怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times
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敬請參與在右下方的不記名訪客分佈調查問卷,你是: ?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Arizona Grand Canyon Skywalk
Dr. Buzz Aldrin has already taken the Inaugural Walk on the Skywalk Glass Bridge, but the Official Public Opening Of The Skywalk is scheduled on March 28, 2007
Grand Canyon West, a destination owned and operated by the Hualapai Tribe at the Grand Canyon’s western rim, announces March 28, 2007 as the official public opening date of The Skywalk. The Skywalk will be the first-ever cantilever shaped glass walkway to suspend more than 4,000 feet above the canyon’s floor and extend 70 feet from the canyon’s rim.
Access to The Skywalk will run from dawn to dusk and will cost $25 per person in addition to the cost of a Grand Canyon West entrance package. One hundred and twenty people will be allowed on the bridge at a time. Admittance is first come, first serve for walk up visitors; however, reservations can be made. Guests will enter and exit the walkway via temporary buildings while the adjacent visitor’s center is being completed. Grand Canyon West plans to issue numbered shoe covers – in order to avoid scratches and slipping - to each visitor that enters the open-air walkway. Prior to the public opening in March, Grand Canyon West will host a “First Walk” event for media and VIPs. The name of the first public figure to step on The Skywalk will be announced closer to the opening. The historical rollout of The Skywalk structure, with the glass in place, is scheduled for February 27 to March 2. The initial part of the rollout process involves jacking the structure up off of the supports and then subjecting the structure to several days of thorough tests that replicate the conditions of final placement. After the final testing is complete, the multi-million pound steel enforced structure will be rolled out across the canyon’s edge, which takes multiple days. Immediately after the structure is in position, it will be seated and attached to the foundation. Located at Grand Canyon West’s Eagle Point, The Skywalk facility will also include a 6,000 square-foot visitor’s center on three levels – underground, first story and second story – which will contain a museum, movie theater, VIP lounge, gift shop, and several restaurants and bars, including a high-end restaurant called The Skywalk Café that will offer outdoor patio and rooftop seating on the edge of the canyon. The second story will be where visitors can access The Skywalk glass walkway. The visitor’s center will also offer private indoor and outdoor facilities for meetings, special events and weddings. 風信子小姐 07-03-29 提供的最新 大峽谷 Skywalk 的片段 Further Information please refer to : 大峽谷SkyWalk 天空之橋, Grand Canyon SkyWalk Aerial Bridge Related blogs: Eagle Point at Grand Canyon West , 韶華去 四季暗中追隨
Friday, March 23, 2007
最近比較煩 周華健/李宗盛/黃品冠
曲︰李宗盛/周華健/黃品冠 詞︰李宗盛
品:最近比較煩 比較煩 比較煩
我想我還是不習慣 從沒沒無聞到有人喜歡
周:最近比較煩 比較煩 比較煩
朋友常常有意無意調侃 我也許有天改名叫周轉
李:最近比較煩 比較煩 比較煩
那個後面還有一班天才追趕 哎呦
寫一首皆大歡喜的歌 是越來越難
品:最近比較煩 比較煩 比較煩
周:最近比較煩 比較煩 比較煩
我問老段說怎麼辦 他說基本上這個很難
李:最近比較煩 比你煩 也比你煩
夢中的餐廳燈光太昏暗 我遍尋不著那藍色的小藥丸
周:人生總有遠的近的麻煩 太太每天嫌我回家太晚
品:女友媽媽嫌我長得寒酸 雖然我已每天苦幹實幹
合:管它什麼 天大麻煩 久而久之
我會習慣 天下沒有不要錢的午餐
李:太太發現秘書裙子很短 她就買了八千塊的耳環
周:女兒太胖 兒子不肯吃飯
品:車子太爛 銀行沒有存款
合:麻煩 麻煩 麻煩 麻煩 麻煩
我很麻煩 麻煩 麻煩 麻煩 周:最近比較煩
李:我比較煩 我的頭髮只剩下從前的一半
品:台北的女生有些高不可攀 最近比較煩
李:比較煩 周:比較煩 我只是心煩卻還沒有混亂
合:不煩 我不煩 只有一點煩
你比我煩 我情願心甘 我不煩
不煩 我不煩 我不煩 我不煩
我只有一點煩 你和我一樣
我不煩 不煩 我不煩 我真的不煩
我不煩 不煩 人生很燦爛 燦爛
我不煩 不煩 你比我煩
你比較煩 你比較煩 我不煩
我一點都不煩 我不煩
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Durian Durian 榴槤飄香
泰國的 金枕頭 大家隨時在 佳佳 和 康康 買到不贅﹐ 以下是我的馬來西亞朋友電郵給我的﹐ 有關馬來西亞榴槤品種。
All credits go to the talented photographer who took these pictures and explained to the world the different kinds of durians we have in Malaysia!!!! In a way, makes us proud of our KING OF FRUITS - DURIAN!!!
D11 "Number Eleven" is a very popular durian in the 70's. It has creamy yellow flesh with a pleasant taste and a subtle smell.
D604 The D604 was first cultivated by the late Mr. Teh Hew Hong of Sungai Pinang, Balik Pulau. The flesh is quite sweet, and has some "body" to it as the seed is small.
D600 This durian originates in Sungai Pinang in Balik Pulau. The flesh has a bittersweet taste to it, with a touch of sourness. The one that I documented is a bit hard.
D700 The flesh is darker than D600, like chrome yellow. Also slightly hard. Crispy, but the smell is not very strong.
Hor Loh (Water Gourd Durian) The flesh of the Hor Loh is very soft, dry and quite bitter. It has a sharp smell to it. Hor Loh was first cultivated at the Brown Estate of Sungai Ara. It got its name from its appearance resembling a "Hor Lor" pumpkin. If the durian hits the ground hard when it falls, the flesh tends to be bitter thereafter.
Ang Heh (Red Prawn Durian) Ang Heh originates from Pondok Upeh, Balik Pulau, and has a round-shaped husk. The orange reddish flesh is highly aromatic, very soft with a bitter-sweet taste.
Xiao Hung (Little Red Durian) Xiao Hung, whose name means "Little Red One," originates in Sungai Pinang, Balik Pulau. The flesh has a bittersweet taste to it, with a touch of sourness. The one that I tasted for this write-up is a bit hard. There are only one or two seeds per section, but the flesh is thick.
Yah Kang (Centipede Durian) Yah Kang is one of my favourite durians. Although its flesh is whitish, the taste is superb, milky, like very sweet, melting chocolate. The name "yah kang" means centipede, and accounts for the number of centipedes found at the foot of the tree, hence giving it the rather unusual name.
Bak Eu (Pork Fat Durian) Bak Eu has a slightly acidic aroma. The flesh is whitish while the taste is quite bitter but nice.
D17 is dark cream flesh. The taste is slightly dry but sweet. It is a tasty durian.
Coupling This durian is gets its unusual name because it looks like two durians joined together, one big and one small. When split open, you almost thought the two halves belong to two different durians. Coupling has whitish flesh which is slightly dry but tastes good.
Ooi Kyau (Tumeric Durian) The name Ooi Kyau (tumeric) describes the colour of the bright yellow flesh of this durian. It is very sweet and tasty.
Chaer Phoy (Green Skin Durian) Chaer Phoy is shaped like a small canteloupe. The skin is bright green, giving it the name which means "green skin". Chaer Phoy has creamy white flesh which is a bit dry, not too sweet but tasty.
Ang Jin (Red Yoke Durian) As the name suggests, Ang Jin Durian has deep orange flesh. It is very sweet and tasty.
Lin Fong Jiau This durian is named after Lin Fong Jiau, aka Mrs Jackie Chan. I wonder whether it is indicative of the relationship of the celebrity couple, for Lin Fong Jiau is a bittersweet
前些時候集體吹水聯盟﹐ 【我不吃~~~~,因為……】﹐有很多朋友提出﹐榴槤是絕對不吃的﹐但嗜吃榴槤的我﹐絕不放棄﹐任何機會吃這個稱謂【菓皇】的生菓。
上次到 馬來西亞﹐ 在吉隆坡 Ampang ﹐吃過一品種名為【貓山皇】的榴槤﹐檔販說是新的最佳品種﹐吃落也很滿意﹐但以上沒有提及。
睇唔睇到啲圖片呀??? 睇唔到。。。唔該出聲。。。。。。。。!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
第二輪的特首候選人﹐梁家傑 和 曾蔭權 辯論﹐在三月十五日晚舉行﹐是香港八大電子傳媒【註】聯合攪的﹐ 由梁家榮(亞視)及 郭艷明(新城)主持﹐已經曲終人散。各大報章傳媒都已經報導評論不贅了。在辯論中梁家傑話曾蔭權激死佛利民﹐也有許多學者出來指出梁傷害了佛利民的家人。
跟佛利民玩魔術﹑張五常 2003-2-15
你可以話佛利民轉呔轉得快﹐但如果你懂得玩 Devil's Advocate 的話﹐也許能夠活學活用﹐再如果你不屑用﹐起碼你知道要防別人加用於你。
【註】由八間電子傳媒主辦 及直播的行政長官選舉辯論在2007年3月15日晚上8時於將軍澳電視廣播城舉行,由梁家榮(亞視)及郭艷明(新城)主持,並由香港大學民意研究計劃及嶺南大學隨機邀請203名市民參與,市民和傳媒機構代表發問。
Now 財經台
後記: 兩位候選人的口號 點擊可看兩位的日誌 Blog
07-03-25 第三屆行政長官投票結果
曾蔭權以 649 票當選 (11:53) -- 今次選舉,有效選票有772張,角逐連任的行政長官曾蔭權,成功以649票,當選第三屆特區行政長官。梁家傑得票123票
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
中國娃娃 China Barbie
I wonder 網友訪客中可有Barbie 的收藏家? 呢家o系香港 Barbie 可能市場不大罷 Enjoy!!!
Monday, March 19, 2007
我的日本 - "背囊遊"s -- (下)
當年拿著日本火車證﹐孤身上路﹐看看火車帶我到那兒去.............. Now The sequel 本集將不會是詳細的遊記﹐因為自從蔡瀾的日本遊在TVB播映之後﹐ 還有蔡瀾的五談﹐六談﹐七談日本的書出版了﹐香港的遊客充斥整個日本﹐想很多我將會提及的景點﹐也有不少朋友曾經旅遊過。 所以我會蜻蜓點水般﹐作出介紹。
此後我跟着日本國內旅遊社每季的小冊子去找﹐按照時令尋訪當時鮮有香港人到的景點﹐有北海道的<小樽>﹑<海底車站>﹑< 大函>﹑<小函>﹑<層雲峽>﹑<知床五湖>﹑<釧路> ............. 還有京都府北達日本海的<天橋立>﹐它那“股見”方法看美景﹐不知世上還有那處有相同呢?
到過鳥取縣的<鳥取沙丘>﹐電影“沙丘之女” 就是在這裡拍攝的﹐ 當然在鳥取嘗到著名的”鳥取梨“。 也到過<信州>吃“長野蘋果”﹐那才知蘋果是有甜度計的﹐最甜的十五度當然也最貴﹐並參觀了<川中島古戰場>。
在長野縣登上<日本亞爾卑斯山>的雪嶺﹐從黑部水壩發電工程﹐有一條建築在山中的隧道﹐內有登山纜車﹐另加一道登山 Cable Car﹐才抵達立山山頂。又由此可以穿過雪嶺﹐進入富山縣。頑皮的我在無人留意時﹐嘗試在雪嶺零下溫度小便﹐原來是不會立刻結成冰條﹐而是在雪堆留下一個深深的洞。
曾到瀨戶內海﹐參觀<瀨戶大橋>﹐是由六座大橋組成﹐連接本州和四國的通道﹐橋上有車道和鐵路。還探訪<龍飛海底>﹐<吉岡海底> 車站s﹐是位於津輕海峽的海底火車隧道內﹐隧道是連貫本州和北海道的。在日本﹐ 再加上分隔本州九州的關門海峽﹐ 已經建有的之橋樑和隧道﹐基本上日本的四個主要大島﹐都有橋樑和隧道連結﹐貫通一氣。
當然也去過<青森縣>嚼“青森蘋果”﹐遊<十和田湖>﹐追蹤它的出水口<奧入瀨溪谷>。 又曾前往歧阜縣的“小京都”<高山市> 閑逛﹐好像回到日本古代﹐<金澤>的“兼六園”﹐<琵琶湖>的“彥根城”﹐又參觀了<關原之戰>古戰場。
也有被騙到福島縣﹐郡山市北的<五色沼>﹐ 看會變色的“水汆”哈哈哈。神戶牛柳吃過了﹐當然要去三重縣<松阪市>吃“松阪牛肉”﹐還見識一o下日本天皇登基和成婚﹐必到的<伊勢神社>﹐ 當然不會不去埋﹐名古屋市之<熱田神宮>﹐和臨近日本海的出雲市之<出雲大社> 。
九州的很多鄉下地方都有去過,但只是個人喜好,暫時未見香港人有興趣去。例如:指宿,枕崎,宮崎,別府,大分,大牟田,有田(有田燒陶器),日田,霧島神宮,雲仙火山,鹿兒島,櫻島火山,阿蘇火山,草千里,由布院,佐世保,長崎,天草,熊本,水前寺,鬼之洗板,有些你可能聽都未聽過 。。。。。。。罷了!
我的日本 - "背囊遊"s ---(上)
我認識的日本: 之 "一鱗半爪"
魚生 壽司 刺身 (一)
魚生 壽司 刺身 (二)
昴 すばる
Sunday, March 18, 2007
90/10 principle - 我的讀後感
上文在結尾我只是說: “在【關鍵時刻】﹐是你的反應 your reaction﹐ causing the differences 。” (你們會奇怪點解 Space 今次咁簡潔?)
在舊文中我介紹出【90/10 principle】是因為我認同如文中所說﹐世事的發生只有小數﹐是無中生有的﹐餘下的大多數﹐其實是因為有前因﹐而繼而產生的﹐如不善處理這些前因後果﹐是會繼續引發更多的事。Cause and Consequences﹐consequence then becomes the cause for the subsequent events, and so on ﹐and so on。
文中所引用的列子﹐祇是方便說明﹐令讀者較易明白﹐但不能一部通書睇到老﹐ 不要以為所舉的第一個列子﹐將小事化無﹐就是【90/10 principle】﹐請再看另外兩個引用的列子:
You are told you lost your job. Why lose sleep and get irritated? It will work out. Use your worrying energy and time into finding another job........ 化悲憤為力量。
The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. Why take out pour frustration on the flight attendant? She has no control over what is going on. Use your time to study, get to know the other passenger. Why get stressed out? It will just make things worse.........化壞事為好事。
大事化小﹐小事化無﹐不是辦法﹐我們是要切底解決問題﹐用正面的方法解決壞事﹐斬釘切鐵﹐令跟着來的壞事不會發生﹐而不是延遲個炸彈遲D爆發﹐and NO procrastination。
Anyway﹐ 這是我的體會﹐你可能不同意。
我是 五柳先生 的學生﹐好讀書,不求甚解;每有會意,便欣然忘食。
OK 我要趕去 mum mum 了!!!
Discover the 90 / 10 Principle