛋糕“(是有一層榛子蓉的蛋糕),並購備下午茶的冷熱飲品,在下午茶時段,與眾同樂。

至於吃剩的幾粒 Ferrero Rocher,就放在 Office 背後的書架上,因為並不嗜甜,很偶然閒時才攞粒來吃,到農曆年三十晚天,剛巧吃完最後一粒!

但新年期間,又收到新的考力克禮盒,今次是瑞士 Lindt 的『LINDOR』(紅),可能朋輩知道我不愛吃菓仁,今次送的是軟心考力克。


Lindor Facebook:Lindor is a type of chocolate produced by Lindt, which is characterized by a hard chocolate shell and a smooth chocolate filling.

原本的 Lindor 是盒裝球形的軟心考力克,但現在已經有排裝,Bar 的一小小粒狀考力克售賣,原來就算是 Lindor 也有很多的選擇,看來 Yellow White Chocolate 和 Red Milk Chocolate,較適合我的需求,因我不嗜甜,所以吃得很慢,到現今還未有吃完別人送的一盒,但考慮之後就買來排裝的來慢慢吃。

在網上查找,Google 搜尋,總找不到 LINDOR 中文譯名,官方的固然未有,民間的中文俗稱都不覺有,幫 LINDOR 改革中文名,你有冇靈感呢?

Ferrero Rocher 谷歌搜尋
Ferrero Rocher 維基百科
Hazelnut Flavoured Coffee Pacific Coffee 網頁
榛子 hazelnut 谷歌搜尋
LINDOR Chocolate 谷歌圖片搜尋
LINDOR Chocolate 谷歌影片搜尋
Lindor Chocolate Facebook



新鮮人 said...

佢話:「唔知豆角就唔好食碟餸, 齋食蛋仲要吐返啲豆角出黎咁拆墮吖哪!!!」

the inner space said...

多謝新鮮兄 disclose 童年的往事。對現在我轉吃 Lindt 的 Lindor 軟心考力克,但祇限偶然吃一粒。

macy said...


早前也有人送圖片中的lindor朱古力給我們公司吃, 雖然軟滑, 但我還是喜歡黑莎Ferrero Rondnoir呢!

與其要吐番d果仁, 不如食純朱力古好咯, 無咁煩吖嘛. 好似我食蘿蔔糕, 要吐番d肉碎出來...不如唔好食.

the inner space said...

Macy 姐:Lindt 也有純黑巧力克,吃過 Lindt Excellence 70% Cocoa Dark Noir,至於更勁的 Lindt Excellence 99% Noir Absolu Chocolate 就沒有試過。