又一則 駭人的新聞 懈人的新聞
週末閒來上網,連楓葉國的 明報加東版也不放過,見到在版面的右上角,闢有一個新聞專欄:『斯特拉福德兇案』,讀後甚為駭人!懈人!
即時再上 CP24 英文網頁,查找更多資料,大致只是說:一位年僅八歲的小女孩,在四月八日失蹤,但警方沒有把失蹤事件擺上 "Amber Alert",而且警方一度把女童母親和男友,視為可能疑犯。警方延至五月廿一日,才偵破案件,女童恐已經被遭人殺害了。
女被告自願助尋失蹤女童屍 法律專家﹕沒屍體判謀殺罪成有先例
【明報專訊 2009年5月22日 星期五】警方周四繼續尋找安省胡士托8歲失蹤女童斯特拉福德(Victoria Stafford)的屍體﹐女被告自願與警方合作﹐尋找屍體。法律專家說﹐就算沒有屍體﹐謀殺也可罪名成立。
記者周四在1輛沒標識的警車以及1架安省省警直升機上﹐看見18歲女被告麥克林蒂克(Terri-Lynne McClintic)。警方周四的搜索行動﹐集中在安省貴湖(Guelph)及費格斯(Fergus)之間某個區域。
麥克林蒂克的律師勒魯瓦(Jeanine Leroy)對加拿大電視台《新聞》(CTV News)說﹕「我可以告訴你們﹐麥克林蒂克自願協助警方﹐她自覺有義務這麼做﹐真心希望幫忙。」
麥克林蒂克的28歲男友拉弗蒂(Michael Thomas C.S. Rafferty)﹐面臨擄拐和一級謀殺的罪名。兩人已於周三過堂﹐並還押至5月28日再次出庭。警方表示﹐並無拘捕更多疑犯的計劃。
法律專家斯庫卡(Steven Skurka)說﹐此前有一些案例﹐就算沒發現屍體﹐謀殺也可罪名成立。斯庫卡在多倫多對《加拿大早晨》(Canada AM)說﹕「昨天在記者會上﹐警方可以證實謀殺是恰當的控罪﹐因此我覺得﹐他們有確鑿的證據﹐毫無疑問這個可憐女孩被人謀殺。」
女童的母親麥當勞(Tara McDonald)周四晚間對《倫敦自由新聞》(London Free Press)說﹐她希望兇手去死。調查期間﹐警方曾懷疑到她及她的男友。
失蹤女童證遇害 警拘控男子擄拐謀殺罪涉同謀少女認識女童母
【明報專訊 2009年5月21日 星期四】安省胡士托(Woodstock)8歲女孩斯特拉福德(Victoria Stafford)擄拐案﹐周三傳來壞消息﹐警方相信她已死亡﹐並在周二晚逮捕兩疑犯﹐1名男子被控擄拐兒童和一級謀殺﹐斯特拉福德家鄰里1名年輕女子被控據拐孩童﹑協助男被告潛逃﹑與殺人犯同謀。
據說﹐女被告認識斯特拉福德的母親麥當勞(Tara McDonald)。警方目前在貴湖市外1處農村地區全力搜尋斯特拉福德的屍體﹐警方未知疑犯殺人動機。但多倫多電視台CP24報道﹐警方消息來源說﹐斯特拉福德的擄拐案與性有關。
安省省警探員倫頓(Det.-Insp. William Renton)沒有交代調查進展﹐警方明顯在胡士托以東1小時路程的貴湖(Guelph)鄰近地區羅克伍德(Rockwood)搜索。
28歲的男子拉弗蒂(Michael Thomas C.S. Rafferty)被控一級謀殺和擄拐16歲以下兒童罪名﹔18歲的麥克林蒂克(Terri-Lynne McClintic)被控擄拐、協助拉弗蒂潛逃﹑保守殺人犯秘密等罪名。
斯特拉福德的父親羅德尼(Rodney Stafford)說﹐據他了解﹐兩人好像想為狗配種而認識。但有消息來源說﹐麥當勞過去從麥克林蒂克手中購買奧施康定(OxyContin)鎮定劑。
今次女童被擄走,而警察就釘死女童母親,將她當作第一疑犯,沒有發出 "Amber Alert",對偵查女童下落延誤,甚至可說找錯方向,讓兇徒逍遙法外,沒能及早拯救女童。至于女童死亡時間,未有披露,屍首還在搜尋中。據 CP24 News:Mother of Tori Stafford says she was disgusted when police called her a suspect 報導,確實就令人心寒。
Victoria Stafford 谷歌搜尋
Victoria Stafford 谷歌新聞
Victoria Stafford 谷歌圖片
明報加東版 明報
Victoria Stafford Case 專欄 CP24.com
駭人的新聞 懈人的新聞~灰狗巴士兇殺案
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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heard that from my friend earlier! 好變態!!!!!
新鮮兄:search 過 London 和 New York 都無擄走兒童的新聞報導。
AK姐:啲加拿大人好變態,對上兩次我去探親,正好又有一單,在多市 High Park area!家中有個妙齡女兒的父母,真喺憂心到鼻哥窿都冇肉!
>> ... 啲加拿大人好變態
There are all kinds of horrendous crime and anyone can come up with a so-called "conclusion" based on half truths and/or selected "facts".
For example: Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 at Virginia Tech in US. Voong opened fire in Binghamton, US, killing 14 and injuring 4. In Canada, the murder who decapitated and cannibalized an innocent passenger on a Grey Hound bus was from China.
Conclusion: Asians are mass murderers. 啲亞洲人好變態. Don't trust them. Kick them out !!!
Racial generalization does not tell the truth, leads to stereotyping, and causes discrimination in a society.
Please be careful.
Hari 兄:Surely I tried to be careful .....
But I scrutinized that a famous Canadian Michaëlle Jean your symbolic leader governor general representting the Queen has done something bloodily!
"While visiting Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, on Monday, Jean gutted and ate a piece of the bleeding, raw heart of a freshly slaughtered seal."
Michaëlle Jean starts Nunavut visit by gutting seal, eating piece of its heart, sliced off and ate a raw piece of a seal's heart, certainly stunning and surprised the whole world!
血淋淋的事實: 莊美佳盛讚海豹心刺身美味! (有圖為證)
More about: Seal Heart Sashimi
Space Big Brother: Your logic escapes me again.
Am I responsible for, in any shape or form, the actions taken by Canada's GG?
It seems you are drawing yet again the conclusion that because Michaëlle Jean "has done something bloodily" quote/unquote and therefore all Canadians are "bloody-minded" or 啲加拿大人好變態.
Passing judgment on individual Canadians who have committed certain horrendous or disagreeable acts is one thing. But taking a step further and painting all Canadians with the same broad-brush is certainly illogical.
It is called generalization.
Hari Big Brother, thank you for your reply.
Surely and obviously your Governor General is a canadian not british subject, though she is representing HER Royal Highness the Queen of Britain.
Michaëlle Jean your symbolic leader is an iconic person representing Canada in the World Circle, I dont think you can deny that too.
While you said I should not "generalize" then it is quite obvious that I may "stereotype" the canadians.
Need not to say, while we condemned the Japs for killing Whales. It can be equated to the Canucks for killing Seals.
I remembered EURO countries voted to ban all Seal Product Importation, didnt they?
Cheers :)
p.s. sorry for any spelling and grammatical mistake I didnt proofread
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