農曆年假期﹐除了回老家跟老爸老媽拜年﹐跟親戚一年一度見見面外﹐今個農曆新年檔期的港產片有﹐鄭中基的【心想事成】﹐ 有雙生兒的【雙子神偷】﹐對不起我提不起興趣去看﹐另外爾冬陞的【門徒】還是等DVD罷。在網上查看北美的電影﹐最近的有幾套catching my eyes的。
Miss Potter
Renee Zellweger as Beatrix Potter,
Ewan McGregor as Norman Warne.
Directed by:
Chris Noonan
今次她扮演一位兒童書作家兼畫家Beatrix Potter﹐也是一位女權份子﹐是獨立女性的先驅﹐不為結婚而結婚。英文的簡介如下:
She created a series of books and characters that are as beloved today as they were a hundred years ago, and since their publication they have never been out of print. She was also a distinguished painter and--had she been a man--her botanical drawings would have been snapped up by the Royal Horticultural Society at Kew Gardens. Her first book "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", brought her and Norman, a publisher, together. The romance between them is the focus of much of the film.
查看北美票房紀錄並不特出﹐但我還是渴望早日在港上映﹐因為個Trailer 幾吸引﹐Miss Potter 在紙上的公仔會活起來。
Miss Potter Trailer
Miss Potter on Yahoo movie page
Sourced from Yahoo.movie
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This should be nice, I guess.
Yes! I bought the book last month. Guess the movie would be nice, too.
but a lot of the time... these movies will only be showing in hk for a week or so, without any promotion! must keep a keen eye out for it.
呀!!! 有計﹐ 叫我老表下次帶DVD返黎 :)
BYTHEWAY﹐ 遲鈍的我才發覺 LU 是初次光臨﹐補番一句“歡迎光臨”。
哎呀...快別這樣說.實在太客氣了...害我也不好意思了. :P
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