
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報

“During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Coming Soon 影話 continue .....

Coming Soon 影話 continue .....

還有另外一部 caught my eyes 的電影是 Meg Ryan 的新片﹐今次合演的有Kristen Stewart 。Meg Ryan 和 Kristen 演兩母女﹐從劇照和Trailer 中﹐有一兩個角度﹐由其是笑起來的時候﹐好似餅印一樣。

In the land of women


Adam Brody,
Meg Ryan,
Kristen Stewart,
Olympia Dukakis,
Elena Anaya

Directed by:
Jonathan Kasdan


Carter Webb (Adam Brody) has just been dumped by his true love Sophia (Elena Anaya). Heartbroken and depressed, Carter escapes Los Angeles to suburban Michigan to care for his ailing grandmother (Olympia Dukakis).

Soon after his arrival, Carter stumbles into the lives of the family living directly across the street: Sarah Hardwicke (Meg Ryan), the mother of two daughters: Paige (Makenzie Vega) and older sister Lucy (Kristen Stewart).

Through his relationships with these women, as well as with his grandmother, Carter discovers that what felt like an end was only the beginning of something else....

很久沒有看Meg Ryan 的電影﹐好像曾經上映過一部是講﹐她是個拳擊手的經理人﹐但我一向不喜歡拳擊片﹐所以沒有去看。今次 Meg Ryan 重演她最有把握的輕鬆喜劇﹐但要做人亞媽了﹐有個十幾歲的女兒﹐但又未有 戴安基頓 那麼老﹐哈哈!!!

本片在北美排期到四月才上﹐幾時才到在港上映呢? 耐心留意等等看看罷。

In the land of Women:
Trailer and introduction

Sourced by yahoo.com movies

剛剛和"博" 友們﹐在 Music and Lyrics 裡的 Follow-ups 話﹐Hugh Grant 有叔叔 Feel 了﹐這篇 Meg Ryan 也要做一個有個十幾歲女兒的 Auntie﹐荷李活的明星﹐謝得很快!!!

查 Meg Ryan 是 19-11-61 生 45歲了。

Friday, February 23, 2007

MUSIC and LYRICS 冧歌有情人

MUSIC and LYRICS 冧歌有情人

前晚出去看了﹐原裝的對白幾精警﹐一貫Hugh Grant 的水準。比預期的好看﹐而且歌曲和詞都OK。 Drew Barrymore 2-2-75 生 她32歲﹐Hugh Grant 9-9-60 生 他46歲。

既然Peter O'Toole 在 Venus 贏了個金像獎提名, Diane Keaton 和 Keanu Reeves, 在 "Something's Gotta Give" 的姐弟戀﹐亦擦出火花﹐荷李活興忘年戀﹐ Hugh 叔叔和 Drew 之間配合得好嗎? 哈哈!


Way back into love 還有兩個版本

HG 和 DB 一起作曲同填詞 (from the movie)
Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore (The demo)

上面寫著可以 Click 如 Youtube 看

Way Back into Love

I’ve been living with a shadow overhead
I’ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I’ve been lonely for so long Trapped in the past,
I just can’t seem to move on

I’ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I’ve been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
Oh, oh, oh

I’ve been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I’ve been searching but I just don’t see the signs
I know that it’s out there
There’s got to be something for my soul somewhere

I’ve been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I’m open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again

I guess I’m hoping you’ll be there for me in the end
Oh, oh, oh

There are moments when I don’t know if it’s real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I’m hoping you’ll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I’ll be there for you in the end
Oh, oh, oh

還有 Hugh Grant and Hayley Bennett 的 (from the movie)

原本兩個版本我分不出﹐但在 YOUTUBE 是這麼樣寫的﹐但好像Demo 的﹐顧意開頭時有一的沙啞﹐之後就漸入佳境了﹐just leave it that way 罷。 07-02-28 晚 換了個 demo version 好似多 o的分別 並換埋個 concert version. 套戲結尾重有o的驚喜添!!! DB 要走了﹐我正想著﹐死喇!!! 。。。HG 點 mend 返呢 ??? HG 原來是唱 Don't write me off , DB 止步﹐擰翻轉頭聽歌。。。嘩嘩!!! 有轉機 !!!

上面寫著可以 Click 如 Youtube 看

Don’t Write Me Off It’s never been easy for me To find words that go along with a melody But this time there’s actually something on my mind So please forgive these few brief awkward lines Since I met you my whole life has changed It’s not just my furniture you’ve re-arranged I was living in the past But somehow you’ve brought me back
and I haven’t felt like this since before Frankie said relax and now I know based on my track record I might not seem like the safest bet All I’m asking you is Don’t write me off, just yet For years I’ve been telling myself the same old story That I’m happy to live off my so-called former glories but you’ve given me a reason to take another chance now I need you despite the fact that you’ve killed all my plants and now I know that i’ve already blown more chances then anyone should ever get all I’m asking you is don’t write me off, just yet don’t write me off, just yet 後記: 本來是想昨晚上載的﹐但又想寫o的感想﹐多了一天時間﹐多讀了別人有關o的“博”﹐少了o的 impulse﹐少了重複的話語。 不想重複別人已經說了的﹐再談就“噚”了。 其實上載只是想方便自己和訪客﹐想聽兩首歌時可以一擊即至﹐目的已經達到了。還可以慳番買 OST o的錢!!!! 07-02-28 晚 加的 Way back into love (from the movie) Lastly just the song with photoes version 我的舊文: 談電影DVD:冧歌有情人 Music and Lyrics

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Coming Soon 影話 continue...

另一部電影 caught my eyes 是戴安基頓 Diane Keaton, 的“Because I Said So ”。 上次戴安基頓在 Something's Gotta Give 搭上了奇諾李維斯Keanu Reeves !!! WOW﹐雖然最後回到積尼高遜Jack Nicholson身邊﹐但戴安和奇諾的一段忘年戀好好玩。今次Diane KeatonMandy Moore,做兩母女﹐看看有冇火花!!


Diane Keaton,

Mandy Moore,

Directed by: Michael Lehmann

Daphne Wilder is a mother whose love knows no bounds or boundaries. As a single parent, she has raised three fantastic girls--klutzy, adorable Milly, stable psychologist Maggie and sexy and irreverent Mae--to become the kind of women any mom would die to have.

The only problem is they're about to strangle her. In order to prevent her youngest, Milly, from making the same romantic mistakes she did, Daphne decides to set her up with the perfect man. The one thing Daphne decides not to tell Milly, however, is that she placed an ad in the online personals to find him.

If anyone knows exactly what her daughter does and doesn't need out of a long-term relationship (or clothes or her career), it's Daphne. Comic mayhem unfolds as the well-intended mom continues to do the wrong thing for the right reasons--all in the name of love for her beloved daughter. Is the man of Daphne's (er, um--Milly's) dreams the responsible architect Jason, or is he the free-spirited rocker Johnny?

Daphne will continue to push, cajole, suggest and nudge her way into Milly's smallest of decisions until she rights the wrongs of her own life choices or drives her girl nuts. But once Johnny's own father, Joe, catches a buried spark within Daphne, things really start to heat up for the Wilder matriarch. Finally letting herself begin to fall, Daphne begins to wonder if she is just pushing her girls as a way of ignoring her own issues.

應該是一部純女人戲﹐四個女的﹐單親母親 Diane Keaton 要把最小的女兒Mandy Moore,嫁出去﹐以為結婚是女人的最終幸福﹐不想女兒重蹈自己的覆轍﹐出到上網尋女婿呢一招。有一點像小津安二郎的電影﹐都是父親或母親把女兒嫁給好的男子﹐祈求讓她得到幸福。



Because I said so Trailer

Because I said so yahoo movie introduction

Sourced from yahoo.com movies

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Coming Soon 影話

農曆年假期﹐除了回老家跟老爸老媽拜年﹐跟親戚一年一度見見面外﹐今個農曆新年檔期的港產片有﹐鄭中基的【心想事成】﹐ 有雙生兒的【雙子神偷】﹐對不起我提不起興趣去看﹐另外爾冬陞的【門徒】還是等DVD罷。在網上查看北美的電影﹐最近的有幾套catching my eyes的。

Miss Potter

Renee Zellweger as Beatrix Potter,

Ewan McGregor as Norman Warne.

Directed by:
Chris Noonan

雖然不是Renee Zellweger 的影迷﹐但不能不說她近幾年選片﹐都比較嚴謹可觀﹐Bridget Jones Diary 1 and 2 中的肥妹﹐ 芝加哥的不忠老婆和小歌女﹐Cold Mountain 的Ruby﹐ 結果給她拿了個小金人。

今次她扮演一位兒童書作家兼畫家Beatrix Potter﹐也是一位女權份子﹐是獨立女性的先驅﹐不為結婚而結婚。英文的簡介如下:

Inspired by a true story set in Victorian England, a tale charting the life of Beatrix Potter--a literary phenomenon of the early 20th century. At a time when most young women of her class aimed only to make a good marriage, Beatrix became an iconic figure, swimming quietly, but with great fortitude, against the tide.

She created a series of books and characters that are as beloved today as they were a hundred years ago, and since their publication they have never been out of print. She was also a distinguished painter and--had she been a man--her botanical drawings would have been snapped up by the Royal Horticultural Society at Kew Gardens. Her first book "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", brought her and Norman, a publisher, together. The romance between them is the focus of much of the film.

In addition, by the time she died in 1943, Beatrix Potter had purchased vast swathes of the Lake District that she left to the then fledgling British conservation trust, the National Trust. That so much of this glorious countryside that inspired her, remains as it was in Beatrix Potter’s day for others to enjoy, is her bequest to the nation.

查看北美票房紀錄並不特出﹐但我還是渴望早日在港上映﹐因為個Trailer 幾吸引﹐Miss Potter 在紙上的公仔會活起來。


Miss Potter Trailer

Miss Potter on Yahoo movie page

Sourced from Yahoo.movie

Blog with related topic:
Carrie's Journey Miss Potter
Mind Necessity 即將上映
明報石琪影評: 《波特小姐》有懷舊情味
Lost in Procrastination : 波特小姐

Tuesday, February 20, 2007



但林子祥的黃飛雄電影主題曲﹐卻很有印象﹐唯一理由是: 我年青時代是【香港中樂團】的粉絲﹐曲譜來自中樂【將軍令】﹐重新填了歌詞﹐本來林子祥的聲線不夠﹐但我想是錄音室的效果幫了他一把。

前些時候談論中提及UNDERDOG 這個 TERM。說實話不論 UNDERDOG 或是 OVERDOG 都要男兒當自強﹐否則《逆水行舟﹐不進則退》﹐自強不息﹐時常充實自己﹐利用工餘時間﹐進修增值﹐方為上算。

男兒當自強  詞:黃霑 唱:林子祥

膽似鐵打 骨似精鋼
胸襟百千丈 眼光萬里長
誓奮發自強 做好漢
做個好漢子 每天要自強
熱血男子 熱勝紅日光
去開天闢地 為我理想去闖
昂步挺胸大家作棟樑 做好漢
用我百點熱 耀出千分光
熱血熱腸熱 熱勝紅日光
熱血熱腸熱 熱勝紅日光

other link: 〈將軍令〉(男兒當自強)

Monday, February 19, 2007


打工o既 月月加薪


The Inner Space 鞠躬

Sunday, February 18, 2007

春節同歡 ﹑歡渡春節

謹祝: 各位 年年大賺 恭喜! 恭喜!

Gong Xi Fa Cai


The Inner Space
