安倍政府的 Sound Bites
2012年 菅直人 和 石原慎太郎眉來眼去,為 釣魚台列島 兩人唱雙簧,再由菅直人的接班人,野田佳彥 和 石原慎太郎再一拍一和,最後促成了日本政府 “購島” 的鬧劇!
中國北京每每只是口頭上的 “嚴正交涉”,沒有實質行動 。。。。。。。最後 “購島” 成為既成事實!
野田佳彥 下台,海江田萬里 未能保著 日本民主黨 的執政地位,給 安倍晉三 取得執政權,自始 日本政府 的 Sound Bites 不絕 。。。。。。。每隔個多禮拜最遲兩個星期,就找一個話題,製造 Sound Bite,把北京和首爾激得急急跑出來,發表抗議,每試不爽!!!
遠的不說,農曆 新年 前後 。。。。。
十二月 安倍晉三 不理美國的勸告,親身參拜靖國神社,祭祀二戰時的甲級戰犯亡靈,卻死賴是全部死亡國民表達敬意 。。。。云云!
在年初一,日本就故意漏出消息,說有外國軍機進入中國領空,被中國的解放軍飛航隊驅趕 。。。。云云!
不久,日本 說今時今日的中國在東亞,猶如二戰前歐洲的納粹德國,入侵捷克波蘭般促使歐美各國不要再容忍 。。。。云云!
又不久,日本說自衛隊將研製計劃,要把飛到釣魚台列島的中國飛機,分成不同機種逼降日本,並將扣留飛行員,要以日本法律審判 。。。。云云!
再不久,日本企圖美化 “神風突擊隊”,要把 “突擊隊員” 的 告別書和遺物,向聯合國教科文組織《申遺》 。。。。云云!
就在上週,東京又說廿多年前,河野洋平 向二戰時的 “慰安婦” 道歉,是因當時形勢作出不當決定。對「河野談話」的依據,也就是對慰安婦受害人的證詞,需要從學術的角度進行進一步調查 。。。。云云!
日本人為何樂此不疲,每隔短時間就攪一些事端,引來南韓和中國的 “嚴正抗議” 呢?
日本人的奸計,就如當年 918 “瀋陽事變” 之前,77 “蘆溝橋事變” 之前,屢屢製造一些似是而非小事,混淆歐美各國視聽,誤判為又是一則 Sound Bite 掉以輕心,以為又是中國和南韓的例牌嚴正抗議,就企圖趁亂,來一次真的,等到歐美各國發覺內容有別,已經成為既成事實,生米煮成白飯米已成炊!!!
登文後的下午剛巧讀報 :《澳「慰安婦」批日本修正主義》
【Sydney Morning Harald】When she was a 21-year-old young woman, Japanese soldiers raped and beat Jan Ruff-O'Herne so many times she lost count.
Along with thousands of other women across Asia she was forced to be a sex slave of the imperial army during World War II.
Now the conservative Japanese government has questioned the testimony of the ''comfort women'' that led to the landmark apology won from Tokyo in 1993.
The move has placed a further pall over Japan's already tense relationship with China as well as South Korea, countries the Japanese occupied and home to most of the estimated 200,000 sex slaves.
''It's just hideous to not acknowledge it, there are so many witnesses who have spoken out about this,'' Mrs Ruff-O'Herne said from her home in Adelaide.
Supporters of the abused women fear an attempt to airbrush history after Japan's chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga last week indicated the government wanted to verify the authenticity of testimony from 16 South Korean women recorded in the lead-up to the 1993 apology.
No inquiry has been launched but ultra-conservatives in Japan's parliament dismiss the stories and say there are no documents to prove Japanese soldiers forced women into sexual servitude.
But Mrs Ruff-O'Herne, now 91, said Japanese leaders must come to terms with the country's history of war crimes. She was captured as a teenager with her Dutch parents on Java, Indonesia, and later forced into a brothel. She migrated to Australia in the 1960s.
For 50 years, she kept secret her abuse at the hands of Japanese soldiers, even from her family until speaking out in the early 1990s in support of Korean women seeking an apology from Japan.
''First it was only the Korean women, and nobody took any notice because 'they were only Asian women'. But then when a European woman spoke out the world suddenly took notice,'' Mrs Ruff-O'Herne said.
The pressure led to the Japanese government issuing a remarkable statement of ''apologies and remorse'' for abused women, with a promise to teach people about what had taken place.
Tessa Morris-Suzuki, an expert on modern Japanese history at the Australian National University, said the ''comfort women'' had become symbolic in the revisionist drive trying to argue Japan was as much a victim as the aggressor.
''From the point of view of people like Mr Abe and others in his government, it is something that makes Japan look very bad … they want to say this didn't happen, or it didn't happen the way people think it did - or if it did happen, everybody else did it as well,'' she said.
A spokesman for the Japanese embassy said his government stood by past statements yet believed in more discussions from ''an academic stand point'' on issues surrounding comfort women.
Mrs Ruff-O'Herne said the apology must stand. ''When such a terrible thing happens, you expect an apology. It was important for my healing process. It takes a lifetime to get over a thing like that.''
白人女人都是受害者,看看這位女士在美國首都的聽證會,ABC 2007 的 youtube 片段。可以想像,日本政府千方百計,又會找證據推翻 Mrs Ruff-O'Herne 的見證,這是見怪不怪,因為他們是日本人。
華稱應約才見 日媒:氣氛凝重
習:關係現困難 是非曲直清楚
看看 安倍 回國後又有甚麽新的 Sound Bites 。。。。。。。
日本政府有意重查慰安婦 xinhuanet
Jan Ruff-O'Hern 50 years of silence 谷歌搜尋
Australian wartime sex slave Jan Ruff-O'Hearne Sydney Morning Herald
Jan Ruff O’Herne 維基百科
華稱應約才見 習應約晤安倍無笑容 長青網
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Unfortunately, international politics are quite often based on self-interests, ideology, religion, opportunism, nationalism, .... ; and less on principles, democracy, civility, human rights, etc.
利用日本仔做打手,就如用藥 botox 和 chemotherapy 一般,先除大敵容後才殺小敵。
Japan refusing to return 300kg weapons-grade plutonium material which could be used to make up to 50 nuclear bombs.
HBB, the Americans employing double standard, I recently read about Mr. Harper,He follows quite close after Obama's tail too!
Furthermore canada boys ice hockey team 3-0 over Sweden and the girls team also won the Championship against USA,congratulations!
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