
「我離港前到過一間精神科醫院。當時有位病人禮貌地問,一個以作為世上最悠久民主政體而自傲的國家,如何能夠將此地交給一個政治制度非常不同的國家,且既沒諮詢當地公民,又沒給予他們民主的前景,好讓他們捍衞自己的將來。一個隨行同事說,奇怪,香港提出最理智問題的人,竟在精神科醫院。」彭定康 金融時報

“During a visit to a mental hospital before I left Hong Kong, a patient politely asked me how a country that prided itself on being the oldest democracy in the world had come to be handing over his city to another country with a very different system of government, without either consulting the citizens or giving them the prospect of democracy to safeguard their future. Strange, said one of my aides, that the man with the sanest question in Hong Kong is in a mental hospital.”Chris Patten Financial Times

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Charlotte's Web 港譯: 莎樂的神奇網網

Charlotte's Web
港譯: 莎樂的神奇網網

Starring: Dakota Fanning, Essie Davis , Gary Basaraba
Voice Starring: Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, Robert Redford, Dominic Scott Kay, John Cleese

Movie review not yet available, please click here for Charlotte’s Web - Trailer

Poster sourced from yahoo movie

年幼時看到母親檯頭上的小說﹐ 叫「夏綠蒂的憂鬱」﹐已不記得是那位名家的作品喇﹐也不重要﹐於是問及「夏綠蒂」這個美麗的名字﹐母親在懂與不懂之間答說﹐是英文名Charlotte 的中文譯名。後來有一位auntie從外國帶了一本英文的圖畫書回來﹐母親就在睡覺前講故事給我兄弟倆聽。Picture sourced from wikiphedia

故事是說: 豬媽媽生了十幾只小豬﹐最弱小的一只小小豬爭不到奶吃﹐農夫爸爸正要把小小豬拿走﹐農夫的女兒救了它﹐ 幾個月的快樂時光很快過去了。小小豬 的命運是將會變成農夫一家過冬的煙肉和火腿。誰能救小小豬呢?

就在這時候另外一隻蛛出現了﹐她是一隻很有愛心的蜘蛛媽媽﹐她用她的蜘蛛網織成一個字﹐引起人的注意不去殺小小豬﹐一次﹑兩次﹑三次﹑蜘蛛媽媽都救了小小豬﹐不斷的為小小豬織成不同的字﹐最後終於農夫承諾不會殺小小豬喇﹐ 整個農莊的牲畜都在慶祝時﹐蜘蛛媽媽就因絲盡蛛亡﹐死了。 弟弟比我年幼他哭了﹐我也眼濕濕。這個故事我們聽了成個月都唔厭。

前兩天因為要找「先睹為快 」電影的posters﹐ 在 Yahoo movie 隅然看到「Charlotte's Web」的簡介﹐ 細讀一遍﹐故事大致相同。 但翻查香港的電影目錄﹐還未見上「不日上映」。 期待著﹐靜待著﹐等待著﹐「Charlotte's Web」能夠盡快在香港上映。

查 兒童書作家 E.B.White (Elwyn Brooks White), 1899–1985, 除了Charlotte’s Web 外 還有Stuart Little 已拍成電影。

後記: 莎樂的神奇網網 終於在香港上映來了﹐但同期有Night At The Museum (翻生侏羅館)﹐和Open Season (森林反恐隊)﹐恐難有好成績喇。(07-02-13 )

網友風子 01-01-2009 的一篇網誌用了“Ordinary Miracle “ 為文章標題,並加入 Youtube 的 MV,有 Sarah McLachlan 悅耳歌聲,充滿感情的演繹,睿智的歌詞,謹請欣賞。

Ordinary Miracle

It's not that usual when everything is beautiful
It's just another ordinary miracle today

The sky knows when its time to snow
You don't need to teach a seed to grow
It's just another ordinary miracle today

Life is like a gift they say
Wrapped up for you everyday
Open up and find a way
To give some of your own

Isn't it remarkable?
Like every time a raindrop falls
It's just another ordinary miracle today

Birds in winter have their fling
And always make it home by spring
It's just another ordinary miracle today

When you wake up everyday
Please don't throw your dreams away
Hold them close to your heart
Cause we are all a part
Of the ordinary miracle

Ordinary miracle
Do you want to see a miracle?

It seems so exceptional
That things just work out after all
It's just another ordinary miracle today

The sun comes up and shines so bright
It disappears again at night
It's just another ordinary miracle today
Ooohh Oooohh
It's just another ordinary miracle today

Ordinary Miracle Hyacinthus' Corner
Sarah McLachlan-Ordinary Miracle Youtube


Anonymous said...


The Inner Space said...

To: anonymous

其實媽媽在我兄弟倆睡覺前﹐說故事已經是很久很久的事﹐ 我七歲弟弟五歲左右就沒有得聽了。 我的記憶已經十分模糊﹐結局不同有可能是因我讀了電影簡介﹐先入為主﹐還有可能是中外不同版本。 我寫這篇網誌前沒有讀過原著﹐你記得的很大可能是書中的結局。電影的給改篇了。 謝謝你的提醒﹐我會去找一找原著來看看﹐這會是很好的回憶。

lu said...


The Inner Space said...

我去開個間戲院﹐原來是做粵語配音版﹐好在買票前問一問。 依家要找做英語版和就腳的戲院。