香港版的 『金枝慾孽』,被『溏心風暴』蓋過了,但歐美版的卻即將開始。 上網睇睇北美洲的 Coming Soon, 有部片叫 The Other Boleyn Girl 就快會在二月廿九日上映。
歐美影壇,兩大當扎年輕少艾美女明星,『妮坦妮、珮縵』 加埋
『詩嘉麗、祖漢臣』,可稱當今『玉女』,合演了這部 The Other Boleyn Girl。
前者,Natalie Portman 憑飾演童角,在『這個殺手不太冷』 Leon: The Professional 1994,被人認識後,斬吓眼,又大個女,在『星戰前傳』Star Wars prequel trilogy 出演公主。年華僅僅廿七 years old。
後者,Scarlett Johansson,早年在 『囈馬者』The Horse Whisperer 1998,也是演童角,不大起眼,轉眼間,咁又大個女,在『迷失東京』Lost in Translation 飾演小婦人。今年只有廿四歲 young。
今次兩位歐美影壇『玉女』擔綱主演 The Other Boleyn Girl ,甚有卓頭。
Scarlett Johansson as Mary Boleyn
Eric Bana as King Henry VIII
Tiffany Freisberg as Mary Talbot
Rue McClanahan as Lady Rochford
Trailers & Clips
(Picture Yahoo Movie)
故事簡單, 兩個相親相愛的姐妹,由父親叔叔穿針引線,為了個有權、有勢,有財既男人~英王亨利八世,從而得到權力,勢力,財力,紛紛利用女人天賦的能力,去闘一番、二番、三番. . . .幾番,由好姐妹,變成仇人,闘過你死我活。
Two sisters, Anne and Mary Boleyn, are driven by their ambitious Father and Uncle to advance the family's power and status by courting the affections of the King of England.
Leaving behind the simplicity of country life, the girls are thrust into the dangerous and thrilling world of court life--and what began as a bid to help their family develops into a ruthless rivalry between Anne and Mary for the love of the King.
Initially, Mary wins King Henry's favor and becomes his mistress, bearing him two illegitimate children. But Anne, clever, conniving and fearless, edges aside both her sister and Henry's wife, Queen Katherine of Aragon, in her relentless pursuit of the King.
Despite Mary's genuine feelings for Henry, her sister Anne has her sights set on the ultimate prize; Anne will not stop until she is Queen of England. As the Boleyn girls battle for the love of a King--one driven by ambition, the other by true affection--England is torn apart.
嘩! 嘩! 真係好 『金枝慾孽』噃。。。。。。。。。
More Pictures (Yahoo Movies)
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後記: 上『雅虎香港』電影網,港譯 華麗孽緣 (The Other Boleyn Girl) 。
暫定上映日期: 2008-05-01