美國的體育界都愛把退役的老將,供奉入《名人堂》 Hall of Fame,以表揚他們在界別中的綽越表現,得到列入《名人堂》當然有一定特出個人的技術,例如:NBA 籃球的 Michael Jordan 就是等候着《升上神位》,卒之在 2009年榮登入 NBA 的《名人堂》。
坐在 Jordan 兩邊的是母親和穿紅衫古巴裔女友 Cuban-American model Yvette Prieto
升上神位入名人堂的典禮,很多名將來臨觀禮助慶錦上添花,Jordan 用了二十分鐘發表感謝演說。
近日 嗜悲 無意中讀到一則體育新聞:2013年度的 棒球 Baseball 《名人堂》沒有入選者,2013 Hall of Fame Vote a Shutout,surprisingly!
【BASEballhall.org】 A winning candidate did not emerge from the Hall of Fame balloting conducted by the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and verified by Ernst & Young. There were 569 ballots cast, the third highest total in the history of the voting, but none of the 37 candidates in the 2013 vote gained mention on the required 75 percent for election to the National Baseball Hall of Fame.
Craig Biggio, who totaled 3,060 hits and was a seven-time All-Star while playing three positions (catcher, second base, outfield), topped the ballot with 388 votes – 39 shy of the 427 needed for election. His total reflected 68.2 percent of the electorate, which consists of BBWAA members with 10 or more consecutive years of Major League Baseball coverage.
Five blank ballots were among those submitted. Other players named on more than half the ballots were pitcher Jack Morris with 385 (67.7 percent), first baseman Jeff Bagwell with 339 (59.6), catcher Mike Piazza with 329 (57.8) and outfielder Tim Raines with 297 (52.2).
Commenting on the election, Hall of Fame president Jeff Idelson said, “The standards for earning election to the Hall of Fame have been very high ever since the rules were created in 1936. We realize the challenges voters are faced with in this era. The Hall of Fame has always entrusted the exclusive voting privilege to the Baseball Writers’ Association of America. We remain pleased with their role in evaluating candidates based on the criteria we provide.”
This is the eighth election by the BBWAA that did not produce a Hall of Famer and the first since 1996. That year, the top three vote getters were Phil Niekro (68.3), Tony Perez (65.7) and Don Sutton (63.8). All were subsequently elected; Niekro in 1997, Sutton in 1998 and Perez in 2000. The other BBWAA elections without a winner were in 1945, 1946, 1950, 1958, 1960 and 1971.
Biggio and Piazza were each on the ballot for the first time, Morris for the 14th year, Bagwell the third and Raines the sixth. Players remain on the ballot for up to 15 years provided they receive five percent of the vote in any year. There were 19 candidates who failed to make the cut this year (29 votes) – 18 of the 24 players who were on the ballot for the first time, plus outfielder Bernie Williams, who was on the ballot for the second time.
First-year candidates who received sufficient support to remain in addition to Biggio and Piazza were pitchers Curt Schilling and Roger Clemens and outfielders Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa. Outfielder Dale Murphy, in his 15th and final year on the ballot, received 106 votes (18.6).
Other holdovers that will remain on the ballot in addition to Biggio, Morris, Bagwell, Piazza and Raines are first basemen Mark McGwire, Fred McGriff, Don Mattingly and Rafael Palmeiro; pitcher Lee Smith; shortstop Alan Trammell; designated hitter-third baseman Edgar Martinez and outfielder Larry Walker.
As part of the Induction Weekend ceremony Sunday, July 28, at the Clark Sports Center in Cooperstown, N.Y., in which three Pre-Integration Committee electees – umpire Hank O’Day, New York Yankees owner Jacob Ruppert and 19th-century player Deacon White – will be inducted, the Hall of Fame will recognize 12 individuals previously counted among its roster of members who never had a formal induction due to wartime restrictions.
They are BBWAA electees Lou Gehrig (1939) and Rogers Hornsby (1942), along with the entire class of 1945 selected by the Committee on Old Timers: Roger Bresnahan, Dan Brouthers, Fred Clarke, Jimmy Collins, Ed Delahanty, Hugh Duffy, Hughie Jennings, King Kelly, Jim O’Rourke and Wilbert Robinson. Paul Hagen, the J.G. Taylor Spink Award winner for baseball writing, and the late Tom Cheek, the Ford C. Frick Award winner for broadcasting, will be honored during the Awards Presentation Saturday, July 27, at Doubleday Field in Cooperstown.
嗜悲 surprisingly 之餘,努力上網搜尋,原來今次有數位名將都剛巧合資格參選其中:金牌 Pitcher 投球手 Roger Clemens 7次 Cy Young Award 得主,Home Run 全壘打王 outfielders Barry Bonds 都上名候選。
【Foxsports.com】The most polarizing Hall of Fame debate since Pete Rose will now be decided by the baseball shrine's voters: Do Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Sammy Sosa belong in Cooperstown despite drug allegations that tainted their huge numbers?
In a monthlong election sure to become a referendum on the Steroids Era, the Hall ballot was released Wednesday, and Bonds, Clemens and Sosa are on it for the first time.
Bonds is the all-time home run champion with 762 and won a record seven MVP awards. Clemens took home a record seven Cy Young trophies and is ninth with 354 victories. Sosa ranks eighth on the homer chart with 609.
Yet for all their HRs, RBIs and Ws, the shadow of PEDs looms large.
''You could see for years that this particular ballot was going to be controversial and divisive to an unprecedented extent,'' Larry Stone of The Seattle Times wrote in an email. ''My hope is that some clarity begins to emerge over the Hall of Fame status of those linked to performance-enhancing drugs. But I doubt it.''
More than 600 longtime members of the Baseball Writers' Association of America will vote on the 37-player ballot. Candidates require 75 percent for induction, and the results will be announced Jan. 9.
Craig Biggio, Mike Piazza and Curt Schilling also are among the 24 first-time eligibles. Jack Morris, Jeff Bagwell and Tim Raines are the top holdover candidates.
If recent history is any indication, the odds are solidly stacked against Bonds, Clemens and Sosa. Mark McGwire and Rafael Palmeiro both posted Cooperstown-caliber stats, too, but drug clouds doomed them in Hall voting.
Some who favor Bonds and Clemens claim the bulk of their accomplishments came before baseball got wrapped up in drug scandals. They add that PED use was so prevalent in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s that it's unfair to exclude anyone because so many who-did-and-who-didn't questions remain.
Many fans on the other side say drug cheats - suspected or otherwise - should never be afforded the game's highest individual honor.
Either way, this election is baseball's newest hot button, generating the most fervent Hall arguments since Rose. The discussion about Rose was moot, however - the game's career hits leader agreed to a lifetime ban in 1989 after an investigation concluded he bet on games while managing the Cincinnati Reds, and that barred him from the BBWAA ballot.
The BBWAA election rules allow voters to pick up to 10 candidates. As for criteria, this is the only instruction: ''Voting shall be based upon the player's record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played.''
That leaves a lot of room for interpretation.
Bonds, Clemens and Sosa won't get a vote from Mike Klis of The Denver Post.
''Nay on all three. I think in all three cases, their performances were artificially enhanced. Especially in the cases of Bonds and Clemens, their production went up abnormally late in their careers,'' he wrote in an email.
They'll do better with Bob Dutton of The Kansas City Star.
''I plan to vote for all three. I understand the steroid/PED questions surrounding each one, and I've wrestled with the implications,'' he wrote in an email.
''My view is these guys played and posted Hall of Fame-type numbers against the competition of their time. That will be my sole yardstick. If Major League Baseball took no action against a player during his career for alleged or suspected steroid/PED use, I'm not going to do so in assessing their career for the Hall of Fame,'' he said.
San Jose Mercury News columnist Mark Purdy will reserve judgment.
''At the beginning of all this, I made up my mind I had to adopt a consistent policy on the steroid social club. So, my policy has been, with the brilliance in the way they set up the Hall of Fame vote where these guys have a 15-year window, I'm not going to vote for any of those guys until I get the best picture possible of what was happening then,'' he wrote in an email.
''We learn a little bit more each year. We learned a lot during the Bonds trial. We learned a lot during the Clemens trial. I don't want to say I'm never going to vote for any of them. I want to wait until the end of their eligibility window and have my best idea of what was really going on,'' he said.
Clemens was acquitted this summer in federal court on six counts that he lied and obstructed Congress when he denied using performance-enhancing drugs.
Bonds was found guilty in 2011 by a federal court jury on one count of obstruction of justice, ruling he gave an evasive answer in 2003 to a grand jury looking into the distribution of illegal steroids. Bonds is appealing the verdict.
McGwire is 10th on the career home run list with 583, but has never received even 24 percent in his six Hall tries. Big Mac has admitted to using steroids and human growth hormone.
Palmeiro is among only four players with 500 homers and 3,000 hits, yet has gotten a high of just 12.6 percent in his two years on the ballot. He drew a 10-day suspension in 2005 after a positive test for PEDs, and said the result was due to a vitamin vial given to him by teammate Miguel Tejada.
Biggio topped the 3,000-hit mark - which always has been considered an automatic credential for Cooperstown - and spent his entire career with the Houston Astros.
''Hopefully, the writers feel strongly that they liked what they saw, and we'll see what happens,'' Biggio said last week.
Schilling was 216-146 and won three World Series championships, including his ''bloody sock'' performance for the Boston Red Sox in 2004.
其中 Roger Clemens 和 Barry Bonds,都在球員生涯中,有服用禁藥的指控,如上文有一位 Mike Klis of The Denver Post.''Nay on all three (Roger Clemens,Barry Bonds,and Sammy Sosa). I think in all three cases, their performances were artificially enhanced. Especially in the cases of Bonds and Clemens, their production went up abnormally late in their careers,'' he wrote in an email.
用禁藥在西方社會頗為普遍,七屆環法單車冠軍 Armstrong 就不得不在清談節目中,承認用禁藥是不可避免。但在道德方面,人工的冠軍是不受承認的,就算過骨也終生難抹掉,例如:等候升入《名人堂》也會被人挖瘡疤出來!
香港的單車手 王史提芬 剛剛被指用禁藥,需要停賽兩年,而去年倫敦奧運中國泳將 葉詩文 和 孫楊 也被指用禁藥才能奪冠,擾攘多時到最後得還清白沒有證據。希望,李娜 在今天澳洲網球公開賽中能勝出,但也不免又被指用禁藥,究竟中國運動員有沒有用禁藥呢???
2013 Hall of Fame Vote a Shutout baseballhall.org
Steroid era stars on Hall ballot foxsports.com
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Saturday, January 26, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
【AM730專訊】美國電訊商 Verizon 一名軟件開發員被揭偷懶,竟私自把工作外判予中國公司,惹來黑客疑雲而被解僱。
他原來一直花約五分一年薪,即約 39萬港元,聘請瀋陽一間公司完成其職務,然後每天上班都在瀏覽拍賣及社交網站。
同工是否同酬呢?1/5的薪酬在中國瀋陽,可以聘請一Team人為他工作,而且可以成為“最佳員工” 。。。。。。不過,撇開薪酬討論,嗜悲 覺得“懶”才是最大的推動力,若果人不懶,就不會去找尋方法去偷懶。
嗜悲 上網 search 一吓,這位躲懶但不失聰明的人,原來是真有其人,不過未有報導他的真名,但化名為:阿Bob
【ABCnews】A software developer was busted for outsourcing his job to a programmer in China while he surfed the Web at work.
The case was described by Andrew Valentine, a principal with Verizon Enterprise Solutions, who published a blog post about the incident.
"We've seen plenty of employee misconduct cases, but not typically like this," Valentine told ABC News of his consulting caseload, which includes large scale data breach events.
Valentine's team was contacted by another company based in the U.S. for assistance over "anomalous activity" it noticed in records of employees logging remotely into the company's IT system.
Verizon Enterprise Solutions is not releasing the name of the company or the employee.
The company's security team eventually found that someone was logging in from Shenyang, China with the American employee's credentials -- while that employee was staring at a computer monitor in his U.S. office.
In his blog, Valentine described the employee as being in his mid-40s with a "relatively long tenure with the company, family man, inoffensive and quiet. Someone you wouldn't look at twice in an elevator."
A search of the employee's computer found hundreds of PDF invoices from a third party contractor/developer from Shenyang.
Eventually, it was discovered that the employee had outsourced his own job to a Chinese consulting firm, paying about $50,000 to the firm out of his salary of several hundred thousand dollars.
Once on-site, Valentine said it took about two days for investigators to collect relevant evidence and put all the pieces together.
In the blog, Valentine wrote that according to his Web browsing history, "a typical 'work day'" for the employee looked like the following:
9:00 a.m. – Arrive and surf Reddit for a couple of hours. Watch cat videos
11:30 a.m. – Take lunch
1:00 p.m. – EBay time.
2:00 – ish p.m. - Facebook updates – LinkedIn
4:30 p.m. – End of day update e-mail to management.
5:00 p.m. – Go home
The employee had sent his company log-in key through FedEx to China so that the third-party contractor could log in under his credentials during his workday.
The "best part" of the story is that "for the last several years in a row he received excellent remarks" in his performance review, Valentine wrote in the blog.
"His code was clean, well written, and submitted in a timely fashion. Quarter after quarter, his performance review noted him as the best developer in the building."
Valentine said the employee was terminated for violating internal company policy.
"The employee denied everything at first, but then changed his story once we produced the invoices that were recovered from deleted disk space," Valentine told ABC News.
"Honestly? I thought it was pretty clever. I think he took a calculated risk by knowingly violating company policy, for sure -- but it was clever."
Valentine said that if he was even cleverer, he would have set up a server at home, or somewhere else off-site, for the Chinese consulting firm to access. Then he could proxy their traffic, making it appear that the traffic was coming from his home.
"That would have been a smarter way to go about it. But yes, either way, pretty clever," Valentine said.
各位可有會心微笑,中國人的出品真的是 “平、靚、正!” BBC 也有相同的報導:US employee outsourced job to China !!!
【BBC】The software developer, in his 40s, is thought to have spent his workdays surfing the web, watching cat videos on YouTube and browsing Reddit and eBay.
He reportedly paid just a fifth of his six-figure salary to a company based in Shenyang to do his job.
Operator Verizon says the scam came to light after the US firm asked it for an audit, suspecting a security breach.
According to Andrew Valentine, of Verizon, the infrastructure company requested the operator's risk team last year to investigate some anomalous activity on its virtual private network (VPN) logs.
"This organisation had been slowly moving toward a more telecommuting oriented workforce, and they had therefore started to allow their developers to work from home on certain days. In order to accomplish this, they'd set up a fairly standard VPN concentrator approximately two years prior to our receiving their call," he was quoted as saying on an internet security website.
The company had discovered the existence of an open and active VPN connection from Shenyang to the employee's workstation that went back months, Mr Valentine said.
And it had then called on Verizon to look into what it had suspected had been malware used to route confidential information from the company to China.
"Central to the investigation was the employee himself, the person whose credentials had been used to initiate and maintain a VPN connection from China," said Mr Valentine.
Further investigation of the employee's computer had revealed hundreds of PDF documents of invoices from the Shenyang contractor, he added.
The employee, an "inoffensive and quiet" but talented man versed in several programming languages, "spent less than one fifth of his six-figure salary for a Chinese firm to do his job for him", Mr Valentine said.
"Authentication was no problem. He physically FedExed his RSA [security] token to China so that the third-party contractor could log-in under his credentials during the workday. It would appear that he was working an average nine-to-five work day," he added.
"Evidence even suggested he had the same scam going across multiple companies in the area. All told, it looked like he earned several hundred thousand dollars a year, and only had to pay the Chinese consulting firm about $50,000 (£31,270) annually."
美漢職務外判華 AM730.com
US Software Developer Caught Outsourcing His Job to China abcnews.go.com
US employee outsourced job to China bbb.co.uk
【AM730專訊】美國電訊商 Verizon 一名軟件開發員被揭偷懶,竟私自把工作外判予中國公司,惹來黑客疑雲而被解僱。
他原來一直花約五分一年薪,即約 39萬港元,聘請瀋陽一間公司完成其職務,然後每天上班都在瀏覽拍賣及社交網站。
同工是否同酬呢?1/5的薪酬在中國瀋陽,可以聘請一Team人為他工作,而且可以成為“最佳員工” 。。。。。。不過,撇開薪酬討論,嗜悲 覺得“懶”才是最大的推動力,若果人不懶,就不會去找尋方法去偷懶。
嗜悲 上網 search 一吓,這位躲懶但不失聰明的人,原來是真有其人,不過未有報導他的真名,但化名為:阿Bob
【ABCnews】A software developer was busted for outsourcing his job to a programmer in China while he surfed the Web at work.
The case was described by Andrew Valentine, a principal with Verizon Enterprise Solutions, who published a blog post about the incident.
"We've seen plenty of employee misconduct cases, but not typically like this," Valentine told ABC News of his consulting caseload, which includes large scale data breach events.
Valentine's team was contacted by another company based in the U.S. for assistance over "anomalous activity" it noticed in records of employees logging remotely into the company's IT system.
Verizon Enterprise Solutions is not releasing the name of the company or the employee.
The company's security team eventually found that someone was logging in from Shenyang, China with the American employee's credentials -- while that employee was staring at a computer monitor in his U.S. office.
In his blog, Valentine described the employee as being in his mid-40s with a "relatively long tenure with the company, family man, inoffensive and quiet. Someone you wouldn't look at twice in an elevator."
A search of the employee's computer found hundreds of PDF invoices from a third party contractor/developer from Shenyang.
Eventually, it was discovered that the employee had outsourced his own job to a Chinese consulting firm, paying about $50,000 to the firm out of his salary of several hundred thousand dollars.
Once on-site, Valentine said it took about two days for investigators to collect relevant evidence and put all the pieces together.
In the blog, Valentine wrote that according to his Web browsing history, "a typical 'work day'" for the employee looked like the following:
9:00 a.m. – Arrive and surf Reddit for a couple of hours. Watch cat videos
11:30 a.m. – Take lunch
1:00 p.m. – EBay time.
2:00 – ish p.m. - Facebook updates – LinkedIn
4:30 p.m. – End of day update e-mail to management.
5:00 p.m. – Go home
The employee had sent his company log-in key through FedEx to China so that the third-party contractor could log in under his credentials during his workday.
The "best part" of the story is that "for the last several years in a row he received excellent remarks" in his performance review, Valentine wrote in the blog.
"His code was clean, well written, and submitted in a timely fashion. Quarter after quarter, his performance review noted him as the best developer in the building."
Valentine said the employee was terminated for violating internal company policy.
"The employee denied everything at first, but then changed his story once we produced the invoices that were recovered from deleted disk space," Valentine told ABC News.
"Honestly? I thought it was pretty clever. I think he took a calculated risk by knowingly violating company policy, for sure -- but it was clever."
Valentine said that if he was even cleverer, he would have set up a server at home, or somewhere else off-site, for the Chinese consulting firm to access. Then he could proxy their traffic, making it appear that the traffic was coming from his home.
"That would have been a smarter way to go about it. But yes, either way, pretty clever," Valentine said.
各位可有會心微笑,中國人的出品真的是 “平、靚、正!” BBC 也有相同的報導:US employee outsourced job to China !!!
【BBC】The software developer, in his 40s, is thought to have spent his workdays surfing the web, watching cat videos on YouTube and browsing Reddit and eBay.
He reportedly paid just a fifth of his six-figure salary to a company based in Shenyang to do his job.
Operator Verizon says the scam came to light after the US firm asked it for an audit, suspecting a security breach.
According to Andrew Valentine, of Verizon, the infrastructure company requested the operator's risk team last year to investigate some anomalous activity on its virtual private network (VPN) logs.
"This organisation had been slowly moving toward a more telecommuting oriented workforce, and they had therefore started to allow their developers to work from home on certain days. In order to accomplish this, they'd set up a fairly standard VPN concentrator approximately two years prior to our receiving their call," he was quoted as saying on an internet security website.
The company had discovered the existence of an open and active VPN connection from Shenyang to the employee's workstation that went back months, Mr Valentine said.
And it had then called on Verizon to look into what it had suspected had been malware used to route confidential information from the company to China.
"Central to the investigation was the employee himself, the person whose credentials had been used to initiate and maintain a VPN connection from China," said Mr Valentine.
Further investigation of the employee's computer had revealed hundreds of PDF documents of invoices from the Shenyang contractor, he added.
The employee, an "inoffensive and quiet" but talented man versed in several programming languages, "spent less than one fifth of his six-figure salary for a Chinese firm to do his job for him", Mr Valentine said.
"Authentication was no problem. He physically FedExed his RSA [security] token to China so that the third-party contractor could log-in under his credentials during the workday. It would appear that he was working an average nine-to-five work day," he added.
"Evidence even suggested he had the same scam going across multiple companies in the area. All told, it looked like he earned several hundred thousand dollars a year, and only had to pay the Chinese consulting firm about $50,000 (£31,270) annually."
美漢職務外判華 AM730.com
US Software Developer Caught Outsourcing His Job to China abcnews.go.com
US employee outsourced job to China bbb.co.uk
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
今年是壬辰年跟着的是癸巳年和甲午年,距離《1894年甲午中日戰爭》120年週年,還約有一年多左右。兩個甲子一百二十年之後再逢甲午,碰巧中日就“釣魚台列島”領土爭端漸催熾熱,由 海監船 對 海上保安船,發展到 解放軍殲10 對 自衛隊F15,在空中對峙。
美國說自己中立,但又說《美日安保條約》對“尖閣諸島”有效,近幾天美國的國務卿 希拉里克林頓女士,臨卸任前更一錘定調,為紛爭火上加油!
美日要圍堵中國,現在就尚欠台灣島一個缺口,但以台灣 馬英九 的柔弱,他會否錯判形勢,倒向美國日本這一方呢?
去年國際性雜誌 Economists 大大隻字:
Mr Ma is an ineffectual bumbler 大笨蛋
【Economist】WHEN he was first elected in 2008, Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, offered Taiwanese high hopes that the island’s economy would open a new chapter. He promised ground-breaking agreements with China to help end Taiwan’s growing economic marginalisation.
At the time, Mr Ma’s image was of a clean technocrat able to rise above the cronyism and infighting of his party, the Kuomintang (KMT). He was a welcome contrast to his fiery and pro-independence predecessor, Chen Shui-bian, now in jail for corruption.
Five years on, and despite being handily re-elected ten months ago, much has changed. In particular, popular satisfaction with Mr Ma has plummeted, to a record low of 13%, according to the TVBS Poll Centre. The country appears to agree on one thing: Mr Ma is an ineffectual bumbler.
馬英九 如今在台灣的聲望跌到新低 。。。。。馬總統英九先生在去年總統大選,勝選後的演說:
馬英九 聲言:各位鄉親,我會用生命來捍衛“中華民國的主權”,台灣的安全和台灣人民的尊嚴,要為台灣奮鬥到底,這是我對台灣最莊嚴的承諾。
台灣已下了的第一步棋,馬英九 先置釣魚台列島的主權不理,願意與日方商談在釣魚台列島附近海域的捕魚權。2012年 10月 7日,日本為了防止台灣,在釣魚台問題上與中國大陸聯手,而決定在年底前與台灣,重啟中斷三年多的漁業談判,外交部發言人夏季昌表示「既然要談,就希望有具體成果」,台日漁業談判,不管是議題還是時程均未定,雙方仍持續溝通。
馬英九 竟然是向日本要求給予捕魚權,這間接承認了甚麽不言而喻,究竟 馬英九 繼續會下怎麽樣的棋,他會否效法 汪兆銘 的錯判呢?
【环球网】 台湾保钓船“全家福号” 24日前往钓鱼岛,台湾“海巡署”出动 4舰护渔,台日舰艇短暂对峙后,保钓船中午返航,预计晚间7时抵深澳港。而在对峙过程中,台湾“海巡署”竟对大陆公务船只“宣示主权”。
“全家福号”渔船 24日凌晨 1时 45分由新北深澳港报关,前往钓鱼岛海域进行保钓活动。除了 10018、10050两艘快艇随行,“海巡署”调派暂定执法在线的大型舰和星舰、连江舰赶赴现场,4舰全程维护“全家福号”船安全。
上午9时 40分,“全”船距钓鱼岛西南方 28海里,日本海上保安厅的 8艘公务船开始以蛇行、造浪、排放黑烟等方式,干扰“全”船前进。
10时 32分日本公务船开始向“全”船喷水,台“海巡署”的4艘舰艇趋前保护,并以广播、LED灯及喷水柱等相对应方式,正告日本公务船不要阻扰台湾船舶航行。
10时 50分中国大陆的 3艘海监船在距钓鱼岛西南西 20海里处出现,相对位置在距台湾“海巡署”“和星舰”左侧 2.5海里。为“避免引起两岸共同保钓疑虑”,台湾海巡舰艇以广播及LED灯表示“钓鱼台是中华民国领土,这里是中华民国钓鱼岛海域,请立即离开”。
11时 30分“和星舰”位于钓鱼岛西南方17海里,“全”船在“和星舰”前方停滞,3艘大陆海监船在和星舰后方 0.3海里处,日本公务船在周围海域,随后“全”船开始返航,以航速 6节计算,预计晚间 7时多可返抵新北市深澳渔港。
【明報專訊】 台灣民進黨主席 2月 3日訪問日本,計劃與前東京都知事石原慎太郎會面,前綠營立委質疑他自陷險境。
民進黨中央事先表明立場,表示在釣魚島議題上,台灣不能與大陸站在一起,不能形塑成一個兩岸聯手挑戰日本的情況。對此,美麗島電子報副董事長、前民進黨立委郭正亮 31日撰文指出,由於石原正是引爆釣魚島危機的始作俑者,蘇貞昌此時甘冒風險拜訪這位東亞最大麻煩人物,恐將自陷險境。
民進黨國際事務部主任劉世忠 28日宣布蘇貞昌出訪時特別說明,在釣魚島議題上,民進黨堅持的立場是釣魚島主權屬於台灣,任何爭議必須透過和平協商,不要相互挑釁。他強調,台灣在此議題上不能與中國大陸站在一起,不能形塑一個“兩岸聯手挑戰日本”、挑戰美日安保同盟的情況。
前立委郭正亮 31日發表的文章表達了綠營部分人士的憂慮。郭正亮首先指出,蘇的出訪時間正值中日對峙的最緊張時刻,1月 24日釣魚島海域還爆發台灣保釣船遭到日本保安船噴水事件,日本因此宣布延期台日漁權談判;諸多敏感因素同時交錯,蘇主席何以甘冒風險,堅持會見石原,實在令人感到不解。
【明報專訊】 過完農曆春節,台灣的新內閣開始上任,但新內閣並沒有什麼重要的宣示,整個新內閣的新聞反而比不上2月24日國民黨榮譽主席連戰的訪問北京。2月25日連戰將會見中國的新領導人習近平。在「習連會」後,習近平時代的兩岸政策將開始啟動。
馬圖走「聯美冷中」路線 與京缺互信
Taiwan politics:Ma the bumbler Economist 經濟學人
台海巡署避免两岸共同保钓疑虑要求现场大陆船离开 鳳凰網
蘇貞昌2月3日訪日見石原慎太郎 雅虎新聞網
值得注意的「習連會」! 新浪新聞網
今年是壬辰年跟着的是癸巳年和甲午年,距離《1894年甲午中日戰爭》120年週年,還約有一年多左右。兩個甲子一百二十年之後再逢甲午,碰巧中日就“釣魚台列島”領土爭端漸催熾熱,由 海監船 對 海上保安船,發展到 解放軍殲10 對 自衛隊F15,在空中對峙。
美國說自己中立,但又說《美日安保條約》對“尖閣諸島”有效,近幾天美國的國務卿 希拉里克林頓女士,臨卸任前更一錘定調,為紛爭火上加油!
美日要圍堵中國,現在就尚欠台灣島一個缺口,但以台灣 馬英九 的柔弱,他會否錯判形勢,倒向美國日本這一方呢?
去年國際性雜誌 Economists 大大隻字:
Mr Ma is an ineffectual bumbler 大笨蛋
【Economist】WHEN he was first elected in 2008, Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, offered Taiwanese high hopes that the island’s economy would open a new chapter. He promised ground-breaking agreements with China to help end Taiwan’s growing economic marginalisation.
At the time, Mr Ma’s image was of a clean technocrat able to rise above the cronyism and infighting of his party, the Kuomintang (KMT). He was a welcome contrast to his fiery and pro-independence predecessor, Chen Shui-bian, now in jail for corruption.
Five years on, and despite being handily re-elected ten months ago, much has changed. In particular, popular satisfaction with Mr Ma has plummeted, to a record low of 13%, according to the TVBS Poll Centre. The country appears to agree on one thing: Mr Ma is an ineffectual bumbler.
馬英九 如今在台灣的聲望跌到新低 。。。。。馬總統英九先生在去年總統大選,勝選後的演說:
馬英九 聲言:各位鄉親,我會用生命來捍衛“中華民國的主權”,台灣的安全和台灣人民的尊嚴,要為台灣奮鬥到底,這是我對台灣最莊嚴的承諾。
台灣已下了的第一步棋,馬英九 先置釣魚台列島的主權不理,願意與日方商談在釣魚台列島附近海域的捕魚權。2012年 10月 7日,日本為了防止台灣,在釣魚台問題上與中國大陸聯手,而決定在年底前與台灣,重啟中斷三年多的漁業談判,外交部發言人夏季昌表示「既然要談,就希望有具體成果」,台日漁業談判,不管是議題還是時程均未定,雙方仍持續溝通。
馬英九 竟然是向日本要求給予捕魚權,這間接承認了甚麽不言而喻,究竟 馬英九 繼續會下怎麽樣的棋,他會否效法 汪兆銘 的錯判呢?
【环球网】 台湾保钓船“全家福号” 24日前往钓鱼岛,台湾“海巡署”出动 4舰护渔,台日舰艇短暂对峙后,保钓船中午返航,预计晚间7时抵深澳港。而在对峙过程中,台湾“海巡署”竟对大陆公务船只“宣示主权”。
“全家福号”渔船 24日凌晨 1时 45分由新北深澳港报关,前往钓鱼岛海域进行保钓活动。除了 10018、10050两艘快艇随行,“海巡署”调派暂定执法在线的大型舰和星舰、连江舰赶赴现场,4舰全程维护“全家福号”船安全。
上午9时 40分,“全”船距钓鱼岛西南方 28海里,日本海上保安厅的 8艘公务船开始以蛇行、造浪、排放黑烟等方式,干扰“全”船前进。
10时 32分日本公务船开始向“全”船喷水,台“海巡署”的4艘舰艇趋前保护,并以广播、LED灯及喷水柱等相对应方式,正告日本公务船不要阻扰台湾船舶航行。
10时 50分中国大陆的 3艘海监船在距钓鱼岛西南西 20海里处出现,相对位置在距台湾“海巡署”“和星舰”左侧 2.5海里。为“避免引起两岸共同保钓疑虑”,台湾海巡舰艇以广播及LED灯表示“钓鱼台是中华民国领土,这里是中华民国钓鱼岛海域,请立即离开”。
11时 30分“和星舰”位于钓鱼岛西南方17海里,“全”船在“和星舰”前方停滞,3艘大陆海监船在和星舰后方 0.3海里处,日本公务船在周围海域,随后“全”船开始返航,以航速 6节计算,预计晚间 7时多可返抵新北市深澳渔港。
【明報專訊】 台灣民進黨主席 2月 3日訪問日本,計劃與前東京都知事石原慎太郎會面,前綠營立委質疑他自陷險境。
民進黨中央事先表明立場,表示在釣魚島議題上,台灣不能與大陸站在一起,不能形塑成一個兩岸聯手挑戰日本的情況。對此,美麗島電子報副董事長、前民進黨立委郭正亮 31日撰文指出,由於石原正是引爆釣魚島危機的始作俑者,蘇貞昌此時甘冒風險拜訪這位東亞最大麻煩人物,恐將自陷險境。
民進黨國際事務部主任劉世忠 28日宣布蘇貞昌出訪時特別說明,在釣魚島議題上,民進黨堅持的立場是釣魚島主權屬於台灣,任何爭議必須透過和平協商,不要相互挑釁。他強調,台灣在此議題上不能與中國大陸站在一起,不能形塑一個“兩岸聯手挑戰日本”、挑戰美日安保同盟的情況。
前立委郭正亮 31日發表的文章表達了綠營部分人士的憂慮。郭正亮首先指出,蘇的出訪時間正值中日對峙的最緊張時刻,1月 24日釣魚島海域還爆發台灣保釣船遭到日本保安船噴水事件,日本因此宣布延期台日漁權談判;諸多敏感因素同時交錯,蘇主席何以甘冒風險,堅持會見石原,實在令人感到不解。
【明報專訊】 過完農曆春節,台灣的新內閣開始上任,但新內閣並沒有什麼重要的宣示,整個新內閣的新聞反而比不上2月24日國民黨榮譽主席連戰的訪問北京。2月25日連戰將會見中國的新領導人習近平。在「習連會」後,習近平時代的兩岸政策將開始啟動。
馬圖走「聯美冷中」路線 與京缺互信
Taiwan politics:Ma the bumbler Economist 經濟學人
台海巡署避免两岸共同保钓疑虑要求现场大陆船离开 鳳凰網
蘇貞昌2月3日訪日見石原慎太郎 雅虎新聞網
值得注意的「習連會」! 新浪新聞網
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Les Misérables
Les Misérables
記得 2009年度的 奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮,有《狼人 Wolverine》的
Hugh Jackman 擔任主持,又得到《公主駕到 Princess's Diaries》的 Anne Hathaway 客串。兩人在 Oscar Opening Show 開場秀中,又跳又唱,令當晚生色不少,是近幾屆 Oscar 精彩之作。
之後我和網友討論,有那一套經典的 Musical 可供他們兩人主演呢?有網友希望可以重拍 《My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女》,怎知到去年六月中我看到了新的 Les Misérables 的 Trailer 預告片!
Hugh Jackman,Russell Crowe,Anne Hathaway,Amanda Seyfried,Eddie Redmayne,and Helena Bonham Carter.
Directed by:
Tom Hooper
【維基百科】Les Misérables is an upcoming British epic musical drama film produced by Working Title Films and distributed by Universal Pictures based on the musical of the same name, which is in turn based on an 1862 French novel by Victor Hugo.
The film tells the story of Jean Valjean, a former prisoner who becomes mayor of a town in France. Valjean agrees to take care of Cosette, the illegitimate daughter of Fantine, and must avoid being captured again by Javert, a police inspector.
Les Misérables is scheduled to be released on 14 December 2012.
Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean, a Frenchman released from Toulon prison after 19 years of imprisonment for stealing bread and failed attempts for escaping from the prison.
Russell Crowe as Inspector Javert, a police inspector who releases Valjean on parole, then later dedicates his life to imprisoning him again.
Anne Hathaway as Fantine, a struggling factory worker and mother of her illegitimate child, Cosette. She is eventually forced to turn to prostitution.
Amanda Seyfried as Cosette, the illegitimate daughter of Fantine who has grown into a beautiful teenager under Valjean's care and falls in love with Marius.
Isabelle Allen plays the younger version of Cosette.
Eddie Redmayne as Marius Pontmercy, a student revolutionary who is friends with the Thenardiers' daughter, Éponine, but falls in love with Cosette. To prepare for the role, Redmayne took singing lessons.
Samantha Barks as Éponine, the destitute daughter of the Thénardiers who is friends with and secretly pines for Marius.
Sacha Baron Cohen as Thénardier, a common thief who is also an innkeeper. He is also the father of Éponine.
Helena Bonham Carter as Madame Thénardier, the unscrupulous innkeeper's wife who, along with her husband, houses and abuses Cosette until Valjean "buys" her from them after Fantine's death.
Les Misérables 有一曲 I Dreamed a Dream,長久到受到樂迷喜愛,幾年前 蘇珊大嬸 Susan Boyle 在 Britain‘s got Talent 2009 再唱過一次,又再被大批樂迷注意。
Les Misérables 《孤星淚》,在北美洲剛過去的聖誕節全球首映推出,香港亦將同步上映,我充滿期待等著看!
Les Misérables 《孤星淚》如期在 2012年聖誕節放映賀誕,嗜悲 一向不與人爭,無謂去逼餐死,遲遲未有入場,直到 1月 19日趁機才入場。
個人覺得要講的故事太長太多,縱使電影超過 153分鐘,還是不夠深入的,只能剪出現時的版本。
波旁王朝 (1589-1792)
法國大革命 (1789)
第一共和 (1792-1804)
國民會議 (1792-1795)
督政府 (1795-1799)
執政府 (1799-1804)
第一帝國 (1804-1814)
波旁復辟 (1814-1830)
七月革命 (1830)
七月王朝 (1830-1848)
二月革命 (1848)
第二共和 (1848-1852)
第二帝國 (1852-1870)
第三共和 (1870-1940)
維希法國 + 自由法國 (1940-1944)
臨時政府 (1944-1946)
第四共和 (1946-1958)
第五共和 (1958-至今)
Les Misérables (2012 film) 維基百科
Les Misérables 雅虎北美網頁
法蘭西第五共和國 維基百科
記得 2009年度的 奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮,有《狼人 Wolverine》的
Hugh Jackman 擔任主持,又得到《公主駕到 Princess's Diaries》的 Anne Hathaway 客串。兩人在 Oscar Opening Show 開場秀中,又跳又唱,令當晚生色不少,是近幾屆 Oscar 精彩之作。
之後我和網友討論,有那一套經典的 Musical 可供他們兩人主演呢?有網友希望可以重拍 《My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女》,怎知到去年六月中我看到了新的 Les Misérables 的 Trailer 預告片!
Hugh Jackman,Russell Crowe,Anne Hathaway,Amanda Seyfried,Eddie Redmayne,and Helena Bonham Carter.
Directed by:
Tom Hooper
【維基百科】Les Misérables is an upcoming British epic musical drama film produced by Working Title Films and distributed by Universal Pictures based on the musical of the same name, which is in turn based on an 1862 French novel by Victor Hugo.
The film tells the story of Jean Valjean, a former prisoner who becomes mayor of a town in France. Valjean agrees to take care of Cosette, the illegitimate daughter of Fantine, and must avoid being captured again by Javert, a police inspector.
Les Misérables is scheduled to be released on 14 December 2012.
Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean, a Frenchman released from Toulon prison after 19 years of imprisonment for stealing bread and failed attempts for escaping from the prison.
Russell Crowe as Inspector Javert, a police inspector who releases Valjean on parole, then later dedicates his life to imprisoning him again.
Anne Hathaway as Fantine, a struggling factory worker and mother of her illegitimate child, Cosette. She is eventually forced to turn to prostitution.
Amanda Seyfried as Cosette, the illegitimate daughter of Fantine who has grown into a beautiful teenager under Valjean's care and falls in love with Marius.
Isabelle Allen plays the younger version of Cosette.
Eddie Redmayne as Marius Pontmercy, a student revolutionary who is friends with the Thenardiers' daughter, Éponine, but falls in love with Cosette. To prepare for the role, Redmayne took singing lessons.
Samantha Barks as Éponine, the destitute daughter of the Thénardiers who is friends with and secretly pines for Marius.
Sacha Baron Cohen as Thénardier, a common thief who is also an innkeeper. He is also the father of Éponine.
Helena Bonham Carter as Madame Thénardier, the unscrupulous innkeeper's wife who, along with her husband, houses and abuses Cosette until Valjean "buys" her from them after Fantine's death.
Les Misérables 有一曲 I Dreamed a Dream,長久到受到樂迷喜愛,幾年前 蘇珊大嬸 Susan Boyle 在 Britain‘s got Talent 2009 再唱過一次,又再被大批樂迷注意。
Les Misérables 《孤星淚》,在北美洲剛過去的聖誕節全球首映推出,香港亦將同步上映,我充滿期待等著看!
Les Misérables 《孤星淚》如期在 2012年聖誕節放映賀誕,嗜悲 一向不與人爭,無謂去逼餐死,遲遲未有入場,直到 1月 19日趁機才入場。
個人覺得要講的故事太長太多,縱使電影超過 153分鐘,還是不夠深入的,只能剪出現時的版本。
波旁王朝 (1589-1792)
法國大革命 (1789)
第一共和 (1792-1804)
國民會議 (1792-1795)
督政府 (1795-1799)
執政府 (1799-1804)
第一帝國 (1804-1814)
波旁復辟 (1814-1830)
七月革命 (1830)
七月王朝 (1830-1848)
二月革命 (1848)
第二共和 (1848-1852)
第二帝國 (1852-1870)
第三共和 (1870-1940)
維希法國 + 自由法國 (1940-1944)
臨時政府 (1944-1946)
第四共和 (1946-1958)
第五共和 (1958-至今)
Les Misérables (2012 film) 維基百科
Les Misérables 雅虎北美網頁
法蘭西第五共和國 維基百科
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Venus Williams 雲路絲 威廉斯 港稱:大威
十多年前女子網球界,出現了一對非洲裔黑人美籍網球員 The Williams Sisters,姊姊是一位高瘦球員,妹妹是較矮和偏肥(豐滿),兩人同時出道打起名堂,成為網球界《四大滿貫》:年初的澳洲公開賽,泥地紅土場的法國公開賽,草地的英國溫布頓網球賽,和美國公開賽,常客。
兩位 威廉斯 都是決賽的有力競爭者,甚至記得有幾次是姊妹對決(wikipedia:8次),姊妹鬩牆力爭冠軍,也有合作雙打奪冠。但兩人都敵不過運動員的悲慘命運,就是長期比賽缺乏休養生息,傷患就日積月累找上門了。
妹妹 Serena 略為好些因為較健碩,很快康復恢復比賽,之後只注重參加大滿貫和一些獎金較高的地方比賽,減少受傷機會。姊姊 Venus 卻沒有那麼好運,連罕有的 Sjögren's syndrome (an autoimmune disease)都患上,幸好能夠控制病情,可以復出比賽。
2013年 1月 32歲的 Venus 再次參加年初的 Australian Open 澳洲公開賽,在 墨爾本網球中心舉行,並且克服病患,進入第三圈 32強 (賽後 interview) 。
另一位美人呢?maria sharapova 初初出道,金頭髮的 Maria 15-16歲轉打職業,年輕 16歲啵啵脆,真的令人眼前一亮,比起虎背熊腰的肌肉型女網球員分別很大,立即成為網球界美少女,球迷少男的寵兒,其實她面孔不算美,只可算是不是醜樣版的 Caucasian 女仔。
Anyway,舒拉寶娃 很快就拿得到了第一個大滿貫冠軍,17歲的她在倫敦溫布頓網球賽的女子單打決賽打敗了,威廉斯姊妹的小妹 Serena,成為 teenage 的冠軍,更加被捧成明日之星。
不過 Maria 也是敵不過傷患困擾,肩膊的傷差點令 舒拉寶娃 提早退休,經過兩次的開刀手術,休養康復再操練起狀態,過去的兩三年,舒拉寶娃 起伏很大,並在 2012年接到遲來的法國紅土場的女子單打冠軍,完成了 grand slam 大滿貫多年夙願。
2013年 1月已經 25歲的 Maria,征戰球壇近十年,也參加了年初舉行的 Australian Open 網球賽。墨爾本 的網球女子單打,並在頭兩輪以 6-0 和 6-0,不輸一局殺入第三圈 32強(賽後 interview)。
過去週五的一場澳洲網球公開賽,女單第三圈對賽若是五年前,這會是一場準決賽或是決賽的戲碼,卻出現在僅是 32強的對賽,Venus Williams 對 Maria Sharapova,當然就是因為 Venus 威廉斯 受傷患困擾,令她的排名較低,因此早早就遇上了 Maria 舒拉寶娃。
兩位遲暮美人的對賽 黑朱古力 對 白牛奶糖 highlights!
嗜悲 早知有此比賽,趁尚有甚多補假 compensatory leaves未放,不是大假 annual leaves,下午放早返家,四時即澳洲東岸墨爾本的晚上七時,安在家中準備觀看過時的褪色比賽。
第一盤 Venus 似還未熱夠身,只能保着一次發球局,輸了 1-5 給 Maria,最後輸 1-6 完結第一盤。第二盤 Venus 又是一早輸到 1-5 落後,這時 Venus 放開心情一拼,先打破 Maria 的發球局 2-5,逼得 Maria 有點慌亂,再跟着 Venus 保持自己的發球局,連氣兩局殺下 舒拉寶娃,追到 3-5 局數。
跟着的一局,兩人打到 40-40 deuce,跟着 Venus 又得分,取得 Advantage 領先 deuce,幸好多年比賽經驗立即生效,Maria 轉身口中念念有詞,忘記過去失誤專注下一球,一球還一球來打,一分跟一分去拼,最後以一記 Ace 發球完成 6-3,可以看到她勝出後的“母獅吼”!!!
觀看兩位身高超過六英呎的高妹比賽:Venus Williams 對 Maria Sharapova 澳洲公開賽女單精彩片段 !
八強賽中,女單一姐 艾莎蘭卡 順利入到四強,但對手意外地不是 細威,Serena Williams 不幸被美國同胞 1-2 打敗,6-3、5-7、4-6 輸給一位美籍非洲後裔黑人十九歲小將 Sloane Stephens,比賽中途 1-1 後的第三局,輸了致命的接發球後,Serena 怒毀球拍發洩 (看片),最後也是因此以 4-6 輸掉第三局,也是因為這一接發球失誤黯然出局。
因此,女單上方四強對賽是 艾莎蘭卡 對 史提芬絲,而下方的八強賽後,中國的李娜在四強遇上了舒拉寶娃,兩場準決賽都在 1月 24日舉行。於澳洲 1:30p.m. 在 Rod Laver Arena 先上演頭場 李娜 對 舒拉寶娃,跟着就是 艾莎蘭卡 對 史提芬絲,可惜正是上班時段,今次無緣返家安坐看比賽,可能 sneak peek 在網上的直播吧。
李娜 6-2,6-2 直落兩盤擊敗 舒拉寶娃,而 阿沙蘭卡 6-1,6-4 也是直落兩盤打敗 史提芬絲。週六的女單決賽將由:
李娜 六號種籽 對 艾莎蘭卡 一號種籽(世界一姐),李娜是 underdog 處於弱勢。比賽結果:李娜 先取一盤 6-4,之後連輸兩盤 4-6 和 3-6,給 白俄羅斯名列世界女單一姐 艾沙蘭卡,李娜 又再和澳網單打冠軍擦身而過!
男單方面決賽由 祖高域 對 梅利,前者先輸一盤 6-7(2-7),然後後來居上 7-6(7-3),6-3,6-2,總盤數以 3-1 勝 梅利。
Venus Williams 雲路絲 威廉斯 港稱:大威
十多年前女子網球界,出現了一對非洲裔黑人美籍網球員 The Williams Sisters,姊姊是一位高瘦球員,妹妹是較矮和偏肥(豐滿),兩人同時出道打起名堂,成為網球界《四大滿貫》:年初的澳洲公開賽,泥地紅土場的法國公開賽,草地的英國溫布頓網球賽,和美國公開賽,常客。
兩位 威廉斯 都是決賽的有力競爭者,甚至記得有幾次是姊妹對決(wikipedia:8次),姊妹鬩牆力爭冠軍,也有合作雙打奪冠。但兩人都敵不過運動員的悲慘命運,就是長期比賽缺乏休養生息,傷患就日積月累找上門了。
妹妹 Serena 略為好些因為較健碩,很快康復恢復比賽,之後只注重參加大滿貫和一些獎金較高的地方比賽,減少受傷機會。姊姊 Venus 卻沒有那麼好運,連罕有的 Sjögren's syndrome (an autoimmune disease)都患上,幸好能夠控制病情,可以復出比賽。
2013年 1月 32歲的 Venus 再次參加年初的 Australian Open 澳洲公開賽,在 墨爾本網球中心舉行,並且克服病患,進入第三圈 32強 (賽後 interview) 。
另一位美人呢?maria sharapova 初初出道,金頭髮的 Maria 15-16歲轉打職業,年輕 16歲啵啵脆,真的令人眼前一亮,比起虎背熊腰的肌肉型女網球員分別很大,立即成為網球界美少女,球迷少男的寵兒,其實她面孔不算美,只可算是不是醜樣版的 Caucasian 女仔。
Anyway,舒拉寶娃 很快就拿得到了第一個大滿貫冠軍,17歲的她在倫敦溫布頓網球賽的女子單打決賽打敗了,威廉斯姊妹的小妹 Serena,成為 teenage 的冠軍,更加被捧成明日之星。
不過 Maria 也是敵不過傷患困擾,肩膊的傷差點令 舒拉寶娃 提早退休,經過兩次的開刀手術,休養康復再操練起狀態,過去的兩三年,舒拉寶娃 起伏很大,並在 2012年接到遲來的法國紅土場的女子單打冠軍,完成了 grand slam 大滿貫多年夙願。
2013年 1月已經 25歲的 Maria,征戰球壇近十年,也參加了年初舉行的 Australian Open 網球賽。墨爾本 的網球女子單打,並在頭兩輪以 6-0 和 6-0,不輸一局殺入第三圈 32強(賽後 interview)。
過去週五的一場澳洲網球公開賽,女單第三圈對賽若是五年前,這會是一場準決賽或是決賽的戲碼,卻出現在僅是 32強的對賽,Venus Williams 對 Maria Sharapova,當然就是因為 Venus 威廉斯 受傷患困擾,令她的排名較低,因此早早就遇上了 Maria 舒拉寶娃。
兩位遲暮美人的對賽 黑朱古力 對 白牛奶糖 highlights!
嗜悲 早知有此比賽,趁尚有甚多補假 compensatory leaves未放,不是大假 annual leaves,下午放早返家,四時即澳洲東岸墨爾本的晚上七時,安在家中準備觀看過時的褪色比賽。
第一盤 Venus 似還未熱夠身,只能保着一次發球局,輸了 1-5 給 Maria,最後輸 1-6 完結第一盤。第二盤 Venus 又是一早輸到 1-5 落後,這時 Venus 放開心情一拼,先打破 Maria 的發球局 2-5,逼得 Maria 有點慌亂,再跟着 Venus 保持自己的發球局,連氣兩局殺下 舒拉寶娃,追到 3-5 局數。
跟着的一局,兩人打到 40-40 deuce,跟着 Venus 又得分,取得 Advantage 領先 deuce,幸好多年比賽經驗立即生效,Maria 轉身口中念念有詞,忘記過去失誤專注下一球,一球還一球來打,一分跟一分去拼,最後以一記 Ace 發球完成 6-3,可以看到她勝出後的“母獅吼”!!!
觀看兩位身高超過六英呎的高妹比賽:Venus Williams 對 Maria Sharapova 澳洲公開賽女單精彩片段 !
八強賽中,女單一姐 艾莎蘭卡 順利入到四強,但對手意外地不是 細威,Serena Williams 不幸被美國同胞 1-2 打敗,6-3、5-7、4-6 輸給一位美籍非洲後裔黑人十九歲小將 Sloane Stephens,比賽中途 1-1 後的第三局,輸了致命的接發球後,Serena 怒毀球拍發洩 (看片),最後也是因此以 4-6 輸掉第三局,也是因為這一接發球失誤黯然出局。
因此,女單上方四強對賽是 艾莎蘭卡 對 史提芬絲,而下方的八強賽後,中國的李娜在四強遇上了舒拉寶娃,兩場準決賽都在 1月 24日舉行。於澳洲 1:30p.m. 在 Rod Laver Arena 先上演頭場 李娜 對 舒拉寶娃,跟着就是 艾莎蘭卡 對 史提芬絲,可惜正是上班時段,今次無緣返家安坐看比賽,可能 sneak peek 在網上的直播吧。
李娜 6-2,6-2 直落兩盤擊敗 舒拉寶娃,而 阿沙蘭卡 6-1,6-4 也是直落兩盤打敗 史提芬絲。週六的女單決賽將由:
李娜 六號種籽 對 艾莎蘭卡 一號種籽(世界一姐),李娜是 underdog 處於弱勢。比賽結果:李娜 先取一盤 6-4,之後連輸兩盤 4-6 和 3-6,給 白俄羅斯名列世界女單一姐 艾沙蘭卡,李娜 又再和澳網單打冠軍擦身而過!
男單方面決賽由 祖高域 對 梅利,前者先輸一盤 6-7(2-7),然後後來居上 7-6(7-3),6-3,6-2,總盤數以 3-1 勝 梅利。
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