元宵夜碰上了又怎麽樣呢?有緣無份 。。。。。。!
人約黃昏後 《生查子》 宋 歐陽修
去 年 元 夜 時
花 市 燈 如 晝
月 上 柳 梢 頭
人 約 黃 昏 後
今 年 元 夜 時
月 與 燈 依 舊
不 見 去 年 人
淚 濕 春 衫 袖
思君《卜算子》宋 李之儀
我 住 長 江 頭,
君 住 長 江 尾;
日 日 思 君 不 見 君,
共 飲 長 江 水。
此 水 幾 時 休,
此 恨 何 時 已;
只 願 君 心 似 我 心,
定 不 負 思 量 意。
《節婦吟》唐 張籍
君 知 妾 有 夫,
贈 妾 雙 明 珠;
感 君 纏 綿 意,
繫 在 紅 羅 襦。
妾 家 高 樓 連 苑 起,
良 人 執 戟 明 光 裏。
知 君 用 心 如 日 月,
事 夫 誓 擬 同 生 死。
還 君 明 珠 雙 淚 垂,
恨 不 相 逢 未 嫁 時。
元夕《青玉案》宋 辛棄疾
東 風 夜 放 花 千 樹,
更 吹 落 星 如 雨。
寶 馬 雕 車 香 滿 路,鳳 簫 聲 動,
玉 壺 光 轉,一 夜 魚 龍 舞。
蛾 兒 雪 柳 黃 金 縷,
笑 語 盈 盈 暗 香 去。
眾 裏 尋 他 千 百 度,驀 然 回 首,
那 人 卻 在,燈 火 闌 珊 處。
怎去分辯 真 Real Genuine 偽 Fake Counterfeit 眼見都未為真。 合法 依法 Legitimate 是否必然包含:公平 公正 和 公義 呢? The wise speaks when he has something to say. The fool speaks when he has to say something 。 。 。 。 。 。。。。。。 一個沒有內涵的小男人﹐顧名 "the inner space".
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報 “During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
美國的 CBS Network,有個頗受歡迎的時事節目 60 minutes 譯作:60分鐘時事實錄。
他們的女記者 Lara Logan 在開羅錄製節目時,被慶祝穆巴拉克落台的群眾,把她和攝製隊衝散了,落單的 Lara Logan 受到嚴重性侵犯。
【CBS News】On Friday, Feb. 11, the day Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down, CBS chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan was covering the jubilation in Tahrir Square for a "60 Minutes" story when she and her team and their security were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration. It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into frenzy.
In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers. She reconnected with the CBS team, returned to her hotel and returned to the United States on the first flight the next morning. She is currently in the hospital recovering.
There will be no further comment from CBS News and correspondent Logan and her family respectfully request privacy at this time.
詳細讀過多方面有關的新聞時,有些報導還用上了 Gang Raped 輪姦 的字眼。
【維基百科】On February 15, CBS News released a statement revealing that Logan had "suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating" while covering the celebrations in Tahrir Square following the resignation of then President Hosni Mubarak some four days earlier.
CBS News indicated that she was overwhelmed by a mob, along with her camera crew and security staff: "It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into frenzy. In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew.
She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers." Logan later reconnected with her team and returned to the United States the next morning. She is currently recovering from her attacks in a U.S. hospital
CBS稱,事發於上周五的開羅解放廣場,當天穆巴拉克宣布下台。 聲明說,洛根於事發第二天被送美國,目前正在醫院留醫康復中。
一年後的二零一二年六月尾,埃及 舉行了自 穆巴拉克 下台後的第一次全國選舉總統,在經過第二輪投票,穆斯林兄弟會的 穆爾西 當選。英國女記者 Natasha Smith 到開羅採訪,在解放廣場慶祝的群眾,又再一次捉著西方女記者,當作擊敗西方國家的禮物,並對 Natasha 作出性侵犯。
【CNN】Amid the celebrations that greeted the declaration of a winner in Egypt's first freely elected presidential vote, a British student journalist was being sexually assaulted by a mob in Tahrir Square.
Natasha Smith recounted the experience on her blog and in an interview with CNN. Smith, who has since left Egypt, wrote that the moving demonstrations of freedom turned to horror "in a split second" when dozens of frenzied men dragged her away from two male companions and began to grope her "with increasing force and aggression."
"Men started ripping off all my clothes," she told CNN. "First of all, it was my skirt, and that just went straight away, and I didn't even feel my underwear being removed. Then my shoes went and clothes on my upper half were just being ripped off me, and that was quite painful."
During the assault, "I was just in this weird, detached state of mind, and I just kept saying, 'Please God, please make it stop. Please, God, make it stop.' "
Her experience echoes the assaults faced by two prominent female reporters, CBS News correspondent Lara Logan and Egyptian-American columnist Mona Eltahawy, who has said her attackers were officers at a police station. One of Smith's friends, Callum Paton, told CNN the mob dragged Smith naked across the ground before another group of men stepped in to protect her.
為何通訊社還要繼續派女記者到埃及採訪呢? 第二次發生女記者被性侵犯,是外國傳媒刻意製造負面新聞嗎? 耐人尋味!
新當選的 穆爾西 蜷伏多月後,為以巴的衝突解圍,以為聲望可以足夠,單方面更改憲法,規定總統有權任命總檢察長,強調在新憲法頒布及新議會選出前,總統發佈的所有總統令、憲法聲明、法令和政令均為最終決定,任何方面無權更改。
穆爾西的支持者和反對者這兩天爆發血腥衝突,使他面臨 6月當選總統以來最嚴重政治危機。
穆爾西 6日晚發表電視講話,邀請反對派別本月 8日開展全國對話,並稱新憲法草案公投將於15日如期舉行。但反對派拒絕穆爾西的建議,要求「政權倒台」,並呼籲周五繼續示威。
穆爾西在講話中譴責近日發生在總統府附近的暴力衝突,並邀請反對派別 8日下午在總統府就埃及當前危機展開對話。
他重申,計劃於本月 15日展開的新憲法草案公投將如期舉行。
穆爾西在講話中還表示,如果新憲法草案在 15日的公投中未獲通過,他將重新組建一個新的制憲委員會。穆爾西還強調,在與反對派會談後,他將願意放棄新憲法聲明中的第六條,即總統有權做出一切決定、採取任何措施,防止國家統一與安全和國家機構的工作受到威脅。
穆爾西在講話中對在 5日總統府附近衝突中的 6名遇難者表示哀悼,並稱是舊政權相關人員僱用持械暴徒在和平示威的人群中製造衝突。
穆爾西上月 22日頒布新憲法聲明,規定總統有權任命總檢察長,強調在新憲法頒布及新議會選出前,總統發佈的所有總統令、憲法聲明、法令和政令均為最終決定,任何方面無權更改。
穆爾西隨後宣布將於本月 15日就新憲法草案舉行全民公投。近日,埃及各地爆發穆爾西支持者與反對者的衝突。5日晚,開羅總統府附近的衝突導致至少 6人死亡,700多人受傷。
這舉措無疑強奪,死傷無數的埃及人民,為推翻 穆巴拉克 而獻出的血和汗,埃及人民齊起示威反對,最終發生流血衝突,至今未了 。。。。。真正民主是得來不易的,要保護民主更加困難!
Logan Assaulted During Egypt Protests cbsnews.com
Logan Assaulted During Egypt Protests 維基百科
美國女記者埃及採訪遭性侵 雅虎新聞網
CBS Lara Logan raped by Egyptians 谷歌新聞搜尋
Student journalist assaulted in Tahrir Square CNN
英女記者採訪埃及大選遭數百暴民性侵犯 谷歌新聞搜尋
UK journalist assaulted in Tahrir Square 谷歌新聞搜尋
埃總統籲對話 反對派拒絕 雅虎新聞網
美國的 CBS Network,有個頗受歡迎的時事節目 60 minutes 譯作:60分鐘時事實錄。
他們的女記者 Lara Logan 在開羅錄製節目時,被慶祝穆巴拉克落台的群眾,把她和攝製隊衝散了,落單的 Lara Logan 受到嚴重性侵犯。
【CBS News】On Friday, Feb. 11, the day Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down, CBS chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan was covering the jubilation in Tahrir Square for a "60 Minutes" story when she and her team and their security were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration. It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into frenzy.
In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers. She reconnected with the CBS team, returned to her hotel and returned to the United States on the first flight the next morning. She is currently in the hospital recovering.
There will be no further comment from CBS News and correspondent Logan and her family respectfully request privacy at this time.
詳細讀過多方面有關的新聞時,有些報導還用上了 Gang Raped 輪姦 的字眼。
【維基百科】On February 15, CBS News released a statement revealing that Logan had "suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating" while covering the celebrations in Tahrir Square following the resignation of then President Hosni Mubarak some four days earlier.
CBS News indicated that she was overwhelmed by a mob, along with her camera crew and security staff: "It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into frenzy. In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew.
She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers." Logan later reconnected with her team and returned to the United States the next morning. She is currently recovering from her attacks in a U.S. hospital
CBS稱,事發於上周五的開羅解放廣場,當天穆巴拉克宣布下台。 聲明說,洛根於事發第二天被送美國,目前正在醫院留醫康復中。
一年後的二零一二年六月尾,埃及 舉行了自 穆巴拉克 下台後的第一次全國選舉總統,在經過第二輪投票,穆斯林兄弟會的 穆爾西 當選。英國女記者 Natasha Smith 到開羅採訪,在解放廣場慶祝的群眾,又再一次捉著西方女記者,當作擊敗西方國家的禮物,並對 Natasha 作出性侵犯。
【CNN】Amid the celebrations that greeted the declaration of a winner in Egypt's first freely elected presidential vote, a British student journalist was being sexually assaulted by a mob in Tahrir Square.
Natasha Smith recounted the experience on her blog and in an interview with CNN. Smith, who has since left Egypt, wrote that the moving demonstrations of freedom turned to horror "in a split second" when dozens of frenzied men dragged her away from two male companions and began to grope her "with increasing force and aggression."
"Men started ripping off all my clothes," she told CNN. "First of all, it was my skirt, and that just went straight away, and I didn't even feel my underwear being removed. Then my shoes went and clothes on my upper half were just being ripped off me, and that was quite painful."
During the assault, "I was just in this weird, detached state of mind, and I just kept saying, 'Please God, please make it stop. Please, God, make it stop.' "
Her experience echoes the assaults faced by two prominent female reporters, CBS News correspondent Lara Logan and Egyptian-American columnist Mona Eltahawy, who has said her attackers were officers at a police station. One of Smith's friends, Callum Paton, told CNN the mob dragged Smith naked across the ground before another group of men stepped in to protect her.
為何通訊社還要繼續派女記者到埃及採訪呢? 第二次發生女記者被性侵犯,是外國傳媒刻意製造負面新聞嗎? 耐人尋味!
新當選的 穆爾西 蜷伏多月後,為以巴的衝突解圍,以為聲望可以足夠,單方面更改憲法,規定總統有權任命總檢察長,強調在新憲法頒布及新議會選出前,總統發佈的所有總統令、憲法聲明、法令和政令均為最終決定,任何方面無權更改。
穆爾西的支持者和反對者這兩天爆發血腥衝突,使他面臨 6月當選總統以來最嚴重政治危機。
穆爾西 6日晚發表電視講話,邀請反對派別本月 8日開展全國對話,並稱新憲法草案公投將於15日如期舉行。但反對派拒絕穆爾西的建議,要求「政權倒台」,並呼籲周五繼續示威。
穆爾西在講話中譴責近日發生在總統府附近的暴力衝突,並邀請反對派別 8日下午在總統府就埃及當前危機展開對話。
他重申,計劃於本月 15日展開的新憲法草案公投將如期舉行。
穆爾西在講話中還表示,如果新憲法草案在 15日的公投中未獲通過,他將重新組建一個新的制憲委員會。穆爾西還強調,在與反對派會談後,他將願意放棄新憲法聲明中的第六條,即總統有權做出一切決定、採取任何措施,防止國家統一與安全和國家機構的工作受到威脅。
穆爾西在講話中對在 5日總統府附近衝突中的 6名遇難者表示哀悼,並稱是舊政權相關人員僱用持械暴徒在和平示威的人群中製造衝突。
穆爾西上月 22日頒布新憲法聲明,規定總統有權任命總檢察長,強調在新憲法頒布及新議會選出前,總統發佈的所有總統令、憲法聲明、法令和政令均為最終決定,任何方面無權更改。
穆爾西隨後宣布將於本月 15日就新憲法草案舉行全民公投。近日,埃及各地爆發穆爾西支持者與反對者的衝突。5日晚,開羅總統府附近的衝突導致至少 6人死亡,700多人受傷。
這舉措無疑強奪,死傷無數的埃及人民,為推翻 穆巴拉克 而獻出的血和汗,埃及人民齊起示威反對,最終發生流血衝突,至今未了 。。。。。真正民主是得來不易的,要保護民主更加困難!
Logan Assaulted During Egypt Protests cbsnews.com
Logan Assaulted During Egypt Protests 維基百科
美國女記者埃及採訪遭性侵 雅虎新聞網
CBS Lara Logan raped by Egyptians 谷歌新聞搜尋
Student journalist assaulted in Tahrir Square CNN
英女記者採訪埃及大選遭數百暴民性侵犯 谷歌新聞搜尋
UK journalist assaulted in Tahrir Square 谷歌新聞搜尋
埃總統籲對話 反對派拒絕 雅虎新聞網
Monday, February 14, 2011
今天是西方的”情人節“ St. Valentine's Day,先祝各位有情人,雙雙對對共慶佳節!
今天想送上一首老歌!這是父親常攞出來播的老歌,由細聽到大,歌名:薔薇處處開,原唱者是誰,我不曉得,但一聽個旋律 melody,就自自然然跟著唱。
調子很輕快,有著歡欣的拍子,再看看歌辭,這一句:『擋不住的春風吹進胸襟!』還有:『春風拂去我們心的創痛!』 啊!舊時的填詞人,真功力深厚,比起現今的不知高多少倍。
雖然沒有買 CD,但在電台在經過CD鋪時會聽到,今時今日的所謂歌。總令我覺得今時今日的填詞人,祇求堆砌夠字數,祇為個字音適合個旋律,搞到歌詞全面空洞化,能解得通,或是解不通,也不用考慮,關人個關,因為祇要是偶像派的歌手唱出來,就有粉絲去購買,工廠式生產出來的罐頭歌,顧此我已經有很久,沒有購買歌曲的 CD 碟了。
點解冇端端又提起呢?原因太古城中心,為了慶祝農曆新年,在過去的幾個週末,都安排了“Oldies 懷舊歌曲演唱“,歌手是位女士,我沒有走近看,不知她年紀,但既然是 oldies,她就唱了不少老歌,喚起我對老歌的記憶,包括:薔薇處處開。
在"你喉"有很多個 版本,可供收聽,以下是最接近我舊時聽慣的罷。
歌名: 薔薇處處開
薔薇薔薇處處開 青春青春處處栽
擋不住的春風吹進胸襟 薔薇薔薇處處開
天公要薔薇處處開 也叫人們盡量地愛
春風拂去我們心的創痛 薔薇薔薇處處開
滿地薔薇是她的嫁妝 只要是誰有少年的心
薔薇薔薇處處開 青春青春處處栽
擋不住的春風吹進胸襟 薔薇薔薇處處開
滿地薔薇是她的嫁妝 只要是誰有少年的心
薔薇薔薇處處開 青春青春處處栽
還有的是 鳳飛飛 的版本,可惜又是沒有轉載用的 embedded codes,那就請點擊:薔薇處處開 連結,由于前面有個兩人的交談,可即時跳去 2:20 收聽便可(後段還有 蔡琴 唱的”茉莉花“)。
St. Valentine's Day
男女走在一起的或然率 1
男女走在一起的或然率 2
Casablanca 北非諜影 (1942) (寫在情人節的前夕)
An Affair to Remember 金玉盟 (1957) (寫在情人節終結時)
今天是西方的”情人節“ St. Valentine's Day,先祝各位有情人,雙雙對對共慶佳節!
今天想送上一首老歌!這是父親常攞出來播的老歌,由細聽到大,歌名:薔薇處處開,原唱者是誰,我不曉得,但一聽個旋律 melody,就自自然然跟著唱。
調子很輕快,有著歡欣的拍子,再看看歌辭,這一句:『擋不住的春風吹進胸襟!』還有:『春風拂去我們心的創痛!』 啊!舊時的填詞人,真功力深厚,比起現今的不知高多少倍。
雖然沒有買 CD,但在電台在經過CD鋪時會聽到,今時今日的所謂歌。總令我覺得今時今日的填詞人,祇求堆砌夠字數,祇為個字音適合個旋律,搞到歌詞全面空洞化,能解得通,或是解不通,也不用考慮,關人個關,因為祇要是偶像派的歌手唱出來,就有粉絲去購買,工廠式生產出來的罐頭歌,顧此我已經有很久,沒有購買歌曲的 CD 碟了。
點解冇端端又提起呢?原因太古城中心,為了慶祝農曆新年,在過去的幾個週末,都安排了“Oldies 懷舊歌曲演唱“,歌手是位女士,我沒有走近看,不知她年紀,但既然是 oldies,她就唱了不少老歌,喚起我對老歌的記憶,包括:薔薇處處開。
在"你喉"有很多個 版本,可供收聽,以下是最接近我舊時聽慣的罷。
歌名: 薔薇處處開
薔薇薔薇處處開 青春青春處處栽
擋不住的春風吹進胸襟 薔薇薔薇處處開
天公要薔薇處處開 也叫人們盡量地愛
春風拂去我們心的創痛 薔薇薔薇處處開
滿地薔薇是她的嫁妝 只要是誰有少年的心
薔薇薔薇處處開 青春青春處處栽
擋不住的春風吹進胸襟 薔薇薔薇處處開
滿地薔薇是她的嫁妝 只要是誰有少年的心
薔薇薔薇處處開 青春青春處處栽
還有的是 鳳飛飛 的版本,可惜又是沒有轉載用的 embedded codes,那就請點擊:薔薇處處開 連結,由于前面有個兩人的交談,可即時跳去 2:20 收聽便可(後段還有 蔡琴 唱的”茉莉花“)。
St. Valentine's Day
男女走在一起的或然率 1
男女走在一起的或然率 2
Casablanca 北非諜影 (1942) (寫在情人節的前夕)
An Affair to Remember 金玉盟 (1957) (寫在情人節終結時)
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