鄧小平 平定六四天安門民運,捧了上海幫的 江澤民 上前台,自己繼續垂簾聽政,以中共軍委主席控制局面,並且欽點了 胡錦濤 為江後的接班人,之後才交出軍權。
十年前江下胡上,江澤民 效法 鄧小平,繼續留任中共軍委主席多一些時間,到了隔代欽點了 胡後的接班人 習近平,才交出軍權。去年傳出 江澤民 病重消息,攪到本港的 ATV 誤報了死訊後,江澤民 卒之露面於人前,粉碎他去世的傳言,更穩定了 習近平 接班之途。
如今,胡錦濤 的朝代已近尾聲,傳出 胡錦濤 今次將會全退也稱裸退,不再效法前兩代,繼續以軍委主席控制軍隊,沒有垂簾聽政。習近平 這位太子黨,中共元老 習仲勛 的兒子,接班成為中共、中國、解放軍的第一把手,經已成為定局。
不過,傳言內蒙古書記 胡春華 已內定在「十九大」,以新王儲身份晉升政治局常委。
雖然胡春華主政的地方,接二連三發生大事件,但他被外界視為胡錦濤的隔代指定接班人,一般相信這些負面消息無礙仕途。 (看片)
首席:習近平 (當選後發言 全文)
如無意外,這七位以 習近平 為首的先生們,將於未來十年肩負起中國十三億人口的命運黨運和國運,更要在兩岸四地人民和海外華裔之間,發揮他們的智慧,為中華民族在地球村,繼續發熱發光!
中國自上古的 堯、舜、禹 的禪讓後,就封建制度成立,夏商周和之後歷代的統治者,都是沿用世襲制度稱為朝代。
民國成立不久又發生日本侵華,日本投降不久,又發生國共內戰,最後中共取得中國大陸,國民黨退守台灣。加上 1997年香港回歸,1999年澳門回歸,成為現時的兩岸四地的局面。
美國剛剛選出新一屆總統 by election,中國也剛剛宣布新一屆的國家主席 by installation;意想不到積極發展有中國特式的社會主義,如今演化出一種隔代欽點領導人的制度。
外國傳媒普遍用 installed 來形容中國新的領導班子。
【The week UK】XI JINPING - pronounced Shee Chin Ping - has been installed as the new leader of China and will rule the world's most populous country for the next ten years. But who is he and what can the West expect from him?
The 59-year-old, who was anointed as head of the Communist Party in Beijing today, is a so-called 'Princeling', the son of one of the original Chinese communist revolutionaries.
But although he grew up in the relative luxury of Zhongnanhai, the party's walled compound in Beijing, he also experienced extreme poverty after his father, Xi Zhongxun, fell out with Chairman Mao in 1962, and the young Xi was exiled to the country where he lived among peasants for seven years.
The contradictions of his childhood appear to have continued into adulthood. He rose slowly though the party ranks and is regarded as a "cautious reformer" but has also been accused of "zealous persecution" of dissidents when he was governor of Zhejiang in 2002 by human rights groups.
He is seen as a charismatic and open leader but, according to The Daily Telegraph, Xi "has been opaque about his beliefs or policies, whether economic or political".
Whatever his leadership brings, Xi is likely to be more memorable to Western observers than his anonymous predecessor, Hu Jintao.
"Standing over 6ft tall, he is confident and affable," says The Guardian. "He boasts a ready smile and a glamorous second wife – the renowned People's Liberation Army singer Peng Liyuan. He has expressed his fondness for US war movies and, perhaps more surprisingly, praised the edgy independent film-maker Jia Zhangke."
Sky News even predicts that his current wife, who is "more famous than he is", will be "far more of an American-style first lady" than any of those who have gone before.
Xi has a daughter who is studying at Havard. He has also travelled widely in the West. His first wife lives in London.
But while’s well travelled, he does not always like what he sees of the world beyond his borders. The Guardian notes that his "most-quoted remark to date" came during a trip to Mexico in 2009.
"There are some well-fed foreigners who have nothing better to do than point fingers at our affairs," he announced. "China does not, first, export revolution; second, export poverty and hunger; third, cause troubles for you. What else is there to say?"
Xi will head up a ruling elite of seven men, but only he and his colleague Li Yuanchao will serve more than one five-year term.
上網查字典:Install 多解作”安裝“ 也有解作“任命”! 這都有由上一代做決定的意思!
胡春華被視為胡錦濤隔代接班人 有線新聞
政治局常委名單公布 有線新聞
禪讓制 維基百科
中國朝代 維基百科
What do we know about Xi Jinping, China's new leader? The Week UK
我的政治 101.0
我的政治 101.1
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times
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For several thousand years, China was able to follow its own traditional political process because the Middle Kingdom was generally successful in isolating itself from foreign influence. Even when the empire was invaded, the invaders were eventually assimilated.
However, the accelerated pace of globalization in terms of trade, investment, technology, conflicts, health, environment, etc, will probably invalidate a straight line extrapolation of the past into the future.
Even with the great firewall of China and other state-controlled communication measures, I am not sure if the Middle Kingdom's virtual border will remain impermeable to foreign political ideas and influence.
Grooming the next generation of political successors is actually not a bad idea. The issue is whether the selection/appointment process is merit-, ideology-, power struggle-, and/or princeling-based.
I have linked my recent post at lotusandcedar.blogspot.com to your blog article here.
Thank you very much Hari Big Brother for your insight about recent chinese government installation by appointment by ex-official!
Hari 兄用 permeable 這個詞彙,依我看來中共中央還是滴水不漏,嚴防海歸派中藏有西方安插的“和平演變”分子!
另 多謝微豆兄連結點擊次數必有增長!
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