在明報讀到一篇集東西方文化、經濟、思想,進行分析的學術性文章,全文頗長,有耐性的朋友,可以讀讀!否則建議先讀 first to fifth paragraph 第一至五段,首五段後即可跳到 last paragraph 末段的 Conclusion 結語嘞。
作者 許寶強是嶺南大學 文化研究系副教授
許教授在 2009-01-05于明報發表一篇文章名為:
文明衝突 與 自由放任的終結~~弗里曼 和 亨廷頓 辭世之後
【明報專訊】剛離世的美國哈佛大學政治學者亨廷頓(Samuel Huntington),於20世紀90年代發表的,《文明衝突 The Clash of Civilizations》 ,惹起不少爭議。《文明衝突》先於1993年以學術論文的形式發表在《外交事務 Foreign Affairs》期刊,再於1996年以專書出版(The Clash of Civilizations——Remaking of World Order, New York : Simon & Schuster)。
著有《東方論述》(Orientalism)和《文化與帝國主義》(Culture and Imperialism)的已故哥倫比亞教授薩伊德(Edward Said),批評亨廷頓只看到「文明」間的衝突,而無視「文明」間的交流、分享和相互孕育。
他在題為 《無知的碰撞 The Clash of Ignorance》 , The Nation, Oct.4, 2001 的文章中,這樣寫道:
正如Ernesto Laclau在On Populist Reason(2005)一書指出,了解民粹主義的操作,是打開理解當代政治運作的鎖匙。作為一種政治邏輯,民粹操作依賴的是一種截然對立的敵我建構,以便把內部紛雜多樣的「人民」,打造成擁有同一訴求(和敵人)的集體身分,當中需要意義含混的空洞能指(empty signifier)作為中介,以建構一種不可能存在的統一體(例如「西方文明」)。
重讀 凱恩斯 博蘭尼
凱恩斯(J. M. Keynes)在其寫於上世紀20年代中的 《自由放任的終結 The End of Laissez-faire》, 收於New York: Prometheus Books, 2004中,提醒我們研究觀念的歷史(history of opinion)是思想解放的前提。置身金融海嘯中,重讀凱恩斯和博蘭尼(Karl Polanyi)有關放任主義在19世紀至20世紀初興衰的論斷,應有助我們理解當代的處境。
凱恩斯指出,雄霸19世紀的自由放任觀念,並非源自Adam Smith和Ricardo等政治經濟學大師,而是出於政治哲學家之手,再經一些二流經濟學者(secondary economic authorities)和教育機器(educational machine)的不斷自我複製,終於成為了主導一時的陳腔濫調(copybook maxim)。凱恩斯認為,放任主義之所以在19世紀大行其道,除了是對18世紀無能和貪腐的政府的反動外,也得力於物競天擇、適者生存的庸俗社會達爾文主義觀念的流行,同時又受益於放任主義的簡單易懂和其論辯對手──保護主義和國家社會主義──的脫離現實。
不約而同,博蘭尼在其名著《大轉變》(The Great Transformation, Boston: Beacon Press, 1944/1957)也論及自由放任觀念的興衰。他指出19世紀興起的放任主義(laissez-faire)和經濟自由主義(economic liberalism),在破壞了傳統的社群文化生活之餘,也同時造就了社會(包括自然、人和金錢)的自我保護,最終導致放任主義和經濟自由主義自身的末路。
20世紀30年代的經濟大衰退,見證了主宰整個19世紀的「放任主義」和「經濟自由主義」的沒落,而在21世紀金融海嘯的衝擊下,當代的自由放任論調也步入黃昏。隨著鼓吹放任主義的弗里曼(Milton Friedman)和提出文明衝突論的亨廷頓相繼辭世,勇於偏向財閥和發動戰爭的布殊政府正式步下歷史的舞台,在各少數族裔的支持下,美國終於選出了第一位黑人總統。這種種轉變,是否正預示了分別為貧富兩極分化和種族仇恨/歧視提供理據的自由放任與文明衝突論,正式走向終結?
上文長篇大論,引經據典,搬出幾個大名,最終祇是為了要說:為何? WHY? 美國會有第一位黑人總統,民主黨的奧巴馬出現。奧巴馬先在黨內初選,脫穎而出,先後擊敗多位民主黨內的白人對手,包括志在必得的前第一夫人 希拉莉克林頓女士。再在08年11月美國全國大選中,勝了代表傳統白人保守勢力,純白人共和黨總統候選人 麥凱恩。
Well 冇辦法囉,在香港學者們的成績、成就、成功、成名,是靠發表的文章數量來論成敗,多過文章的質量,之後引用次數多寡。發表文章數量容易統計,質量就見仁見智了,要去追蹤引用多寡,難度更高,而且中國人一向文人相輕,若要搵老外學者來評核、評閱、評審,就更加困難了,費時失事。記得九七之前,本港兩間歷史悠久的大學,存在聘請『校外主考』的制度,即是每個學系個 panel,要多請一位外國學者當成員,去 reaffirm 本地成員,不知回歸之後,還有沒有繼續呢?
Anyway 孤勿論甚麼都好,奧巴馬話要 Change! 改變! 他將要建立一個近附社會主義的美國,早在競選就有跡象,眾所周知有跡可尋。加上金融大海嘯的沖擊,政府向銀行、金融機構和三大車廠注資,間接地國有化了,成就了規範化,受到嚴密監控,自由經濟主義切底被推翻,被否定了。
奧巴馬 sell 給美國人的另一個賣點,就是 The audacity of hope:Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream 給予民眾一個希望,給美國人一個夢想。人們有著祈望、希望,就會較有耐性,總希望明天會變得更好,今天唔好的話,希望明天就會變好,但『明日復明日 明日何其多』。夢是可以發完又再發過,美國人可以不停的發夢,發他們的春秋『白日夢』!
In his inaugural speech Obama said: ". . . . this crisis has reminded us that without a watchful eye, the market can spin out of control -- and that a nation cannot prosper long when it favors only the prosperous. The success of our economy has always depended not just on the size of our gross domestic product, but on the reach of our prosperity; on our ability to extend opportunity to every willing heart."
希望奧巴馬不至于是要推行『福利社會主義』、『保護主義』和『計劃經濟』,否則這個 Dream 將會是一場『惡夢』!
另一位學者 中文大學亞太研究所 研究助理教授 沈旭暉
亨廷頓﹕學術與政治的掙扎 2009年1月6日
得到一位在紐約打工的舊同事 Email咗,這個有趣的課題:
”I hope he(Obama)FAILS”. Apparently a radio talkshow host
Rush Limbaugh said:
"I've been listening to Barack Obama for a year-and-a-half. I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don't want them to succeed. . . . . Look, what he's talking about is the absorption of as much of the private sector by the U.S. government as possible, from the banking business, to the mortgage industry, the automobile business, to health care. I do not want the government in charge of all of these things. I don't want this to work. So I'm thinking of replying to the guy, 'Okay, I'll send you a response, but I don't need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails. . . . . Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.' Somebody's gotta say it."
全文:I HOPE HE FAILS by Rush Limbaugh
Futhermore many responded to this and one of the many said:
Why I Want Barack Obama To Fail As President
Now we arrive at where I stand on Obama's relative "success." I did not vote for the man. I do not support his socialist ideas. I stand four-square against his votes for infanticide, his votes to gut the Constitutional right to self-protection, his vague ideas of nationalizing various industries, his intention to enlarge government to unheard of proportions and his softening on terror producing countries. And since these are the things his entire life's career point to as probable goals to "succeed" upon during his presidency… well, I want him to fail. And I want him to do so spectacularly. If Barack Obama is but a Trojan Horse for communism to push its nose under and into the tent, I want him to fail in the attempt.
Simply put I want these ideas to fail miserably because success for them would mean the destruction of this country. So, wishing Obama to succeed would be hoping for the destruction of my country if success means the accomplishments of goals like I mention above.
The Clash of Civilizations ~ Samuel P. Huntington 1993 英文原文 utexas.edu
The Clash of Ignorance ~ Edward Said 英文原文 thenation.com
The End of Laissez-faire ~ John Maynard Keynes 英文原文 panarchy.org
文明衝突 與 自由放任的終結~~弗里曼 和 亨廷頓 辭世之後 明報
亨廷頓﹕學術與政治的掙扎 明報
Obama Inaugural Speech 原文 CNN.Com
美國總統奧巴馬就職演說(全文) 新浪網
奧巴馬就職演說(全文) 中國評論新聞
奧巴馬臨危登大位 經濟績效決定成敗 明報社評
激情奧巴馬難再現 蔡子強
Rush Limbaugh: I hope he fails 谷歌搜尋
Why I Want Barack Obama To Fail As President by Warner Todd Huston redstate.com
Why I Want Barack Obama To Fail As President freerepublic.com
一年一度 JibJab
悼佛利民 悼自由經濟主義
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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>> ... 『福利社會主義』、『保護主義』和『計劃經濟』
One should first decide what results we want to achieve, then decide on the appropriate tools, and not the other way around. From a governance perspective, there are generally three types of goals/results:
* Social
* Political
* Economic
『福利社會主義』: In terms of social goals, I mean if people are starving and dying on the streets, it will be hard for the US govt to say: Sorry, can't help you cuz we are not a welfare state. Now if you are talking abt "corporate welfare" (aka bailout), then it should fall under the next two categories.
『保護主義』: At least in the short term, it will be political suicide for the US govt to be seen as NOT protecting local jobs and industries.
『計劃經濟』: From a economic perspective, the financial sector is broken and needs fixing. While people do not want socialist-style centralized planning, they are expecting the US govt to intervene into the private sector and turn the US economy around in an orderly fashion. This obviously will involve economic planning by the different levels of govts, industry and other sectors of the society. Even in better days, both national and international monetary institutions are always involved in economic planning. Now, whether they have done a good job or not, that's another matter.
On the subject of 文明衝突, I would like to offer the following:
I do not necessarily subscribe to the "super hero in search of super villains" theory. Sure, socialism and communism have always been the "traditional" villains of the US, but the conflict is more ideology driven and is always in the name of defending US influence, democracy and values. I mean the US did not continue portraying Japan as a villain after WWII. The "Japs" could have been an easy target. Nor, was there an open conflict betwn the US and certain Islamic militant groups until after 911. And, I would submit that most Americans did not know much abt the "other" civilization before that fateful day. Here again, the US war against terrorism is not a war betwn civilizations, although some politicians might have taken advantage of the fear factor (異族/異教) and label it as such. Based on my observation that yesterday's friends could become today's enemies, I would submit that most conflicts are caused more by present day foreign policies and international relationships rather than any century-old cultural differences.
On the subject of自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了。:
One must be clear as to what we mean by 自由經濟主義. On the global scale, there are more and more bilateral economic cooperation (e.g. Canada-Columbia) and multi-lateral economic systems (e.g. WTO, APEC, NAFTA) established to encourage free-trade among nations. Non-tariff trade barriers are taken down and goods and services flow across borders. So the world trend is for "freer" trade albeit with the adherence of certain rules and regulations within an agreed economic structure. So, in this context,自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了 is not exactly the case.
However, I do agree that within a nation, especially in the US, the recent financial woe is a wakeup call to people such as Greenspan who had been pushing for a laissez-faire policy for a long time. But even with planned govt interventions in the form of policies, regs and (gulp!) bailout, I am not sure if one can then conclude自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了. My sense is that: Once the financial wheels are back on the track and the US economy train starts running again, the private sector (and not the govt) will still be the driver. The govt regulators will keep a close eye on the overall operation, but there will not be a state-run economy.
噢!hari 兄:
I am gratified by your thorough response to my article, I shall try my best to make myself clear why I was saying that during the weekend.
有關『福利社會主義』、『保護主義』和『計劃經濟』我文內祇說:希望奧巴馬不至于是要推行『福利社會主義』、『保護主義』和『計劃經濟』,否則這個 Dream 將會是一場『惡夢』!
至于『文明衝突』,兄臺的意見 intriguing,讓我慢慢消化後,再續!
最後關于:『自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了。』 起碼我已知道奧巴馬話:要重新談判,美、加和墨西哥三國的 NAFTA,我相信 Hari兄身在楓葉國,沒有理由沒有聽過罷。
其他的不在話下,奧巴馬要增加就業,企圖把 outsourcing 的職位搬回美國,創造職位的公司可以退稅,這是否一種政府補貼呢?中國可以寫定狀子,告到 WTO去!
不過,透過注資,成為大股東,間接地國有化了,成就了規範化,受到嚴密監控,通通是anti laissez-faire policy,顧我說『自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了。』若你認為不是,亦相去不遠矣,起碼我相信在奧巴馬任內都無翻身之日!
I am surprised to see Rush Limbaugh's B.S traveled all the way to Hong Kong. Argh, the power of the Republican influences. I appreciate your post but I am an Obama supporter. I see a lot in this man and I hope he will make some real changes. I am all for bringing jobs back to the U.S. Bill Clinton was the one who first helped outsourcing jobs out of the U.S, we are paying the price while China and these big corporations benefit. Bill Clinton was sold to big money. I am praying Obama will be different. Well, it has only been 2 days. If Obama is a fake, we will be kicking his ass out of the White House in 4 years. You watch.
Space 兄: 網上互硏,沒有所謂誰对誰不对,欢迎指教討論呀!!
Exile from HK: Just like Inner Space, I too will think more abt the different policy issues and implications arising from the "changing of guards" in the US. Obviously, Canada will be greatly affected, esp in the international trade/investment and foreign policy agenda.
Well,Mr/Ms " Exile from HK"
re: I appreciate your post but I am an Obama supporter. . . . we will be kicking his ass out of the White House in 4 years.
Since you have bluntly stopped everybody from telling you about their thoughts regarding
Mr. Obama. What I can say is, thank you very much for your visit/comment.
I wish you and Mr. Obama the best of luck.
Humbly yours,
hari 兄:
文明 civilization 和 文化 culture
我的 understanding 是 文明可以包涵多種文化,correct me IF I were wrong.
Anyway the above are just my thoughts 亂噏!
Argh...this was exactly what the Republican party tried to pull during the campaign. The attempt to divide! Very sad.
Mr/ Ms Exile from HK
First,wishing you a HAPPY Chinese New Year!
先祝你:新春快樂 牛年順境!
Aiya! What does that mean? Sorry I don't understand.
I'm not here to bug you. I guess I have a big mouth, haha....happy new year to you too. Hope you make a lot of money this year.
Mr/Ms Exile from HK
how big is your mouth I can not tell without seeing your picture!
"吾道不孤" 上網一查就有解釋和出處,不贅!
IF you meant what it pointed at, which I doubted you didn't know. Anyway, I was referring to "奧巴馬是黑皮白心", the Republican party said the same.
lastly thanks for your good wish period
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