一句:「Bowtie Keep Your Election Promise」引來全港討論!
回歸後的香港,推廣 兩文三語 Bi-literacy and Tri-lingualism 是指:
再加上被英國人統治香港百多年,華人中的所謂高級華人,以能說英語者,被視為高人一等。能掌握英語當然佳,但香港教育失敗,除了個別的例外,一般的英語水平粗疏,有目共睹。再者香港華洋雜處,我們說話會中英文夾集,還加入粵語,我最愛常講:『我咪喺度做ing 囉!』、『你得閒咪 come come 等我 tell tell you!』。
我的英語勉強可以和外國人溝通得到,普通話或是國語就嚇死人,平時說粵語,當然沒有問題,口語、俚語、出口成文,但這是不能照搬上紙的,幸好我不習慣說粗口 foul language 等等粗言穢語,不然的話把#@&%&%¥都加入了,就貽笑大方《註一》。
自問尚未能夠掌握 Mastering 中文、英文,粵語《註二》、國語、
英語,Bi-literacy and Tri-lingualism 兩文三語。是歸疚香港的教育失敗呢?是怨自己幼時不用功呢?還是罵自己懶惰沒有持續進修呢?
MP3 齋聽
演唱: 張學友 作曲: Dick Lee 編曲: Iskanda Ismail 填詞: 林振強
有始不有終 能受百樣痛
從沒有合約合同 但卻跨時空
這滔滔不息的愛 我贈給你用
這一生 和下世
有幾多 全奉送
閉起的眼中 無論重又重
仍是見著你面容 在我心湖中
這份愛 永遠都存在
共你同在 無盡永恆中
有著我 便有著你
真愛是永不死 穿過喜和悲
跨過生和死 有著我 便有著你
絕未離棄 愛是永恆當所愛是你
兩手雖似空 其實抱著你
其實你沒有別離 在我心湖中
每掠過 也似風撩動
令這湖上 無盡愛浪湧
有著我 便有著你
真愛是永不死 穿過喜和悲
跨過生和死 有著我 便有著你
絕未離棄 愛是永恆當所愛是你
MP3 齋聽(男女對唱版)
MP3 齋聽 (大合唱版)
作詞:林明陽/張學友 作曲:Dick Lee 編曲:Sydney Tan
愛點亮心裏 永遠不會熄
燃燒著真心情意 諾言已不必
這一生只要有你 什麼都願意
有歡笑 有哭泣
一切變成甜蜜 黒夜和晨曦
狂風和四季 我像溫暖的搖椅
永遠抱緊你 我的心從未曾猶豫
我和你相守相依 真愛生死不移
穿過悲和喜 跨過天和地
我和你永不分離 千千萬萬世紀
無邊無際 愛是永恆
因為愛是你 生命會停息
歲月會交替 只要和你在一起
什麼都放棄 我的愛
不滅的勇氣 生生世世
只願伴著你 我和你相守相依
真愛生死不移 穿過悲和喜
跨過天和地 我和你永不分離
千千萬萬世紀 無邊無際
愛是永恆 因為愛是你
我和你相守相依 真愛生死不移
穿過悲和喜 跨過天和地
我和你永不分離 千千萬萬世紀
無邊無際 愛是永恆 因為愛是你
《註一》:登文不久,就有好朋友指正,應該是《貽笑大方》,而不是 《殆笑大方》,已經改正了,謝謝!
兩文三語 維基百科
香港語文 維基百科
粵語懶音 維基百科
兩文三語 谷歌搜尋
雪狼湖 維基百科
愛是永恒 Youtube Search
張學友共有多少首歌有國語版、粵語版、英語版? soso.com
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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I enjoy reading both Cantonese style Chinese and proper Chinese. Each has its own charm. I think it is fine to write in Cantonese as long as you can ALSO write in proper Chinese.
Exile, welcome in again! thanks for your response.
One of my initial purposes for start blog writing was to exercise/pratice my chinese writing skill, so I preferred to write proper chinese, but ending up I wrote too much cantonese chinese :( !
See my old article: 淺談美國體育產業(2.1)- NFL Super Bowl 美式足球的“超級碗” Annex section (near the bottom).
新鮮兄:“我手寫我心,我喜歡!” 從心所欲最是賞心樂事。我”貪心啲“,想順便同時練習中文寫作,所以除了有時寫一些遊戲文章,多用口語廣東話:港式中文,希望能夠寫出正統的中文,減少在不知不覺中,用了港式中文。
You might have seen read article from Wikipedia: 粵語 (http://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B2%B5%E8%AA%9E)
Anyway, I think/live in English, work in Eng/French and write in Chinese (HK standard and colloquial style).
Hari Big Brother you are a person of versatile, mastering english~french~cantonese chinese~official chinese well and all coexist within youself, that is a gift.
I guess "四不像" only refer to such circumstances that all four are "half bucket of water 半桶水" within a person, that does not apply to your case.
Since primary 3, I write only in English, except exams in Chinese. Yet, for leisure reading, I read only Chinese novels by Hong Kong writers. But for technical readings, such as books on finance or music or dance ... I read English. I feel most comfortable speaking in Cantonese.
Very strange combination.
四不像! That's me!
My Chinese writing is less than 半桶水. My English writing isn't horrible but there's definitely room for improvement. I speak/think in English but sometimes I catch myself speaking Cantonese to myself (horror horror!!) Am I going nuts? I feel most comfortable speaking Cantonese but my brain works better in English.
Help!!!!!! 四不像!!!!
ruth 姐,歡迎光臨,多謝回應!
》》leisure reading, I read only Chinese novels by Hong Kong writers.
》》But for technical readings, such as books on finance or music or dance ... I read English.
Exile, oh, you also can speak French fluently and write French proficiently ?
I have to request Haricot to make an assessment whether you may or may not join his league of “四不像”!
>> ... I have to request Haricot to make an assessment whether you may or may not join his league of "四不像"!
Even without French, Exile probably knows some Spanish.
¿Estoy bien, señor, sí o no?
He can join the league any time :)
Hola, senor! I didn't say I can speak French but I do speak some Japanese. Yeah, Mexico is our next door neighbor. We must have 5-6 TV channels in Spanish.
By the way, I am not a "He".
Están la recepción a viejos amigo Haricot!
Lady Exile, Welcome in!
Anyway,there is a HE within a SHE!
"there is a HE within a SHE!"
ROFL...rolling on the floor laughing...
Exile,ROFL :) Ah! that is an easier way mopping your Floor.
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