
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報

“During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

歷史更新的一頁 a newer page on American history

今週的新聞焦點本來將會是,由九月一日至四日,賈在風光明媚的 明尼蘇達州 明尼阿波利斯 及 聖保羅市 舉行的,共和黨的黨員大會 Republican National Convention, 到時將會確認已年屆 72歲的共和黨老黨員,John Sidney McCain (III) 約翰 燮尼 麥凱恩 (三世) 成為總統候選人,和 確認由麥凱恩揀選的女拍檔,年僅 44歲的 阿拉斯加女州長 Sarah Heath Palin 莎拉 希夫 佩林 讓她成為代表共和黨的政府總統候選人。二人將組成競選拍檔,角逐四年一任的執政權。

但颶風『古斯塔夫』九月一日直撲墨西哥灣,路易斯安納州,將在 紐澳憐市,附近登陸。三年前的颶風 Katrina,把 紐澳憐市變成水塘,全市泛濫成災,斷水斷電,居民需要拯救,全市居民疏散。新聞焦點轉移,改為集中在風災之上,為了應付颶風,正副總統 小布殊 和 切尼,將不會出席共和黨黨大會,第一天的大會 itinerary 唯有修訂,以後幾天的程序,一切準備好的,相信都需要讓路,變成一切從簡。

在共和黨黨員大會中,確認 McCain 麥凱恩Palin 佩林代表共和黨的總統及副總統候選人。有著傳統保守思想的共和黨人,願意由女性州長 Palin 佩林 成為他們的副總統。 並且 佩林將會是第一位女性代表共和黨參選,也是繼八四年民主黨的 花拉露被提明為副總統候選人後,第二位女性副總統候選人,在今屆總統選戰中,再寫下了美國歷史更新的一頁。

本來共和黨的重量級人物,包括現任正副總統,紛紛出來為 John McCain 麥凱恩Sarah Palin 佩林 站臺,發表演說,振奮共和黨人,團結共和黨人,緊箍著原有的票源,並爭取游離票源,努力把原屬于民主黨 希拉莉的女性選民的票源轉投過來共和黨。現在要睇一吓,古斯塔夫有幾威力,才知道誰會理會共和黨大會。



第一天九月一日的共和黨大會,因為颶風令到不能完全進行,只有一切從簡,祇有 麥凱恩的太太,仙蒂 麥凱恩發表演說(演說 Youtube)及 布殊總統夫人 勞拉 布殊的演說(演說 Youtube),屬于共和黨重量級人物,但兩位夫人,談及籌款賑災多些。

九月二日,因為颶風的災情未如預期般巨大,重量級人物遂陸續登場。二零零零年的民主黨副總統候選人,即是當年副總統 戈爾 揀選的副手,可惜兩人一起輸了給 小布殊,麥凱恩的私交好友,前民主黨資深黨員,祖爾 利伯曼掉轉槍頭發表演說(演說全文),支持共和黨的候選人 (利伯曼已轉為獨立參議員,不再遞屬民主黨)。 而現任總統 小布殊 透過衛星視像,向黨代表發表演說(演說全文),他只是舊調重提,再利用九一一反恐多一次,推介 麥凱恩就是最能夠帶領美國人,進行他還未完成的反恐戰爭。

九月三日,共和黨的黨大會,再沒有受颶風的影響,全力推進。九一一的英雄市長 Mayor of New York City,朱利安尼站出來為 麥凱恩站臺並發表演說(演說全文)。朱翁說:『民主黨一直強調求變 Change! But there's good change and bad change. 還有 Because change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy』,指民主黨得個講字,沒有實質的策略!

跟著就是第三晚的重頭戲,Palin 佩林出來接受提名為共和黨的副總統候選人,並發表強硬的演說 (演說全文)。佩林勁踩民主黨說:『In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.』這個我譯不到呀!

第四日亦是共和黨黨大會的最後一天, 麥凱恩將會接受黨員的提名,確認為 presidency candidate for the republicans 共和黨的總統候選人,由 麥凱恩一鎚定音,誓師出發競選。 但不出所料,共和黨仍然利用反恐做籌碼,在 麥凱恩還未出場演說,先播了一段九一一恐怖襲擊的片段,喚起國人黨人的沉痛記憶,強調祇有共和黨的總統候選人,才能夠保護美國,防止歷史重演。 究竟利用反恐戰爭做籌碼 residual value 還剩幾多?

之後由旁述員介紹 ,Palin 佩林的生平。 繼續就是 McCain 麥凱恩的生平, 但是出現了蝦碌, 旁述員話:當 McCain 麥凱恩結束第一段婚姻後,認識了現任太太 Cindy,當時 麥凱恩已經 41歲,卻佯稱祇是 37歲,而 Cindy本來是 24歲,卻報大數話自己有 27歲,把本來相差 17年,變成只是 10年之隔。 原來兩人一早已經是騙子,他日會否成為民主黨,借題發揮的話題呢? 哈!哈!哈!

然後 Cindy McCain 以老婆身份介紹老公,告訴黨人、國人、選民,為何要選 McCain 麥凱恩 入主白宮,才是美國的最佳選擇的演說(演說全文)。主調仍然把越戰戰俘,描繪成越戰英雄,再伸延把 McCain 麥凱恩捧成『反恐』的總統,究竟利用反恐戰爭做籌碼 residual value 還剩幾多?

最後 McCain 麥凱恩在掌聲中出場,發表接受共和黨人提名的演說 (演說全文)。McCain 麥凱恩說:『I'd rather lose an election than see my country lose a war』, 表現出強硬的一面,一貫的老兵本色。演說的結尾 麥凱恩:『Fight with me. Fight with me. Stand up, stand up, stand up, and fight !』

究竟利用反恐戰爭做籌碼 residual value 還剩幾多?

Anyway 十一月四日就是美國大選日,到時
72歲的 麥凱恩 配 44歲的 佩林 共116歲

47歲的 奧巴馬 配 66歲的 拜登 共113歲。

佩林女兒未婚懷孕兩黨籲尊重私隱 (星島日報)
佩林承認女兒未婚懷孕 (明報)
奧巴馬籲政治勿涉家事 (明報)
麥凱恩選女州長為競選拍檔 (明報)
麥凱恩選擇女州長佩林為競選伙伴 (新華網)
選擇佩林搭檔參選震驚美國政壇 (新浪網)

歷史新的一頁 a new page on American history
希拉莉 敗選者的氣度
奧巴馬 存在的隱患


imak said...

呢個故事教訓了小朋友: 薑都係老既辣!

Anonymous said...

Imak 姐姐:
而 麥凱恩 就是最後一位演說,

Haricot 微豆 said...

"... In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change. 這個我譯不到呀!..."

Let me try:

在政壇代選人中,有某些投机者鼔吹革新,其真正目的是鼓吹自己的職位前途。反之, 麥凱恩同志是無私地用他自己的職位來鼔吹革新,目的是為了國家的前途。

Haricot 微豆 said...

You are right. History is being made in the US. The election will be a tight race with the two camps currently tied at the polls.

Here in Canada, we will have our own Federal Election in October, ahead of the US one. According to recent polls, incumbent Prime Minister Harper has the highest rating among potential candidates of the major opposition parties. Obviously, the ruling Conservative is hoping for a majority government this time.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Haricot 微豆 said...

I like travelling. So knowing some foreign languages is definitely an advantage.

Some reporters are saying Prime Minister Harper wants the Canadian election ahead of the US one for fear of the "sleeping with the elephant" effect. There is no doubt Canada's economic and foreign policies are very much influenced by the political scene south of the border.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Forgot to mention: Mr. Obama said that if elected, he would reopen NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement) with Canada and Mexico. That alone will have a significant impact on the north-south trade balance and employment situation within Canada. It will be up to the candidates of the Canadian election to explain how they will deal with US-Canada relationship issues. Informed voters can then decide accordingly.

The Inner Space said...

加拿大的 progressive conservative party 理念較接近,美國的共和黨, right?

The Inner Space said...

NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement) reopen 呀?

記得BC省的軟木糾紛,就算有 NAFTA,都攪咗好耐,BC的伐木場和加工廠倒閉,工人冇工開,老闆破產right?

Haricot 微豆 said...

Prime Minister Harper is the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada that was formed in Dec 2003 through the merging of the Reform Party and the Progressive Conservative Party. Yes, the Conservative, as the word suggests, is right of centre on the overall political spectrum in Canada.

Haricot 微豆 said...

I assume there will be an "exit" clause (subject to certain conditions) to allow parties to re-negotiate or opt out of the agreement.

You are right, in the past, soft wood lumber and steel were major trade irritants betwn Canada and the US. My guess is that automobile and autoparts, as well as other manufacturing goods could be additional "items of interest". I would suggest the candidates' slogan "keeping jobs in America" will also affect jobs in countries other than Canada.