
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報

“During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Friday, January 23, 2015



梁振英 發表 施政報告 日,聽完他嚴厲文革式的謾罵,心情不佳在 IFC 遊遊逛逛,看到了電影海報,被中文譯名吸引著:


Juliette Binoche 50歲

Kristen Stewart 24歲

Chloë Grace Moretz 17歲

導演是 張曼玉 前夫:
Olivier Assayas

Clouds of Sils Maria 港譯:坐看雲起時 臺譯:星光雲寂

很久未見過本港的外語片譯名有這個水準,查 坐看雲起時 出自:

《終南別業》 王維

中 歲 頗 好 道,晚 家 南 山 垂。

興 來 每 獨 往,勝 事 空 自 知。

行 到 水 窮 處,坐 看 雲 起 時

偶 然 值 林 叟,談 笑 無 還 期。

不過今次不是要談詩辭,因為海布吸引了 嗜悲,電影只隔一天就上畫了,不過我是等了幾天才決定入場看的,因為原來全港島只得 IFC Palace 放映,而且票價差不多一百個大洋。

別因為有個靚屁股錯過了 要留意預告片中 美麗山河湖泊景色 每次看我的注意力 都被山光帶離 要多重看幾次


【維基百科】Maria Enders (Juliette Binoche) has a successful acting career and a loyal assistant Valentine (Kristen Stewart).

Juliette Binoche as Maria Enders 演年華老去的紅星

She owes her career to having been cast in both the play and film versions of Maloja Snake by Wilhelm Melchior, which centers on the tempestuous relationship between a young girl and an older woman who is eventually driven to suicide.

Kristen Stewart as Valentine 崇拜 Maria 忠心的年輕得力助手

While traveling to Zurich to accept an award on behalf of Melchior, and planning to visit him the following day in nearby Sils Maria, Maria learns of his sudden death. His widow Rosa later confides in her that Wilhelm's death was suicide and that he had been terminally ill.


During the awards ceremony, Maria is approached by a popular theatre director who is trying to persuade her to appear on stage in Maloja Snake again, but this time in the role of the older woman.


To prepare for the role she accepts Rosa's offer of the Melchiors' house in Sils Maria, which Rosa is leaving to avoid her memories of Wilhelm. Maria's discussions with Valentine and their read-throughs of the play's scenes combine to evoke uncertainty about the nature of their actual relationship.

Sils Maria (Sils im Engadin/Segl, Switzerland) 是 瑞士西南部近意大利的一邊 離有名的滑雪勝地 St. Moritz 不遠只是十公哩

A young American actress (Chloë Grace Moretz) who has been chosen to interpret Maria's old role in the play surfaces via Google searches, YouTube videos and tidbits of contemporary cultural knowledge as relayed by Valentine, are generally dismissed as irrelevant by Maria.

Chloë Grace Moretz as Jo-Ann Ellis 演年輕不知天高地厚的新進女演員

Questions regarding aging, time, culture and the thin line between the characters of the-play-in-the-film and those we are seeing on the screen multiply priming the denouement in London. The key to the resolution is offered by a young filmmaker who visits Maria by appointment 5 minutes before curtain on the opening night of Maloja Snake, but she seems preoccupied and dismisses the offering as "too abstract for me."


The final scene of the film indicates however that the penny may have dropped 。。。。。or not; she is on stage, smoking and waiting for Sigrid to pass through the offices collecting outgoing folders.


嗜悲 有喜歡看女性電影前科,好像 “我和春天有個約會” 就看過話劇版多次不同版本,看過電影版本,更連由亞視前身拍的電視劇版本(鄧萃雯版)都有看過。

因為整部影片故事環繞,Maria 先演出戲上戲 Maloja Snake 中年輕 Sigrid 的角色一舉成名,但當她年華老去之後,就要演戲上戲 Maloja Snake 中慘被欺凌至自殺年長的 Helena。一前一後的演出,就有如生活中的 Maria 自己,也因為韶華不再開始星沉。

三位女星中 Juliette Binoche 當然交到好戲,不過有些驚喜是 Kristen Stewart 不再玩吸血殭屍和人狼,都是懂演戲的女演員不再是爛花瓶。至於,Chloë Grace Moretz 只是演回自己,不用很多調整演技,串串貢的年輕女演員手到拿來。

因不是動作片的 Drama 劇情片,講對白的時候多至貫穿全劇,嗜悲 需要很用心地去聽英語對白,盡量避免去如讓眼睛離開畫面閱讀中文字幕,才是最考驗 嗜悲 的難題。

Breathtaking view of Alpine scene 令人目眩讚歎的高山景色

又因為很多瑞士美麗壯觀的 Alpine Scenes 阿爾卑斯山脈湖光山色,若離開了畫面去看字幕,真的可惜也是浪費了 100個大洋的票價。因此,嗜悲 questioning myself 我是去看戲,還是去看風景的呢?


Maria 在電影中戲上戲,因為漸漸年長要演角色 Helena,又被年輕一代演 Sigrid 的 Jo-Ann Ellis 看不起串串貢。Valentine 對 Maria 忠心尊敬愛護,和 Jo-Ann Ellis 對 Maria 的輕藐不尊重,都令 Maria 自己心事重重,並且作出試探 Valentine 對自己的忠心。

在看電影時,我曾經有一刻想過,這會不會是 Jo-Ann Ellis 聰明,她是想要幫助 Maria 谷起情緒去演活 Helena 呢?但又不似年輕的一輩,會有這種情懷吧。電影中導演 Olivier Assayas,都沒有有甚麽的暗示。

相信在與我同是這一代人,已經在早幾年開始感受得到,早在公司內外 feel 到,就在進門口前和離開門口後的不久,會聽到一些閒言閒語。

好一些 90後的同事們,雖然人前口上表面還是對前輩恭恭敬敬,但在背後尤其是在開會時,往往總衝著一斑被稱為 “老屎忽” 的 70後 80後同事們說話,在這些時候 嗜悲 必要作出平衡。因為 嗜悲 自知,在我不在的時候,相同類似針對我的事情會發生著。


嗜悲一向有 Google search 網上人家寫的網誌,關於某電影的看後感,也讀讀一些外國的影評。以下是其中之一:

【Culturevulture.net】The movie’s title, “Clouds of Sils Maria,” refers to a natural phenomenon found in the Sils Maria municipality of Switzerland for which the fictional play within the film, “Maloja Snake,” is also named.

Both titles designate the same thing, spectacular clouds that snake around mountains in the Swiss Alps. Two different takes on the same thing is also a running theme in this latest film from writer-director Olivier Assayas, a fiction that runs in parallel to another fiction within the fiction.

Assayas starts off using a handheld camera on a shaky train, the film’s wobbly image reflecting the hectic life of renowned actress Maria Enders (Juliette Binoche). She is in the middle of a fussy divorce and on her way to accept an award for Wilhelm Melchior, the playwright who discovered her over 20 years ago.

Maria is stabilized only by her assistant Valentine (Kristen Stewart) who handles her stream of unending phone calls and micro-manages Maria’s daily life. Whereas Maria is tense, unsure, and frequently agitated, Val is decisive, clear, together, and even more knowledgeable and aware.

While still on the train, Maria discovers that Wilhelm has just died, a suicide after a long illness as it turns out. Maria’s breakthrough play by Wilhelm, “Maloja Snake,” also became her breakthrough film, leading her to a long career in European films and then to Hollywood to work with the likes of Sydney Pollack and Harrison Ford.

In “Maloja Snake,” Maria originated the role of Sigrid, a young ingénue who becomes the assistant for a successful older woman, Helena. Helena falls madly in love with Sigrid and her obsession destroys her (a similar story was told in the 1972 martial arts film “Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan”).

Now, a famous director, Klaus Diesterweg (Lars Eidinger) is bringing “Maloja Snake” back to the stage and wants Maria in the role of Helena while casting Jo-Ann Ellis (Chloë Grace Moretz) as Sigrid. Jo-Ann is a young boisterous hellion of an actress with a number of trashy antics captured on Youtube.

Maria is superstitious and does not want the part of Helena as the actress she originally worked with in the part died a year later in a car accident. She also identifies with Sigrid and not Helena and sees them as opposites.

Klaus disagrees stating that they are one and the same person and that Sigrid will grow up to become Helena, precisely what Maria now does not want to do. But Val loves the play and Jo-Ann is Val’s favorite actress, which makes Maria jealous.

After being intrigued by Jo-Ann from searching the internet, Maria consents to Klaus. On the internet, Jo-Ann comes off with a haughty disregard for what others’ think, but when she meets Maria, she is nothing but differential and showers her with flattery.

As the movie progresses, the parallels between the fiction of “Maloja Snake” and the events in Maria’s life become unmistakable. Though not romantically attracted to Val except perhaps her youth, Maria’s dependence on Val mirrors Helena’s on Sigrid.

Maria runs lines with Val in scenes of great intimacy and power, but Maria’s disregard for Val’s opinions begins alienating Val from her. Another distinguished actor, Henryk Wald (Hanns Zischler), worked with Maria when she was 18, had an affair with her, and abandoned her in a sort of role-reversal of the Helena-Sigrid dynamic.

Assayas throws in some parallels to real life as well with Jo-Ann becoming famous from being in a superhero movie just as Moretz did from “Kick-Ass” while the character of Jo-Ann is clearly inspired by the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton. Maria herself is not that different in career trajectory from Binoche.

The movie gives a terrific sense of what the play “Maloja Snake” is like, and it makes one wish the play were real to experience whole. Despite establishing the play’s story and then the film engaging in a lot of life imitates art imitates life symbolism, “Clouds of Sils Maria” is not predictable.

Ultimately though Assayas’ heart is less in the narrative than the ideas being presented. The movie is held together by Assayas’ ruminations on people’s perspectives and how it plays out in dynamics of age vs. youth and maturity vs. innocence.

Maria’s perspectives are biased by her disposition for clarity, the high brow, and realism, and they clash with Val’s with her intrigue for ambiguity, the utility of low-brow genres, and fakery that can nevertheless get at deeper truths.

But Assayas also shows Maria plagued by contradictions. She complains about Google and the internet until she needs it. She likes Jo-Ann’s swooning over her until it stops. She rejects Val’s input but prizes her dedication.

Assayas consistently has the characters turn what starts off as subtext in a scene into text reflected in dialogue. This shouldn’t work, yet it does because the ideas are engaging and the acting so strong.

With all of the overt dialectics, the film could easily become too self-conscious or academic or obvious. Assayas walks right up to that line but never crosses it. He takes his time setting up the entire complicated scenario of the film’s plot, and the measured pacing could be off-putting if it wasn’t all so capably done.

Assayas’ style is a literary as well as a visual one. Most of his films include many small character details and a hefty amount of emotional complexity, which aptly describes “Clouds of Sils Maria” as well. His direction only goes haywire in one out-of-place scene merging imagery of Val driving to a soundtrack of some particularly awful acid space rock.

Binoche is in her usual strong form, but Kristen Stewart has never been better, possibly even overshadowing Binoche, which is high praise indeed. Stewart exudes a powerful lived-in quality in Val, a strong comfort in her own skin, and her presence matches Binoche’s in every scene.

For once however, Moretz, who was so good in “Kick-Ass” and “Hugo,” is the weak link in “Clouds.” She lacks the self-assuredness of her character, which admittedly is the most plot-contrived element in the story. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that an arty theater director would cast an infamously bad-girl movie actress, but it’s a stretch.

Yorick Le Saux does a masterful job lensing “Clouds of Sils Maria,” and it doesn’t hurt that he has the gorgeous Swiss countryside to work with. When the real Maloja Snake, the clouds of the title, finally makes its appearance, it’s breathtaking.

至於《大把戲》關於 坐看雲起時 @4:00

嗜悲 有些同意有些不同意 但無損 嗜悲 喜歡這套電影 可能先入為主

Clouds of Sils Maria 維基百科
Clouds of Sils Maria culturevulture.net
王維 詩句:坐看雲起時 谷歌搜尋

讀報 讀詩

Tuesday, January 20, 2015



打鑼打鼓 董建華 要在今天下午,要為梁振英的《施政報告》說好話,一大清早就有傳媒就問 CY,是否因為中央認為佢 “攪唔掂”,要 老懵董 出來幫拖 。。。。。。。

身為卸任前最高的特區官員,應否時時刻刻出來說話呢?但 董伯伯 有著另一個勳涵,掛了個政協副主席的涵頭,可以出來 指一點二 過過口癮,感受一吓存在價值,又沒有人敢罵他 說三道四。

不過今次 嗜悲 是想談談國內的官方和半官方傳媒,都愛批評境外人士,必罵外國人針對中國的言論為:



【讀音】shuō sān dào sì 【解釋】:形容不負責任地胡亂議論。 【用法】:聯合式;作謂語、狀語;含貶義 【近義詞】:說東道西、誇誇其談 【反義詞】:相對無言、默不做聲。


近來 嗜悲 讀到這一篇《環球時報》翻譯 美國馬薩諸塞大學某退休教授文章,說明了這些所謂說三道四,卻是有選擇性地 。。。。。。。utterly critically selectively 的!




最近在香港发生的事情就是一个最新的反作用力例证。在香港,美国民主基金会、其他美国的非政府组织和一个有 600人的美国总领事馆,长期以来积极推行“民主”,雇佣学校里年轻的 “积极分子” 打先锋。香港的运动是要求取消一个由 1200位香港居民组成的委员会对下一届特首候选人的审核。这个委员会成员是经过民主协商产生的。


那么,中国现政府为中国做过些什么呢?它让中国摆脱了西方的殖民;它让中国经济以空前速度发展;它让6亿人摆脱了贫困,中国成为推动多极世界的一极。这意味着,世界各国有了一个不受西方控制的选择。今天世界正在经历一场大突变。西方 “进步” 分子应通过这个突变的透镜来观察世界,但他们很少这样做,而是以西方意识形态的眼光来看待世界。



嗜悲 上網查找 馬薩諸塞大學 University Massachusetts 確有一位叫 John Walsh 的法律系教授,但沒法找到英文版本的有關文章參考一吓,也不知道是何時何地寫的文章。

至於香港前宗主國 Great Britain 和 如香港今宗主國 中國 曾簽處關於香港回歸的《聯合聲明》,經過幾屆政黨輪替後,保守黨的 英國外交及聯邦事務部國務大臣 施維爾(Hugo Swire)也為了 香港政改 出來說三道四一番。

【明報專訊】曾在 2013年撰文表明「隨時準備提供任何支援」讓香港落實普選的英國外交及聯邦事務部國務大臣 施維爾(Hugo Swire),於上周四、即政改第二輪諮詢展開翌日,低調訪港與民主派及建制派立法會議員會面。會上施維爾呼籲泛民議員支持政改方案,並指「有好過無」。與會的公民黨黨魁梁家傑表明反對,認為英國在道義上應為港人爭民主。

梁家傑表明反對 稱英有道義責任
施維爾曾於 2013年在本港報章撰文,支持香港有普選及讓港人有「一個真正的選擇」。他當時在文中表示,英國「隨時準備提供任何支援」,引起中方狠批他「說三道四」。



謝偉俊則表示認同施維爾的說法,同意讓 500萬人選特首是比 1200人好。他亦相信,中央不會因此批評施維爾「說三道四」。



泛民飯盒會的召集人 梁家傑 之流,如今連英國人也 “袋著先”,當然有悔話要說了。但 謝偉俊 竟然連 “說三道四” 這個潛規則也宣諸於口,因為有了田少的例子在先不用怕。

那就讓我們看看讀讀 南華早報 關於 Hugo Swire 談話的 英文版本:

"What we are saying is we want a package, to the benefit of all people of Hong Kong, to be endorsed because we very much want to see this road to a purer form of democracy undertaken by 2017 and then ultimately in 2020," Swire Said

【SCMP】Britain's Foreign Office says it believes Beijing's framework for electoral reform offers a "genuine choice" in the 2017 chief executive election.

Stephen Lillie, the Foreign Office Asia-Pacific director, said the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress meant a fair choice of candidates could emerge from the proposed 1,200-member nominating committee.

"Is it possible to devise detailed arrangements within the terms of the [committee's] decision that allow up to three candidates to emerge from the nominating committee, who do not all look exactly the same with the same range of policies and the same political affiliation, from the pan-democrats to pro-Beijing parties?" he asked the British parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee.

"Our assessment is that it is still possible to come up with arrangements that would allow that."

Britain's welcoming of a "genuine choice" of candidates shows London is throwing its full weight behind the current reform proposals, in its clearest attempt yet to heal a diplomatic rift with Beijing over Hong Kong.

Foreign Office minister Hugo Swire told the Foreign Affairs Committee he had urged members of the Legislative Council to look at Beijing's proposals.

"What we are saying is we want a package, to the benefit of all people of Hong Kong, to be endorsed because we very much want to see this road to a purer form of democracy undertaken by 2017 and then ultimately in 2020," he said.

"That's the stark choice because if two-thirds don't agree with Legco, none of this is going to happen."

While the framework "may not be perfect" or "pure", Swire said, "something is better than nothing" and it did represent a genuine improvement.

However, the Foreign Affairs Committee criticised the vagueness of the Foreign Office stance.

"One can't help but feel the [Foreign Office] is being intentionally ambiguous in order to avoid taking a clear stance on this," said Conservative MP John Baron earlier in the hearing.

Despite the committee's scrutiny of the Foreign Office stance, Swire insisted: "I think we are on a journey to greater democracy and accountability."

British government slammed for refusing to summon Chinese envoy over MPs' travel ban

However, Swire agreed with the committee that "proper democracy" wasn't yet an option available to Hongkongers.

Veteran Hong Kong democracy advocate Martin Lee Chu-ming expressed disappointment with London's stance.

"I think I can sum up the foreign policy of the British government in three words: more China trade," Lee said.

Hugo Swire 補返句:While the framework "may not be perfect" or "pure", Swire said, "something is better than nothing" and it did represent a genuine improvement.

人大在 8-31 落的三度大閘是:


嗜悲註:選委會的四大界別:300人來自工商、金融界,300人來自專業界,300人來自勞工、社會服務、宗教等界,其餘 300人為立法會議員、區域性組織代表、香港地區全國人大代表、以及香港地區全國政協委員的代表。至於每組三百人是如何選出來呢?因為只得約 25萬人選出這 1200人出來(而不是全部約 500萬選民),於是提委會的組成也是詬病處處,只要 Google 一吓有排讀,不贅矣!


嗜悲註:若是 梁振英 加 鍾樹根 蔣麗萍 咁真的有得揀嗎?


嗜悲註:須知梁振英上一次與唐英年對決都是得票 689 咋。即是人家選完選妥才交給 500萬選民多做一次橡皮圖章。

不過 嗜悲 在街上在公共交通工具乘車時,在超市在快餐店內,所聽到的是大多數的市民,並不知道更不明白三度大閘是何物。對由選委會將會過度成為將來的提名委員會有何詬病並不明遼,過半數的提委通過(超過六百)才可以成為候選人和梁振英只得票 689有何相同,將來只得二至三名候選人到底港人是真的有得揀嗎?

如今連 英美 都有人說另一款的 說三道四,將變成 討五論六,兼且 歌七誦八,更成為 讚九賞十 地去呼籲香港人 "something is better than nothing",只差沒有說:"A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush" 認命喇 香港人 啫!


到下午 董建華 的說話,講來講去都是要求市民 “袋著先” “有票都唔要?” “2017 機不可失”

《有線新聞》:董建華 講話及記者提問 看片 長 45分鐘

一點沒有新意,連 嗜悲 都覺得 not convincing at all,又怎去勸服泛民呢?

同日深夜 亞視最佳收視的 把酒當歌,其中 966集在第二節,有談論英國外交部國務大臣轉軚撐 “袋住先”,但 這位 Hugo Swire 不是 英國外相(Foreign Secretary 是:Philip Hammond)。

嗜悲 一向寧願原地踏步,絕不接受 “袋著先” (見我舊文),因為 689 就會利用語言偽術,指在普選有百多萬的香港市民投票給他,抹掉了其實他只是得到六百多個提名委員,選完選罷才交由香港選民做一次橡皮圖章,利用 思歪 的邏輯就把認授性就大大增加,以後 思歪 的專權漠視民意就變本加厲矣!

在 把酒當歌 節目中,竟然 梁大狀 也有和 嗜悲 有類同的意見,哈哈哈哈哈哈 把 嗜悲 弄得樂了 3秒鐘 。。。。。。啫!

說三道四 百度百科
美 约翰 沃尔什:西方干涉只能让民主倒退 新浪網
英高官上周訪港 籲泛民撐政改 長青網
‘It’s better than nothing’: British Foreign Office backs Beijing’s reform framework for Hong Kong SCMP
董建華 論施政報告 記者會 有線新聞

接受現實 原地踏步

Monday, January 19, 2015

Canon in D major again

Canon in D major again

上次 新鮮兄 登文轉載了 泰國洗髮乳 的廣告,讓我記起在韓劇 我的野蠻女友 中出現過 。。。。。Johann Pachelbel Canon in D major 之後很多的朋友都有再發文談論,把 博壇 炒起一遍 Canon熱,最後一向孤寒的 嗜悲 忍痛科水買了一張 CD。

最近 嗜悲 偶然見到,又再有日本廣告利用 Johann Pachelbel Canon in D major 來玩溫情,請欣賞:

雖然是日文對白,但 self explanatory!

不苟言笑的父親在女兒出嫁的 披露宴 中

用鋼琴演奏出不完整完美的 Canon in D Major




喪妻 單獨養育女兒 。。。。。。

跟女兒不和 。。。。。。。




父親偷偷去 Tosando Music 臨急學習彈琴

是要在女兒出嫁時 用琴音送上祝福!!!

嗜悲註:看完了吧!再看多一次 。。。。在上面的 youtube 框框底部,有 CC button click 一吓,在左上角就會中文字幕選擇,你在沒有字幕領會得多還是少了呢?


You can Shine 洗髮乳廣告 啞女從街頭藝人學拉 梵鈴


在 我的野蠻女友 My Sassy Girl 音樂貫穿全劇

看和聽著 像是上載的某人 利用畫面配上自己的彈奏
anyway 回顧一吓 My Sassy Girl 的經典場面吧

You Can Shine! 新鮮人:Fresh Coffee Shop
泰國洗髮乳 You Can Shine youtube
Tosando Music youtube
我的野蠻女友 youtube
