過去的周五晚上(波士頓的清晨),整個大波士頓地區 Locked Out,FBI冀有關紀律部隊上萬人,搜捕兩個懷疑週一《波士頓馬拉松》放炸彈的年輕人,結果兩兄弟一死一逃脫,Tamerlan Tsarnaev (26) dead 但 Dzhokar Tsarnaev (19) escaped,哥哥捨命保護弟弟脫身,FBI 未竟全功。
and 嗜悲 切夜開着 CNN 追看 FBI 包圍 Watertown,逐戶搜捕年僅 19歲的小弟 Dzhokar Tsarnaev 。。。。。 通宵收看 CNN 只是重覆又再重覆,故此 嗜悲 googled “the inner space”,首先找到的是一首強勁的電子音樂: 又得到另一個結果是:Innerspace Movie,又在 wikipedia 查找到一些資料。 Innerspace 電影,原來曾經在港上映,港譯:零度空間
Dennis Quaid as Lt. Tuck Pendleton Martin Short as Jack Putter Meg Ryan as Lydia Maxwell Kevin McCarthy as Victor Scrimshaw Fiona Lewis as Dr. Margaret Canker Robert Picardo as The Cowboy Steven Spielberg executive producer 【維基百科】Innerspace is a 1987 science fiction comedy film directed by Joe Dante and produced by Michael Finnell. Steven Spielberg served as executive producer. The film was inspired by the classic 1966 science fiction film Fantastic Voyage. It had $25,893,810 of domestic gross revenue and won an Oscar, the only film directed by Joe Dante to do so. It was subsequently novelized by Nathan Elliott. 我就沒有印象看過了,可能要去一些碟鋪問問! Story: 【維基百科】Down-on-his-luck naval aviator Tuck Pendleton (Dennis Quaid) is selected to participate in a secret miniaturization experiment. He is placed in a submersible pod, and he and the pod are shrunk to microscopic size. They are transferred into a syringe to be injected into a rabbit, but the lab is attacked. The experiment supervisor Ozzie Wexler (John Hora) escapes with the syringe. After being fatally shot in a nearby shopping mall, he injects Tuck and the pod into Jack Putter (Martin Short), a hypochondriac grocery store clerk. The pod has only a few hours' supply of oxygen 。。。。。。。。。 With only minutes of oxygen left in the pod, Jack follows Tuck's instructions to eject the pod from his lungs by making himself sneeze. Tuck and the pod are enlarge. 看來是一套科幻片,有個坐人的機器可以缩小,再注射入人體旅行,兼且可以修補體內的器官云云,是一部幾有趣的電影! 至此還未天光,而 嗜悲 繼續八卦,digging into Dennis Quaid 和 Meg Ryan 的婚姻。 【維基百科】 Ryan married actor Dennis Quaid on Valentine's Day 1991, after starring in two films with him (D.O.A. and Innerspace). She agreed to marry him only after he kicked his cocaine addiction. Quaid and Ryan have one child together, Jack Quaid, born April 24, 1992. In 2000, she became involved with Russell Crowe on the set of Proof of Life. She and Quaid separated and their divorce became final on July 16, 2001. In September 2008, Ryan revealed Quaid had been unfaithful to her for a long time while they were married. 於是將我做的 research 寫成網誌 Blog,當是留下 innerspace 一些資料,而 CNN 方面就傳來新消息,FBI 找到了 Dzhokar 踪影。 結果等到天光七時許(波士頓的黃昏),才由人舉報 Dzhokar,受了傷躲藏在包圍圈外的一艘小遊艇上。發言人死死氣地承認包圍網失敗,浪費了上萬的人力,還不計物力和全世界媒體投入的金錢,整個大陣仗全世界轉播的 Life Show,至此完畢。 後記: 跟着就是滿口講人權的美國人,有沒有給予 Dzhokar Tsarnaev,應有的權利及法律上的援助,CNN 請來專家討論 《Miranda Rights or Miranda Warning》 It is a warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial interrogation) before they are interrogated to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings.(As per 維基百科) 亦即是我們時常看警匪片和電視劇集,當警察拘捕疑犯時說的一堆話: 『依家唔喺是必要你講,你可以保持緘默,你講嘅話有可能會被記錄當作呈堂證供,你明唔明白?』 全世界都會看着美國人,有沒有 abuse human rights,所以還有很多下文 or Dzhokar Tsarnaev 因為放炸彈,便會被奪去 human rights?若小弟 Dzhokar 在美國人手上拘留中,突然離奇死亡 just like Bin Laden,咁咪可以一死了之囉 。。。。。。 嗜悲一笑! 伸延閱覽: Innerspace (movie) 維基百科 Miranda Right/ Warning 維基百科
SBB: You will note HK also offers a person in custody something that is equivalent to USA's Miranda Rights/Warning.
Please also note the legal context of Miranda's rights is different from the international, political context of "human rights".
HBB welcome your further elaboration regarding Miranda Warning. As in HK we only saw that on movies and TV series whether it was still practiced under HKSAR basic law I gave them the benefit of Doubts!
furthermore HBB you said "Miranda's rights is different from the international, political context of 'human rights' issue."
Surely when facing reality all governments exempted themselves from 'Human Rights' with the Codes and Guidelines regarding state emergency,it paramount override supersede all laid down principles.
and so how you explain the paragraph you stated on your article:
quoting 。。。
In Canada, equivalent rights exist pursuant to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Under the Charter, an arrested person has the right:
~To be informed promptly of the reasons therefor.
~To retain and instruct counsel without delay and be informed of that right.
~To have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus and to be released if the detention is not lawful .....
end quoting
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