怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Saturday, December 09, 2006
今天才發覺﹐ ”大 愚 之 涵“ 哇哇!!!﹐ 受寵若驚﹐首先能夠 LINK 上梁公子﹑巔巔兄的“醉幻迷離 ﹑人生是戲”網誌﹐已感到萬分榮幸﹐以巔巔兄網誌點擊率之高﹐可以沾巔巔兄一點的光﹐可以拉著車邊跑﹐令超重的我突然感到輕飄飄。
還有我的網誌﹐只有英文名﹐中文名字還在構思中﹐“大 愚 之 涵“﹐甚為貼切﹐先感謝巔巔兄的賜名美意﹐也是一個鼓勵﹐這是首選﹐ 但徵求中文名字﹐還在進行中﹐待六個月後﹐才有決定。
哈哈﹐為甚麼是六個月??? 以我的過去的經驗﹐對新事物來得快﹐去得也更快﹐若六個月後﹐我還有毅力在寫的話﹐才想它罷!!!
有個有心人電郵了我的 Ranking 給我﹐ 是2﹐291﹐044th﹐哈哈﹐開 blog 只是數天﹐竟然已經有全球排名﹐誠一樂也。 但找不到排名的 criteria.
我還有一個"父親" 的故事﹐來日上 blog, ummm....今夜上 blog
某生終日營營役役﹐只有到了半夜三更﹐才能靜下來﹐找回自己。某生並不是一介粗人﹐他雖不是大學生﹐但老幾輩的他﹐當時時英文教學較嚴謹﹐所以他有很好的英語水平﹐還懂得拉丁文﹐在談天室他可指出﹐我們的英文繆誤﹐文法錯失﹐還賣弄一 o下他的 Latin。
某生有飲他稱為Devil Juice 的習慣﹐當他酒醉三分醒的時候﹐我們就聽到他道出的辛酸。 他居住的國家有很重的種族歧視﹐做過很多行業﹐但城市容納不了他﹐某生就帶著二女一子和老婆﹐跑到山區小鎮﹐開了一間燒餅店﹐做些小買賣﹐為生活他要忍氣吞聲﹐午夜後他會真情告白。
他的大女兒﹐擁有英國鋼琴證書﹐大學畢業﹐從事電腦行業﹐有個要好男友﹐二兒子在大學諗會計﹐小女兒是他最擔心的。我們有時取笑他﹐一生兒女債﹐半世老婆奴﹐某生就會義正詞嚴地教訓我 o地說: ”這是他作為父親﹐作為丈夫﹐應有的一份承擔﹐ 若重新來過﹐時光倒流﹐他還是會選擇做一個盡心的父親﹐做一個盡責的丈夫﹐奉獻他的四份承擔, 做一個男人﹐TO BE A MAN “。
Friday, December 08, 2006
昔日今日 湯蘭花
昔日 (source: sinchew-i.com)
今日(source: mingpao.com)
無線電視由沈殿霞主持的 友緣相聚﹐
訪問了湯蘭花﹐美女老了, 歲月催人。
回想幼年的我跟着媽媽去看湯蘭花的“負心的人”﹐第一次發現﹐屋外面還有一個比媽媽漂亮的女人哪﹐以後在街上懂得看漂亮的女生﹐姐姐﹐小姐﹐女人。 楊群演那個負心的人﹐候小弟演她的兒子﹐但候小弟其實比湯蘭花還年長﹐候是個長不大﹐ 永遠是小孩子身材的成年人。
Highlight from the interview
湯蘭花: “我的兒子跟我姓湯.” 令沈肥肥羨慕不已!!!
看訪問片段 http://jade.tvb.com/special/where_are_they_now/visits/06.html
負心的人 試聽 http://www.yaqv.com/music/music_view.php?code=26067 (source: yaqv.com)
後記: May 08, 2006 11:45am
一句”看街上的漂亮的女生﹐姐姐﹐小姐﹐女人“﹐今天整個早上給Chatroom 的網友審查﹐批鬥。 是﹐我有看﹐但有誰不看呢? 男生看女生﹐女生也看男生。 但我的”看“法是{青蜓點水] 式﹐看一眼﹐很少看第二眼﹐也不是用眼“咇”實果種﹐因為再看多幾眼﹐一定會找到faults, 那麼本來因為見到美女的好心情﹐便會一掃而空。
還有美麗是發自內心的﹐一個體貼的問候﹐令人如沐春風的談吐﹐一個有質感的觀點﹐美麗就會自然散發出來﹐勝過半分姿色﹐一身名牌﹐七分打扮﹐十分驚人的 “霎眼Q美女“。
Thursday, December 07, 2006
A brave Father, a brave Husband, but a silly man
The body of a San Francisco man who had walked into the Oregon wilderness to find help for his stranded family was found Wednesday. James Kim, 35, walked into the snowy Oregon mountains Saturday leaving his wife and two young daughters in the family car. They were rescued by searchers on Monday, but he never returned to their car.
The Kims had been missing since November 25, when they left Portland and headed home to San Francisco, California, after a holiday trip to the Pacific Northwest. Kati Kim the wife told officers they were traveling south from Portland on Interstate 5 and missed the turnoff to a state highway, Oregon 42, that leads through the Coast Range to Gold Beach where they planned to stay at a resort.
The 2005-2007 state highway map distributed by the Oregon Department of Transportation has a warning in red print, inside a red box: "This route closed in winter." The area's complicated road network is commonly used by whitewater rafters on the Rogue River or as a shortcut to the coast in the summer, but it is not plowed in the winter. After leaving Portland on Interstate 5, search leaders said, the couple missed a turnoff that leads to the coast and took a wrong turn on a twisty mountain road they chose as an alternative. Authorities have said the couple fed their daughters baby food and crackers and used snow as water as they waited for help.
Kati breast-feeding the younger child, breast-fed both the children after their food ran out. The adults also ate berries. They used their car heater until they ran out of gas then burned tires to stay warm and attract attention. Kim walked into the snowy Oregon mountains Saturday to find help for his wife, Kati, and two daughters, Penelope, 4, and Sabine, 7 months.
On Monday Kati Kim and her daughters were rescued at their car when a helicopter of searchers hired by the Kim family saw her waving an umbrella.

To view video click the above (sourced from TVB-HK news)
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Wednesday, December 06, 2006
阪神大地震 1995-1-17
阪神大地震發生於一九九五年一月十七日﹐未夠三個月﹐年幼唔識死字點寫的我﹐在九五年四月初﹐單人匹馬﹐飛到神戶去看看。 事隔短短三月﹐說長不長﹐說短不短﹐火焰熄了﹐一個廢墟﹐倒下的高架公路﹐鐵路還未通行﹐新幹線神戶一段﹐要用接駁巴士連接﹐即是需要轉車﹐未倒下的房屋﹐有幾條成兩三寸的裂縫﹐向一邊傾斜﹐ 較高的大廈﹐還未倒下來的﹐一層疊一層﹐像千層糕般。滿目瘡痍﹐驚心動魄﹐長田區最為嚴重﹐淡路島還未解封。反而關西機場無大破壞﹐正常運作﹐沒有陸沉。 行了四天住了三晚﹐吃過了神戶牛柳﹐吃完大阪頓道堀那兩間有名的燒墨魚丸﹐急急趕回關東江戶﹐看四月盛放的櫻花。還有四十幾天就是十二年了﹐now我沒有這個沖勁了。
還有JR的時刻表﹐可見新幹線新大阪至姬路不通行. 點擊相片可放大, 讀一讀書寫了甚麼
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我的日本 - "背囊遊"s ---(上)
我認識的日本: 之 一鱗半爪
Monday, December 04, 2006
本來想找“人生於世” 張德蘭 的版本不果﹐這版本不像是張圓圓﹐但有些朋友說是﹐anyway, just enjoy.
五年多後再重溫,哈哈哈!韶華如飛,歲月老人 。。。。。。不經不覺,我寫blog,都已寫了五年多,幸而我還未手腳都顫震!
想聽的話可以click 人生於世