Madam Secretary
美國在全球實行霸權主義,與中國俄羅斯伊朗 and others 不停博弈。在右邊的輔助欄 Space Watch 說 嗜悲 追看 美劇 Madam Secretary,就是拿著這些話題作故事,上週完結了第一季 播出 Season Finale ep 22 第 22集。
@0:34 主角和她在 CIA 情同兄弟姊妹同事們共四人相約晚膳,之後男的 George 死於非命,非洲裔的女同事 Juliet 成為與 主角 敵對, 剩下最後一位 Hispanic 女同事 Isabelle, 與 主角 Elizabeth 一起並肩作戰調查真相, 卻因為一宗涉嫌洩密, 要把 女同事 Isabelle 家居切底搜查, 並且進行測謊試驗。
因為 Vince Marsh Secretary of States 突然意外死亡,主角被他在 CIA 的 導師 現職總統 President Dalton,延攬 成為繼承者遂為 Madam Secretary。Tea Leoni and Tim Daly as Mrs and Mr McCord 兩人演夫婦,改變了他們平凡的生活。
Main cast
Téa Leoni as Elizabeth Faulkner McCord; United States Secretary of State, prior CIA analyst and college professor
Tim Daly as Henry McCord; Elizabeth's husband, a Georgetown ethics professor, prior NSA spy and pilot within the United States Marine Corps
Bebe Neuwirth as Nadine Tolliver, Elizabeth's Chief of Staff
Keith Carradine as President Conrad Dalton and former CIA Director
Željko Ivanek as Russell Jackson, White House Chief of Staff
Patrick Breen as Andrew Munsey, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Patina Miller as Daisy Grant, Elizabeth's press coordinator
Geoffrey Arend as Matt Mahoney, Elizabeth's speechwriter
Erich Bergen as Blake Moran, Elizabeth's personal assistant
Kathrine Herzer as Alison McCord, Elizabeth and Henry's younger daughter
Evan Roe as Jason McCord, Elizabeth and Henry's son
Wallis Currie-Wood as Stephanie "Stevie" McCord, Elizabeth and Henry's older daughter
第一季將會有 22 episodes 以下是其中的預告片
這裡有超過 70個片段有關 Madam Secretary 的片段 (Anti chronological order)
劇集宣揚大美國主義,常以美國是全世界的救贖者自居,在第 19集 ”Spartan Figures“ 中 Madam Secretary 和 President Dalton 出訪歐洲,與希臘元首吃私人晚餐時被噴的一面屁!
於是 Elizabeth McCord 派出私人助理,查探到歐洲各國元首自成一個會議談希臘債務,並隱瞞排拒美國總統於居外。Elizabeth 就拉埋 President Dalton 成班人,硬闖會議廳話美國人要坐低一起傾。
而在剛剛過去的不久之前播映出的 ep 20,卻竟然照抄已故諜戰小說名家 Tom Clancy 的名著,並曾經改編成 The Hunt of Red October 的同名電影。
Sean Connery 演的蘇聯潛艇艦長,與一班忠心於他的船員變節,在北美洲的東岸近 Labrador 北冰洋匿藏。CIA analyst Jack Ryan 猜到他是企圖變節,於是說服了上司由他出馬去北冰洋策劃接應。
而在 Madam Secretary ep 20 當主角的丈夫到 俄羅斯參加論壇,同時發生了俄羅斯潛艇在美國阿拉斯加海岸遇事,被誤判是來襲擊美國。While Henry McCord is in Russia giving a lecture on fundamentalism, Elizabeth McCord must navigate tricky political waters when a Russian nuclear submarine vanishes in American waters.
估計編劇們寫故事時剛巧 Tom Clancy 逝世,於是可算全體由製片編劇導演而下演員臨記小工們,一起向 Tom Clancy 作一次最後致敬吧!
主角 Elizabeth McCord 是 CIA analyst 和在 Red October 中的 Jack Ryan 都是 CIA 中人,可以說是女版的 Jack Ryan,憑著 CIA 觸角結果成為了 Madam Secretary,統領美國的外交事務:國務卿女士。
又因為 Elizabeth McCord 是前 CIA 她的人脈廣闊,巴林的皇儲是她的舊同學(ep 13) ,因為插手某宗教事件而被暗殺死了。相識于微時伊朗外交部長,因為幫她說服宗教領袖談判核武條約(ep 16),卻在家中款待 Madam Secretary 時,死於美國鷹派 Andrew Munsey CIA Director 幕後策劃的陰謀,企圖破壞核武談判。
又有一次 Elizabeth McCord 利用 加拿大大使 過橋,暗會伊朗外交部長(ep 5 Blame the Canadians), Elizabeth McCord 很多是靠幕後的多方連串交易,而達成最終目的。
過去的一集 Madam Secretary 是 第一季的 Season Finale,為了完成作為 secretary of states 國務卿任務的 主角, 攪到大女兒 Stevie 要由大學退學哺在家中,細仔 Jason 因常與同學衝突需要轉校,與 CIA 的密友同事 Juliet 變成敵對 etc etc 最後 Elizabeth McCord 完成了 美國 與 Iran 伊朗達成 核武條約 簽署,以為可以鬆一口氣,但卻捲入洩密 top secret 最高國家機密。
Ep 21 Ending
Trailer for ep 22 season finale
那個非洲裔的同事 Juliet 說 Madam Secretary You are the traitor
另一方面 Madam Secretary 可能被揭發 sharing classified information
Then she ask Russell Jackson 白宮幕僚長 you and the president won't protect me?
Sorry! the chief of Staff replied
國會參議院內的反對派以 subpoena 傳票,要求 Madam Secretary 到國會聽證會答辯,關於和 伊朗 達成的核武條約,不為得到結果只是趁機打擊現今總統團隊。白宮幕僚長也不是等閒之輩,玩盡條例中的括免拒絕出席,寧可蒙上藐視國會都不讓敵對一方有機可乘。
參議院無奈轉發傳票 subpoena 給 Madam Secretary 丈夫 Henry McCord 發傳票,旨在找機會控告 Madam Secretary 洩露國家機密。這也是因此上面 幕僚長 說:Sorry !!!因為洩露國家機密,even 若總統希望保護 protect 兩人出來說話,可能對競選連任都受到影響。
在政治圈中必有棄車保帥,Madam Secretary 本季最後一集,Elizabeth McCord 可能基於打完齋唔要和尚,在特殊情況之下被逼辭職完結 。。。。。。究竟把 Elizabeth McCord 請出來做 Madam Secretary 的已故導師 President Dalton,會不會在最後關頭施予援手呢?還是 Madam Secretary 突然發威自保呢? 容許 嗜悲 不作劇透,欲知後事是否在本季解決,還是要追看 Season 2呢???
Season finale 第 22集中, Elizabeth 回憶起多年前,本是 CIA 頭頭 的總統 President Dalton,本來要派 Elizabeth 去 巴格達當 駐伊拉克 主管,提升 CIA 收集情報效益,Elizabeth 和家人商量後,最終選擇寧願辭職去教書,避過了家庭分裂。結果 Juliet 執二灘當上駐巴格達主管,這也解釋了何故 Juliet 加入了暗殺陰謀活動。
結尾是回憶片段,當時 CIA 頭頭 Dalton 與一眾徒兒們,歡送 Elizabeth 辭職去賓夕法尼亞州教書(他們買了一個牧場養馬),並宣布 Juliet 接手成為駐巴格達主管,各人祝福 Elizabeth 的離職過新生活。不在其位不謀其政,人有時會是身不由己,大家還在微時可以歡聚,可惜結果是 。。。。。。。。有時間就看看 Madam Secreatary 國務卿女士劇集吧!
Search on the Web 見到幾個有 substance 的訪談 Madam Secretary Téa Leoni as Elizabeth Faulkner McCord on TV
【CBS Madam Secretary】The first episodes of Madam Secretary left us with a lot of questions. Let’s revisit some of the biggest open mysteries the show is still investigating.
1. Who killed former United States Secretary of State Vince Marsh?
The biggest mystery of the show remains unsolved, despite Secretary Elizabeth (“Bess”) McCord’s extensive investigating.
What we know:
His last words were “So it goes,” suggesting he had a suspicion that something bad could happen to him.
The plane crash has been blamed on a loose screw, and Bess has questioned whether this tragedy could be linked to a fatal crash that took place 15 years ago in Dubai.
Marsh had a secret bank account containing $40 million in the Cayman Islands.
The day before he died, an untraceable source deposited $500,000 into Marsh’s bank account.
Marsh had told Nadine that the money was to be used for the two of them after Marsh divorced his wife.
Marsh had recently created a corporation called Kliburn Oil & Gas.
Marsh opened a bank account in Venezuela, where he also owned a ranch.
Although he worked closely with President Dalton, Marsh often went behind his back to do his personal dealings.
Marsh had plans to become the president.
2. Who killed Bess’ friend and former CIA colleague George, and is his death connected to Marsh’s?
What we know:
George suspected foul play was involved in Marsh’s death, and he wasted no time informing Bess.
Shortly after George’s visit, he crashed into a telephone pole and died.
Bess doesn’t believe George’s death was an accident, and she’s determined to uncover his killer.
See also: 15 Biggest Surprises So Far In Madam Secretary.
3. Who exactly is Marie Porter, and how did she become a signatory on Marsh’s private bank account?
What we know:
Marie Porter is a pseudonym.
Bess’s friend Isabelle from the CIA discovered that the woman pictured in the surveillance photo is actually an Iranian spy with ties to the Iranian Foreign Intelligence Ministry.
The day after Marsh was killed, this woman withdrew $40 million from Marsh’s account.
Bess now knows she’s been traced to Istanbul, where she’s currently hiding.
Russell and Bess sent a team to capture Marie Porter for questioning, but the operation was botched. Snipers shot at the CIA, and the case goes unsolved.
Number 4 was missing
5. What was Marsh really doing in Venezuela, and were his intentions worse than just trying to become president?
What we know:
As mentioned earlier, we know Marsh opened a bank account in Venezuela and had plans to further his oil corporation.
Chief of Staff Russell Jackson had a strong suspicion that Marsh was planning on hurting President Dalton, and had Matt spy on Marsh.
Matt messed with some of Marsh’s speeches, making him say things that the administration didn’t support.
Marsh also played dirty, relying on information from oil lobbyists in his pipeline report. This leads us to question just exactly what he was doing with oil lobbyists, and how these relationships were tied to his own Venezuelan corporation.
Russell later confronted Marsh, telling him: “You don’t backstab the president of your own party without consequences.” When Marsh asked if Russell had just threatened him, Russell responded: “It’s a guarantee.”
See also: 15 Things We Know About Henry McCord (Link)
6. Who’s the mole that botched Bess’ operation? What did George and Juliet know, and were they involved in something much darker than just a cover-up? Why did George come to Bess to warn her before he was killed? Did Juliet have something to do with George’s murder?
What we know:
Bess questions who the mole could have been and declares that through Occam’s Razor, she had to be suspicious of Isabelle.
Isabelle denies that she gave up any information and has been anything other than loyal to Bess.
Of course, Bess has her doubts about Isabelle being the mole, but she must have her interrogated by the FBI to cover all of her bases.
Bess and Russell decide they need to bring in the president to brief him on the operation and to let him know they think someone in their circle is the mole.
The president tells them that he had his doubts about the Dubai crash, and hired both George and another agent to investigate. Both agents told him that the crash was an accident.
Now we have reason to believe these agents lied to the president, but we still don’t know why.
We then find out that the other agent was Bess’ friend Juliet who initially told Bess she wasn’t interested in investigating Marsh’s murder.
Bess joins the FBI to search Juliet’s house, and they find that she’s vanished.
Juliet left a card for Bess on the counter, along with the teddy bear Bess sat on while they were having dinner.
These are all questions we hope to answer as Madam Secretary continues on Sunday nights at 8/7c on CBS!
Téa Leoni as Elizabeth Faulkner McCord and Tim Daly as Henry McCord
Wow!!! 不知幾時才播 Season 2 呢?以前有偶然看看 The West Wing,但都是一班麻甩佬闘法,今次選了金髮的 Téa Leoni (49歲)還有 Tim Daly (原來 59歲保養甚佳),雖然老了不少但總堪稱俊男美女(late by 30 years),總比以前看的投入,雖然仍然是大美國主義,當小說故事看吧 。。。。。。。。don't be serious !!!!!
Madam Secretary CBS
Madam Secretary Official youtube channel
Madam Secretary 維基百科
Madam Secretary - Season 1 Episode IMDB
Madam Secretary Youtube
Madam Secretary Mysteries That Still Have Us Wondering Who killed Vince Marsh? CBS 網頁
The Hunt for Red October youtube
諜戰小說迷 失去了 Tom Clancy
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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